BSUVA Scholarship

Beginning with the 2015 scholarship cycle, the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia (BSUVA) offers full-tuition scholarships to attend an RBS course. These scholarships are awarded to applicants from all fields whose work or interests focus on the study of the physical book.

Applications will be accepted directly by RBS. To apply, please submit an RBS scholarship application by the 1 November deadline. See the main scholarship page for application instructions. Scholarship applicants will be considered for all awards for which they are eligible. Participation in the RBS scholarship program implies acceptance of the scholarship Terms and Conditions.

2025 Awardees

Samuel Amendolar
Yoonkyung Kim
Katherine Miromonti

Andrew Song
Henry Uhrik

2024 Awardees

Alexandra Challenger
Adeola Eze
Olivia Henderson

Yilin La
Alexandra Nicome

2023 Awardees

Andreas Bassett
Avery Blankenship
Xu Li

Brittany Murray
Xinyue Yuan

2022 Awardees

Jeffrey Adams
Sixing Chen
Alyssa Luis

Carley Robertson
Autumn Stover-Bailey
Angelica Williams

2021 Awardees

Sarah Blenko
Nicholas Caldwell
Yuanyuan Duan

Bryce Heatherly
Nicole Lumpkins

2020 Awardees

Courtney Dalton
Alec Pollak
Emma Rayner

Aidan Selmer
Emily Sferra
Melinda Susanto

2019 Awardees

Emily Arbuckle
Ian De Jong
Katherine Fisher
Amber Jones

Linea Kemsley
Dipti Khera
Ariana Pemberton
Kevin Windhauser

2017 Awardees

Katarzyna Bator
José Beltrán
Carly Boxer
Melissa Filbeck

Kelly Helm
Taylor Johnson
Genevieve Parente
Oishani Sengupta

2016 Awardees

Rebecca Benson
Julia Dauer
Alison Fraser
Anna Kathryn Grau
Alina Martimyanova

James Payne
Megan Piorko
Mhairi Rutherford
Ray Schrire
Maria Shmygol

2015 Awardees

Anna Arays
Keith Grant
Amy Gore

Carlin Soos
Catherine Sutherland