43. How to Research a Rare Book

D. W. Krummel (Evaluation of the RBS 1993 version of this course; note changes in the RBS 1995 course description)

Aimed at reference librarians, catalogers, and others who rou- tinely research rare books. Strategies for the efficient identification and interpretation of the bibliographies that are most useful for work with rare and early printed books. Sources pri- marily in English and in the major other Roman-alphabet languages; but some attention paid to non-Western sources as well.

Number of respondents: 9


Leave         Tuition        Housing        Travel

Institution   Institution    Institution    Institution
gave me leave paid tuition   paid housing   paid travel

78%           64%            12%            22%

I took vaca-  I paid tui-    I paid for my  I paid my own
tion time     tion myself    own housing    travel

0%            25%            44%            44%

N/A: self-    N/A: Self-     N/A: stayed    N/A: lived 
employed, re- employed,      with friends   nearby
tired, or had retired, or    or lived at
summers off   exchange       home

22%           11%            44%            34%

Three students (34%) were general librarians with some rare book duties, two (22%) were rare book librarians, two (22%) were full- time students, and two (22%) were teachers/professors.