L-150. Modern Special Collections Cataloging - Advance Reading List

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  • Bring to Class

    The class will involve substantial hands-on cataloging practice, so you will need to bring:

    • Wi-Fi-enabled laptop or tablet
      • RBS will provide information on accessing UVA’s Wi-Fi network
      • Most cataloging for class will be done using templates in Google Drive
    • Log-in credentials for RDA
    • Log-in credentials for other tools you might find useful, including Connexion and ClassWeb
  • Advance Work

    Before class, please read:

    • The introduction to RDA, sections 0.0-0.10
    • The introduction to Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books), sections I, III, IX, and X

    While reading, think about the objectives and principles identified for both standards (How are they different? How are they the same?) and what they assume about the users of library materials.

    There will also be a pre-class cataloging exercise; details will be shared several weeks in advance of class.