Separate Pieces: "Separate Pieces: All Printed Books are
Different," focuses on the BAP collections of multiple copies of the
same title, highlighting changes between their various issues, states,
printings, and editions.
Our starter set of multiple copies was the gift of Michael Winship;
nine copies of the first edition (1867) of John Greenleaf Whittier's
Tent on the Beach and Other Poems. Winship gave them to the BAP on
condition that we continue to acquire copies of this bibliographically
interesting publication. Our current first-edition Tent total is 38
Then at some point we began to collect copies of Volume Eight
(Flying Sails) of Olive Beaupré Miller's once-ubiquitous
twelve-volume compendium, My Book House, useful in Terry
Belanger's undergraduate history of the book class when he gets to
cultural literacy (and how his generation was told to acquire it). Our
Flying Sails range from the 17th printing (after 1928 but
before 1937) to what must be about the 40th printing (1974 or after);
thus far, we have 19 copies of this volume of the Book House
We collect copies of the Modern Library (ML) edition of André
Malraux's Man's Fate. ML is not generous with
back-of-title-page information, but its early dust-jackets are
informative: for a long time, they listed all the ML titles in print,
with a screamer across the top of the list asking: "Which of these
[number] outstanding books do you want to read?" The number changed in
successive dust-jacket printings, reflecting the ever increasing
number of ML titles available. Our copies of the ML Man's Fate
have dust-jackets ranging from "Which of these 271 books" to "Which of
these 415 books"? shortly after which, ML seems to have given up
trying to keep up with its own output and began saying simply, "Which
of these outstanding books." We have 17 hardbound copies and three
paperback copies of the ML Man's Fate.
We collect copies of Vanity Fair. Thackeray's novel
originally contained a variety of illustrations, all after his own
original drawings: chapter-head initials with satirical vignettes and
other intext wood engravings, plus inserted full-page steel
engravings. If ever there has been a case for continuing to reprint
the original illustrations along with the text of a novel, this is it;
and in fact most of the editions of Vanity Fair that appeared
during Thackeray's life-time were illustrated. Very few editions
published after his death contain his illustrations, however;
and modern paperback editions are almost without exception deficient
in this regard. We have 39 hard-bound copies of Vanity Fair
(issued by 30 different publishers) plus 31 paperback copies (issued
by twelve different publishers).
We collect multiple copies of Kahlil Gibran's
Prophet. The Prophet appears in three principal forms:
the regular hard-bound edition (at least 130 printings since 1923),
the pocket edition (at least 66 printings), and the large format
slipcased edition (at least 33 printings; from publisher Alfred
A. Knopf's point of view, Gibran's best-known book might well have
been titled The Profit). Many of our copies of The
Prophet are inscribed, eg: "To my dear Mom & Dad, I hope you
read this book and follow what your heart tells you to do. These words
herein have led me through many rough times. I give them to you so
that you may enjoy his spirit too. Love & peace, Fred | December,
1972" (89th printing, 1972); or (also 89th printing) "Dear
Danielle, this is a book that when you come to know it will become a
part of your life. Enjoy it and love it. Love Mother. Thus far, we
have 42 hardbound copies of The Prophet and two paperback copies
(the 1944 Armed Services Edition; as far as we know, the book has
never been generally issued in the United States in paperback form).
We collect the six quarto volumes of Will Carleton's poetry issued
in a pretty suite of similar bindings by Harper beginning in the
1870's, and clearly intended as a series or set: City Ballads,
City Festivals, and City Legends; and Farm
Ballads, Farm Festivals, and Farm Legends. These
books, madly popular in their time, contain sentimental poems of a
sort that would warm Edgar Guest's heart, eg: We collect copies of John Knowles's novel, A Separate Peace:
another book that does well in the "wouldn't it be nice to have THOSE
royalties" stakes. A Separate Peace is currently enjoying at least
its 96th Bantam massmarket paperback printing; we have 65
copies, many of them annotated in earnest high-school hands,
sometimes with reading schedules, eg, "pp 1-24 (Monday), pp 25-52
(Tuesday), pp 53-77 (Wednesday)," etc.
Then there is our Janson collection. Several years ago, Leonard
Schlosser pointed out that the history of later c20 printing processes
was conveniently displayed in successive editions of H. W. Janson's
History of Art. The first edition (1962) was designed by Philip
Grushkin. It had gravure black-and-white illustrations, letterpress
text and captions, and letterpress color illustrations on coated
stock. Later printings of the first edition used gravure for both the
black-and-white illustrations and the text (except for the prelims,
which were printed offset). The first revised edition of 1969 shifted
its gravure printing from Germany to Japan, with a resulting temporary
decline in quality.
Subsequent editions of Janson's History of Art moved completely to
offset, at first on two kinds of paper stock, later on a single
stock. To add to the fun, each of the many printings of the book over
its six editions occurs in two states: an Abrams trade edition and a
Prentice-Hall college edition, with different dust-jackets and
If you put copies of all six editions of Janson's History of
Art next to each other, you can see, eg, the Mona Lisa in
black-and-white gravure, black-and-white offset, letterpress color,
offset color on coated stock, and offset color on matte stock -- and
there are startling aesthetic differences among them.
Our goal is to have twelve copies (twelve is our usual maximum
class size and thus the BAP's magic number) of each of the five major
printing technology shifts that have occurred in the printing of
Janson's History of Art. Thus far we have 33 copies of various
states of the first edition (13 printings, 1962-68); 20 copies of the
first edition revised and enlarged (seven printings, 1969-74); 14
copies of the second edition (nine printings, 1977-85), seven copies
of the third edition (two printings, 1986-?), four copies of the
fourth edition (1991), and one copy of the fifth edition (1995).
Janson is a great big book. The 570-page first edition weighs five
pounds and is 1" thick; the 960-page fifth edition weighs eight
pounds and is just under 2" thick. Many of them are on view in this
Visitors to the BAP who walk through the Classroom and Pressroom
into the Studio sometimes ask why (for example) the Book Arts Press
finds it necessary to own 67 prominently-displayed copies of
Ben-Hur. In reply, we show them our 83 copies of The Great
Gatsby -- or (as a special treat) our 340 copies of Owen
Meredith's long narrative poem, Lucile, in the Dome Room of the
Rotunda; and remind them of Roger Stoddard's wonderful dictum: most
manuscript copies of a book are pretty much the same, but
almost all printed copies are different.
The exhibition was on view from 21 January - 20 May. The curators were Terry
Belanger and John Buchtel.
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