Passus quartus decimus

I Haue but one hatere quod haukyn · I am þe lasse to blame
Þough it be soiled and selde clene · I slepe þere-inne on niȝtes
And also I haue an houswyf · hewen and children
Luk .xiiiiCr2.14.3α: Fol. S.3v, left margin.Luk .xiiiiCr3.14.3α: Fol. 71v, left margin. Vxorem duxy & ideo non possum venire
Þat wolen bymolen it many tyme · maugre my chekes

Haukyns | cote wil | not be cle|ane .Cr2.14.5: Fol. S.3v, left margin.Haukins | cote wyll | not be | cleane .Cr3.14.5: Fol. 71v, left margin. ¶ It hath ben laued in lente · and oute of lente bothe
With þe sope of sykenesse · þat seketh wonder depe
And with þe losse of catel · loth forto agulte
God or any gode man · bi auȝte þat I wiste
And was shryuen of þe preste · þat gaue me for my synnes
To penaunce pacyence · and pore men to fede
Al for coueitise of my crystenedome · in clennesse to kepen it

notaquia difficile est | sane viuereM.14.12: Hand 3, fol. 64r, right margin.XF.14.12: Hand X, fol. 56v, left margin, 7 lines high. ¶ And couthe I neuere by cryste · kepen it clene an houre
Þat I ne soiled it with syȝte · or sum ydel speche
Or þorugh werke or þorugh worde · or wille of myn herte
Þat I ne flober it foule · fro morwe tyl eue

+L.14.16: Corrector, fol. 58r, right margin. ¶ And I shal kenne þe quod conscience · of contricioun to make
Þat shal clawe þi cote · of alkynnes filthe
Cordis contricio &c
decima([vn]decima) discripcio de | dowellM.14.18: Hand 3, fol. 64r, right margin. Dowel wasshen it and wryngen it · þorw a wys confessour
Oris confessio &c
Dobet shal beten it and bouken it · as briȝte as any scarlet
And engreynen it with good wille · and goddes grace to amende þe
And sithen sende þe to satisfaccioun · for to sowen it after
Satisfaccio dobest

- C.14.22-23: Hand X, fol. 19r, right margin. ¶ Shal neuere myste bimolen it · ne moth after biten it
Ne fende ne false man defoulen it in þi lyue
Shal none heraude ne harpoure · haue a fairere garnement
Þan haukyn þe actyf man · and þow do by my techyng
Ne no mynstral be more worth · amonges pore & riche
Þan Haukynnes wyf þe wafrere · with his actiua vita

notaprouicio paciencieM.14.29: Hand 3, fol. 64v, left margin.Si mea penna valet melior mea litera fiet | Dextera pars penna Brevior et lenior debit esseR.14.29: Hand X (secretary), fol. 66v, left margin. Written horizontally bottom to top, KD.14.29-46α. ¶ And I shal purueye þe paste quod pacyence · þough no plow erie
And floure to fede folke with · as best be for þe soule
Þough neuere greyne growed · ne grape vppon vyne
Alle þat lyueth and loketh · lyflode wolde I fynde
And þat ynough shal none faille · of þinge þat hem nedeth
We shulde nouȝt be to busy · abouten owre lyflode
Math .vi.Cr2.14.33α: Fol. S.4r, right margin.Mat .vi.Cr3.14.33α: Fol. 72r, right margin. Ne solliciti sitis &c volucres celi deus pascit &c pacientes vincunt &c

¶ Þanne laughed haukyn a litel · and liȝtly gan swerye
Who-so leueth ȝow by owre lorde · I leue nouȝte he be blissed

nota vitells off | paciensM.14.36: Hand 3, fol. 64v, left margin. ¶ No quod pacyence paciently · and out of his poke hente
Vitailles of grete vertues · for al manere bestes
God ge=|ueth not | lyfe , but | he proui=|deth fode .Cr2.14.38: Fol. S.4r, right margin.God ge=|ueth not | lyfe , but | he proui=|deth fode .Cr3.14.38: Fol. 72r, right margin. And seyde lo here lyflode ynough · if owre byleue be trewe
For lente neuere was lyf · but lyflode were shapen
Wher-of or wherfore · or where-by to lybbe

of wylfull povertiL.14.41: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 58v, left margin. ¶ Firste þe wylde worme · vnder weet erthe
- C.14.42: Hand X, fol. 19v, left margin. Fissch to lyue in þe flode · and in þe fyre þe crykat
The CurlewC2.14.43: Hand 2, fol. 66r, right margin. Þe corlue by kynde of þe eyre · moste clennest flesch of bryddes
And bestes by grasse and by greyne · and by grene rotis
In menynge þat alle men · myȝte þe same
Lyue þorw lele byleue and loue · as god witnesseth
Joh .xiiii.Cr2.14.46κ: Fol. S.4r, right margin. Quodcumque pecieritis a patre in nomine meo &c & alibi
Non in solo pane viuit homo set in omni verbo quod procedit de ore dei

fiat voluntasM.14.47-48: Hand 4, fol. 64v, left margin. ¶ But I loked what lyflode it was · þat pacience so preysed
And þanne was it a pece of þe pater noster · fiat voluntas tua ·

M.14.51: Hand X, fol. 64v, left margin. ¶ Haue haukyn quod pacyence · and ete þis whan þe hungreth
Or whan þow clomsest for colde · or clyngest for drye
Shal neuere gyues þe greue · ne grete lordes wrath
Prisone ne peyne · for pacientes vincunt
- C.14.55: Hand X, fol. 19v, left margin.foreS.14.55: Hand X, fol. 54r, right margin. ¶ Bi so þat þow be sobre · of syȝte and of tonge
In etynge and in handlyng · and in alle þi fyue wittis
| - C.14.57: Hand X, fol. 19v, left margin. Darstow neuere care for corne · ne lynnen cloth ne wollen
Ne for drynke ne deth drede · but deye as god lyketh
Or þorw honger or þorw hete · at his wille be it
+L.14.60: Corrector, fol. 58v, right margin. For if þow lyuest after his lore · þe sho[r]ter lyf þe better
notaet iterumnotaM.14.60α: Hand 3, fol. 65r, right margin. Si quis amat cristum mundum non diligit istum

M.14.61: Hand X, fol. 65r, left margin.nota · C.14.61: Hand 1, fol. 19v, left margin. ¶ For þorw his breth bestes wexen · and abrode ȝeden
Dixit & facta sunt &c ·
Ergo þorw his breth mowen · men & bestes lyuen
As holywrit witnesseth · whan men segge her graces
Aperis tu manum tuam · & imples omne animal benediccione

notaM.14.64: Hand X, fol. 65r, left margin. · nota bene · C.14.64: Hand 1, fol. 19v, left margin.Filij Israel . | in desertoC2.14.64: Hand 2, fol. 66v, right margin.+S.14.64: Hand X, fol. 54v, left margin.Forty ye=|res without | tyllage .Cr2.14.64: Fol. S.4v, left margin.Forty ye=|res with=|out tyl|lage .Cr3.14.64: Fol. 72v, left margin. ¶ It is founden þat fourty wynter · folke lyued with-outen tulying
|| C.14.65: Hand X, fol. 19v, left margin. And oute of þe flynte spronge þe flode · þat folke & bestes dronke
And in Elyes tyme · heuene was yclosed
Þat no reyne ne rone · þus rede men in bokes
Þat many wyntres men lyueden · and no mete ne tulyeden
notade septem dormientibusM.14.69: Hand 3, fol. 65r right margin.Nota · C.14.69: Hand 1, fol. 19v, left margin. Seuene slepe as seith þe boke · seuene hundreth wynter
¶ And lyueden with-oute lyflode · and atte laste þei woken
And if men lyued as mesure wolde · shulde neuere-more be defaute
Lacke of | measure | is cause of | scarcitie .Cr2.14.72: Fol. S.4v, left margin.Lacke of | measure | is cause of | scarcitie .Cr3.14.72: Fol. 72v, left margin. Amonges cristene creatures · if crystes wordes ben trewe
Ac vnkyndnesse carestia maketh · amonges crystene peple
And ouer-plente maketh pruyde · amonges pore & riche
Ac mesure is so moche worth · it may nouȝte be to dere
notaC.14.76: Hand 1, fol. 19v, left margin.Of Sodom . | & gomor .O.14.76: Hand 1, fol. 57v, left margin.Somdom & gomorC2.14.76: Hand 1, fol. 66v, right margin. For þe meschief and þe meschaunce · amonges men of sodome
Wex þorw plente of payn · & of pure sleuthe
Ociositas & habundancia panis peccatum turpissimum nutriuit
For þei mesured nouȝt hem-self · of þat þei ete and dronke
Diden dedly synne þat þe deuel lyked
So vengeaunce fel vpon hem · for her vyle synnes
Þei sonken in-to helle · þo citees · vchone

M.14.82: Hand X, fol. 65r, left margin. ¶ For-þi mesure we vs wel · and make owre faithe owre scheltroun
notaquiacontricio delit peccatum a | Mortale in venialeM.14.83: Hand 3, fol. 65r, right margin.Contricionis VertusC2.14.83: Hand 2, fol. 66v, right margin. And þorw faith cometh contricioun · conscience wote wel
Whiche dryueth awey dedly synne · and doth it to be venial
And þough a man myȝte nouȝte speke · contricioun myȝte hym saue
notabeneM.14.86: Hand 3, fol. 65v, left margin. And brynge his soule to blisse · by so þat feith bere witnesse
Þat whiles he lyued he bileued · in þe lore of holycherche
Ergo contricioun feith and conscience · is kyndelich dowel
And surgienes for dedly synnes · whan shrifte of mouth failleth

confessio orisC2.14.90: Hand 2, fol. 67r, right margin. ¶ Ac shrifte of mouth more worthy is · if man be iliche contrit
For shrifte of mouth sleeth synne · be it neuere so dedly
notaquia perconffescionem | occiduntur peccata sed per | contricionem delentur in | venialeM.14.92: Hand 3, fol. 65v, left margin. Per confessionem to a prest · peccata occiduntur
Þere contricioun doth but dryueth it doun · in-to a venial synne
Ps .xxxii.Cr2.14.94: Fol. T.1r, right margin.Psal .32.Cr3.14.94: Fol. 73r, right margin. As dauid seith in þe sauter · et quorum tecta sunt peccata
Satisfaccionis VertusC2.14.95: Hand 2, fol. 67r, right margin.Satisfa=|ction kyl=|leth sinneCr2.14.95: Fol. T.1r, right margin.Satisfa=|ction kyl=|leth sinneCr3.14.95: Fol. 73r, right margin. Ac satisfaccioun seketh oute þe rote · and bothe sleeth and voideth
And as it neuere had ybe · to nouȝt bryngeth dedly synne
Þat it neuere eft is seen ne sore · but semeth a wounde yheled

Where is | chariteO.14.98: Hand 1, fol. 58r, top right. ¶ Where woneth charite quod haukyn · I wiste neuere in my lyue
Man þat with hym spake · as wyde as I haue passed

¶ Þere parfit treuthe and pouere herte is · and pacience of tonge
Þere is charitee þe chief chaumbrere for god hym-selue

questioM.14.102: Hand 5, fol. 65v, left margin.Of the Riche and þe pooer | man : which is more plesinge | to our SaviourC2.14.102: Hand 2, fol. 67r, right margin. ¶ Whether paciente pouerte quod haukyn · be more plesaunte to owre driȝte
Þan ricchesse riȝtfulliche ywonne · and resonablelich yspended

¶ Ȝe quis est ille quod pacience · quik laudabimus eum
notaterribile hocM.14.105: Hand 3, fol. 65v, left margin. Þough men rede of richchesse · riȝt to þe worldes ende
· Nota · C.14.106: Hand 1, fol. 19v, right margin. I wist neuere renke þat riche was · þat whan he rekne sholde
Whan it drow to his deth-day · þat he ne dred hym sore
And þat atte rekenyng in arrerage fel · rather þan oute of dette

¶ There þe pore dar plede · and preue by pure resoun
To haue allowaunce of his lorde · by þe lawe he it cleymeth
Ioye þat neuere ioye hadde · of riȝtful iugge he axeth
And seith lo briddes and bestes · þat no blisse ne knoweth
And wilde wormes in wodes · þorw wyntres þow hem greuest
And makest hem welnyegh meke · and mylde for defaute
And after þow sendest hem somer · þat is her souereigne Ioye
MordounM.14.116: Hand X, fol. 65v, right margin. See the same annotation at KD.20.164. And blisse to alle þat ben · bothe wilde and tame
Þanne may beggeres as bestes · after bote waiten
Neuer | creature | was with|out ioye | here and | hence to .Cr2.14.118: Fol. T.1v, left margin.Neuer | creature | was with|out ioye | here and | hence to.Cr3.14.118: Fol. 73v, left margin. Þat al her lyf han lyued · in langour and in defaute
But god sent hem some-tyme · some manere ioye
Other here or elles-where · kynde wolde it neuere
For to wrotherhele was he wrouȝte · þat neuere was ioye shaped

¶ Angeles þat in helle now ben · hadden ioye some-tyme
notanotabile bonum pro eo qui | pacienter suffert paupertatemM.14.123: Hand 3, fol. 66r, right margin. And diues in deyntees lyued · and in douce vye
Riȝte so resoun sheweth · þat þo men þat were riche
And her makes also · lyued her lyf in murthe

¶ Ac god is of a wonder wille · by þat kynde witte sheweth
Nota · C.14.127: Hand 1, fol, 19v, right margin. To ȝiue many men his mercymonye · ar he it haue deserued
Riȝt so fareth god by some riche · reuthe me it þinketh
notaM.14.129: Hand 3, fol. 66r, right margin. For þei han her hyre here · an heuene as it were
And is gret lykyng to lyue · with-oute laboure of body
And whan he deyeth ben disalowed · as dauid seith in þe sauter
Psal .76.Cr2.14.131α: Fol. T.1v, left margin.Psal .76.Cr3.14.131α: Fol. 73v, left margin. Dormierunt & nichil inuenerunt
And in an other stede also · velud sompnum surgencium domine | in ciuitate tua & ad nichilum rediges
notapericulum in diuicijsM.14.132: Hand 3, fol. 66r, right margin. Allas þat ricchesse shal reue · and robbe mannes soule
Fram þe loue of owre lorde · at his laste ende

+C.14.134: Hand X, fol. 19v, right margin.hyndesC2.14.134: Hand 2, fol. 67v, supralinear gloss on "huen." ¶ Hewen þat han her hyre afore · aren euermore nedy
- C.14.135: Hand X, fol. 19v, right margin. And selden deieth he out of dette · þat dyneth ar he deserue it
notaR.14.136: Hand 1, fol. 68r, right margin. And til he haue done his deuor · and his dayes iourne
For whan a werkman hath wrouȝte · þanne may men se þe sothe
What he were worthi for his werke · and what he hath deserued
And nouȝt to fonge bifore · for drede of disalowynge

~ C.14.140: Hand X, fol. 19v, right margin. ¶ So I segge by ȝow riche · it semeth nouȝt þat ȝe shulle
Haue heuene in ȝowre here beyng · and heuene her-after
notaC2.14.142: Hand 1, fol. 67v, left margin.C2.14.142: Hand 1, fol. 67v, left margin. (Note: BB attribute this to Hand 2.) Riȝt as a seruaunt taketh his salarye bifore · & sitth wolde clayme more
As he þat none hadde · and hath huyre atte laste
notabeneM.14.144: Hand 3, fol. 66r, right margin. It may nouȝt be ȝe riche men · or matheu on god lyeth
Mat .xix.Cr2.14.144α: Fol. T.1v, left margin.Mat .xix.Cr3.14.144α: Fol. 73v, left margin. De delicijs ad delicias · deficile est transire

¶ Ac if þe riche haue reuthe · and rewarde wel þe pore
- C.14.146: Hand X, fol. 19v, right margin. And lyuen as lawe techeth · done leute to alle
Criste of his curteysie · shal conforte ȝow atte laste
The rych | that be | mercyfull | shal haue | heauen .Cr2.14.148: Fol. T.2r, right margin.The rych | that be | mercyfull | shal haue | heauen ,Cr3.14.148: Fol. 74r, right margin. And rewarde alle dowble ricchesse · þat reuful hertes habbeth
SimilitudoC2.14.149: Hand 2, fol. 67v, left margin. And as an hyne þat hadde · his hyre ar he bygonne
And whan he hath done his deuor wel · men doth hym other bounte
nota a Cote above | his CouenauntM.14.151: Hand 3, fol. 66v, left margin.M.14.151: Hand X, fol. 66v, left margin. Ȝyueth hym a cote aboue his couenaunte · riȝte so cryst ȝiueth heuene
Bothe to riche and to nouȝte riche · þat rewfullich lybbeth
And alle þat done her deuor wel · han dowble hyre for her trauaille
XM.14.154: Hand X, fol. 66v, left margin. Here forȝyuenesse of her synnes · and heuene blisse after

nota...?...M.14.155: Hand 3, fol. 66v, left margin.Riche Men seldom savedC2.14.155: Hand 2, fol. 68r, right margin. ¶ Ac it nys but selde yseyn · as by holy seyntes bokes
Þat god rewarded double reste · to any riche wye
For moche murthe is amonges riche · as in mete and clothyng
And moche murthe in Maye is · amonges wilde bestes
And so forth whil somer lasteth · her solace dureth
Ac beggeres aboute Midsomer · bredlees þei soupe
- C.14.161: Hand X, fol. 20r, left margin. And ȝit is wynter for hem worse · for wete-shodde þei gange
Afyrst sore and afyngred · and foule yrebuked
And arated of riche men · þat reuthe is to here
Now lorde sende hem somer · and some manere ioye
Heuene after her hennes-goynge · þat here han suche defaute
For alle myȝtest þow haue made · none mener þan other
R.14.167: Hand X, fol. 68v, left margin. And yliche witty & wyse · if þe wel · hadde lyked
notaquia orat pro diuitibusM.14.168: Hand 3, fol. 66v, left margin. And haue reuthe on þise riche men · þat rewarde nouȝte þi prisoneres
Of þe good þat þow hem gyuest · ingrati ben manye
Ac god of þi goodnesse · gyue hem grace to amende
+L.14.171: Corrector, fol. 60r, right margin. For may no derth ben hem dere · drouth ne weet
XM.14.172: Hand X, fol. 66v, right margin. Ne noyther hete ne haille · haue þei here hele
Of þat þei wilne and wolde · wanteth hem nouȝt here

¶ Ac pore peple þi prisoneres · lorde in þe put of myschief
Conforte þo creatures · þat moche care suffren
+L.14.176: Corrector, fol. 60r, right margin. Þorw derth þorw drouth · alle her dayes here
Wo in wynter tymes · for wantyng of clothes
And in somer tyme selde · soupen to þe fulle
+L.14.179: Corrector, fol. 60r, right margin. Conforte þi careful cryst in þi ryche
For how þow confortest · alle creatures ; clerkes bereth witnesse
· Nota · C.14.180α: Hand 1, 20r, left margin.Esai .xlv.Cr2.14.180α: Fol. T.2v, left margin.Esai .xlv.Cr3.14.180α: Fol. 74v, left margin. Conuertimini ad me & salui eritis

¶ Þus in genere of his genitrice · Ihesu cryst seyde
To robberes and to reueres · to riche and to pore
Þow tauȝtest hem in þe Trinitee · to take baptesme
+L.14.185: Corrector, fol. 60r, right margin. And be clene þorw þat crystennynge · of alle kynnes [sinnes]
And vs fel þorw folye · to falle in synne after
+L.14.187: Corrector, fol. 60r, right margin. Confessioun and kn[o]wlechyng & crauyng þi mercy
Shulde amende vs as many sithes · as man wolde desire
Ac if þe pope wolde plede here-aȝeine · and punyssh vs in conscience
A christen | mans pa=|tente .Cr2.14.190: Fol. T.2v, left margin.A christen | mans pa=|tente .Cr3.14.190: Fol. 74v, left margin. He shulde take þe acquitance as quik · and to þe qued schewe it
Pateat &c per passionem domini
nota beneM.14.191: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. And putten of so þe pouke · and preuen vs vnder borwe
Ac þe perchemyn of þis patent · of pouerte be moste
And of pure pacience · and parfit bileue
Of pompe and of pruyde · þe parchemyn decorreth
paupertas SpiritusC2.14.195: Hand 2, fol. 68v, right margin. And principaliche of alle peple · but þei be pore of herte
Ellis is al an ydel · al þat euere we writen
Pater nostres and penaunce · and pilgrimage to Rome
But owre spences and spendyng sprynge · of a trewe welle
Elles is al owre laboure loste · lo how men writeth
- C.14.200: Hand X, fol. 20r, left margin. In fenestres atte freres · if fals be þe foundement
For-þi crystene sholde ben in comune riche · none coueitouse for hym-selue

¶ For seuene synnes þat þere ben · assaillen vs euere
Þe fende folweth hem alle · and fondeth hem to helpe
notaquia per diuicias cicius FallimurM.14.204: Hand 3, fol. 67r, right margin. Ac wiþ ricchesse þat Ribaude · rathest men bigyleth
For þere þat richesse regneth · reuerence folweth
And þat is plesaunte to pryde · in pore and in riche
And þe riche is reuerenced · by resoun of his richchesse
Þere þe pore is put bihynde and par-auenture can more
Of witte and of wysdom · þat fer awey is better
- C.14.210: Hand X, fol. 20r, right margin. Þan ricchesse or reaute · and rather yherde in heuene
For þe riche hath moche to rekene · and riȝte softe walketh
Þe heigh waye to heuene-ward · oft ricchesse letteth
Ita possibile diuiti &c

notaAudaciam paupertatis | with a pak at his ruggeM.14.213: Hand 3, fol. 67r, right margin. ¶ Þere þe pore preseth bifor þe riche · with a pakke at his rugge
Apo .xiiii.Cr2.14.213α: Fol. T.3r, right margin.Apo .xiiiiCr3.14.213α: Fol. 75r, right margin. Opera enim illorum sequntur illos
Batauntliche as beggeres done · and baldeliche he craueth
For his pouerte and his pacience · a perpetuel blisse
Luke. viCr2.14.215α: Fol. T.2r, right margin.Luke .viCr3.14.215α: Fol. 75r, right margin. Beati pauperes · quoniam ipsorum est regnum celorum

¶ And pryde in ricchesse regneth · rather þan in pouerte
- C.14.217: Hand X, fol. 20r, right margin. Arst in þe Maister þan in þe man · some mansioun he hath
Ac in pouerte þere pacyence is · pryde hath no myȝte
Ne none of þe seuene synnes · sitten ne mowe þere longe
pouertie with pacienceC2.14.220: Hand 2, fol. 69r, right margin. Ne haue powere in pouerte · if pacyence it folwe
For þe pore is ay prest · to plese þe riche
And buxome at his byddyng · for his broke loues
nota Buxom & bost | be euer at werreM.14.223: Hand 3, fol. 67v, left margin. And buxomenesse and boste · aren euer-more at werre
And ayther hateth other · in alle manere werkes
If wratthe wrastel with þe pore · he hath þe worse ende
For if þey bothe pleyne · þe pore is but fieble
And if he chyde or chatre · hym chieueth þe worse [Hereafter follow 14.228-238 in KD from alpha, but they are not annotated.]

¶ And if coueitise wolde cacche þe pore · þei may nouȝt come togideres
And by þe nekke namely · her none may hente other
For men knoweth wel þat coueitise · is of a kene wille
And hath hondes and armes · of a longe lengthe
id est vmbilicus ·L.14.243: Hand 1(?), fol. 60v, right margin, gloss on "naule." And pouerte nis but a petit þinge · appereth nouȝt to his naule
nota layke bytwen | long & shortM.14.244: Hand 3, fol. 67v, left margin. And louely layke was it neuere · bitwene þe longe and þe shorte
And þough auarice wolde angre þe pore · he hath but litel myȝte
For pouerte hath but pokes · to putten in his godis
Þere auarice hath almaries · and yren-bounde coffres
And whether be liȝter to breke · lasse boste it maketh
A beggeres bagge · þan an yren-bounde coffre

Lecherye | and gloto|ny raigne | not much | in pouer=|tyeCr2.14.250: Fol. T.3v, left margin. Lecherye | and gloto|ny raigne | not much | in pouer=|tye .Cr3.14.250: Fol. 75v, left margin. ¶ Lecherye loueth hym nouȝt · for he ȝeueth but lytel syluer
Ne doth hym nouȝte dyne delycatly · ne drynke wyn oft
nota stewes sydeM.14.252: Hand 3, fol. 67v, left margin. A strawe for þe stuwes · it stode nouȝt I trowe
Had þei none but of pore men · her houses were vntyled

¶ And þough sleuthe suwe pouerte · and serue nouȝt god to paye
Mischief is his maister · and maketh hym to thynke
id est gome C.14.256: Hand 1, fol. 20r, supralinear. Intended to alter "man" (in C's line) to "gome," agreeing with other manuscripts. Þat god is his grettest helpe · and no gome elles
And his seruaunt as he seith · and of his sute bothe
And where he be or be nouȝte · he bereth þe signe of pouerte
And in þat secte owre saueoure · saued al mankynde
For-thi al pore þat paciente is · may claymen and asken
After her endynge here · heuene-riche blisse

¶ Moche hardier may he axen · þat here myȝte haue his wille
Wylfull | pouertye .Cr2.14.263: Fol. T.3v, left margin. Wylfull | pouertye .Cr3.14.263: Fol. 75v, left margin. In londe and in lordship · and likynge of bodye
+L.14.264: Corrector, fol. 61r, right margin.nota/L.14.264: Hand X, fol. 61r, right margin. And for goddis loue leueth al · an lyueth as a beggere
And as a mayde for mannes loue · her moder forsaketh
notaquia puella dimittit | patrem & matrem pro | viro suoM.14.266: Hand 3, fol. 67v, left margin. Hir fader and alle her frendes · and folweth hir make
Moche is suche a mayde to louie · of hym þat such one taketh
More þan a mayden is · þat is maried þorw brokage
As bi assent of sondry partyes · and syluer to bote
More for coueitise of good · þan kynde loue of bothe

¶ So it fareth bi eche a persone · þat possessioun forsaketh
And put hym to be pacient · and pouerte weddeth
Paupertas .O.14.273: Hand 1, fol. 60r, right margin. Þe which is sybbe to god hym-self · and so to his seyntes

¶ Haue god my trouthe quod Haukyn · ȝe preyse faste pouerte
What is pouerte with pacience quod he · proprely to mene

¶ Paupertas quod pacience · est odibile bonum
definitio pauper=|tatis cum patientiaL.14.276: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 61r, right margin.notadiscripcionem paupertatisM.14.276: Hand 3, fol. 68r, right margin. Remocio curarum · possessio sine calumpnia · donum dei · sanitatis mater
Absque solicitudine semita · sapiencie temperatrix · negocium sine dampno
Incerta fortuna · absque solicitudine felicitas ·

¶ I can nouȝt construe al þis quod haukyn · ȝe moste kenne þis on englisch
In englisch quod pacyence it is wel harde · wel to expounen
Ac somdel I shal seyne it ; by so þow vnderstonde
Pouerte is þe first poynte · þat pryde moste hateth
Thanne is it good by good skil · al þat agasteth pryde
- C.14.282: Hand X, fol. 20v, left margin. Riȝte as contricioun is confortable þinge · conscience wote wel
And a sorwe of hym-self · and a solace to þe sowle
The prai=|se of po=|uertieCr2.14.284: Fol. T.4r, right margin. The prai|se of po=|uertyCr3.14.284: Fol. 76r, right margin. So pouerte propreliche penaunce and ioye
Is to þe body pure spiritual helthe
Ergo paupertas est odibile bonum
.1.F.14.286: Hand 1, fol. 60r, right margin. Marks first of "solaces" in text. And contricioun confort & cura animarum

¶ Selde sitte pouerte · þe sothe to declare
Or as iustyce to iugge men · enioigned is no pore
Ne to be a Maire aboue men · ne mynystre vnder kynges
Selden is any pore yput · to punysshen any peple
Remocio curarum
Ergo pouerte and pore men · parfornen þe comaundement
Nolite iudicare quemquam þe þridde

¶ Selde is any pore riche · but of riȝtful heritage
.2.F.14.295: Hand 1, fol. 60r, right margin. Marks second of "solaces." Wynneth he nauȝt with weghtes fals · ne with vnseled mesures
Ne borweth of his neghbores · but þat he may wel paye
Possessio sine calumpnia ·

¶ Þe fierthe is a fortune · þat florissheth þe soule
Wyth sobrete fram al synne · and also ȝit more
..M.14.299: Hand X, fol. 68v, left margin, perhaps a ¶. - C.14.299: Hand X, fol. 20v, left margin. It affaiteth þe flesshe · fram folyes ful manye
A collateral conforte · crystes owne ȝifte
Donum dei

M.14.301-302: Hand X, fol. 68v, left margin. ¶ Þe fyfte is moder of helthe a frende in alle fondynges
And for þe land euere a leche · a lemman of al clennesse
Sanitatis mater

¶ Þe sexte is a path of pees · ȝe þorw þe pas of altoun
Pouerte myȝte passe · with-oute peril of robbyng
For þere þat pouerte passeth · pees folweth after
And euere þe lasse þat he bereth · þe hardyer he is of herte
For-þi seith seneca · paupertas est absque solicitudine semita
And an hardy man of herte · amonge an hepe of þeues
Cantabit paupertas coram latrone viator

¶ Þe seueneth is welle of wisdome · and fewe wordes sheweth
For lordes alloweth hym litel · or lysteneth to his reson
He tempreth þe tonge to treuthe-ward · and no tresore coueiteth
Sapiencie temperatrix

¶ The eigteth is a lele laborere · and loth to take more
Þan he may wel deserue · in somer or in wynter
+L.14.315: Corrector, fol. 61v, left margin. And if [he] chaffareth he chargeth no losse · mowe he charite wynne
Negocium sine dampno

Patience | fedeth po|uertye .Cr2.14.316: Fol. T.4v, left margin.Patience | fedeth po|uertye .Cr3.14.316: Fol. 76v, left margin. ¶ The nyneth is swete to þe soule · no sugre is swettere
For pacyence is payn · for pouerte hym-selue
And sobrete swete drynke · and good leche in sykenesse
Þus lered me a lettred man · for owre lordes loue
Seynt austyn a blissed lyf · with-outen bysynesse
For body and for soule · absque / solicitudine felicitas
Now god þat al good gyueth · graunt his soule reste
Þat þus fyrst wrote to wyssen men · what pouerte was to mene

nota beneL.14.323: Hand X, fol. 62r, right margin.M.14.323: Hand X, fol. 68v, left margin. ¶ Allas quod haukyn þe actyf man þo · þat after my crystendome
...?...M.14.324: Hand X, fol. 68v, left margin. I ne hadde ben ded and doluen · for doweles sake
notaquia defficele est | sine peccato viuereM.14.325: Hand 3, fol. 68v, left margin. So harde it is quod haukyn · to lyue and to do synne
Synne suweth vs euere quod he · and sori gan wexe
And wepte water with his eyghen · and weyled þe tyme
Þat euere he dede dede · þat dere god displesed
Swowed and sobbed · and syked ful ofte
Þat euere he hadde londe or lordship · lasse other more
Or maystrye ouer any man · mo þan of hym-self
I were nouȝt worthy wote god quod haukyn · to were any clothes
Ne noyther sherte ne shone · saue for shame one
To keure my caroigne quod he · and cryde mercye faste
And wepte and weyled · and þere-with I awaked
