The Circulating Lifeblood of Ideas: Author Holly Borham in Conversation with Aaron Hyman
5 December 2023
Time: 12:00–1:00 p.m. ET
Location: Zoom
Presented by: The Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography
Join author and SoFCB Senior Fellow Holly Borham and interviewer Aaron Hyman for a conversation about Borham’s book, The Circulating Lifeblood of Ideas: Leo Steinberg’s Library of Prints (Blanton Museum, 2023). Following this conversation, the audience will have the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session moderated by Beth Yale. This event is part of a series celebrating new books in critical bibliography and is sponsored by Rare Book School’s Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography (SoFCB).
This event was held on 5 December 2023. See below for a link to the YouTube recording.
Holly Borham is Associate Curator of Prints, Drawings, and European Art at the Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas, Austin. In addition to her major exhibition on the Leo Steinberg Collection (the core of the Blanton’s early modern print holdings), she has curated Copies, Fakes, and Reproductions: Printmaking in the Renaissance and Fantastically French! Design and Architecture in 16th- to 18th-Century Prints, among other shows. She has recently reinstalled the Blanton’s seven galleries of European art. She holds an M.A. from Duke University, and B.A. and Ph.D. from Princeton University.
Aaron Hyman is an SoFCB Senior Fellow and has served the organization in various capacities. He is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of the History of Art at Johns Hopkins University and author of Rubens in Repeat: The Logic of the Copy in Colonial Latin America (Getty Research Institute, 2021). Rubens in Repeat was awarded Best Book in Colonial Latin American Studies by the Latin American Studies Association, and honorable mention for both the Association of Latin American Art’s Arvey Foundation Book Award and the Renaissance Society of America’s Phyllis Goodhart Gordon Book Prize.
Beth Yale is Assistant Professor in the Department of History and at the Center for the Book at the University of Iowa, and a past SoFCB President.
You are invited to watch the December 2023 recording of the event below via our RBS YouTube channel.