Rare Book School

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Donate to Rare Book School

Thank you for your interest in the Friends of Rare Book School. Use the form below to make an online contribution to the Friends via credit card below. If you're already a Friend, you can use the form below to renew your membership, too. If you would like to make your contribution via telephone or mail, call Danielle Culpepper (RBS Administrator) at 434-924-8851.

It is not necessary to have a Paypal account. Once your contribution has been transferred to Paypal for processing, follow the instructions under the heading “Don't have a PayPal account?” to continue without Paypal. After your donation has been completed, you will receive an automatically generated tax receipt at the email address you provide.

There are five membership categories:

Contact Information

In order to stay in touch with our Friends of Rare Book School, we maintain a database of contact information and publish a list of Friends annually so that others may stay in touch as well. Please fill in your contact information below. If you do not wish to have your home address published, or do not want any information published at all, please check the relevant boxes below.

Please let us know if you are have difficulty completing this form.

Please use my HOME address for all mailings.
Please use my WORK address for all mailings.
Do NOT include ANY home information in published lists.
Do not include ANY information AT ALL about me in published lists.

Name (required)

Home Address


Work Address

Other Contact Information

Matching Gifts

Many employers will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Retirees, board members, and spouses of employees may be eligble for matching gift benefits, as well.

I am affiliated with an organization that offers a matching gift incentive and will arrange to have my gift matched.
I might be eligible for a matching gift program, but am unsure about how to proceed. Please contact me to determine my eligibility.
Name of organization
My affiliation (employee, retiree, board member, spouse, &c.)

Contribution (don't forget this, too!)
