Jessica Grzegorski
Jessica Grzegorski is Rare Materials Metadata Librarian at Northwestern University, where she catalogs a diverse range of rare materials across the university libraries’ special collections. She has worked in the field of special collections cataloging for nearly two decades and previously held positions at the Newberry Library. As an active member of the Association of College and Research Libraries Rare Books and Manuscripts Sections (RBMS), she has served on the Bibliographic Standards Committee (BSC) and Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group (CVEG). Since 2019, she has been a member of BSC’s RBMS RDA Editorial Group, the body responsible for the publication and maintenance of Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (RDA Edition) (DCRMR), and served as co-chief editor of DCRMR (2021–23). She is currently completing an appointment as RDA Examples Editor on the RDA Steering Committee, which is responsible for the development of the international cataloging standard Resource Description and Access (RDA). She has led rare book cataloging workshops and written and presented on topics related to rare materials cataloging standards, training, and inclusive metadata and description practices.