David Pearson
David Pearson retired in 2017 as Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries for the City of London Corporation, after a professional career of 35 years or so working in various major research libraries in London and elsewhere. He is now a Research Fellow at the University of London’s Institute of English Studies and a member of the teaching staff of the London Rare Books School there. He has published extensively on aspects of book history, with a particular interest in aspects of the book as an owned and designed object. His books include Oxford Bookbinding 1500-1640 (2000), English Bookbinding Styles 1450-1800 (2005), Books as History (2008), Provenance Research in Book History (2019), and Book Ownership in Stuart England (2021). He has taught and lectured in these fields for numerous audiences and is a Past President of the Bibliographical Society.