8. Please comment at will on the quality/enjoyability of the various RBS activities in which you took part outside of class, e.g. Sunday afternoon tour, Sunday night dinner and videos, Bookseller Night, tour of the Etext Center or Electronic Classroom, printing demonstrations, evening lectures, &c.
 1: Very interesting and informative they provided yet another perspective on the subject. 2: T. Tanselle too dry; K. Rendell very enjoyable; TB enjoyable and informative. But it was hard to sit after being in class from 8:30 to 5, then the Etext demo, then the lecture. Maybe just one or two, not three lectures. 3: Attended KR's informative Wednesday lecture. 4: TT was boring! KR was a good speaker with an interesting topic. 5: I particularly enjoyed TB's vision of our future neighborhood the pitfalls and the reason to hope for the survival of the book as artifact. 6: A little dry for my taste. I would have liked to have seen some high spots, perhaps. More visuals. 7: I attended both KR's and TB's lectures and enjoyed being present. The meeting site is wonderful. 8: Excellent demonstration of UVa Web site. Though brief, I learned what UVa is doing. Quite helpful. In general, evening lectures were helpful, enjoyable. It is hard to sit for more time after being in class all day, however. 9: The first two lectures were useful because we had the opportunity to listen to two of the key players in the world of bibliography and the rare book trade. 10: Felt they were important and in some cases enjoyable. TT's lecture was not informative or very enjoyable for those not in the SB circle, I felt. 11: Monday you had to know a great deal about the topic beforehand. It was for a certain "in" crowd boring. The others were much better. KR was the best, he enjoyed his work and had a sense of humor and perspective. 12: OK. Not great. |