Karen Limper-Herz
Karen Limper-Herz is Head of Printed Heritage Collections at the British Library. Mentored by Mirjam Foot and Jan Storm van Leeuwen, she has worked with and studied bookbindings from different countries and periods for several decades. She is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and the Honorary Secretary and the Senior Vice-President of the Bibliographical Society (U.K.). She is a trustee of the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel (Germany), a member of the organizing committee of the Arbeitskreis für die Erfassung, Erschließung und Erhaltung historischer Bucheinbände (AEB) in Berlin, and a member of the Wolfenbüttel Working Group for the History of Libraries, Books and Media. She publishes and speaks about the history of bookbinding and book collecting in the U.K. and abroad, and is a regular contributor to the “English & Foreign Bookbindings” series in The Book Collector.