L-75. Electronic Texts in XML
David Seaman
Designed as a continuation of XML in Action: Creating Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Texts (L-70), this course will further develop practical skills for the use of TEI, the manipulation of XML datasets, and the delivery of data through stylesheets. Topics include: TEI document design for multiple genres and for cross-database searching; reading and modifying DTDs; the mechanics of SGML/XML conversion; basic PERL skills; grants and project management strategies; XSL stylesheets for content formatting, transformation, and delivery; XML conversion to ebook formats (including Palm, MS Reader, OeB, and PDF); discussion of METS and Open Archives Initiative harvesting; and basic Unix skills, including a guide to Unix text-manipulation utilities.
The RBS course XML in Action: Creating Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Texts (L-70), is normally a prerequisite for this course, though applications from those with equivalent experience in creating, parsing, and manipulating SGML or XML content will also be accepted (with particular consideration given to TEI or EAD experience). In their personal statements, prospective students should describe the extent of their formal or informal training in, and experience with, electronic texts and images.
Course Resources
Course History
David Seaman, Christine Ruotolo, and Matthew Gibson have taught this since 2002.