Rare Book School 1995

Most RBS courses are limited to 12 or fewer students. There is no deadline for RBS applications, which are accepted from qualified students right up until the week of a course, if there is room. Prospective applicants are invited to fax, email, telephone, or write the RBS office after June 1st (the address particulars are given below) to ask about the availability of course places.

Please send:
___  Application Form and Expanded Course Descriptions
___  Additional copies of this flyer (indicate number:        )
Name: __________________________________
Address: _______________________________
City: __________________________________
State:  ________________    

Zip:    ________________

Mail to:  
Rare Book School
University of Virginia
114 Alderman Library
Charlottesville, VA 22903-2498
Or fax:        804/924-8824
Or email:
Or telephone:  804/924-8851