42: Japanese Printmaking, 1615-1868 [I-80]
14-18 June 2004
1) How useful were the pre-course readings?
1: Very useful – the readings covered essential background materials. 5: They were relevant, but not necessary. 7: Very useful!
2) Were the course syllabus and other materials distributed in class useful (or will they be so in the future, after you return home)?
1: Yes. 2: The course packet is an excellent summation of our course study. 3: Yes, they helped me plan more during the day. 4: The materials were helpful, clear, and thorough. 5: I didn’t really use them ... there weren’t any. 6: Yes. 7: Yes, especially to help pull everything together after. 8: Yes.
3) Was the intellectual level of the course content appropriate?
1: Yes. 2: Yes, SK provides an intellectually stimulating class, which is at the same time relaxing and fun. 3: Yes, very intellectually stimulating. 4: The course was advanced, but required more depth of intellectual ability than depth of prior study. 5: The course was challenging on a number of levels, emphasizing the need for critical thinking skills. Perfect. 6: Yes. 7: Very. 8: The level of the course was amazing. I truly feel like I have a solid foundation in Ukiyo-e prints, scholarship and connoisseurship.
4) If your course had field trips, were they effective?
1: Yes. 2: Very well spent – a magnificent opportunity to see/study actual wood block prints. 3: Yes, sessions devoted to work at the Bayly Museum. Helped develop our connoisseurship skills. 4: Time spent studying the prints was an amazing experience and a superb complement to the classroom sessions. 5: Yes! 6-7: Yes. 8: Absolutely. The time in the museum with the prints was the highlight of the course.
5) What did you like best about the course?
1: SK’s enthusiasm and expertise were inspiring to all of us. With his guidance we explored theory and new art historical trends. It was a pivotal moment. 2: The professor and his teaching style. 3: The museum work. 4: The tight focus on a single subject and the breadth of ideas studied. 5: Working with the Ukiyo-e prints. 6: Visiting the woodblock prints. 7: Using the University’s collection to learn real versus fake. 8: SK and the prints.
6) How could the course have been improved?
2: More time spent with the actual wood block prints. 3: N/A. 4: More time available in the museum. 5: More time with the prints. 6: More time in the museum. 7: More time with the prints.
7) If you attended the Sunday and/or Monday night lectures, were they worth attending?
2: Yes, although I found museum night and the impromptu explanations much more valuable. 3: The Sunday lecture did not really provide useful information or an introduction to RBS. 5: I attended the Monday museum, which was worthwhile. The Sunday lecture was too much like a business report and asking for funding in my opinion. 6: Sunday’s lecture wasn’t very useful.
8) If you attended Museum Night, was the time profitably spent?
2: Yes. The discussion of Audubon prints by TB was really interesting. 3: Yes, the plates were fascinating. 4: Yes, the Wednesday night session was a good opportunity to experience more of RBS beyond the classroom. 5: I wish the stations were personally explained to us, but it was very nice. 6: Yes. 7: Interesting, but not directly applicable to my field of study. 8: Yes the information on printmaking was great.
9) Did you get your money’s worth? Any final thoughts?
1: It was a bargain! 2: An exhausting week, but well worth it! 3: Yes, this was a wonderful experience to spend time with professionals in the field. 4: Yes, it was a fun experience and a wonderful, unique opportunity. 5: The tuition break and grant money made it possible for me to attend. I highly recommend this course and RBS in general. 6: Yes. 7: Great experience; I’d love to do it again. I learned more here in a week than I did in four years of college. 8: Yes.
Number of respondents: 8
Leave Tuition Housing Travel
Institution Institution Institution Institution
gave me leave paid tuition paid housing paid travel
12% 25% 50% 38%
I took vaca- I paid tui- I paid for my I paid my own
tion time tion myself own housing travel
38% 0% 50% 24%
N/A: self- N/A: Self- N/A: stayed N/A: lived
employed, re- employed, with friends nearby
tired, or had retired, or or lived at
summers off exchange home
50% 75% 0% 38%
There were six full-time students (75%), and two unspecified other professionals (25%).