Passus secundus de visione vt supra

Ȝet I courbed on my knees · and cryed hir of grace
And seide mercy Madame · for Marie loue of heuene
F.2.3: Hand X (later), fol. 6r, right margin. That bar þat blisful barne · þat bouȝte vs on þe Rode
Kenne me bi somme crafte · to knowe þe fals

¶ Loke vppon þi left half · and lo where he standeth
Bothe fals and fauel · and here feres manye

¶ I loked on my left half · as þe lady me taughte
notaprimam apparicionem medeM.2.8: Hand 3, fol. 7r, right margin.The di=|scription | of Mede .Cr2.2.8: Fol. B.4r, right margin. And was war of a womman · wortheli yclothed
Purfiled with pelure · þe fynest vpon erthe
Ycrounede with a corone · þe kyng hath non better
Fetislich hir fyngres · were fretted with golde wyre
And þere-on red rubyes · as red as any glede
And diamantz of derrest pris · and double manere safferes
Orientales and ewages · enuenymes to destroye

¶ Hire robe was ful riche · of red scarlet engreyned
With ribanes of red golde · and of riche stones
Hire arraye me rauysshed · suche ricchesse saw I neuere
I had wondre what she was · and whas wyf she were

¶ What is þis womman · quod I so worthily atired

¶ That is Mede þe Mayde quod she · hath noyed me ful oft
And ylakked my lemman · þat lewte is hoten
And bilowen hire to lordes · þat lawes han to kepe
In þe popis paleys · she is pryue as my-self
But sothenesse wolde nouȝt so · for she is a bastarde

notaW.2.25: Hand X, fol. 9r, right margin. ¶ For fals was hire fader · þat hath a fykel tonge
And neuere sothe seide · sithen he come to erthe

¶ And Mede is manered after hym · riȝte as kynde axeth
notaW.2.27α: Hand X, fol. 9r, right margin.Mar .iiiiCr2.2.27α: Fol. B.4r, right marginMar .iiiiCr3.2.27α: Fol. 8r, right margin. Qualis pater talis filius · bonus arbor · bonum fructum facit
I auȝte ben herre þan she · I cam of a better

¶ Mi fader þe grete god is · and grounde of alle graces
O god with-oute gynnynge · & I his gode douȝter
notaM.2.31: Hand 3, fol. 7v, left margin. And hath ȝoue me mercy · to marye with my-self
And what man be merciful · and lelly me loue
Shal be my lorde and I his leef · in þe heiȝe heuene

notaW.2.34: Hand X, fol. 9r, right margin. ¶ And what man taketh Mede · myne hed dar I legge
That he shal lese for hir loue · a lappe of caritatis
how construeth dauid þe kynge · of men þat taketh Mede
And men of þis molde · þat meynteneth treuthe
+L.2.38: Corrector, fol. 7r, right margin. And how ȝe shal saue ȝow-self · þe Sauter bereth witnesse
Psa .xv.Cr2.2.39: Fol. B.4v, left marginPsa .xv.Cr3.2.39: Fol. 8v, left margin Domine quis habitabit in tabernac[u]lo tuo &c

M.2.40: Hand X, fol. 7v, left margin. - C2.2.40: Hand X, fol, 2v, right margin. ¶ And now worth þis Mede ymaried · al to a mansed schrewe
notamaritage medisM.2.41: Hand 3, fol. 7v, left margin. To one fals fikel tonge · a fendes biȝete
notaW.2.42: Hand X, fol. 9v, right margin. Fauel þorw his faire speche · hath þis folke enchaunted
And al is lyeres ledyng · þat she is þus ywedded

¶ To-morwe worth ymade · þe maydenes bruydale
And þere miȝte þow wite · if þow wolt · which þei ben alle
That longeth to þat lordeship · þe lasse and þe more
Knowe hem þere if þow canst · and kepe þi tonge
And lakke hem nouȝt · but lat hem worth · til lewte be iustice
And haue powere to punyschen hem · þanne put forth þi resoun

¶ Now I bikenne þe criste quod she · and his clene moder
notaW.2.51: Hand X, fol. 9v, right margin. And lat no conscience acombre þe · for coueitise of Mede

¶ Thus left me þat lady · liggyng aslepe
And how Mede was ymaried · in meteles me þouȝte
Þat alle þe riche retenauns · þat regneth with þe false
Were boden to þe bridale · on bothe two sydes
nota thassemble at medis mariageM.2.56: Hand 3, fol. 8r, right margin. Of alle maner of men · þe mene and þe riche
To marie þis maydene · was many man assembled
As of kniȝtes and of clerkis · and other comune poeple
As sysours and sompnours · Shireues and here clerkes
Bedelles and Bailliues · and brokoures of chaffre
Forgoeres and vitaillers · and vokates of þe arches
I can nouȝt rekene þe route · þat ran aboute mede

¶ Ac symonye and cyuile · and sisoures of courtes
Were moste pryue with Mede · of any men me þouȝte
Ac fauel was þe first · þat fette hire out of boure
And as a brokour brouȝte hir to be with fals enioigned
Whan symonye and cyuile · seiȝ here beire wille
+L.2.68: Corrector, fol. 7v, left margin. Thei assented for siluer · to se as bothe wolde
Simoni and siuiliyeL.2.69: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 7v, left margin.Medes | charterCr2.2.69: Fol. C.1r, right marginMeedes | charter .Cr3.2.69: Fol. 9r, right margin. Thanne lepe lyer forth · and seide lo here a chartre
That gyle with his gret othes · gaf hem togidere
And preide cyuile to se · and symonye to rede it
Thanne symonye and cyuile · stonden forth bothe
And vnfoldeth þe feffement · þat fals hath ymaked
- C.2.74: Hand X, fol. 3r, left margin. And þus bigynneth þes gomes · to greden ful heiȝ
Marita=|gium pra|uum cum | feoffemen=|to in malo feodo | et de per=|uersa te=|nura . Cr1.2.74α: Fol. 9r, right margin.Marita=|gium pra|uum cum | feoffemen=|to in ma|lo feodo | et de per=|uersa te=|nura .Cr2.2.74α: Fol. C.1r, right marginMarita=|gium pra|uum cum | feoffemen=|to in ma=|lo feodo , | et de per=|uersa te=|nura ,Cr3.2.74α: Fol. 9r, right margin. Sciant presentes & futuri &c ·

Medis FefmentM.2.75: Hand 5, fol. 8r, right margin.Carta .O.2.75: Hand 1, fol. 7v, left margin. ¶ Witeth and witnesseth · þat wonieth vpon þis erthe
notaW.2.76: Hand X, fol. 10r, right margin. Þat Mede is ymaried · more for here goodis
Þan for ani vertue or fairenesse · or any free kynde
Falsenesse is faine of hire · for he wote hire riche
And fauel with his fikel speche · feffeth bi þis chartre
To be prynces in pryde · and pouerte to dispise
To bakbite · and to bosten · and bere fals witnesse
To scorne and to scolde · and sclaundere to make
Vnboxome and bolde · to breke þe ten hestes

¶ And þe Erldome of enuye · and wratthe togideres
With þe chastelet of chest · and chateryng oute of resoun
Þe counte of coueitise · and alle þe costes aboute
That is vsure and auarice · alle I hem graunte
+ burghM.2.88: Hand 2, fol. 10r, right margin. In bargaines and in brokages · with al þe borg[h]e of theft

¶ And al þe lordeship of lecherye · in lenthe and in brede
notaM.2.90: Hand 3, fol. 8r, left margin. As in werkes and in wordes · and waitynges with eies
And in wedes and in wisshynges · and with ydel thouȝtes
+L.2.92: Corrector, fol. 7v, left margin.notaM.2.92: Hand 3, fol. 8v, left margin.notaW.2.92: Hand X, fol. 10r, right margin. There as wille ne wolde · wer[k]manship failleth

¶ Glotonye he gaf hem eke · and grete othes togydere
And alday to drynke · at dyuerse tauernes
And there to iangle and to iape · and iugge here euene-cristene
And in fastyngdayes to frete · ar ful tyme were
notaL.2.97: Hand X, fol. 7v, bottom left. And þanne to sitten and soupen · til slepe hem assaille
And bredun as burgh-swyn · and bedden hem esily
Tyl sleuth and slepe · slyken his sides
Robart Bente you shalbe with vs at | Budworthe and there to Testyfy | youre knowlegh in a materR.2.100: Hand X (secretary hand), fol. 2r, top center. "Budworth probably refers to one of two ancient parishes in Cheshire, Great Budworth and Little Budworth" (PPEA edition note). And þanne wanhope to awake hym so · with no wille to amende
notaM.2.101: Hand X, fol. 8v, left margin. For he leueth be lost · þis is here last ende

¶ And þei to haue and to holde · and here eyres after
A dwellyng with þe deuel · and dampned be for eure
Wiþ al þe purtenaunces of purgatorie · in-to þe pyne of helle
Ȝeldyng for þis þinge · at one ȝeres ende
Here soules to sathan · to suffre with hym peynes
And with him to wonye with wo · whil god is in heuene

¶ In witnesse of which þing · wronge was þe first
And Pieres þe pardonere · of paulynes doctrine
Bette þe bedel · of Bokyngham-shire
Rainalde þe Reue · of Rotland sokene
Munde þe Mellere · and many moo other
notaM.2.113: Hand 3, fol. 8v, left margin. · nota · C.2.113: Hand 1, fol, 3r, right margin. In þe date of þe deuel þis dede I assele
Bi siȝte of sire symonye · and cyuyles leue

Theologie to mede civileL.2.115: Hand 5, fol. 8r, right margin.notaIrascebatur theologiaM.2.115: Hand 3, fol. 8v, left margin.M.2.115: Hand X, fol. 8v, left margin.. TeologiaO.2.115: Hand 1, fol. 8r, right margin.The trwe | preacharCr1.2.115: Fol. 9v, left margin.The true | preacher .Cr2.2.115: Fol. C.1v, left margin.The true | preacher .Cr3.2.115: Fol. 9v, left margin. ¶ Þenne tened hym theologye · whan he þis tale herde
And seide to cyuile · now sorwe mot þow haue
+L.2.117: Corrector, fol. 8r, left margin. - C.2.117: Hand X, fol. 3r, right margin. Such we[d]dynges to worche to wratthe with treuthe
And ar þis weddyng be wrouȝte · wo þe bityde

/M.2.119: Hand X, fol. 8v, left margin. ¶ For Mede is moylere · of amendes engendreth
And god graunteth to gyf · Mede to treuthe
And þow hast gyuen hire to a gyloure · now god gyf þe sorwe
Thi tixt telleth þe nouȝt so · treuthe wote þe sothe
notaW.2.123: Hand X, fol. 11r, right margin.Luke .x.Cr2.2.123: Fol. C.1v, left marginLuke x.Cr3.2.123: Fol. 9v, left margin. For dignus est operarius · his hyre to haue
Who it is | that sha=|meth ho=|ly church .Cr2.2.124: Fol. C.1v, left margin.Who it is | that sha=|meth ho=|ly church .Cr3.2.124: Fol. 9v, left margin. And þow hast fest hire to fals · fy on þi lawe
For al by lesynges þow lyuest · and lecherouse werkes
Symonye and þi-self · schenden holicherche
Þe notaries and ȝee · noyeth þe peple
Ȝe shul abiggen it bothe · bi god þat me made
Wel ȝe witen wernardes · but if ȝowre witte faille
notaW.2.130: Hand X, fol. 11r, right margin. That fals is faithlees · and fikel in his werkes
And was a bastarde ybore · of belsabubbes kynne
And Mede is moylere · a mayden of gode
And myȝte kisse þe kynge · for cosyn an she wolde

¶ For-þi worcheth bi wisdome · and bi witt also
And ledeth hire to londoun · þere lawe is yshewed
If any lawe wil loke · þei ligge togederes
And þouȝ Iustices iugge hir · to be ioigned with fals
Ȝet beth war of weddyng · for witty is truthe ·
And conscience is of his conseille · and knoweth ȝow vchone
Notate verbaM.2.140: Hand 3, fol. 9r, right margin. And if he fynde ȝow in defaute · and with þe fals holde
It shal bisitte ȝowre soules · ful soure atte laste

¶ Here-to assenteth cyuile · ac symonye ne wolde
Tyl he had siluer for his seruise · and also þe notaries

¶ Thanne fette fauel forth · floreynes ynowe
BrybesCr1.2.145: Fol. 10r, right margin.BribesCr2.2.145: Fol. C.2r, right marginBrybesCr3.2.145: Fol. 10r, right margin. And bad gyle to gyue · golde al aboute
And namelich to þe notaries · þat hem none ne faille
And feffe false witnes · with floreines ynowe
For he may mede amaistrye · and maken at my wille

¶ Tho þis golde was gyue · grete was þe þonkynge
To fals and to fauel · for her faire ȝiftes
And comen to conforte fram care þe fals
And seiden certis sire · cesse shal we neuere
Til Mede be þi wedded wyf · þorw wittis of vs alle
For we haue Mede amaistried · with owre mery speche
That she graunteth to gon with a gode wille
To Londoun to loke · ȝif þat þe lawe wolde
Iugge ȝow ioyntly · in ioye for euere

¶ Thanne was falsenesse fayne · and fauel as blithe
And leten sompne alle segges · in schires aboute
And bad hem alle be bown · beggeres and othere
M M Butte N N | Nell XXX[CX] | God from [Sa]mR.2.161: Hand X (16th-c), fol. 3r, top center. Pen trials. To wenden wyth hem to westmynstre · to witnesse þis dede

What hor|ses they þat | ride wyth | Mede .Cr2.2.162: Fol. C.2v, left marginWhat hor|ses thei þat | rid wyth | mede hadCr3.2.162: Fol. 10v, left margin. ¶ Ac þanne cared þei for caplus · to kairen hem þider
And fauel fette forth þanne · folus ynowe
And sette Mede vpon a schyreue · shodde al newe
And fals sat on a sisoure · þat softlich trotted
And fauel on a flatere · fetislich atired

¶ Tho haued notaries none · annoyed þei were
For symonye and cyuile · shulde on hire fete gange

¶ Ac þanne swore symonye · and cyuile bothe
That sompnoures shulde be sadled and serue hem vchone
And lat apparaille þis prouisoures · in palfreis wyse
Sire symonye hym-seluen · shal sitte vpon here bakkes

notaL.2.173: Hand X , fol. 8v, left margin.Tom[th]R.2.173: Hand X, fol. 3r, supralinear. Between KD.2.172 and 173, pen trial. ¶ Denes and suddenes · drawe ȝow togideres
Erchdekenes and officiales · and alle ȝowre Regystreres
OfficialO.2.175: Hand 1, fol. 9r, right margin. Lat sadel hem with siluer · owre synne to suffre
As auoutrie and deuoses · and derne vsurye
To bere bischopes aboute · abrode in visytynge

¶ Paulynes pryues · for pleyntes in þe consistorie
Shul serue my-self · þat cyuile is nempned
And cartesadel þe comissarie · owre carte shal he lede
And fecchen vs vytailles · at fornicatores

¶ And maketh of lyer a longe carte · to lede alle þese othere
FrerisO.2.183: Hand 1, fol. 9r, right margin. As Freres and faitours · þat on here fete rennen
And thus fals and fauel · fareth forth togideres
And Mede in þe myddes · and alle þise men after

¶ I haue no tome to telle þe taille þat hem folweth
Of many maner man · þat on þis molde libbeth
John naylleR.2.188: Hand X (16th-c), fol. 3r, bottom left. Signature written vertically bottom to top.notaW.2.188: Hand X, fol. 12r, right margin.Trueth | maketh | hast to the | kyngeCr2.2.188: Fol. C.2v, left margin.Trueth | maketh | haste to þe | kynge .Cr3.2.188: Fol. 10v, left margin. Ac gyle was forgoer · and gyed hem alle

¶ Sothenesse seiȝ hym wel · and seide but a litel
And priked his palfrey · and passed hem alle
And come to þe kynges courte · and conscience it tolde
And conscience to þe kynge · carped it after

notaquo modo Rex Iurauit punicionem maleffactorumM.2.193: Hand 3, fol. 9v, left margin. ¶ Now by cryst quod þe kynge · and I cacche myȝte
Fals or fauel · or any of his feres
I wolde be wroke of þo wrecches · þat worcheth so ille
And don hem hange by þe hals · and alle þat hem meynteneth
Shal neure man of molde · meynprise þe leste
But riȝte as þe lawe wil loke · late falle on hem alle

¶ And comanded a constable · þat come atte furst
To attache þo tyrauntz · for eny thynge I hote
And fettereth fast falsenesse · for enykynnes ȝiftes
And gurdeth of gyles hed · and lat hym go no furthere
And ȝif ȝe lacche lyer · late hym nouȝt ascapen
Er he be put on þe pilorye · for eny preyere · I hote
And bryngeth Mede to me · maugre hem alle

M.2.208: Hand X, fol. 10r, left margin.Drede ma|keth the | gilty flee .Cr2.2.208: Fol. C.3r, right margin.Drede ma|keth the | gilty flee .Cr3.2.208: Fol. 11r, right margin. ¶ Drede atte dore stode · and þe dome herde
nota drede stetit ad hostium | & audiuit mandatum RegisM.2.209: Hand 3, fol. 10r, right margin. And how þe kynge comaunded · constables and seriantz
Falsenesse and his felawschip · to fettren an to bynden
Þanne drede went wiȝtliche · and warned þe fals
And bad hym flee for fere · and his felawes alle

notaL.2.213: Hand X, fol. 9r, left margin.notaL.2.213: Hand X (same as left margin), fol. 9r, right falsnesse | fley to þe freris.O.2.213: Hand 1, fol. 9v, top left. ¶ Falsenesse for fere þanne · fleiȝ to þe freres
And gyle doþ hym to go · agast for to dye
MarchauntisO.2.215: Hand 1, fol. 9v, left margin. Ac marchantz mette with hym · and made hym abide
- C.2.216: Hand X, fol. 3v, left margin. And bishetten hym in here shope · to shewen here ware
And apparailled hym as a prentice · þe poeple to serue

¶ Liȝtlich lyer · lepe awey þanne
Lorkynge thorw lanes · to-lugged of manye
He was nawhere welcome · for his manye tales
Ouer al yhowted · and yhote trusse
PardouneresO.2.222: Hand 1, fol. 9v, left margin.False can | lack no | maister .Cr2.2.222: Fol. C.3r, right marginFalse can | lack no | maisterCr3.2.222: Fol. 11r, right margin. Tyl pardoneres haued pite · and pulled hym in-to house
They wesshen hym and wyped hym · and wonden hym in cloutes
And sente hym with seles · on sondayes to cherches
nota pardoun For pens & | powndmele & ceteraM.2.225: Hand 3, fol. 10r, right margin. - C.2.225: Hand X, fol. 3v, left margin. And gaf pardoun for pens · poundmel aboute

LechesO.2.226: Hand 1, fol. 9v, left margin. ¶ Thanne loured leches · and lettres þei sent
Þat he sholde wonye with hem · wateres to loke
SpiceersO.2.228: Hand 1, fol. 9v, left margin. Spiceres spoke with hym · to spien here ware
For he couth of here craft · and knewe many gommes

+L.2.230: Corrector, fol. 9v, left margin. ¶Ac mynst[r]alles and messageres · mette with hym ones
And helden hym an halfȝere · and elleuene dayes

notaM.2.232: Hand 3, fol. 10r, left margin.FrerisO.2.232: Hand 1, fol. 9v, left margin. ¶ Freres with faire speche · fetten hym þennes
notaM.2.233: Hand 3, fol. 10v, left margin. And for knowyng of comeres · coped hym as a frere
Ac he hath leue to lepe out · as oft as hym liketh
And is welcome whan he wil · and woneth wyth hem oft

¶ Alle fledden for fere · and flowen in-to hernes
Saue Mede þe Mayde · na mo durst abide
Ac trewli to telle · she trembled for drede
And ek wept and wronge · whan she was attached
