Collecting Travel Literature. John Parker.
12. Collecting Travel Literature
John Parker
(Evaluation of the RBS 1994 version of this course)
This course will explore the value of travel literature in
research library collections through consideration of the
topics: travel literature as a genre; the development of travel
literature from ancient times to the end of the c19; major themes
in travel literature (commerce, religion, science, adventure,
journalism); travel literature as an approach to many disciplines
(anthropology, ecology, geography, geology, natural history,
oceanography, sociology); maps and illustrations; bibliographies
major collections; philosophy of collecting (originals,
modern editions).
I. How useful were the pre-course readings?
1: They were extremely useful -- very well chosen. I read
several works in the weeks before RBS and intend to continue
through the list after I get back to work. 2: Very!
3: OK. More than I could read. Needed more guidance about
what best to read. 4: I had read some of the titles, but
didn't have time to read additional works -- will be useful for
reading. 5: Very helpful -- they both gave an overview of
course and allowed you to read in depth an area of particular
interest. I only had time to read in three areas, classical,
eval, and renaissance, but they were very worthwhile readings.
6: The bibliography was very useful, although we didn't
to read everything on the list. It will be good to keep and refer
to in collection building. 7: The readings were excel-
lent -- could actually comprise a life-long reading plan!
Though the readings are not necessary to understanding the course
material, some reading should be done to grasp the feeling and
direction of the course. 9: Very useful --
broad-based as to region, period, and type of travel literature.
10: I did not make it through the whole list before the
course and fortunately that did not detract from my experience. I
will benefit from this list as I continue to work my way through
over the next few months.
II. Was your faculty member well-prepared to teach THIS
1: Yes, eminently so. He is very knowledgeable about the
entire history of the subject and presents the material with an
enthusiasm and enjoyment that is contagious. His contemplative
open-minded approach to the subject was striking. 2: Yes.
3: Yes, very well prepared. Obviously very
knowledgeable. 4: Very well prepared. The knowledge and
the experience of the instructor were very appropriate to the
5: Very -- he has read widely, collected in the area, and
prepared his lectures in written format. He should continue to
up with scholarship in the area because that is a valuable part
the course. 6: JP was extremely well prepared to teach
``Collecting Travel Literature.'' He is a collector and librarian
and knows a tremendous amount about the genre. He can recall
titles, and dates without notes. He did use notes for the
and organized the course chronologically, keeping the class on
track with side trips to related topics. 7: JP was
He knows his subject, his manner is delightful, he is a great
teller -- the course was a delight. 8: Absolutely, without
question. 9: Exceedingly. Breadth of knowledge was daz-
zling -- presented with exceptional modesty, grace, and humor. A
wonderful instructor -- a caring, informed, and inspirational
being. 10: Yes.
III. Was the intellectual level of the course content
1: Yes, as an introductory historical overview of the
subject. 2-5: Yes. 6: Very appropriate. He didn't
talk down to those of us who are less experienced with travel
literature, nor did he simplify it to bore the travellers.
7: The course was wonderful for my purposes. It was
primarily a literary and historical survey of travel literature -
- most interesting and not especially esoteric. 8: Yes.
9: For my level of interest and experience, I would have
appreciated a higher standard set for discussion of content. Per-
haps tighter direction -- though this is difficult to do with a
so broad in scope. 10: Yes, I particularly appreciated the
approach to the topic. While there was some nuts and bolts
discussion for the librarians in the group, the focus on travel
literature itself and the way people use it was an intellectually
broadening experience.
IV. Did the actual course content correspond to its RBS
brochure description and Expanded Course Description? Did the
course in general meet your expectations?
1: I had hoped that issues of collection development and
management would be emphasized, but they were given short shrift.
2: Yes on both accounts. 3: Generally, yes, but
expected more about maps and mapmakers. Expected a field trip to
Special Collections and more books examined. Expected more
printed information/handouts to take away. 4-5:
6: The description was dead-on accurate and the course
and exceeded, my expectations. JP brought to the course
topics about collecting areas related to a place or period that
only enhanced the basic course description but taught me more
history of the world than I'd known previously. 7: The
course surpassed my expectations, primarily because of JP's
expertise and manner. 8: Yes. 9: 1) Yes. 2)
Yes -- though I had hoped we would get some bibliographies to
future readings/bibliographies/collection development --
whatever the
case may be. 10: Yes. Yes (and I had high expectations).
V. What did you like best about the course?
1: JP's readings from various travel narratives. 2:
JP presented the course material in a well-organized fashion,
allowed discussion to flow, but tactfully brought us back if the
discussion strayed too long or too far from the topic. He covered
all the material on the syllabus. The rare books we examined and
the book reports added greatly to the course. In short, the
course was so excellent I'd have a difficult time singling out
one best element. 3: Sly wit of the instructor. Also,
contributions and enthusiasm of other participants. 4:
Enjoyed the readings by the instructor and students. Brought to
attention lots of books I would like to read. 5: The
selection of readings by the instructor, his marvelous sense of
humor, and the readings by classmates were all wonderful.
We each had to read a passage or more from a travel book and give
some background on the writer/traveler. JP's knowledge of travel
literature. 7: The subject matter and the instructor.
8: The instructor. His love of the material was apparent
contagious -- the depth of his knowledge is impressive and
I have come away with a different perspective on travel
and an eagerness to read and learn more. 9: Long-range
historical and cultural approach to travel literature. Thoroughly
enjoyed wide-range selection of readings presented by the
instructor. Instructor's knowledge was a constant delight.
10: The
instructor -- both JP's knowledge and his manner of steering the
class. I feel I learned not only about travel literature, but
about what makes this sort of seminar and discussion successful
VI. How could the course have been improved?
1: Perhaps more specific and focused discussions of
collection building and management in the subject. More
on reference works in the field: specifically, relevant
bibliographies and library catalogs. 2: By adding an hour-
and-a-half trip to Special Collections. 3: 1) Field trip
Special Collections, please, one morning or afternoon. 2)
Many more books examined in class, please. 3) Much more
printed information: a bibliography of works mentioned or read
in class so we wouldn't be wasting time asking for complete
citations and spelling. Bibliography with space for writing notes
under each. This would save time and confusion and would be
to refer to later. 4) I am in the minority here, but please limit
class member readings to 15 minutes each -- some were too long, I
think. 5) More ways to encourage class participation: have class
members read some of the instructor's prepared quotations and
them a little shorter; more regular question times (at least
a day) so we don't feel we are intruding on what needs to be
covered. 6) Cover more specific works, at least in a
4: More coverage of bibliographies, secondary source
material and reference books. Perhaps a bibliography. A
of books cited in the course would have been useful. 5:
time would be needed -- but perhaps more on travel as opposed to
ages. But the course was really informative. 6: We should
write a page or two about one of our travels to share with the
class. Visit to the computer lab to read Memoirs-L listserve
entries to introduce this bulletin board on the Internet to
classmates, and the instructor, not familiar with it. 7:
Taylor lounge was a most delightful setting. However, we were
uncomfortably cold much of the time. This was distracting. Also,
sitting around a table and listening for six hours a day was
difficult. If some sort of movement, change of location, etc.,
could be
incorporated, it might be a nice break. 8: I would have
liked a checklist of bibliographies to take home. However, I am
glad that JP did not cite references endlessly during the week. I
think the most important thing is that he transmitted an
for the literature so that you will continue to seek out books
yourself. 9: Bibliographies on different broad areas (or
narrow ones) to supplement the reading lists would have been
ful. 10: The course could only be improved by extending it
to more than one week.
VII. Any final thoughts?
1: Thank you TB, CB, and all for this wonderful week.
2: Make sure JP teaches it. 3: Management details
RBS very well worked out: food good, timing perfect, lots of good
help, clear directions, proper signage -- you have it all
together! 4: We didn't take a field trip, but did utilize
some books from Special Collections. To be able to look at some
works in the original editions added to the course. 5: Do
much reading as you can before and continue on after the course.
have made a list of approximately ten books outside my own field
collection that I would like to read. 6: Take this course
long as JP teaches it! Read a lot from different time periods to
become more familiar with ancient travel and the beginnings of
travel literature. Read as much of the bibliography as possible.
didn't have field trips, but books from Special Collections were
brought to us on three days. This saved the reading room from
accommodating eleven people who would disturb other readers and
provided table-top support for the books rather than armchair
passing in the McGregor Room. 7: This is a course to be
savored. I feel that it provided a beginning -- I shall continue
exploration of travel literature in the future. 8: Choose
your reading carefully; it should be something you love. I
enjoyed our class readings very much. This course has enriched my
life in ways I did not expect -- take it!! 9: Take the
Read as much as possible beforehand. The course has enormously
stimulated my interest in further travel reading -- particularly
topics previously not contemplated. There are wonderful
benefits to this course! 10: We did not go to Special
Collections --
Special Collections came to us in the form of three books at
a time. It was a nice addition to the class to be able to
the books that were being discussed in person and at the
of discussion.
Number of respondents: 10
Leave Tuition Housing Travel
Institution Institution Institution Institution
gave me leave paid tuition paid housing paid travel
70% 67% 45% 40%
I took vaca- I paid tui- I paid for my I paid my own
tion time tion myself own housing travel
10% 33% 25% 40%
N/A: self- N/A: Self- N/A: stayed N/A: lived
employed, re- employed, with friends nearby
tired, or had retired, or or lived at
summers off exchange home
20% 0% 30% 20%
Two students (20%) were general librarians with some rare book
duties; two (20%) were rare book librarians; and one student each
(10%) was an antiquarian bookseller, an archivist, an art
with some rare book duties, a bibliographer, retired, or a