Scholarly Publishing at the Crossroads: or, How Do We Move Forward Without Getting Run Over? – The 2015 Sol. M. and Mary Ann O’Brian Malkin Lecture
22 July 2015
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: UVA Special Collections
Lecturer: Jerome E. Singerman - Senior Humanities Editor, University of Pennsylvania Press
Reports of the death of the monograph have been greatly exaggerated, as the number of new titles published by American university presses has ballooned over the past forty years. But has this unprecedented expansion of scholarly publishing been a marker of crisis rather than of health? And can the current level of title output be sustained in an era of declining sales, technological innovation, and shifting professional boundaries? This lecture will survey the rise and possible fall of the university press as we know it and will consider what is to be gained—and what we may lose at our peril—as we move toward the adoption of new models for publication.