M-10. Introduction to Paleography, 800–1500 - Advance Reading List
Required Readings:
R. G. Babcock and F. Coulson, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Latin Palaeography (Oxford University Press, 2020) (shared drive):
- Frank T. Coulson, “Introduction,” pp. xix–xxii.
- Teresa de Robertis, “Old Roman Cursive,” pp. 39–59.
- Teresa de Robertis, “New Roman Cursive,” pp. 60–78.
- David Wright, “Capital Scripts,” pp. 79–97.
- R. G. Babcock, “Uncial Script,” pp. 98–108.
- Section I.3: Early Medieval Hands (Beneventan, Visigothic, Luxeuil, Merovingian, St. Gall, and Insular).
- Albert Derolez, “The Nomenclature of Gothic Scripts,” pp. 301-320.
- Marie-Hélène Tesnière, “Gothic Script in France in the Later Middle Ages (XIIIth-XVth Centuries),” pp. 321-360.
- Richard H. Rouse and Mary A. Rouse, “Book Production in Paris,” pp. 813-822.
- Teresa De Robertis, “Humanistic Script: Origins,” pp. 511–521.
- Teresa De Robertis, “Humanistic Script: Italy,” pp. 522–552.
- David Ganz, “Early Caroline: France and Germany,” pp. 237–261.
Selected readings from R. Clemens and T. Graham, An Introduction to Manuscript Studies (Cornell University Press, 2007) <https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9g8ov5h4p6k62zr/AAD4WoItBGagFWYkJjJqGY84a?dl=0>
- “Writing Supports,” pp. 3–17.
- “Punctuation and Abbreviation,” pp. 82–93.
“The Gospels of Saint Augustine” in C. de Hamel, Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts, pp. 10-53.
David Ganz, “Book production in the Carolingian empire and the spread of Caroline minuscule” in R. McKitterick (Ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. II, pp. 786-808.
Erik Kwakkel, “Biting, Kissing and the Treatment of Feet: The Transitional Script of the Long Twelfth Century” in Erik Kwakkel, Rosamond McKitterick & Rodney Thomson, Turning Over a New Leaf: Change and Development in the Medieval Book (Leiden University Press, 2012), pp. 79-125.