H-30. The Printed Book in the West to 1800
Martin Antonetti
“I can imagine no more effective means of gaining such a comprehensive introduction to the history of the book in so short a time. This course is wonderful and I highly recommend it.” — 2017 student
Course Length: 30 hours
Course Week: 20–25 July 2025
Format: in person, University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA
Fee: $1,495
This course will cover the development of the Western printed book in the hand-press period, that is, from the middle of the fifteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century, in chronological and thematic sessions, which are a combination of lectures, workshops, demonstrations, and visits to UVA Special Collections. The topics covered include the invention and spread of printing in Europe; the development of typographic book design and illustration; the rise of the publishing industry; censorship and the regulation of the press; literacy and its social consequences; the traffic in printed matter and the growth of personal and institutional collections; and the impact of the Industrial Revolution. Intended for those who have a limited background—but a considerable interest—in the history of the book, and who expect, sooner or later, to take the other two courses in this sequence, The Book in the Manuscript Era (H-20) and The Printed Book in the West since 1800 (H-40).
The course is intended for those who seek a general overview of the technical and cultural aspects of the history of books, printing, and the allied arts and who would like formal classroom exposure to the subject in a well-equipped environment. The instructor emphasizes that this course is aimed at beginners.
In their personal statement, applicants should describe the nature of their developing interest in the history of the book and (if relevant) explain briefly the causes of this interest and the purposes to which they propose to put the knowledge gained from the course.
Course History

Martin Antonetti
Martin Antonetti is the Director Emeritus of the McCormick Library of Special Collections and University Archives at Northwestern University Libraries. He is also Printer in Residence at Historic Deerfield, Inc. Before that, he was the Curator of Rare Books and Director of the Book Studies Concentration at Smith College, where he also taught courses in the history of the book and in contemporary artists’ books. He had previously held the position of Librarian and Director of the Grolier Club in New York City. He has served on the boards of Hand Papermaking, the American Printing History Association, and the Bibliographical Society of America. For many years he taught book history for the Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science. A classicist by training, he received his library degree from Columbia University in New York, where he specialized in rare books and special collections librarianship.