Alice Schreyer

63: Introduction to Special Collections Librarianship [L-10]

11-15 July 2005


1)   How useful were the pre-course readings?

1: Readings were good introduction; helped me feel prepared, and know where/how my position and collection fit in generally. 2: OK. Papers on more practical aspects of handling rare books, manuscripts, and archives would be helpful. 3: The pre-course readings were helpful as background information and for setting the stage for the class discussions. There could have been some additional suggestions made ahead of time, perhaps taken from the generous handouts distributed in class. 4: Pre-course readings were very helpful. They provided background information that enabled lectures to be more meaningful. 5: I found the readings interesting, but too similar in theme and content. 6: They were useful in that they got me thinking in the right direction prior to class. 7: The pre-course readings were extremely useful. I felt quite prepared and oriented when we began class. 8: Very useful and thought provoking. The amount of pre-reading was manageable. 9: Gave a good overview of the subjects we were to discuss and helped me to focus on what I wanted to take away from the class. 10: Extremely useful -- they give a good overview. 11: I felt they were pretty useful. We did not reference them much, but I think they laid a good foundation for the course. 12: Very useful. 13: Very good, they gave background and stimulated discussion.


2)   Were the course syllabus and other materials distributed in class useful (or will they be so in the future, after you return home)?

1: The syllabus was accurate, but not detailed. The attached materials were and will be extremely helpful. 2: Course materials were referred to and studied each day, drawing our attention to particularly important sections. 3: They were well thought out, appropriate and organized in a logical manner. 4: Yes, we received a very useful workbook. I will definitely keep it for future reference. 5: There was not enough time to read the texts closely, but I believe they will be quite useful after I return. I am anxious to show them to my colleagues. 6: Yes, the material is (and will be) most helpful. 7: Yes! The course syllabus is and will be appropriate, useful, and much appreciated. My notes will be invaluable after I return home. 8: Yes, very appropriate and useful. The bibliography will be great to follow up what I have learned here. One handout (a print-out from a web site) I was able to email back to my institution because the topic was extremely relevant to work currently being undertaken. 9: Excellent; wonderful bibliography in the syllabus and good handouts on a variety of subjects. 10: Yes, the added handouts and clearly defined days really were helpful. 11: Yes, very much so. 12: Yes. The bibliography of further reading will be very helpful. 13: Yes. I will re-read all!


3)   What aspects of the course content were of the greatest interest or relevance for your purposes? Was the intellectual level of the course appropriate?

1: Although I was apprehensive before the class about my experiences and involvement in special collections being adequate, I think I was and felt comfortable, partly due to AS’s teaching style and positive attitude. Introduction to Descriptive Bibliography and hands-on study of the books was the topic of greatest interest to me because I didn’t know about it. Everything covered was relevant. 2: The physical examination of the books, learning to look for things that would tell you about their purpose, use, and how they were made was extremely helpful to this novice rare book librarian. 3: For my purposes, the sections on selection, acquisition, and public services were the most relevant; however, I learned from all sections of the course. Yes, the intellectual level was very appropriate. 4: I enjoyed learning about my classmates’ varied experiences. Visiting the Small [UVa Special Collections] Library was of exceptional interest. Working with physical items (rare/old books) was most valuable. 5: I found the discussions of collections development and funding to be the most useful. 6: As someone who is new to special collections librarianship, I found all of the material extremely relevant to my future work. I feel that I have been brought up to speed quickly. 7: I learned so much from AS and all the other students about special collections librarianship, it is difficult to select a few aspects. I appreciate the overall orientation and grounding about this field I received. The intellectual level was appropriate. 8: Intellectual level was appropriate. AS, also, extended discussions in interesting ways to cater for differing levels of experience and interest. All of it was interesting and relevant. 9: Book history and print culture exhibitions. The intellectual level was appropriate for the variety of backgrounds of people in the class. 10: Terminology, tours and talks by the Small Library staff. Yes, the intellectual level was appropriate, and the focus on special collections remained consistent. 11: Outreach, exhibits, and public programming -- but I learned from and found relevance in most if not all aspects. Yes, the intellectual level was appropriate. 12: Basic rare book terminology and collection development strategies. Yes, the intellectual level of the course was appropriate. 13: Discussion of parameters of special collections. Immersion in and explanation of terms. The intellectual level was great!


4)   If your course had field trips, were they effective?

1: Yes -- a great visit, although intimidating and depressing given my special collections situation, to Harrison/Small. Wonderful to see Special Collections so well supported. 2: Both sessions -- the first to explore the layout and functional areas of the building, and the second showcasing the various donated collections, were wonderful. 3: The two visits to Special Collections were very relevant to the course; they added information and value to the class lectures and discussions. 4: Absolutely. We visited the Small Library twice. I would have enjoyed hearing even more about specific Special Collections items. 5: I found the visit to SC to be one of the most interesting and useful activities of the course. I would like to have other field trips included. 6: We visited Special Collections twice, and it was very helpful to see what we had been talking about in action. 7: The field trips we made to UVa SC was time well spent. AS tied everything together very nicely, and the field trips especially helped to illustrate practical aspects of class discussions before and after our visits. 8: Yes, two visits to the Small Library. Very interesting to see a purpose-built SC library. 9: Time very well spent. The people showing us around were outstanding, and it was a good opportunity to see how another organization functions. 10: Yes, extremely -- though it would have been nice to visit Kenwood [Jefferson] Library [at Monticello] to compare with the Small Library. 11: Absolutely -- in fact, I would like to have done more of this. 12: Absolutely. I appreciated the expertise and candor of the Small Library staff very much. 13: Very well-spent. When we went to Small, the tours were useful and gave us breadth of how a working special collections operates.


5)   What did you like best about the course?

1: Great overview. 2: AS was extremely knowledgeable and took time to answer all levels of questions. Meeting other students from all types of institutions from around the U.S. and Canada was invaluable in gaining insight into rare-book processes and procedures. 3: AS is very knowledgeable and eager to share her knowledge and experience. She conveys a wealth of information in a comfortable and professional atmosphere. She draws her students out and invites participation. 4: I thought the instructor was outstanding. Her knowledge and communication of it was invaluable. AS was also wonderful about trying to include all students in discussion. I liked learning about real practical things, not just theoretical ideas. 5: The course provided a wonderful, broad overview of many topics of interest. 6: AS was great. Not only is she knowledgeable, but she answers questions precisely and does a fine job of directing conversation. 7: The expertise of the instructor and the mix of students in the class. Every moment was a learning experience. 8: AS and her wonderful, extremely knowledgeable teaching style. She also cultivated very interesting discussions among the class. 9: Hands-on work with the rare books and having a forum to discuss all these issues. 10: Thoughtfully led discussions by AS that encouraged participation from class members. The tours were wonderful. AS did several hands-on demonstrations/displays and did very little on the computer. Very nice and well-thought out presentation of class materials. 11: Working specifically with the books; the trips to see another special collections library (Small). 12: The opportunities for hands-on experience with rare books. 13: The instructor. AS is excellent: she knows how to communicate, manage class, and make it interesting.


6)   How could the course have been improved?

1: Although [student] presentations were uniformly good, I think they took too much class time and perhaps should be eliminated. More time actually hands-on with books and/or a visit to another special collections -- e.g. the Jefferson Library at Kenwood. 2: Field trip to Monticello special collections or more hands-on work with the material. The presentations took a lot of time, in and out of class. While I learned a great deal, I would have liked to explore certain lectures in more depth. 3: The course was fantastic. Some improvement could be made to the assignment. Perhaps there could be some smaller assignments earlier in the week, or the presentation could be rehearsed with another student ahead of time to polish it and streamline it ahead of time. The overall course was great, though, and the assignment did not take away from its quality. 4: Our presentations were helpful, but I think that they stressed many of us out. I hate to suggest omitting them, but they did consume our time in the evenings (the prep, that is). 5: Although the presentations were interesting, I would have preferred to have spent the prep time exploring other issues in class or in hands-on examinations of books. I don’t think the time invested in presentations gives enough bang for the buck. 6: It would have been helpful if the handouts were numbered sequentially. 7: I have no suggestions for improvement. The course was excellent! 8: A little less time on presentations. Try to limit to morning session (although this was what was intended!). 9: The presentations, while interesting, took up too much time, both in the preparation and presenting. Perhaps if people were required to work in teams -- more life-like, and less time consuming all around. 10: A visit to Kenwood or another nearby library. 11: Though I found them both interesting and helpful from working on and listening to, I think the presentations could be scaled back or perhaps eliminated in favor of another trip to a special collections library (Kenwood?) and maybe even more time working with books. 12: While the presentations were interesting, the time might have been better spent visiting another special collections library in the area (e.g. Kenwood at Monticello) or getting more hands-on experience with rare books. 13: Shorten lunch and end at 4:30. The evening activities were good but hard to fit in.


7)   We are always concerned about the physical well-being both of the RBS teaching collections and of materials owned by UVa’s Special Collections. If relevant, what suggestions do you have for the improved classroom handling of such materials used in your course this week?

3: All materials were handled with great care. 4: None. Alice communicated to us what we could or should not do. I felt like material was always treated well. 6: I might be more strict about keeping drinks out of rooms with old books, even though everyone was careful to keep books and drinks away from each other. 8: No. 10: No -- we were instructed on handling. 11: None -- everyone seemed to take great care with the materials. 12: None.


8)   If you attended the Sunday and/or Monday night lectures, were they worth attending?

1: No. Terry’s lecture was a nice introduction, but perhaps it should have been given during dinner, if dinner could have been in larger room. The Monday night lecture was delightful, but a little too much after a full day. The “break room” was so crowded and warm that interaction was difficult and not entirely pleasant. Suggestions: (1) Sunday orientation -- offer or assign half of the group for a tour at 5:00 and the other half a place to be photographed, given introduction, &., and vice versa for other. (2) Given size of group and break room -- alternate break times. (3) During Sunday dinner have groups (classes) dine together. 2: Yes, but no need for a reception both before and after the Sunday night lecture. The rooms are too small. 3: The night lectures were interesting and worth attending. 4: Yes, especially the Sunday evening. It was a nice welcome to RBS. 5: I found the handwriting lecture to be a fascinating introduction to a topic I knew little about. 6: Yes, particularly the Monday lecture. 7: Yes. 8: Yes, good for getting the feel of what RBS is all about. 9: Monday night I found was too specialized. The speaker clearly loved her subject and it was well-presented, but I would have been happier spending my time elsewhere. 10: No. 11: Yes to both. 12: No. 13: I enjoyed both the tour of Lower Tibet and the penmanship lecture.

9) If you attended Museum Night, was the time profitably spent?

1: Great -- one of the best things for first-time attendees (and maybe returnees). 2: The Paper Museum display was really enlightening. 3: The Museum Night was interesting, and I wish I had more time to spend looking at it. The handout was, also, great to have. 4: Yes. 5: I would have preferred guided tours of the exhibits rather than trying to read labels. 6: They were GREAT! What a treat to look at the material first-hand. Bowers and Gaskell are great, but it was fun to see the material in person. 7: Yes. 8: Yes. I just wish I had had more time and energy to fit everything in. There are so many interesting things to see and do.9: I’m glad I went to both nights, but was really too tired to take it all in. I look forward to reading the handouts -- excellent information. 10: Yes -- extremely well-done -- though maybe we should have been given more time to attend. I felt a little rushed with one night to attend all events. 11: Very much so! 12: Yes, but a docent of some sort would have improved the experience. 13: Yes. Fascinating materials.


10) Did you get your money’s worth? Any final thoughts?

1: Yes. With long days, one-and-a-half hours for lunch was great given the food situation, and so many logistics have been handled so well. This is a marvelous learning experience. Thank you for making this possible, Terry and others. 2: Have breaks split, so that not so many people are together in small rooms at one time. I stopped going to them on Wednesday. 3: The course was well worth its cost. It will make me rethink how I perform my responsibilities. I would recommend it to anyone who is new to special collections work. 4: Yes. My institution didn’t support me financially, and it was too late to apply for assistance, so I’d urge persons to look into this aspect. Overall, I recommend this course, as taught by AS, highly. 5: Yes. 6: RBS is a wonderful resource -- well worth it! 7: I most highly recommend this course. I have learned a great deal and thoroughly enjoyed every moment. It has been an interesting, but most rewarding week. The instructor was excellent and maintained a high level of energy all week as she conveyed lots of information. Thank you, AS! 8: Definitely! It was worth every hour of the 24-hour journey from Australia. 9: Definitely worth the money. 10: Yes, yes! Your time at RBS will be enhanced by becoming friends with your classmates -- we all learned so much from AS and each other. 11: Yes. Overall, I learned a lot and had a great time doing it. Thanks! 12: Yes. 13: Wow, did I ever get my money’s worth. It was a jam-packed week that I would do again in a minute. I’ll start saving now so I can come back next year.

Number of respondents: 13


Leave                       Tuition                    Housing                   Travel

Institution                 Institution                 Institution                 Institution

gave me leave            paid tuition               paid housing              paid travel

85%                            93%                            85%                            85%

I took vaca-                I paid tui-                  I paid for my              I paid my own

tion time                    tion myself                 own housing              travel

15%                            7%                              15%                            15%

N/A: self-                   N/A: Self-                   N/A: stayed                N/A: lived

employed, re-             employed,                  with friends               nearby

tired, or had              retired, or                  or lived at

summers off              exchange                   home

0%                              0%                              0%                              0%

There were four general librarians with some rare book duties (31%), three rare book librarians (23%), two archivist/manuscript librarians (15%), two digital librarians (15%), one library administrator (8%), and one outreach coordinator for a special collections library (7%).

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