H-40. The Printed Book in the West since 1800 - Advance Reading List

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  • Required

    Gaskell, Philip. A New Introduction to Bibliography. Winchester & New Castle, DE: St. Paul’s Bibliographies & Oak Knoll Press, 1995. Any edition of this title from 1974 or later will be fine; avoid the uncorrected 1972 edition. Read pp. 189–310 on “Book Production: The Machine-Press Period, 1800-1950;” if you have time, a review of “Book Production: The Hand-Press Period, 1500–1800” (pp. [5]–185) will be useful in providing historical context.

    Steinberg, S.H. Five Hundred Years of Printing. New edition, revised by John Trevitt. London & New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press & The British Library, 1996. Revised edition preferred. Read Chap. III–V, pp. 137–250.

    Rota, Anthony. Apart From the Text. Ravelston & New Castle, DE: Private Libraries Association & Oak Knoll Press, 1998.

  • Suggested

    Cave, Roderick. The Private Press, Second edition, revised & enlarged. New York: R.R. Bowker, 1983. Out of print, and expensive ($30–$100) when found in the second-hand book trade, but still the best and most comprehensive survey of the private press movement. Find it and read it if you can, in any edition available.