Advance Reading Lists
Rare Book School makes the advance reading lists used in its courses generally available. Each of these reading lists is provided with links leading to the relevant page for in-print items on the lists. Amazon’s prices are competitive, and the links may be useful even if you don’t intend to buy the books, because of the bibliographic information Amazon routinely provides (ISBN, edition or printing, availability of hard-cover vs. paperback editions, &c.). Bear in mind that the books listed may quite possibly be found through umbrella sites like and, or on individual sites like,, or at discount prices.
Courses marked with * are not currently offered.
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Libraries, Archives, and Electronic Resources
- L-10. Special Collections Curatorship
- L-25v. Reference Sources for Researching Rare Books
- L-30. Rare Book Cataloging
- L-35. Advanced Rare Book Cataloging Workshop
- L-40. Visual Materials Cataloging *
- L-45. Reference Sources for Researching Printed Americana
- L-55. Donors and Libraries *
- L-60. Introduction to Archives for Special Collections Librarians, Booksellers & Collectors
- L-65. Digitizing the Cultural Record *
- L-70. XML in Action: Creating Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Texts *
- L-75. Electronic Texts in XML *
- L-80. Implementing Encoded Archival Description *
- L-85. Publishing EAD Finding Aids *
- L-90. Designing Archival Description Systems *
- L-95. Born-Digital Materials in Special Collections *
- L-100. Digital Approaches to Bibliography & Book History
- L-105. Preservation Imaging: Science, Scholarship, and the Artifact
- L-110. Integrating Born-Digital Materials: Archival Standards & Approaches *
- L-115. Community Archives and Digital Cultural Memory
- L-120. Introduction to Audiovisual Archives Management
- L-125. Scientific Analysis of the Book
- L-135. Reference Sources for Researching Printed Western Americana
- L-140v. Building a BookLab (Online)
- L-145. Medieval Manuscript Fragments: Cataloging & Discoverability
- L-150. Modern Special Collections Cataloging
- L-155v. Institutional Book Arts Collections: Evaluating & Describing
- M-10. Introduction to Paleography, 800–1500
- M-20. Seminar in Western Codicology
- M-40. Latin Paleography, 1100–1500 *
- M-50. Introduction to Illuminated Manuscripts
- M-55. The Book of Hours, 1250–1550
- M-65v. From Poggio to Mabillon: The Study of Latin Manuscripts in the First Age of Print (Online)
- M-70. The Handwriting & Culture of Early Modern English Manuscripts
- M-80. Western Manuscripts & Documents, 1500–2000 *
- M-85. Introduction to Islamicate Manuscripts
- M-85v. Introduction to Islamicate Manuscripts *
- M-90. Advanced Seminar in Medieval Manuscript Studies
- M-95. The Medieval Manuscript in the Twenty-First Century *
- M-100v. Fragmentology
- M-105v. Using Digitized Manuscripts
Typography and Book Design
- B-10. Introduction to the History of Bookbinding
- B-40. Medieval & Early Renaissance Bookbinding Structures *
- B-50. Advanced Seminar in the History of Bookbinding *
- B-60. European Bookbinding, 1500–1800 *
- B-65. English Bookbindings, 1450–1850: Identification & Interpretation
- B-70. European Decorative Bookbinding *
- B-75. American Publishers’ Bookbindings, 1800–1900
- B-75v. American Publishers’ Bookbindings, 1800–1900
- B-80. The Description of Bookbindings *
- B-90. Publishers’ Bookbindings, 1830–1910 *
Collecting and Collection Management
General: Descriptive and Textual Bibliography
- G-10. Introduction to the Principles of Bibliographical Description
- G-10v. Descriptive Bibliography: The Fundamentals *
- G-15v. Introduction to Bibliographical Research Methods for the Hand-Press Period (Online)
- G-20. Printed Books to 1800: Description & Analysis
- G-30. Printed Books since 1800: Description & Analysis *
- G-40. Physical Bibliography for Book Conservators
- G-45. Analytical Bibliography
- G-50. Advanced Descriptive Bibliography
- G-55. Scholarly Editing: Principles & Practice
- G-65. Forgeries, Facsimiles & Sophisticated Copies
- G-65v. Forgeries, Facsimiles & Sophisticated Copies (Online)
- G-70. Advanced Seminar in Critical Bibliography
- G-75. Paper as Bibliographical Evidence
- G-80. Identifying and Understanding Twentieth-Century Duplicating Technologies
- G-85. Why Black Bibliography Matters
- H-10. Histories of the Book, 200–2000
- H-15. The History of the Book in America: A Survey from Colonial to Modern
- H-20. The Book in the Manuscript Era
- H-25. Fifteenth-Century Books in Print & Manuscript
- H-30. The Printed Book in the West to 1800
- H-35. Modern Art of the Book *
- H-40. The Printed Book in the West since 1800
- H-45. Printing, Publishing, and Consuming Texts in Britain, 1770–1919 *
- H-50. The American Book in the Industrial Era, 1820–1940
- H-55. The History of American Music Printing & Publishing *
- H-60. The History of European & American Papermaking *
- H-65. Material Foundations of Map History, 1450–1900
- H-70. The History of the Book in America, c.1700–1830
- H-75. Printed Ephemera *
- H-80v. The Stationers’ Company to 1775
- H-85. The History of the Book in China
- H-90v. Teaching the History of the Book
- H-95. Reading Publishers’ Archives for the Study of the American Book
- H-100. The Eighteenth-Century Book
- H-105. The Bible and Histories of Reading
- H-110. The Art & Science of Cartography, 200–1550 *
- H-115. Book Production and Social Practice in Early Modern Europe and America
- H-120. Textual Mobilities: Works, Books & Reading Across Early Modern Europe
- H-125. The Books of the Plays: Shakespeare & Print *
- H-130. The History & Construction of the Mesoamerican Codex, 600–1550 *
- H-135. The History of the Book in Antebellum America
- H-135v. Key Moments in the History of the Book in the Antebellum United States *
- H-140. The History & Culture of the Tibetan Book
- H-145. The Book in Ming China: History & Analysis
- H-150. A History of the Indigenous Book in the Americas
- H-150v. Indigenous Book History in Virtual Space *
- H-155. The History of Artists’ Books since 1950
- H-160. The History of Books and Printing in Korea
- H-165. Book History, Bibliography, and Humanities Teaching
- H-170. Spanish American Textualities to c.1820
- H-170v. Spanish American Textual Technologies to 1700 *
- H-175v. The Printing Press in Spanish America, 1500–1830
- H-180v. Six Degrees of Phillis Wheatley
- H-185. African American Print Cultures in the Nineteenth Century
- H-185v. African American Print Cultures in the Nineteenth-Century United States *
- H-190. An Environmental History of the Book
Illustration and Printing Processes
- I-10. The History of Printed Book Illustration in the West
- I-20. Book Illustration Processes to 1900
- I-35. The Identification of Photographic & Digital Print Processes
- I-35v. The Identification of Photographic Print Processes *
- I-40. The Illustrated Scientific Book to 1800
- I-40v. Making the Early Modern Illustrated Scientific Book
- I-45. The Photographic Book since 1843
- I-45v. The Photographic Book since 1843
- I-50. Six Hundred Years of Botanical Illustration
- I-70. Lithography: The Popularization of Printing in the 19th Century *
- I-80. Japanese Printmaking, 1615–1868 *
- I-85. Japanese Prints and Illustrated Books in Context
- I-90. The Art of the Book in Edo & Meiji Japan, 1615–1912 *
- I-95. Hokusai & Book Illustration *