Rare Book School

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RBS Scholarship Awardees for 2009

6 October 2009
The great generosity of our benefactors has enabled Rare Book School to award scholarships to a bumper crop of new students of the history of books and printing. There were an enormous number of applications and the judges found their task incredibly difficult. Many highly qualified applicants did not receive aid. Those who did should be justifiably pleased and proud. In general, the RBS Scholarship Committee preferred applicants who are at the beginning of their professional careers and those who had not previously attended RBS.

See the RBS Scholarships and Fellowships page for a description of the school’s scholarship program.

2009 Awardees

Lauren Avirom
Amanda Hawk
Renzo Baldasso Elspeth Healey
Laura Bedford Susan Hood
Elizabeth Bonds Lynn Huang
April Brewer Katherine Isard
Kathleen Burlingame Ruth McAdams
Elizabeth Call Elizabeth Newsom
Brian Cassidy Alexander Obercian
Matthew Davis Nancy Poole
Jeremy Dibbell Jessica Savage
Elise Dodeles Jacob Sider Jost
Jennifer Evers Claudia Skelton
Tara Gilchrist Melissa Tedone
Basie Gitlin Katherine Wilkins
Stephanie Gowler Travis Williams
Jaime Hathaway Megan Witzleben