Rare Book School

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L-55. Donors and Libraries

Susan M. Allen and William P. Barlow, Jr

Particularly aimed at rare book and special collections librarians who deal on a regular basis with donors (or who would like to increase their level of activity in this area); also open to donors (and prospective donors) who would like to know more about how libraries and institutional personnel deal with gifts (and with prospective gifts). Topics include: needs and opportunities (the American tradition of gifts to libraries, privileges and responsibilities of donors and libraries, and dealing with bureaucracies); the institutional framework (institutional realities, dealing with changing priorities); library-donor relations (building working relationships, fulfilling obligations, coping with staff changes); tax and legal matters (tax incentives, deeds of gift, gift/purchase arrangements, gift vs. deposit, appraisals, institutional record-keeping).

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Susan M. Allen and William P. Barlow, Jr. teach this course for the first time.