David Seaman
David Seaman is University librarian and dean of the Syracuse University Libraries. He was previously Associate Librarian for Information Management at Dartmouth College Library. Prior to his years at Dartmouth, he was Executive Director of the Digital Library Federation (DLF), an international consortium of major academic libraries. David went to the DLF in July 2002 from the Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia Library, where he was the Center’s founding Director (1992–2002). In this role, he oversaw the creation of online texts, images, and e-books, and helped develop scholarly communities who make innovative use of these new materials and tools. David has lectured and published extensively in the fields of humanities computing and digital libraries, and has taught various Special Collections digitization and XML courses at Rare Book School at the University of Virginia since 1993.
Courses Formerly Offered
- L-70. XML in Action: Creating Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Texts (1994–2015 under various titles)
- L-75. Electronic Texts in XML (2002 & 2004, with Matthew Gibson and Christine Ruotolo)
- Introduction to the Internet (1994–1995)
- Electronic Formats in a Rare Books Environment (1993, with John Price-Wilkin & Christie Stephenson)