News Archives
New RBS Course on Censorship Added to Summer 2025 Schedule
Rare Book School is excited to announce a newly added course to its Summer 2025 schedule. H-205 Censorship from the Inquisition to the Present will run 3–8 August 2025 at the University of Chicago. The first-round deadline to apply for H-205 is Friday, 7 March 2025.
H-205, taught by the University of Chicago’s Ada Palmer, will examine the histories of censorship and information control, with a focus on books and on changes in information technologies. Many sessions will specifically explore censorship in early modern Europe, including the Inquisition and its practices, the impact of the printing press, […]
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Endowed Scholarship and Matching-Gift Challenge, Totaling $2 Million, to Honor RBS Founding Director Terry Belanger
Rare Book School is proud to announce that it has received a $1 million commitment from bibliophiles, collectors, and RBS supporters Cathy and Glen Miranker to honor the legacy of our founding director and long-time course instructor Terry Belanger by increasing scholarship access for RBS students.
To maximize the Miranker Family’s generosity, we are endeavoring to raise an additional $1 million for the Terry Belanger Endowed Scholarship before 30 September 2026, coinciding with the year of Terry’s 85th birthday. Each dollar raised toward this amount will be matched dollar for dollar, doubling the impact of each gift received. […]
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Rare Book School Summer Course Applications Now Open
Rare Book School (RBS) is now accepting applications for its summer 2025 courses. This year’s schedule features more than 40 classes, including online courses and in-person offerings at two new partner institutions: the University of Michigan and Oxford University’s Bodleian Library (also RBS’s first international courses).
Rare Book School’s summer 2025 in-person courses in Charlottesville will be offered in the University of Virginia’s recently renovated Edgar Shannon Library. Other in-person courses will run in Chapel Hill (NC), Chicago, New Haven (CT), Philadelphia, Princeton (NJ), and Upperville (VA). […]
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