46. Introduction to the Internet

David Seaman
(Evaluation of the RBS 1994 version of this course) K

A practical introduction to accessing and navigating the Internet. Topics include: options for connecting to the Net, and ways and means for doing so; introduction to the global range of on-line resources available (e-mail, information servers, library catalogs); techniques for finding what you need; a look at what is coming in the near future. Familiarity with basic computer skills such as word-processing is expected, but it is assumed that applicants will be persons (eg antiquarian booksellers, independent scholars, or librarians at institutions not yet supporting network usage) who have no previous experience with electronic communications.

Number of respondents: 6


Leave         Tuition        Housing        Travel

Institution   Institution    Institution    Institution
gave me leave paid tuition   paid housing   paid travel

50%           67%            50%            50%

I took vaca-  I paid tui-    I paid for my  I paid my own
tion time     tion myself    own housing    travel

0%            33%            50%            50%

N/A: self-    N/A: Self-     N/A: stayed    N/A: lived 
employed, re- employed,      with friends   nearby
tired, or had retired, or    or lived at
summers off   exchange       home

50%           0%             0%             0%

There were six students; each (17%) was an archivist/manuscripts librarian, an editor, a general librarian with unspecified rare book duties, retired, a teacher/professor, or had a non- professionally-related interest in the subject.