Greer Allen
No. 12: Printing Design and Publication
19-23 June 2000

1) How useful were the pre-course readings?

1: The course materials distributed in advance were useful in emphasizing some fundamental issues in design and publication which were also reinforced during class time. The materials can be successfully used as reference material in future work. 2: Useful. Provided historical information and a general overview. They were a good starting point. 3: Very helpful without being overwhelming. 4: Very useful.

2) Were the course syllabus and other materials distributed in class useful (or will they be so in the future, after you return home)?

1: The materials shown and distributed in class could not have been any more appropriate, educational, concise, visually representative and descriptive to the benefit of the students. The selection was impressive! 2: Absolutely. I am sure to post GA's maxims around my computer so I keep them in mind while working on a project. 3: Invaluable to refer to and review. It was a relief not to have to take voluminous notes and to be able to give full attention to what was being shown and said in class. 4: Yes, very useful and will be used as reference material in the future.

3) Was the intellectual level of the course content appropriate?

1: Yes. The course material and instructor were intriguing, dynamic, captivating, and motivating. I couldn't have asked for anything better. 2: Yes, absolutely. 3: Yes, I found the field trip on Websites very informative. 4: Yes.

4) If your course had field trips, were they effective?

1: Yes. We had a wonderful presentation on Webpage design which I find very useful in the light of technological change and the need to present our institution's image in the most appropriate way. 2: I enjoyed the Friday morning trip to look at Website design. This was very practical and interesting -- made me think about sites in new ways and think about changes I would like to see in our site. 3: Yes, I found the field trip on Websites very informative. 4: Yes, Clemons Media Center for Web design -- excellent!

5) Did the actual course content correspond to its RBS brochure description and Expanded Course Description (ECD)? Did the course in general meet your expectations?

1: Yes, very much so. 2: Yes. Of course it didn't say how wonderful GA is and how this class will change the way you look at all printed materials forever, although those things are also part of the class! 3: Absolutely. 4: Yes.

6) What did you like best about the course?

1: The way the instructor presented the material -- it changed the way I perceived the subject of design and publication and the way I looked at and judged printed material. I have gained not only knowledge of basic principles, but also of fine details. I come out of GA's class full of enthusiasm and confidence. 2: The instructor. I loved hearing about his best and worst projects, how to save a project, how to deal with management, how to work with a budget. I liked looking at so many good and bad things. I liked analyzing them together with my classmates -- and I especially enjoyed GA's maxims, homilies, and other stories. 3: The chance to interact with the other class members and share examples. Also, the opportunities to practice the evaluation of graphic materials. 4: Having an expert instructor brimming with enthusiasm and a love of the subject; many, many examples of things to look at and evaluate.

7) How could the course have been improved?

1: I truly cannot see any need to improve anything. We were a perfect group of four students which allowed much time for discussion, questions, concerns, observations. 2: I have an idea for an additional project, though it isn't an improvement just an addition. It might be interesting (at least with a small group like ours) to actually design a dummy for a hypothetical project. Maybe this could be done in the afternoon of the last day. We did talk the design process out and I found this very helpful -- thinking through the actual stages and steps of a printing project. 3: Just a little more detail listing the variety of things that would be appropriate to bring as examples. 4: More time on process from beginning to end: idea -- publication "glossary" of terms (I was the least experienced in the class).

8) We are always concerned about the physical well-being both of the BAP's teaching collections and of materials owned by UVa's Special Collections. If relevant, what suggestions do you have for the improved classroom handling of such materials used in your course this week?

3: I think all the classes that handle special materials should be regularly reminded to wash their hands on returning from break and lunch. Also pencils vs pens should be encouraged. 4: N/A

9) Please comment on the quality/enjoyability of the various RBS activities in which you took part outside of class (eg Sunday afternoon tour, Sunday night dinner, evening lectures, Bookseller Night, Video Night, Study Night, tour of the Alderman digital/electronic centers, printing demonstrations, &c.).

1: I would like to thank the RBS organizers and staff for making my visit here so enjoyable. The Monday lecture was intriguing; the Rotunda exhibition was spectacular, especially with Sue Allen's helpful presentation of it. The hands-on experience during Study Night was useful in giving us the opportunity to partake in the life of the Book Arts Press. 2: I enjoyed Sue Allen's tour of the Rotunda exhibit very much -- a nice addition to the schedule. 3: I really enjoyed Study Night which has been added since my last attendance in '98. There are so many things to look at for which there is never enough time during the regularly scheduled class day. 4: Great food -- excellent kitchen staff for the dinners and breaks.

10) Any final thoughts? Did you get your money's worth?

1: By far, the most exciting course I have ever taken. It is well-worth your time, effort, and money that you invest in it. 2: Absolutely. I would say to people taking this course next year -- "Lucky you! Enjoy it!" because I know that I have. 3: Bring lots of examples from your collection or from others. I feel I got more than my money's worth and had a delightful week in the process.

Number of respondents: 04


Leave Tuition Housing Travel
Institution gave me leave Institution paid tuition Institution paid housing Institution paid travel
100% 75% 50% 50%
I took vacation time I paid tuition myself I paid for my own housing I paid my own travel
0% 0% 25% 25%
N/A: self-employed, retired, or had summers off N/A: self-employed, retired, or exchange N/A: stayed with friends or lived at home N/A: lived nearby
0% 25% 25% 25%

There were two rare book librarians (50%), one archivist/manuscript librarian (25%), and one administrative assistant in an educational program (25%).

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