Alison Clemens
Alison Clemens is the Director of Access Services and Operations at Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University, where she develops vision, strategy, service offerings, and policies and practices pertaining to providing seamless, equitable access to Yale Library’s special collections. She leads Beinecke’s Access Services and Operations department, which is responsible for reading room operations and services, circulation and stacks management, reference quality reprographics services, strategic projects, organizational operations, and organizational development. She has also held Head of Processing and Archivist roles at Yale Library; she has extensive experience in archival processing and accessioning work. She is an M.S.I.S. graduate of the University of Texas at Austin’s School of Information and has a B.A. from Scripps College. She is particularly interested in user experience in special collections; literary and historical manuscripts; uniting technical services with front line user services; and the ongoing education, development, and support of special collections librarians.