Passus tercius

The king | wil know | of Mede | whom she | loueth | bestCr2.3.1: Fol. C.3v, left margin.The king | wil know | of Mede | whom she | loueth | best .Cr3.3.1: Fol. 11v, left margin. Now is Mede þe Maide · and namo of hem alle
With bedellus & wiþ bayllyues · brouȝt bifor þe kyng
NotaC.3.3: Hand 1, fol. 3v, right margin. The kyng called a clerke · can I nouȝt his name
To take Mede þe mayde · and make hire at ese
I shal assaye hir my-self · and sothelich appose
What man of þis molde · þat hire were leueste
And if she worche bi my witte · and my wille folwe
I wil forgyue hir þis gilte · so me god help

¶ Curteysliche þe clerke þanne as þe Kyng hight
Toke Mede bi þe Middel · and brouȝte hir in-to chaumbre
And þere was myrthe and mynstralcye · Mede to plese
¶ They þat wonyeth in westmynstre · worschiped hir alle
Gentelliche wiþ ioye · þe Iustices somme
Busked hem to þe boure · þere þe birde dwelled
To conforte hire kyndely · by clergise leue
And seiden mourne nought Mede · ne make þow no sorwe
For we wisse þe kynge · and þi wey shape
To be wedded at þi wille · and where þe leue liketh
For al conscience caste · or craft as I trowe

- C.3.20: Hand X, fol. 3v, right margin. ¶ Mildeliche Mede þanne · mercyed hem alle
Of þeire gret goodnesse · and gaf hem vchone
Coupes of clene golde · and coppis of siluer
Rynges with rubies · and ricchesses manye
The leste man of here meyne · a motoun of golde
Thanne lauȝte þei leue · þis lordes at Mede

ClerkisO.3.26: Hand 1, fol. 10r, right margin. ¶ With that comen clerkis · to conforte hir þe same
And beden hire be blithe · for we beth þine owne
Forto worche þi wille · þe while þow myȝte laste

Hendeliche heo þanne · bihight hem þe same
To loue ȝow lelli · and lordes to make
And in þe consistorie atte courte · do calle ȝowre names
Shal no lewdnesse lette · þe leode þat I louye
That he ne worth first auanced · for I am biknowen
· Nota · C.3.34: Hand 1, fol. 3v, right margin. Þere konnyng clerkes · shul clokke bihynde

notaM.3.35: Hand 3, fol. 11r, left margin.nota the Frere & mede in shryftM.3.35: Hand 3, fol. 11r, right margin.comeC.3.35: Hand 1, fol. 3v, right margin.ConfessoursO.3.35: Hand 1, fol. 10r, right margin.ConfessorsCr1.3.35: Fol. 12r, right margin. ¶ Þanne come þere a confessoure · coped as a Frere
To Mede þe mayde · he mellud þis wordes
How freris | schryuen folkO.3.37: Hand 1, fol. 10r, right margin. And seide ful softly · in shrifte as it were
Theiȝ lewed men · and lered men · had leyne by þe bothe
And falsenesse haued yfolwed þe al þis fyfty wyntre
I shal assoille þe my-selue · for a seme of whete
And also be þi bedeman · and bere wel þi message
Amonges kniȝtes and clerkis · conscience to torne

¶ Thanne Mede for here mysdedes · to þat man kneled
And shroue hire of hire shrewednesse · shamelees I trowe
Tolde hym a tale · and toke hym a noble
Forto ben hire bedeman · and hire brokour als

¶ Thanne he assoilled hir sone · and sithen he seyde
We han a wyndowe a-wirchyng wil sitten vs wel heigh
- C.3.49: Hand X, fol. 4r, left margin. Woldestow glase þat gable · and graue þere-inne þi name
Siker sholde þi soule be · heuene to haue
· Nota · bene · C.3.51: Hand 1, fol. 4r, left margin.The frui=|tes of Po|pishe pe=|naunce .Cr2.3.51: Fol. C.4v, left margin.The frui=|tes of Po|pishe pen=|aunce .Cr3.3.51: Fol. 12v, left margin. Wist I that quod þat womman · I wolde nouȝt spare
For to be ȝowre frende frere · and faille ȝow neure
Whil ȝe loue lordes · þat lechery haunteþ
And lakkeþ nouȝt ladis · þat loueþ wel þe same
It is a frelete of flesche · ȝe fynde it in bokes
And a course of kynde · wher-of we komen alle
Who may scape þe sklaundre · þe skaþe is sone amended
It is synne of seuene · sonnest relessed

¶ Haue mercy quod Mede · of men þat it haunte
And I shal keure ȝowre kirke · ȝowre cloystre do maken
- C.3.61: Hand X, fol. 4r, left margin. Wowes do whitten · and wyndowes glasen
Do peynten and purtraye · and paye for þe makynge
That eury segge shal seyn · I am sustre of ȝowre hous

¶ Ac god to alle good folke · suche grauynge defendeth
To writen in wyndowes · of here wel-dedes
On auenture pruyde be peynted þere · and pompe of þe worlde
For crist knoweþ þi conscience · and þi kynde wille
And þi coste and þi coueitise · and who þe catel ouȝte

¶ For-þi I lere ȝow lordes · leueþ suche werkes
To writen in wyndowes · of ȝowre wel-dedes
Or to greden after goddis men · whan ȝe delen doles
An auenture ȝe han ȝowre hire here · and ȝoure heuene als
Math .viCr2.3.72α: Fol. C.4v, left marginMath .vi.Cr3.3.72α: Fol. 12v, left margin. Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra ·
- C.3.73: Hand X, fol. 4r, left margin. Lat nouȝte þi left half · late no rathe
Wyte what þow worchest · with þi riȝt syde
For þus bit þe gospel · gode men do here almesse

The may|ers officeCr3.3.76: Fol. 12v, left margin. ¶ Meires and maceres · that menes ben bitwene
Þe kynge and þe comune to kepe þe lawes
To punyschen on pillories · and pynynge stoles
Brewesteres and bakesteres · bocheres and cokes
What | harme yll | vitiliers | do & what | abuseis | in regrating .Cr2.3.80: Fol. D.1r, right margin.What | harme yll | vitiliers | do & what | abuseis in | regrating .Cr3.3.80: Fol. 13r, right margin. For þise aren men on þis molde · þat moste harme worcheth
To þe pore peple þat parcel-mele buggen

¶ For they poysoun þe peple · priueliche and oft
Thei rychen þorw regraterye · and rentes hem buggen
With þat þe pore people shulde put in here wombe
For toke þei on trewly · þei tymbred nouȝt so heiȝe
Ne bouȝte non burgages · be ȝe ful certeyne

¶ Ac Mede þe Mayde þe Maire hath bisouȝte
Meyres .O.3.88: Hand 1, fol. 10v, left margin. Of alle suche sellers · syluer to take
Or presentz withoute pens · as peces of siluer
Ringes or other ricchesse · þe regrateres to maynetene

¶ For my loue quod that lady loue hem vchone
And soffre hem to selle · somdele aȝeins resoun

¶ Salamon þe sage · a sarmoun he made
For to amende Maires · and men þat kepen lawes
And tolde hem þis teme · þat I telle thynke
notaL.3.96: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 11r, right margin.Nota · beneC.3.96: Hand 1, fol. 4r, right margin.Iob.xvCr1.3.96: Fol. 13r, right margin.Iob .xv.Cr2.3.96: Fol. D.1r, right margin.Iob .xv.Cr3.3.96: Fol. 13r, right margin. Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eorum qui libenter accipiunt munera &c
Amonge þis lettered ledes · þis latyn is to mene
That fyre shal falle and berne · al to blo askes
+L.3.99: Corrector, fol. 11r, left margin. The houses and þe homes · of hem [þat] desireth
Ȝiftes or ȝeresȝyues · bi-cause of here offices

¶ The kynge fro conseille cam · and called after Mede
And ofsent hir alswythe · with seriauntes manye
That brouȝten hir to bowre · with blisse and with ioye

¶ Curteisliche þe kynge þanne · comsed to telle
To Mede þe mayde · melleth þise wordes
Vnwittily womman · wrouȝte hastow oft
Ac worse wrouȝtestow neure · þan þo þow fals toke
But I forgyue þat gilte · and graunte þe my grace
· Nota · C.3.110: Hand 1, fol. 4r, right margin. Hennes to þi deth-day · do so namore

notavtrum Mede vult maritare cum conciencieM.3.110: Hand 3, fol. 12r, right margin. ¶ I haue a knyȝte conscience · cam late fro biȝunde
+L.3.111: Corrector, fol. 11r, right margin. Ȝif he wilneth þe to wyf · wyltow hym haue

¶ Ȝe lorde quod þat lady · lorde forbede elles
But I be holely at ȝowre heste · lat hange me sone

¶ And þanne was conscience calde · to come and appiere
Bifor þe Kynge and his conseille · as clerkes and othere
Knelynge conscience · to þe kynge louted
To wite what his wille were · and what he do shulde

¶ Woltow wedde þis womman quod þe kynge · ȝif I wil assente
For she is fayne of þi felawship · for to be þi make

ConcienceO.3.120: Hand 1, fol. 11r, right margin.Conscience | forsaketh | Mede for | hir euyll | condition .Cr2.3.120: Fol. D.1v, left margin.Conscience | forsaketh | Mede for | hir euyll | condition .Cr3.3.120: Fol. 13v, left margin. ¶ Quod conscience to þe kynge · cryst it me forbede
notaConscienciecontradicit matrimonium et accusat MedeM.3.121: Hand 3, fol. 12r, right margin. Ar I wedde suche a wyf · wo me bityde
For she is frele of hir feith · fykel of here speche
And maketh men · mysdo · many score tymes
notaW.3.124: Hand X, fol. 15r, right margin. Truste of hire tresore · treieth ful manye
Wyues and widewes · wantounes she techeth
And lereth hem leccherye · that loueth hire ȝiftes
Ȝowre fadre she felled · þorw fals biheste
And hath apoysounde popis · peired holicherche
Is nauȝt a better baude · bi hym þat me made
Bitwene heuene and helle · in erthe þough men souȝte
notaW.3.131: Hand X, fol. 15r, right margin. For she is tikil of hire taile · talwis of hir tonge
notaM.3.132: Hand 3, fol. 12v, left margin.notaW.3.132: Hand X, fol. 15r, right margin. As comune as a cartwey · to eche a knaue þat walketh
+L.3.133: Corrector, fol. 11v, left margin. To monkes to mynst[r]alles · to meseles in hegges
Sisoures and sompnoures · suche men hir preiseth
Shireues of shires · were shent ȝif she nere
For she doþ men lese here londe · and here lyf bothe
She leteth passe prisoneres · and payeth for hem ofte
And gyueth þe gailers golde · and grotes togideres
notaW.3.139: Hand X, fol. 15v, right margin. To vnfettre þe fals fle where hym lyketh
And takeþ þe trewe bi þe toppe · and tieth hym faste
And hangeth hym for hatred · þat harme dede neure

¶ To be cursed in consistorie · she counteth nouȝte a russhe
notaM.3.143: Hand 3, fol. 12v, left margin.notaW.3.143: Hand X, fol. 15v, right margin. For she copeth þe comissarie · and coteth his clerkis
She is assoilled as sone · as hir-self liketh
And may neiȝe as moche do · in a moneth one
As ȝowre secret seel · in syx score dayes
For she is priue with þe pope · prouisoures it knoweth
For sire symonye and hir-selue · seleth hire bulles

¶ She blesseth þise bisshopes · þeiȝe þey be lewed
Prouendreth persones · and prestes meynteneth
To haue lemmannes and lotebies · alle here lif-dayes
And bringen forth barnes · aȝein forbode lawes
notaquia...?...M.3.153: Hand 3, fol. 12v, left margin....?...M.3.153: Hand X, fol. 12v, right margin. There she is wel with þe kynge · wo is þe rewme
For she is fauorable to þe fals · and fouleth trewthe ofte

¶ Bi ihesus with here ieweles · ȝowre iustices she shendeth
And lith aȝein þe lawe · and letteth hym þe gate
That feith may nouȝte haue his forth · here floreines go so þikke
She ledeth þe lawe as hire list · and louedayes maketh
And doth men lese þorw hire loue · þat lawe myȝte wynne
Þe mase for a mene man · þouȝ he mote hir eure
notaM.3.161: Hand 3, fol. 12v, left margin. Lawe is so lordeliche · and loth to make ende
With-oute presentz or pens · she pleseth wel fewe

¶ Barounes and burgeys · she bryngeth in sorwe
notaW.3.164: Hand X, fol. 16r, right margin. And alle þe comune in kare · þat coueyten lyue in trewthe
For clergye and coueitise · she coupleth togideres
Þis is þe lyf of that lady · now lorde ȝif hir sorwe
And alle that meynteneth here men · meschaunce hem bityde
For pore men mowe haue no powere · to pleyne hem þouȝ þei smerte
· Nota · C.3.169: Hand 1, fol. 4r, left margin. Suche a maistre is Mede · amonge men of gode

¶ Thanne morned Mede · and mened hire to the kynge
To haue space to speke · spede if she myȝte

¶ The kynge graunted hir grace with a gode wille
Mede ha=|th leue to | speakeCr2.3.173: Fol. D.2r, right margin.Mede ha=|th leue to | speakeCr3.3.173: Fol. 14r, right margin. Excuse þe ȝif þow canst · I can namore seggen
For conscience acuseth þe · to congey þe for euere

notaM.3.175: Hand 3, fol. 13r, left margin.notaExcusacio medisM.3.175: Hand 3, fol. 13r, left margin. ¶ Nay lorde quod þat lady · leueth hym þe worse
Whan ȝe wyten witterly · where þe wronge liggeth
notaW.3.177: Hand X, fol. 16r, right margin. There þat myschief is grete · Mede may helpe
And þow knowest conscience · I cam nouȝt to chide
Ne depraue þi persone · with a proude herte
Wel þow wost wernard · but ȝif þow wolt gabbe
Þow hast hanged on myne half · elleuene tymes
And also griped my golde · gyue it where þe liked
And whi þow wratthest þe now · wonder me thynketh
Ȝit I may as I myȝte · menske þe with ȝiftes
And mayntene þi manhode · more þan þow knoweste

¶ Ac þow hast famed me foule · bifor þe Kynge here
For kulled I neuere no kynge · ne conseilled þer-after
Ne dede as þow demest · I do on þe kynge

notaM.3.189: Hand 3, fol. 13r, left margin.Mede re=|herseth | what she | hath doneCr2.3.189: Fol. D.2v, left margin.Mede re=|herseth | what she | hath doneCr3.3.189: Fol. 14v, left margin. ¶ In normandye was he nouȝte · noyed for my sake
Ac þow þi-self sothely · shamedest hym ofte
Crope in-to a kaban · for colde of þi nailles
Wendest þat wyntre · wolde haue lasted euere
And draddest to be ded · for a dym cloude
And hiedest homeward · for hunger of þi wombe

notaM.3.195: Hand 3, fol. 13r, left margin. ¶ Wiþ-out pite piloure · pore men þow robbedest
And bere here bras at þi bakke · to caleys to selle
There I lafte with my lorde · his lyf for to saue
I made his men meri · and mornyng lette
I batered hem on þe bakke · and bolded here hertis
- C.3.200: Hand X, fol. 4v, left margin. And dede hem hoppe for hope · to haue me at wille
Had I ben Marschal of his men · bi Marie of heuene
I durst haue leyde my lyf · and no lasse wedde
He shulde haue be lorde of þat londe · a lengthe and a brede
And also Kyng of þat kitthe · his kynne for to helpe
Þe leste brolle of his blode · a barounes pere

¶ Cowardliche þow conscience · conseiledest hym þennes
To leuen his lordeship · for a litel siluer
That is þe richest rewme · þat reyne ouer-houeth

notaW.3.209: Hand X, fol. 16v, right margin. ¶ It bicometh to a kynge · þat kepeth a rewme
notaM.3.210: Hand 3, fol. 13v, left margin. To ȝiue Mede to men · þat mekelich hym serueth
Mede tel|leth how | neadful | she is to | all men .Cr2.3.211: Fol. D.3r, right margin.Mede tel|leth how | neadful | she is to | all men .Cr3.3.211: Fol. 15r, right margin. To alienes and to alle men to honoure hem with ȝiftes
Mede maketh hym biloued · and for a man holden
Emperoures and Erlis · and al manere lordes
for ȝiftes han ȝonge men · to renne and to ride
The pope and alle prelatis · presentz vnderfongen
And medeth men hem-seluen · to meyntene here lawes
Seruauntz for her seruise · we seth wel þe sothe
Taken Mede of here maistre · as þei mowe acorde
Beggeres for here biddynge · bidden men Mede
Mynstralles for here murthe · mede þei aske
notaW.3.221m: Hand X, fol. 16v, right margin. Þe kynge hath mede of his men · to make pees in londe
notaW.3.222: Hand X, fol. 16v, right margin.F.3.222: Hand X, fol. 11r, right margin. Men þat teche chyldren · craue of hem mede
notaW.3.223: Hand X, fol. 16v, right margin.nota · C.3.223: Hand 1, fol. 4v, left margin. Prestis þat precheth þe poeple · to gode asken mede
And masse-pans and here mete · at þe mele-tymes
notaW.3.225: Hand X, fol. 16v, right margin.6 Alkynnes crafty men · crauen Mede for here prentis
Marchauntz and Mede · mote nede go togideres
No wiȝte as I wene · with-oute Mede may libbe

+L.3.228: Corrector, fol. 12v, left margin.notaRex est ex parte medeM.3.228: Hand 3, fol. 13v, left margin. · Nota · C.3.228: Hand 1, fol. 4v right margin. ¶ Quatȝ þe kynge to conscience · bi criste as me thynketh
Mede is wel worthi · þe maistrye to haue

notaReplicacio consciencieM.3.231: Hand 3, fol. 13v, left margin.Conscience | telleth þe | king of .ii | maner of | Medes .Cr2.3.230: Fol. D.3r, right margin.Conscience | telleth þe | king of .ii | maner of | Medes .Cr3.3.230: Fol. 15r, right margin. ¶ Nay quod conscience to þe Kynge · and kneled to þe erthe
Ther ar ijtwo maner of medesC2.3.230: Hand 2, fol. 14r, right margin. There aren two manere of Medes · my lorde with ȝowre leue
[to] | [.....]ratio bonorum qui[.] | operans iusticiamR.3.232: Hand X (contemporary), fol. 8r, margin right. Extends KD.3.232-234. Þat one god of his grace · graunteth in his blisse
Psalm ivCr2.3.233: Fol. D.3r, right margin. To þo þat wel worchen · whil þei ben here
The prophete precheth þer-of · and put it in þe sautere
Psal.xv. Cr1.3.234α: Fol. 15r, right margin.Psal .xv.Cr2.3.234α: Fol. D.3r, right margin.Psal .xv.Cr3.3.234α: Fol. 15r, right margin. Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo
Lorde who shal wonye in þi wones · and with þine holi seyntes
Or resten on þi holy hilles · þis asketh dauid

¶ And dauyd assoileth it hym-self as þe sauter telleth
psal xivR.3.237α: Hand X (nearly contemporary), fol. 8r, right margin. Qui ingreditur sine macula · & operatur iusticiam
Tho þat entren of o colour · and of on wille
And han wrouȝte werkis · with riȝte and with reson
And he þat ne vseth nauȝte · þe lyf of vsurye
And enfourmeth pore men · and pursueth treuthe
[mor wm]R.3.241α: Hand X, fol. 8r, right margin. Pen trial.Psal .xv.Cr2.3.241α: Fol. D.3v, left margin.Psal .xv.Cr3.3.241α: Fol. 15v, left margin. Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram & munera super innocentem &c ·
And alle þat helpeth þe innocent · and halt with þe riȝtful
Withoute mede doth hem gode · and þe trewthe helpeth
RichardR.3.244: Hand X (16th-c), fol. 8r, right margin. Pen trial written vertically downward KD.3.244-250. Suche manere men my lorde · shal haue þis furst Mede
Of god at a grete nede · whan þei gone hennes

There is an other Mede mesurelees · þat maistres desireth
To meyntene mysdoers · Mede þei take
And þere-of seith þe sauter · in a salmes ende
Psal .xxviCr2.3.249: Fol. D.3v, left margin.Psa .xxviCr3.3.249: Fol. 15v, left margin. In quorum manibus iniquitates sunt dextera eorum repleta est muneribus
And he þat gripeth her golde · so me god helpe
Shal abie it bittere · or þe boke lyeth

M.3.252: Hand X, fol. 14r, left margin.F.3.252: Hand X, fol. 11v, left margin. ¶ Prestes and parsones · þat plesynge desireth
[N]oteF.3.253: Hand X, fol. 11v, left margin. That taketh Mede and mone · for messes þat þei syngeth
Taketh here mede here · as Mathew vs techeth
Mat .vi.Cr2.3.254α: Fol. D.3v, left margin.Mat .vi.Cr3.3.254α: Fol. 15v, right margin. Amen amen recipiebant mercedem suam ·

¶ That laboreres and lowe folke · taketh of her maistres
notaW.3.256: Hand X, fol. 17v, right margin. It is no manere Mede · but a mesurable hire
In marchandise is no mede · I may it wel avowe
It is a permutacioun apertly · a penyworth for an othre

NotaM.3.259: Hand X, fol. 14r, left margin.· nota · C.3.259: Hand 1, fol. 4v, right margin. ¶ Ac reddestow neuere Regum · þow recrayed Mede
[s]auvleG.3.265: Hand 1, fol. 12v, left margin (alterations to u and v possibly a different hand). Whi þe veniaunce fel · on saul and on his children
God sent to saul · bi samuel þe prophete
Þat agag of amaleke · and al his peple aftre
Shulde deye for a dede · þat done had here aldres

¶ For-þi seid samuel to saul · god hym-self hoteth
The · be boxome at his biddynge · his wille to fulfille
Wende to amalec with þyn oste · and what þow fyndest þere slee it
Biernes and bestes · brenne hem to ded
Wydwes and wyues · wommen and children
Moebles and vnmoebles · and al þat þow myȝte fynde
Brenne it bere it nouȝte awey · be it neuere so riche
For mede ne for mone · loke þow destruye it
Spille it and spare it nouȝte · þow shalt spede þe bettere

¶ And for he coueyted her catel · and þe kynge spared
Forbare hym and his bestes bothe · as þe bible witnesseth
Otherwyse þan he was · warned of þe prophete
God seide to samuel þat saul shulde deye
And al his sede for þat synne · shenfullich ende
· Nota · C.3.378: Hand 1, fol. 4v, right margin. Such a myschief Mede made saul þe kynge to haue
That god hated hym for euere · and alle his eyres after

nota the CulorumM.3.280: Hand 3, fol. 14v, left margin. ¶ The culorum of þis cas · kepe I nouȝte to shewe
An auenture it noyed men · none ende wil I make
notaW.3.282: Hand X, fol. 18r, right margin. For so is þis worlde went · wiþ hem þat han powere
That who-so seyth hem sothes · is sonnest yblamed

kynde wytt techeth | consyenceL.3.284: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 13v, left margin.This is | no prophe|cy , but a resonable | gathering .Cr2.3.284: Fol. D.4r, right margin.This is | no prophe|cy , but a | resonable | gathering .Cr3.3.284: Fol. 16r, right margin. ¶ I conscience knowe þis · for kynde witt me it tauȝte
Þat resoun shal regne · and rewmes gouerne
And riȝte as agag hadde · happe shul somme
Samuel shal sleen hym · and saul shal be blamed
And dauid shal be diademed · and daunten hem alle
+L.3.289: Corrector, fol. 13v, right margin. And one cristene Kynge · kepen hem alle

¶ Shal namore Mede · be maistre as she is nouthe
IR.3.291: Hand X, fol. 9r, right margin. Could be either "I" or "Q." Ac loue and lowenesse · and lewte togederes
xM.3.292: Hand X, fol. 14v, left margin. Þise shul be maistres on molde · treuthe to saue

¶ And who-so trespasseth ayein treuthe · or taketh aȝein his wille
Leute shal don hym lawe · and no lyf elles
Shal no seriaunt for here seruyse · were a silke howue
Ne no pelure in his cloke · for pledyng atte barre
notaW.3.297: Hand X, fol. 18v, right margin. Mede of mys-doeres · maketh many lordes
And ouer lordes lawes · reuleth þe rewmes

notaquod lex laborabitM.3.299: Hand 3, fol. 14v, left margin. · Nota · C.3.299: Hand 1, fol. 5r, left margin.notaF.3.299: Hand X, fol. 12r, right margin. ¶ Ac kynde loue shal come ȝit · and conscience togideres
Thys is | no prophe|cye, but a | truth ga=|thered of | the scrip=|tures .Cr2.3.300: Fol. D.4v, left margin.Thys is | no prophe|cye , but a | truth ga=|thered of | the scrip=|tures .Cr3.3.300: Fol. 16v, left margin. And make of lawe a laborere · suche loue shal arise
And such a pees amonge þe peple · and a parfit trewthe
Þat iewes shal wene in here witte · and waxen wonder glade
+L.3.303: Corrector, fol. 13v, left margin. Þat Moises or Messie · be come in-to þis erthe
And haue wonder in here hertis · þat men beth so trewe

notaprophesiamM.3.305: Hand 3, fol. 14v, left margin. ¶ Alle þat bereth baslarde brode swerde or launce
Axe [o]ther hachet · or eny wepne ellis
Shal be demed to þe deth · but if he do it smythye
In-to sikul or to sithe · to schare or to kulter
Esai ii.Cr1.3.308α: Fol. 16v, left margin.Esai .ii.Cr2.3.308α: Fol. D.4v, left margin.Esai .ii.Cr3.3.308α: Fol. 16v, left margin. Conflabunt gladios suos in vomeres &c
Eche man to pleye with a plow · pykoys or spade
Spynne or sprede donge · or spille hym-self with sleuthe

presbiteri fundent | precesL.3.311: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 13v, left margin. · Nota · C.3.311: Hand 1, fol. 5r, left margin. ¶ Prestes and parsones · with placebo to hunte
. nota . | huntynge | curatis .O.3.312: Hand 1, fol. 13v, left margin. And dyngen vpon dauid · eche a day til eue
nota prestes to lese ther beneffys | For huntyngM.3.313: Hand 3, fol. 15r, right margin. Huntynge or haukynge · if any of hem vse
His boste of his benefys · worth bynome hym after
Shal neither kynge ne knyȝte constable ne Meire
Ouer-lede þe comune · ne to þe courte sompne
Ne put hem in panel · to don hem pliȝte here treuthe
But after þe dede þat is don · one dome shal rewarde
notaW.3.319: Hand X, fol. 19r, right margin. Mercy or no mercy · as treuthe wil acorde

notaM.3.320: Hand 3, fol. 15r, left margin.[flag-like design]G.3.320: Hand 2, fol. 13v, left margin. Corresponds to a sign in the Table of Contents (fol.101v). ¶ Kynges courte and comune courte · consistorie and chapitele
notaM.3.321: Hand 3, fol. 15r, right margin. Al shal be but one courte · and one baroun be iustice
Thanne worth trewe tonge a tidy man · þat tened me neuere
Batailles shal non be · ne no man bere wepne
And what smyth · þat ony smyteth · be smyte þer-with to dethe
Esai .ii.Cr2.3.324α: Fol. D.4v, left margin.Esai .ii.Cr3.3.324α: Fol. 16v, left margin. Non leuabit gens contra gentem gladium &c ·

notaM.3.325: Hand 3, fol. 15r, left margin.Esa.ii.Cr1.3.325: Fol. 16v, left margin. ¶ And er þis fortune falle fynde men shal þe worste
notapropheciam de vj | sunnis & a shipM.3.326: Hand 3, fol. 15r, right margin.a profycyeG.3.326: Hand 1, fol. 13v, left margin.[...]te | nota ; capitulumF.3.326: Hand X ("capitulum" possibly different hand), fol. 12v, right margin. By syx sonnes and a schippe · and half a shef of arwes
L.3.327: Hand 1, fol. 14r, right margin. And þe myddel of a mone · shal make þe iewes to torne
And saracenes for þat siȝte · shulle synge gloria in excelsis &c
For Makomet & Mede · myshappe shal þat tyme
notaW.3.330: Hand X, fol. 19r, right margin.Pro .xxii.Cr2.3.330: Fol. E.1r, right margin.Pro .xxii.Cr3.3.330: Fol. 17r, right margin. For melius est bonum nomen quam diuicie multe

notaM.3.331: Hand 3, fol. 15r, left margin.notaResponsio mede ad replicacionemM.3.331: Hand 3, fol. 15r, right margin. ¶ Also wroth as þe wynde · wex Mede in a while
I can no latyn quod she · clerkis wote þe sothe
Se what salamon seith in sapience bokes
That hij þat ȝiueth ȝiftes · þe victorie wynneth
& moche worschip had þer-with · as holiwryt telleth
Honorem adquiret qui dat munera &c

That scri|pture sho=|uld be read | whole . | 1. Tess .v. Cr2.3.337: Fol. E.1r, right margin.That scri|pture sho=|ld be read | whole . | i. Tess .v.Cr3.3.337: Fol. 17r, right margin. ¶ I leue wel lady quod conscience · þat þi latyne be trewe
· Nota · C.3.338: Hand 1, fol. 5r, left margin. Ac þow art like a lady · þat redde a lessoun ones
notaW.3.339: Hand X, fol. 19r, right margin. Was omnia probate · and þat plesed here herte
For þat lyne was no lenger atte leues ende
Had ȝe loked þat other half · and þe lef torned
Ȝe shulde haue founden fele wordis · folwyng þer-after
Quod bonum est tenete · treuthe þat texte made

¶ And so ferde ȝe madame · ȝe couthe namore fynde
Tho ȝe loked on sapience · sittynge in ȝoure studie
Þis tixte þat ȝe han tolde · were gode for lordes
Ac ȝow failled a cunnyng clerke · þat couthe þe lef haue torned
And if ȝe seche sapience eft · fynde shal ȝe þat folweth
A ful teneful tixte · to hem þat taketh Mede
And þat is animam autem aufert accipientium · &c ·
And þat is þe taille of þe tixte · of þat þat ȝe schewed
Þat þeiȝe we wynne worschip · and wiþ mede haue victorie
Þe soule þat þe soude taketh · bi so moche is bounde
