Jill Shefrin
Jill Shefrin is Senior Research Associate in Arts at Trinity College, University of Toronto and an Advisory Board Member for the Centre for Book Cultures and Publishing, University of Reading. She began her career as a librarian with the Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books, Toronto Public Library, and taught the Children’s Books course at the London Rare Books School between 2008 and 2018. She received both the Justin G. Schiller Prize and the F. J. Harvey Darton Award for The Dartons: Publishers of Educational Aids, Pastimes and Juvenile Ephemera (2009). She has a particular interest in printed ephemera for children and is currently completing a bibliographical and historical study of British “school pieces.” She has spoken and published extensively on early children’s book publishing and juvenile education in the long eighteenth century. In 2017, she was a Royal Bank of Canada Foundation Fellow, Centre for the Study of the Book, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. She also edited (and was a contributor to) the Grolier catalog One Hundred Books Famous in Children’s Literature (2014).