Planned Giving
A planned gift is just one way to give a future donation to Rare Book School while meeting your current financial, personal, and philanthropic goals. While an outright contribution—of cash, securities, rare books, or other tangible items—offers immediate support for RBS, a planned gift provides a future stream of income that allows RBS to plan with confidence for tomorrow’s programs and projects.
As with all gifts to RBS, the future benefit of your planned gift would be applied to the program you select and for the purposes you define. With your help, we can secure a legacy of learning at RBS for many years to come. Additionally, a planned gift often offers you and your family significant tax benefits, greater financial flexibility, and even access to instruments that give lifetime income. Regardless of the form it takes, your planned gift would help provide a solid foundation for Rare Book School’s future.
To speak to someone about making a planned gift to Rare Book School, please contact Rare Book School at 434-924-8851 or See our planned giving brochure [PDF] for more information.
The Malkin Society
The Malkin Society is a group of exceptional friends who have made arrangements for Rare Book School to receive future gifts, through wills, living trusts, or retirement plan assets; gifts of life insurance; charitable gift annuities; and charitable remainder trusts or lead trusts. Members of the Malkin Society allow Rare Book School to pursue and expand its mission well into the future.
The Malkin Society was created to honor Mary Ann O’Brian Malkin (1913–2005), a longtime supporter and generous benefactor of Rare Book School. Her donations to Rare Book School during her lifetime were substantial, and her bequest to the School of half her residual estate distinguishes her as an extraordinarily committed patron.
Let us thank you
Please let us know if you have already included Rare Book School in your estate plans. We would like to thank you and invite you to become a member of the Malkin Society. Your planned gift helps us with our future needs, and, as a member of the Malkin Society, you set an example for others who are considering including Rare Book School in their estate plans.
Bequests and estate plan gifts
You may make a bequest or gift through your estate by including a provision in your will or living trust, or by naming Rare Book School as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. The amount left for RBS can be expressed as a dollar amount or as a percentage of the assets to be given. Our standard bequest language is as follows:
“I give to the Book Arts Press (doing business as Rare Book School), an educational non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation located at 2023 Ivy Road, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903, [a dollar amount, property described herein, or a percentage of the rest of my estate] to be used by Rare Book School for its general purposes.”
Plans to pay you an income
If you would like to donate assets now, while also receiving income for the rest of your life or for a defined period of time, one of the gift plans below might be most suitable for you:
Charitable Gift Annuities (CGA) are a simple contractual agreement between you and Rare Book School to pay you and/or your designated beneficiary a fixed income for life. At the end of the contract term, the remainder is given to RBS.
Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT) can be funded with a wide range of assets, including securities, cash, or real estate. A CRT provides regular payments to you and/or other beneficiaries whom you designate for life, or for a selected term of years. The remainder would then be used by RBS, as you direct.
Charitable Lead Trusts (CLT) provide a current funding stream to RBS to meet present financial needs. At the end of the trust term, the trust remainder would be returned to you or to other beneficiaries whom you designate. Using a CLT, you might significantly reduce gift or estate tax; you would be eligible for a current income tax deduction; and you would be able to witness, during your lifetime, the tangible impact that your generous financial support makes on Rare Book School.