Rare Book School

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SHARP-RBS Scholarship Fund

Rare Book School (RBS) and the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) have collaborated to establish the “SHARP-RBS Scholarship,” a new program to offer scholarships for graduate students and recent Ph.D.s who wish to attend courses at RBS. This scholarship opportunity will allow a “legacy of learning” to enrich the teaching and acquiring of the skills needed by book historians. Thus, this scholarship will help keep our vibrant field of study not only alive, but very lively indeed.

RBS is a crucial component of the education and training of book historians.  Your donation will allow deserving students to take part in the amazingly intensive and productive courses offered at RBS. The more funds we raise, the more scholarships will be awarded, both this year and over the next many years. SHARP hopes to expand this initiative in future years to support the teaching and learning of book historical skills in other institutions worldwide.

Thank you for supporting the ongoing education of young book historians!

You can help ensure the future of our field by donating now.

To donate by mail, please send a check (made payable to Rare Book School) to:
Rare Book School
114 Alderman Library
Charlottesville, VA 22904

If you are having difficulty completing this form, please contact Megan Gildea, Development Director.

Please use my HOME address for all mailings.
Please use my WORK address for all mailings.
Do NOT include ANY home information in published lists.
Do not include ANY information AT ALL about me in published lists.

Name (required)

Home Address


Work Address

Other Contact Information

Matching Gifts

Many employers will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Retirees, board members, and spouses of employees may be eligble for matching gift benefits, as well.

I am affiliated with an organization that offers a matching gift incentive and will arrange to have my gift matched.
I might be eligible for a matching gift program, but am unsure about how to proceed. Please contact me to determine my eligibility.
Name of organization
My affiliation (employee, retiree, board member, spouse, &c.)

Contribution (don't forget this, too!)
