Passus decimus

notaL.10.1: Hand 2, fol. 37v, left margin.Wyttes | wyfeCr2.10.1: Fol. M.1r, left margin.Wyttes | wyfeCr3.10.1: Fol. 45r, left margin. Thanne hadde witte a wyf · was hote dame studye
Þat lene was of lere · and of liche bothe
The wyfe of WyttyC2.10.3: Hand 2, fol. 42r, right margin. She was wonderly wroth · þat witte me þus tauȝte
And al starynge dame studye · sternelich seyde
Wel artow wyse quod she to witte · any wysdomes to telle
To flatereres or to folis · þat frantyk ben of wittes
notaquod perlis non debent | mitteri Coram porcisM.10.7: Hand 3, fol. 41r, right margin And blamed hym and banned hym · and badde hym be stylle
With suche wise wordes · to wissen any sottes
notaM.10.9: Hand 3, fol. 41r, left margin. And seyde noli mittere man · margerye perlis
Amanges hogges þat han · hawes at wille
Þei don but dryuele þer-on draffe were hem leuere
notaM.10.12: Hand 3, fol. 41r, right margin. Þan al þe precious perre · þat in paradys wexeth
I sey it bi suche quod she þat sheweth bi her werkes
By their | workes | know themCr2.10.14: Fol. M.1v, left margin.By their | workes | know themCr3.10.14: Fol. 45v, left margin. Þat hem were leuer londe · and lordship on erthe
Or ricchesse or rentis · and reste at her wille
Þan alle þe sothe sawes · þat salamon seyde euere

notaL.10.17: Hand 2, fol. 37v, left margin.dM.10.17: Hand X2, fol. 41r, right margin. notaW.10.17: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. ¶ Wisdome and witte now is nouȝt worth a carse
notaW.10.18: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. But if it be carded with coueytise · as clotheres kemben here wolle
notaW.10.19: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. Who is nowadaies | called to counsailleC2.10.19: Hand X, fol. 42r, right margin. Who-so can contreue deceytes · an conspire wronges
notaW.10.20: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. And lede forth a loue-day · to latte with treuthe
notaW.10.21: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. He þat suche craftes can · to conseille is clepid
notaW.10.22: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. Þei lede lordes with lesynges · and bilyeth treuthe

notaW.10.23: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. IobG.10.23: Hand 1, fol. 38r, left margin. ¶ Iob þe gentel in his gestes witnesseth
notaW.10.24: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. Þat wikked men þei welden · þe welthe of þis worlde
notaquare impij bene viuuntM.10.25: Hand 3, fol. 41r, right margin. notaW.10.25: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. And þat þei ben lordes of eche a londe · þat oute of lawe libbeth
Psal xxiiCr2.10.25α: Fol. M.1v, left margin.Psal .xxiiCr3.10.25α: Fol. 45v, left margin. Quare impij viuunt bene est omnibus qui preuaricantur & inique agunt

¶ Þe sauter seyth þe same · bi suche þat don ille
Psal .xi.Cr2.10.26α: Fol. M.1v, left margin.Psal .xiCr3.10.26α: Fol. 45v, left margin. Ecce ipsi peccatores habundantes in seculo optinuerunt diuicias
notaW.10.27: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. Lo seith holy letterrure whiche lordes beth þis shrewes
notaW.10.28: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. Þilke þat god moste gyueth · leste good þei deleth
notaW.10.29: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. And moste vnkynde to þe comune · þat moste catel weldeth
Psal .xiCr2.10.29α: Fol. M.1v, left margin. Que perfecisti destruxerunt · iustus autem &c ·
Psal .xiCr3.10.30: Fol. 45v, left margin.notaW.10.30: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. Harlotes for her harlotrye · may haue of her godis
notaW.10.31: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. And iaperes and iogeloures · and iangelers of gestes

notaW.10.32: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin.nota; how good | carpyng is not | louedO.10.32: Hand 1, fol. 37r, right margin.nota . how good | carpinge is not louedC2.10.32: Hand 1, fol. 42v, right margin. ¶ Ac he þat hath holy writte · ay in his mouth ·
notaW.10.33: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. And can telle of Tobye · and of þe twelue apostles
notaW.10.34: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin.Only di=|uinitie ha|th no re=|wardCr2.10.34: Fol. M.1v, left margin.Only di=|uinitie ha|th no re=|wardCr3.10.34: Fol. 45v, left margin. Or prechen of þe penaunce · þat pilat wrouȝt
notaW.10.35: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. To Ihesu þe gentil · þat Iewes to-drowe
notaW.10.37: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. Litel is he loued · þat suche a lessoun scheweth
notaW.10.38: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin. Or daunted or drawe forth · I do it on god hym-self

notaW.10.39: Hand X, fol. 51v, right margin.Of mynystralisO.10.39: Hand 1, fol. 37r, right margin.Of mynystrallisC2.10.39: Hand 1, fol. 42v, right margin. ¶ But þo þat feynen hem folis · and with faityng libbeth
notaW.10.40: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Aȝein þe lawe of owre lorde · and lyen on hem-selue
notacontra RibaldosM.10.41: Hand 3, fol. 41v, left margin.notaW.10.41: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Spitten and spewen · and speke foule wordes
notaW.10.42: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Drynken and dryuelen · and do men for to gape
notaW.10.43: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Lickne men and lye on hem · þat leneth hem no ȝiftes
notaW.10.44: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Þei conne namore mynstralcye · ne musyke men to glade
Than Munde þe mylnere · of multa fecit deus
Ne were here vyle harlotrye · haue god my treuthe
Shulde neuere Kyng ne kniȝt · ne chanoun of seynt Poules
F.10.48: Hand X (later), fol. 34v, left margin; corresponds with underline of "ȝirysȝeve" in text. Ȝyue hem to her ȝeresȝiue · þe ȝifte of a grote

M.10.49: Hand X, fol. 41v, left margin.notaW.10.49: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin.All men | loue bau=|drye .Cr2.10.49: Fol. M.2r, right margin.All men | loue bau=|drye ,Cr3.10.49: Fol. 46r, right margin. ¶ Ac murthe and mynstralcye · amonges men is nouthe
notaW.10.50: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Leccherye losengerye · and loseles tales
notaW.10.51: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Glotonye and grete othes · þis murthe þei louieth

notaL.10.52: Hand 2, fol. 38r, left margin.notaW.10.52: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. ¶ Ac if þei carpen of cryst · þis clerkis and þis lewed
notaquod non laudatur | disputare doctor in | convijc convivijsnotaM.10.53: Hand 3, fol. 41v, left margin. These might be intended as two separate notes, divided after "disputare."notaW.10.53: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Atte mete in her murthes · whan mynstralles ben stille
notaM.10.54: Hand 3, fol. 41v, right margin.notaW.10.54: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Þanne telleth þei of þe trinite · a tale other tweyne
notaM.10.55: Hand 3, fol. 41v, right margin.notaW.10.55: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. And bringen forth a balled resoun · and taken Bernard to witnesse
notaW.10.56: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. And putten forth a presumpsioun · to preue þe sothe
notaW.10.57: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Þus þei dryuele at her deyse þe deite to knowe
notaM.10.58: Hand 3, fol. 41v, left margin.notaW.10.58: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. And gnawen god with þe gorge · whan her gutte is fulle

notaL.10.59: Hand 2, fol. 38v, left margin.notaW.10.59: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. ¶ Ac þe careful may crye · and carpen atte ȝate
notaW.10.60: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Bothe afyngred and a-thurst · and for chele quake
notaW.10.61: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Is none to nymen hym nere · his noye to amende
notaW.10.62: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. But heon on hym as an hounde · and hoten hym go þennes
notaW.10.63: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin.Riche men hathe | Litle mercyC2.10.63: Hand 2, fol. 42v, right margin. Litel loueth he þat lorde · þat lent hym al þat blisse
notaW.10.64: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Þat þus parteth with þe pore · a parcel whan hym nedeth
notaW.10.65: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. · Nota · C.10.65: Hand 1, fol. 12v, right margin. Ne were mercy in mene men · more þan in riche
notaW.10.66: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Mendinantz meteles · miȝte go to bedde
notaW.10.67: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. God is moche in þe gorge · of þise grete maystres
notaW.10.68: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Ac amonges mene men · his mercy and his werkis
terribileM.10.69: Hand 4, fol. 41v, left margin.notaW.10.69: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. And so seith þe sauter · I haue yseye it ofte
Psal .132.Cr2.10.69α: Fol. M.2r, right margin.Psal .132.Cr3.10.69α: Fol. 46r, right margin. Ecce audiuimus eam in effrata · inuenimus eam in campis silue
Clerkes and other kynnes men · carpen of god faste
And haue moche in þe mouthe · ac mene men in herte

notaL.10.72: Hand 2, fol. 38v, left margin.fratresM.10.72: Hand 5, fol. 42r, right margin.notaM.10.72: Hand X2, fol. 42r, right margin.notaW.10.72: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. ¶ Freres and faitoures · han founde suche questiouns
notaW.10.73: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. · Nota · C.10.73: Hand 1, fol. 12v, right margin. To plese with proude men · sithen þe pestilence tyme
notaW.10.74: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. And prechen at seint poules · for pure enuye of clerkis
notaW.10.75: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. Þat folke is nouȝte fermed in þe feith · ne fre of her goodes
notaW.10.76: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. Ne sori for her synnes · so is pryde waxen
notaW.10.77: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. In religioun and in alle þe rewme · amonges riche & pore
notaW.10.78: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. Ll. KD.10.79-80 are not in W. Þat preyeres haue no power · þe pestilence to lette
notaW.10.81: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. And ȝette þe wrecches of þis worlde · is none ywar bi other
notaW.10.82: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. Ne for drede of þe deth · withdrawe nouȝt her pryde
notaW.10.83: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. Ne beth plentyuous to þe pore · as pure charite wolde
notaW.10.84: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. But in gaynesse and in glotonye · for-glotten her goode hem-selue
notaW.10.85: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. And breken nouȝte to þe beggar · as þe boke techeth
notaW.10.85α: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin.Esai .lviii.Cr2.10.85α: Fol. M.2v, left margin.Esai .lviiiCr3.10.85α: Fol. 46v, left margin. Frange esurienti panem tuum &c ·
& weldeþM.10.86: Hand 2, fol. 42r, right margin.notaW.10.86: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. - C.10.86: Hand X, fol. 12v, right margin. And þe more he wynneth and welt · welthes & ricchesse
notaW.10.87: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. And lordeth in londes · þe lasse good he deleth

betoun bryggesHm.10.88-100: Hand X, fol. 149r, right margin, written horizontally. ¶ Thobye telleth ȝow nouȝt so · take hede ȝe riche
How þe boke bible · of hym bereth witnesse
De elemosinaO.10.89α: Hand 1, fol. 37v, left margin.R.10.89α: Hand X, fol. 40v, left margin.Tobi .iiii.Cr2.10.89α: Fol. M.2v, left margin.Tobi .iiiiCr3.10.89α: Fol. 46v, left margin. Si tibi sit copia habundanter tribue · si autem exiguum illud impertiri stude libenter
notaW.10.90: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. Who-so hath moche spene manliche · so meneth Thobie
notaW.10.91: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin.notaO.10.91: Hand 1, fol. 37v, left margin. And who-so litel weldeth · reule him þer-after
notaW.10.92: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. For we haue no lettre of owre lyf · how longe it shal dure
notaW.10.93: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. Suche lessounes lordes shulde · louie to here
notaW.10.94: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. And how he myȝte moste meyne manliche fynde
notaL.10.95: Hand 2, fol. 38v, left margin.notaM.10.95: Hand 3, fol. 42r, left margin.notaM.10.95: Hand 3, fol. 42r, right margin.fratresM.10.95: Hand 4, fol. 42r, right margin.FeffydelerC2.10.95: Hand 2, fol. 43r, supralinear gloss on or correction of "Feþeler." ¶ Nouȝt to fare as a fitheler or a frere · forto seke festes
Homelich at other mennes house · and hatyen her owne
wo-begounC2.10.97: Hand 2, fol. 43r, left margin, gloss on "Elenge." Elyng is þe halle : vche daye in þe wyke
Þere þe lorde ne þe lady liketh nouȝte to sytte
notaquomodo laudat hospitalitatemM.10.99: Hand 3, fol. 42r, right margin.notaW.10.99: Hand X, fol. 53r, right margin. Now hath vche riche a reule · to eten bi hym-selue
notaW.10.100: Hand X, fol. 53r, right margin.pureO.10.100: Hand 3, fol. 38r, suprlinear gloss on "pore." In a pryue pa[r]loure · for pore mennes sake
notaW.10.101: Hand X, fol. 53r, right margin. Or in a chambre with a chymneye · and leue þe chief halle
notaW.10.102: Hand X, fol. 53r, right margin. Þat was made for meles · men to eten Inne
notaW.10.103: Hand X, fol. 53r, right margin. And al to spare to spille · þat spende shal an other

¶ I haue yherde hiegh men etyng atte table
Carpen as þei clerkes were · of cryste and of his miȝtes
And leyden fautes vppon þe fader · þat fourmed vs alle
And carpen aȝeine clerkes · crabbed wordes
Whi wolde owre saueoure suffre suche a worme in his blisse
Þat bigyled þe womman · and þe man after
Þorw whiche wyles and wordes · þei went to helle
And al her sede for here synne · þe same deth suffred

notaM.10.112: Hand X, fol. 42v, left est. mentiturM.10.112: Hand 1, fol. 42v, supralinear gloss on "lieþ." ¶ Here lyeth ȝowre lore · þise lordes gynneth dispute
Of þat ȝe clerkes vs kenneth · of cryst by þe gospel
Eze .xviii.Cr2.10.114: Fol. M.3r, right margin.Eze .xviiiCr3.10.114: Fol. 47r, right margin. Filius non portabit iniquitatem patris &c ·
nota why men perissh | For Adams synM.10.115: Hand 3, fol. 42v, left margin. Whi shulde we þat now ben · for þe werkes of Adam
F.10.116: Hand X (later), fol. 35v, left margin, corresponds to unique underlined "ragmen" in text. Roten and to-rende · resoun wolde it neuere
Galat .vi.Cr2.10.116α: Fol. M.3r, right margin.Galat .viCr3.10.116α: Fol. 47r, right margin. Vnusquisque portabit onus suum &c
Suche motyues þei moeue · þis maistres in her glorie
And maken men in mysbileue · þat muse moche on her wordes

¶ Ymaginatyf her-after-ward · shal answere to ȝowre purpos

notaL.10.120: Hand 2, fol. 39r, left margin. ¶ Augustyne to suche argueres · he telleth hem þis teme
[..]auleS.10.121: Hand 1, fol. 36v, left margin. First letters cropped.Rom .xii.Cr2.10.121: Fol. M.3r, right margin.Rom .xii.Cr3.10.121: Fol. 47r, right margin. Non plus sapere quam oportet
Wilneth neuere to wite · whi þat god wolde
Suffre sathan his sede to bigyle
Ac bileue lelly · in þe lore of holicherche
xM.10.125: Hand X, fol. 42v, left margin. And preye hym of pardoun · and penaunce in þi lyue
And for his moche mercye · to amende ȝow here
notaM.10.127: Hand X, fol. 42v, left margin.non sunt omnes | cause querendeM.10.127: Hand 4, fol. 42v, left margin. For alle þat wilneth to wyte · þe weyes of god almiȝty
F.10.128: Hand X, fol. 35v, left margin, corresponds with underlined "in his ers" in text. I wolde his eye were in his ers · and his fynger after
notaquia talibus vellet oculum in anoM.10.129: Hand 3, fol. 42v, left margin. Þat euere wilneth to wite · whi þat god wolde
Suffre sathan · his sede to bigile
Or iudas to þe iuwes · ihesu bytraye
Al was as þow wolde · lorde yworschiped be þow
And al worth as þow wolte · what-so we dispute

¶ And þo þat vseth þis hauelounes · to blende mennes wittes
What is dowel fro dobet · now def mote he worthe
Sitthe he wilneth to wyte · whiche þei ben bothe
But if he lyue in þe lyf · þat longeth to dowel
bene loquiturM.10.138: Hand 4, fol. 42v, left margin. For I dar ben his bolde borgh · þat dobet wil he neuere
Þeigh dobest drawe on hym day after other

notaL.10.140: Hand 2, fol. 39v, left margin. ¶ And whan þat witte was ywar what dame studye tolde
He bicome so confus · he couth nouȝte loke
And as doumbe a[s] deth · and drowe hym arrere

+L.10.143: Hand X, fol. 39v, left margin. ¶ And for no carpyng I couth after · ne knelyng to þe grounde
I myȝte gete no greyne · of his grete wittis
But al laughyng he louted · and loked vppon studye
The ma=|ner of them | þat be in of=|ficeCr2.10.146: Fol. M.3v, left margin.The ma=|ner of them | þat be in of=|fice ,Cr3.10.146: Fol. 47v, left margin. In signe þat I shulde · biseche hir of grace

¶ And whan I was war of his wille · to his wyf gan I loute
And seyde mercy madame ȝowre man shal I worthe
As longe as I lyue · bothe late & rathe
Forto worche ȝowre wille · þe while my lyf dureth
With þat ȝe kenne me kyndely · to knowe what is dowel

¶ For þi mekenesse man quod she · and for þi mylde speche
ClergieC2.10.153: Hand 2, fol. 44r, right margin. I shal kenne þe to my cosyn · þat clergye is hoten
noticia ad scripturamM.10.154: Hand 3, fol. 43r, right margin.ScriptureC2.10.154: Hand 2, fol. 44r, right margin. The preceding two marginal additions are linked at the right by a bracket. He hath wedded a wyf · with-Inne þis syx monethes
Is sybbe to þe seuene artz · scripture is hir name
Þei two as I hope · after my techyng
Shullen wissen þe to dowel · I dar it vndertake

+L.10.158: Corrector, fol. 39v, left margin. ¶ Þanne was I also fayne · as foule of faire morwe
And gladder þan þe gleman · þat golde hath to ȝifte
nota to lerne | holi writO.10.160: Hand 1, fol. 38v, left margin.nota to lerne | holi wriȝteC2.10.160: Hand 1, fol. 44r, right margin. And axed hir þe heighe weye · where þat clergye dwelte
...?...M.10.161: Hand X, fol. 43r, right margin. And telle me some token quod I · for tyme is þat I wende

+L.10.162: Corrector, fol. 39v, left margin.nota de pacienciaM.10.162: Hand 3, fol. 43r, right margin. ¶ Axe þe heighe waye quod she · hennes to suffre
Suffre is þe highe | waye to ClergieC2.10.163: Hand 2, fol. 44r, right margin. Bothe wel & wo · ȝif þat þow wolt lerne
And ryde forth by ricchesse · ac rest þow nauȝt þerinne
For if þow couplest þe þer-with · to clergye comestow neuere

notaL.10.166: Hand 2, fol. 39v, left margin.nota qui claricari velit neque deuicijs | neque luxurijs FrequentetM.10.166: Hand 3, fol. 43r, right margin. ¶ And also þe likerouse launde · þat leccherye hatte
| C.10.167: Hand X, fol. 13r, left margin. Leue hym on þi left halue · a large myle or more
Tyl þow come to a courte · kepe wel þi tonge
Fro lesynges and lither speche · and likerouse drynkes
Þanne shaltow se sobrete · and symplete of speche
Þat eche wiȝte be in wille · his witte þe to shewe
And þus shaltow come to clergye · þat can many þinges

¶ Saye hym þis signe · I sette hym to scole
...?...M.10.174: Hand X, fol. 43r, right margin.Studye | teacheth | al thingsCr2.10.174: Fol. M.4r, right margin.Studye | teacheth , | al thingsCr3.10.174: Fol. 48r, right margin. And þat I grette wel his wyf · for I wrote hir many bokes
And sette hir to sapience · and to þe sauter glose
Logyke I lerned hir · and many other lawes
+L.10.177: Corrector, fol. 40r, left margin. And alle þe musouns in mu[si]ke · I made hir to knowe

¶ Plato þe poete · I put hym fyrste to boke
Arestotle and other moo · to argue I tauȝte
Grammer for gerles · I garte first wryte
And bette hem with a baleis · but if þei wolde lerne
Of alkinnes craftes · I contreued toles
Of carpentrie of kerueres and compassed masouns
And lerned hem leuel and lyne · þough I loke dymme

notaL.10.185: Hand 2, fol. 40r, left margin.NotaM.10.185: Hand X3, fol. 43v, left margin. ¶ Ac theologie hath tened me · ten score tymes
notaW.10.186: Hand X, fol. 54v, right margin. The more I muse þereInne · þe mistier it semeth
notaW.10.187: Hand X, fol. 54v, right margin. And þe depper I deuyne · þe derker me it þinketh
| C.10.188: Hand X, fol. 13r, right margin.[Nota]G.10.188: Hand X (different from one on fol. 23v), fol. 40v, left margin. It is no science for-sothe · forto sotyle Inne
A ful lethy þinge it were · ȝif þat loue nere
Ac for it let best by loue · I loue it þe bettre
notaquia vbi amor ibi gratiaM.10.191: Hand 3, fol. 43v, right margin.notaW.10.191: Hand X, fol. 54v, right margin. For þere þat loue is leder · ne lacked neuere grace
notaW.10.192: Hand X, fol. 54v, right margin. Loke þow loue lelly · ȝif þe lyketh dowel
For dobet and dobest · ben of loues kynne

¶ In other science it seyth · I saye it in catoun
Cato .Cr2.10.195: Fol. M.4r, right margin.Cato .Cr3.10.195: Fol. 48r, right margin. Qui similat verbis vel corde est fidus amicus
Tu quoque fac simile · sic ars deluditur arte
notaquia non solum amicis sed eciam | inimicis bona operemurM.10.197: Hand 3, fol. 43v, right margin.notaW.10.197: Hand X, fol. 54v, right margin. Who-so gloseth as gylours don · go me to þe same
notaW.10.198: Hand X, fol. 54v, right margin. And so shaltow false folke and faythlees bigyle
Þis is catounes kennyng · to clerkes þat he lereth
Ac theologye techeth nouȝt so · who-so taketh ȝeme
He kenneth vs þe contrarye aȝein catones wordes
notaW.10.202: Hand X, fol. 54v, right margin. For he bit vs be as bretheren · and bidde for owre enemys
notaW.10.203: Hand X, fol. 54v, right margin. And louen hem þat lyen on vs · and lene hem whan hem nedeth
notaW.10.204: Hand X, fol. 54v, right margin. And do good aȝeines yuel · god hym-self it hoteth
Galat .viCr2.10.204α: Fol. M.4v, left margin.Galat .viCr3.10.204α: Fol. 48v, left margin. Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum ad omnes maxime autem ad domesticos fidei

¶ Poule preched þe peple þat parfitnesse loued
notaW.10.206: Hand X, fol. 54v, right margin. To do good for goddes loue · and gyuen men þat asked
And nameliche to suche · þat sueth owre bileue
notaW.10.208: Hand X, fol. 54v, right margin. And alle þat lakketh vs or lyeth vs · owre lorde techeth vs to louye
notaW.10.209: Hand X, fol. 55r, right margin. And nouȝt to greuen hem þat greueth vs · god hym-self for-badde it
notaquia amor maxime | profficit ad salutem animeM.10.209α: Hand 3, fol. 43v, right margin. Michi vindictam & ego retribuam
nota"W.10.210: Hand X, fol. 55r, right margin. For-þi loke þow louye · as longe as þow durest
nota"W.10.211: Hand X, fol. 55r, right margin. For is no science vnder sonne · so souereyne for þe soule

¶ Ac astronomye is an harde þynge · and yuel forto knowe
notacontra AstronomiamM.10.213: Hand 3, fol. 44r, right margin.notaW.10.213: Hand X, fol. 55r, right margin. - C.10.213: Hand X, fol. 13r, right margin.GC2.10.213: Hand 1, fol. 13r, right margin. It is likely that the marginal "G" is meant to clarify an inline correction to "Geometrie." Geometrie and geomesye is ginful of speche
notaW.10.214: Hand X, fol. 55r, right margin.The vani|ti of scienceCr2.10.214: Fol. M.4v, left margin.The vani|ti o fscienceof sciecceCr3.10.214: Fol. 48v, left margin. Who-so thenketh werche with þo two · thryueth ful late
For sorcerye is þe souereyne boke · þat to þe science longeth

nota FybicchisM.10.216: Hand 3, fol. 44r, right margin. ¶ Ȝet ar þere fybicches in forceres · of fele mennes makyng
Ars AlcumisticaC2.10.217-218: Hand 2, fol. 45r, right margin. Experimentz of alkamye · þe poeple to deceyue
If þow þinke to dowel · dele þer-with neuere
Alle þise science I my-self · sotiled and ordeyned
XL.10.221: Hand X, fol. 40v, left margin. And founded hem formest · folke to deceyue

¶ Telle clergye þise tokenes · and scripture after
To conseille þe kyndely · to knowe what is dowel ·

¶ I seide graunt mercy madame · and mekeliche hir grette
And went wiȝtlich awey · with-oute more lettynge
And til I come to clergye · I couthe neuere stynte
And gret þe good man · as studye me tauȝte
And afterwardes þe wyf · and worshiped hem bothe
And tolde hem þe tokenes · þat me tauȝte were
Was neuere gome vppon þis grounde · sith god made þe worlde
Fairer vnder-fongen · ne frendeloker at ese
Þan my-self sothly · sone so he wist
Þat I was of wittis hous · and with his wyf dame studye
I seyde to hem sothely · þat sent was I þider
Dowel and dobet · and dobest to lerne

Do WellC2.10.238: Hand 2, fol. 45v, right margin. ¶ It is a comune lyf quod clergye · on holycherche to bileue
notade trinitateM.10.239: Hand 3, fol. 44r, right margin. With alle þe artikles of þe feithe · þat falleth to be knowe
And þat is to bileue lelly · bothe lered and lewed
On þe grete god · þat gynnyng had neuere
And on þe sothfaste sone · þat saued mankynde
Fro þe dedly deth · and þe deueles power
Þorwgh þe helpe of þe holy goste · þe whiche goste is of bothe
Three persones · ac nouȝt in plurel noumbre
For al is but on god · and eche is god hym-selue
Deus pater deus filius · deus spiritus sanctus
God þe fader god þe sone · god holigoste of bothe
Maker of mankynde · and of bestes bothe

¶ Austyn þe olde · here-of he made bokes
And hym-self ordeyned · to sadde vs in bileue
vijC.10.251: Hand X, fol. 13v, right margin. Who was his autour · alle þe foure euangelistes
And cryst clepid hym-self so · þe ewangelistes bereth witnesse
Ego in patre & pater in me est & qui videt me · videt et patrem meum

notade Fide autem | noli disputareM.10.253: Hand 3, fol. 44v, left margin. · Nota · C.10.253: Hand 1, fol. 13v, left margin. ¶ Alle þe clerkes vnder cryst · ne couthe þis assoille
But þus it bilongeth to bileue · to lewed þat willen dowel
notaSexta discripcio de dowellM.10.255: Hand 3, fol. 44v, left margin. For had neuere freke fyne wytte · þe feyth to dispute
Ne man had no merite · myȝte it ben yproued
Fides non habet meritum vbi humana racio prebet experimentum

Do . betteC2.10.257: Hand 2, fol. 45v, right margin. ¶ Þanne is dobet to suffre · for þi soules helth
Al þat þe boke bit · by holycherche techyng
And þat is man bi þi miȝte · for mercies sake
notaW.10.260: Hand X, fol. 55v, right margin. Loke þow worche it in werke · þat þi worde sheweth
Suche as þow semest in syȝte · be in assay yfounde
Appare quod es vel esto quod appares
notaW.10.262: Hand X, fol. 55v, right margin. And lat no-body be · bi þi beryng bygyled
notaW.10.263: Hand X, fol. 55v, right margin. But be suche in þi soule · as þow semest with-oute

Do besteC2.10.264: Hand 2, fol, 45v, right margin. ¶ Þanne is dobest to be bolde · to blame þe gylty
notaW.10.265: Hand X, fol. 56r, right margin. Sithenes þow seest þi-self · as in soule clene
notaW.10.266: Hand X, fol. 56r, right margin. Ac blame þow neuere body · and þow be blame-worthy
notaW.10.266α: Hand X (15th-c), fol. 56r, right margin. Probably the same as at KD.10.270 and KD.15.118. Si culpare velis · culpabilis esse cauebis
Dogma tuum sordet · cum te tua culpa remordet
God in þe gospel · grymly repreueth
Alle þat lakken any lyf · and lakkes han hem-selue
Luke .vi.Cr2.10.268α: Fol. N.1v, left margin.Luke .vi.Cr3.10.268α: Fol. 49v, left margin. Quid consideras festucam in oculo fratris tui trabem in oculo tuo &c
notaW.10.269: Hand X, fol. 56r, right margin.notaW.10.269: Hand X (15th-c), fol. 56r, right margin. Probably the same as at KD.10.266α and KD.15.118. Why meuestow þi mode for a mote · in þi brotheres eye
notaW.10.270: Hand X, fol. 56r, right margin. Sithen a beem in þine owne · ablyndeth þi-selue
Eice primo trabem de oculo tuo &c
notaW.10.271: Hand X, fol. 56r, right margin. Whiche letteth þe to loke · lasse other more

nota to abbottis and prioursM.10.272: Hand 3, fol. 44v, left margin. ¶ I rede eche a blynde bosarde · do bote to hym-selue
De officio sacerdotumC2.10.272.1: Hand 2, fol. 46r, right margin. For abbotes and for prioures · and for alle manere prelates
| C.10.273: Hand X, fol. 13v, left margin. As parsones and parissh prestes · þat preche shulde and teche
Alle manere men · to amenden · by here myȝte
This tixte was tolde ȝow · to ben war ar ȝe tauȝte
Þat ȝe were suche as ȝe seyde · to salue with othere
For goddis worde wolde nouȝt be loste · for þat worcheth euere
If it auailled nouȝt þe comune · it myȝte auaille ȝow-seluen ·

¶ Ac it semeth now sothly · to þe worldes syght
Þat goddes worde worcheth nauȝte · on lered ne on lewede
Agaynste | leawde | prystes . Cr1.10.281: Fol. 49v, left margin. But in suche a manere · as Marke meneth in þe gospel
notaW.10.281α: Hand X, fol. 56r, right margin.Math .xv.Cr2.10.281α: Fol. N.1v, left margin.Math xv.Cr3.10.281α: Fol. 49v, left margin. Dum cecus ducit cecum ambo in foueam cadunt

Agaynst | lewed | priestesCr2.10.282: Fol. N.1v, left margin.Agaynst | lewed | priestesCr3.10.282: Fol. 49v, left margin. ¶ Lewed men may likne ȝow þus · þat þe beem lithe in ȝowre eyghen
And þe festu is fallen · for ȝowre defaute
notacontra mansid prestisM.10.284: Hand 3, fol. 45r, right margin. In alle manere men · þourgh mansed prestes
Þe bible bereth witnesse þat alle þe folke of israel
Byttere abouȝte þe gultes · of two badde prestes
nota Offny and FynesM.10.287: Hand 3, fol. 45r, right margin. · Nota · C.10.287: Hand 1, fol. 13v, left margin. Offyn and Fynes · for her coueytise
Archa dei myshapped · and ely brake his nekke

heare I beganneR.10.289: Hand X (secretary), fol. 43v, left margin. ¶ For-þi ȝe corectoures claweth her-on · and corecteth fyrst ȝow-seluen
And þanne mowe ȝe saufly seye · as dauid made þe sauter
Psalm .l.Cr2.10.291: Fol. N.2r, right margin.Psalm .l.Cr3.10.291: Fol. 50r, right margin. Existimasti inique quod ero tui similis · arguam te & statuam contra faciem tuam ·

[reader's mark]F.10.292: Hand X, fol. 37v, left margin. Same hand as on KD.P.82 and 6.315. ¶ And þanne shal borel clerkes ben abasched · to blame ȝow or to greue
And carpen nouȝte as þei carpen now · and calle ȝow doumbe houndes
Esaie .lviCr2.10.293α: Fol. N.2r, right margin.Esaie .lviCr3.10.293α: Fol. 50r, right margin. Canes non valentes latrare
And drede to wratthe ȝow in any worde · ȝowre werkemanship to lette
And be prestiore at ȝowre prayere · þan for a pounde of nobles
And al for ȝowre holynesse · haue ȝe þis in herte [Hereafter follow 10.297-308 in KD; however, none of these lines are annotated.]

notaContra Religiosos extra vagantesM.10.309: Hand 3, fol. 45r, right margin.notaW.10.309: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin. ¶ In scole þere is scorne · but if a clerke wil lerne
notaW.10.310: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin. And grete loue and lykynge · for eche of hem loueth other
notaW.10.311: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin.Nota · C.10.311: Hand 1, fol. 13v, right margin.ReligiounO.10.311: Hand 1, fol. 40v, left margin.The Abusions | of þe ReligiousC2.10.311: Hand 2, fol. 46v, right margin.Reade | thys . Cr1.10.311: Fol. 50r, righ margin. Reade | thysCr2.10.311: Fol. N.2r, right margin.Reade | thysCr3.10.311: Fol. 50r, right margin. Ac now is religioun a ryder · a rowmer bi stretes
notaW.10.312: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin. A leder of louedayes · and a londe-bugger
notaW.10.313: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin. A priker on a palfray · fro manere to maner
notaW.10.314: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin.[A trewe]G.10.314: Hand 3, fol. 42v, left margin. The words are also repeated top left. An heep of houndes at his ers · as he a lorde were
notacontra kneling off | the knaveM.10.315: Hand 3, fol. 45r, right margin.notaW.10.315: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin.profycy off | [r]elygyonG.10.315: Hand 1, fol. 42v, left margin. And but if his knaue knele · þat shal his cuppe brynge
notaW.10.316: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin. He loureth on hym and axeth hym · who tauȝte hym curteisye
IG.10.317: Hand 2, fol. 42v, left margin. Corresponding to "I" in Table of Contents (fol. 102v). Litel had lordes to donn · to ȝyue londe fram her heires
notaW.10.318: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin. To Religious þat haue no reuthe · þough it reyne on here auteres

notaW.10.319: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin. ¶ In many places þer hij persones ben · be hem-self at ese
notaW.10.320: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin. Of þe pore haue þei no pite · and þat is her charite
notaW.10.321: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin.F.10.321: Hand X, fol. 38r, left margin. Ac þei leten hem as lordes · her londe lith so brode

a king shall | com & Reforme | religiounL.10.322: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 41v, left margin.notaM.10.322: Hand 3, fol. 45r, right margin.notaW.10.322: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin.notaW.10.322: Hand X (16th-c?), fol. 57r, right margin.nota beneG.10.322: Hand 3, fol. 42v, left margin.A prophecy . agaynste | þe RelygyouseC2.10.322: Hand 2, fol. 46v, right margin.The sup=|pression of | Abbayes .Cr2.10.322: Fol. N.2r, right margin.The sup=|ression of | Abbayes .Cr3.10.322: Fol. 50r, right margin. ¶ Ac þere shal come a kyng · and confesse ȝow religiouses
notaW.10.323: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin. And bete ȝow as þe bible telleth · for brekynge of ȝowre reule
notaW.10.324: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin. And amende monyales · monkes and chanouns
notaW.10.325: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin. And putten hem to her penaunce · ad pristinum statum ire
notaW.10.326: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin. And Barounes with Erles beten hem · þorugh beatus virres techynge
notaW.10.327: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin. Þat here barnes claymen · and blame ȝow foule
Psal .xxiiCr2.10.327α: Fol. N.2r, right margin.Psal .xxiiCr3.10.327α: Fol. 50r, right margin. Hij in curribus hij in equis ipsi obligati sunt &c

notaW.10.328: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin. ¶ And þanne Freres in here freitoure shal fynden a keye
notaW.10.329: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin. Of costantynes coffres · in which is þe catel
notaW.10.330: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin.The Ab=|bot of Ab=|yngtonCr1.10.330: Fol. 50v, left margin. Þat Gregories god-children · han yuel dispended

Abbot of | AbindounL.10.331: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 41v, left margin.Thabbot ofM.10.331: Hand 5, fol. 45v, left margin.AbyndounM.10.331: Hand X, fol. 45v, left margin. Hand 5 added the underline.notaW.10.331: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin.Thabbott of | AbingdonC.10.331: Hand X (post-medieval), fol. 13v, right margin.nota · C.10.331: Hand 1, fol. 13v, right margin.habbott of | abyngdounG.10.331: Hand 3, fol. 42v, left margin.C2.10.331: Hand 1, fol. 46v, left margin. (Note: BB attribute this to Hand 2.)The Ab=|bot of A=|bingtonCr2.10.331: Fol. N.2v, left margin.The Ab=|bot of A=|bingtonCr3.10.331: Fol. 50v, left margin. ¶ And þanne shal þe abbot of Abyndoun · and alle [his] issu for euere
notaW.10.332: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin.Wiþ WhatO.10.332: Hand 2, fol. 40v, left margin. Haue a knokke of a kynge · and incurable þe wounde

¶ That þis worth soth seke ȝe · þat oft ouer-se þe bible
Esa .xiiii.Cr2.10.333α: Fol. N.2v, left margin.Esa .xiiii.Cr3.10.333α: Fol. 50v, left margin. Quomodo cessauit exactor · quieuit tributum · contriuit dominus baculum impiorum | et virgam dominancium cedencium plaga insanabili &c

Caym shall awakeL.10.334: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 42r, right margin. ¶ Ac ar þat kynge come · cayme shal awake
F.10.335: Hand X, fol. 38r, bottom margin. Hand points to flowers in drawing, not to text. Ac dowel shal dyngen hym adoune · and destruyen his myȝte
Þanne is dowel and dobet quod I · dominus and kniȝthode

High de=|gre hel=|peth no=|thinge to | heauen=|warde .Cr2.10.337: Fol. N.2v, left margin.High de=|gre hel=|peth no=|thinge to= | heauen=|warde .Cr3.10.337: Fol. 50v, left margin. ¶ I nel nouȝt scorne quod scripture · but if scryueynes lye
nota quod kynghod helpith | not to heuenwardM.10.338: Hand 3, fol. 45v, left margin. kynghod ne knyȝthod · by nauȝt I can awayte
helpeth nouȝt to heueneward · one heres ende
Ne ricchesse riȝt nouȝt · ne reaute of lordes

notaW.10.341: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin. ¶ Poule preueth it inpossible · riche men haue heuene
notaW.10.342: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin. Salamon seith also · þat syluer is worst to louye
+F.10.324α: Hand X, fol. 38v, left margin. Nichil iniquius quam amare peccuniam
And caton kenneth vs to coueiten it · nauȝt but as nede techeth
Dilige denarium set parce dilige formam
And patriarkes and prophetes · and poetes bothe
Wryten to wissen vs · to wilne no ricchesse
And preyseden pouerte with pacience · þe apostles bereth witnesse
· nota · C.10.347: Hand 1, fol. 13v, right margin. Þat þei han heritage in heuene · and bi trewe riȝte
Þere riche men no riȝte may clayme · but of reuthe and grace

notaM.10.349: Hand X, fol. 45v, left margin. ¶ Contra quod I bi cryste · þat can I repreue
And preue it bi Peter · and bi poule bothe
Þat is baptized beth sauf · be he riche or pore

¶ Þat is in extremis quod scripture · amonges saracenes and iewes
Þei mowen be saued so · and þat is owre byleue
notaquod inffideles in casu possunt | Baptizare inffedelesM.10.354: Hand 3, fol. 46r, right margin. Þat an vncristene in þat cas · may crysten an hethen
And for his lele byleue · whan he þe lyf tyneth
Haue þe heritage of heuene · as any man crystene

¶ Ac crysten men with-oute more · may nouȝt come to heuene
For þat cryst for cristen men · deyde ; and confermed þe lawe
Þat who-so wolde and wylneth · with cryste to aryse
Col .iii.Cr2.10.359α: Fol. N.3r, left margin.Col iii.Cr3.10.359α: Fol. 51r, right margin. Si cum cristo surrexistis &c ·
He shulde louye & lene · and þe lawe fulfille
Þat is loue þi lorde god · leuest aboue alle
And after alle crystene creatures · in comune eche man other
+M.10.363: Hand X, fol. 46r, right margin. And þus bilongeth to louye · þat leueth to be saued
And but we do þus in dede · ar þe daye of dome
+L.10.365: Corrector, fol. 42r, left margin. I[t] shal bisitten vs ful soure · þe siluer þat we kepen
id est panniL.10.366: Hand 1, fol. 42r, supralinear gloss on "bakkes." .id est. vestesM.10.366: Hand 1, fol. 46r, supralinear gloss on "bakkes."clothisM.10.366: Hand X, fol. 46r, supralinear gloss on "vestes" (the scribal gloss of "bakkes"). And owre bakkes þat moth-eten be · and sen beggers go naked
Or delyte in wyn and wylde foule · and wote any in defaute
notaW.10.368: Hand X, fol. 57r, right margin.nota · C.10.368: Hand 1, fol. 14r, left margin. For euery cristene creature shulde be kynde til other
And sithen hethen to helpe · in hope of amendement
God hoteth bothe heigh and lowe þat no man hurte other
And seith slee nouȝt þat semblable is · to myne owen liknesse
But if I sende þe sum tokne · and seith non necaberis
notaW.10.373: Hand X, fol. 58r, right margin. Is slee nouȝt but suffre · and al for þe beste
For I shal punysshen hem in purgatorie · or in þe putte of helle
Vche man for his mysdedes · but mercy it lette

¶ Þis is a longe lessoun quod I · and litel am I þe wyser
Where dowel is or dobet · derkelich ȝe shewen
Many tales ȝe tellen · þat theologye lerneth
predestynaciounC2.10.380: Hand 2, fol. 47v, right margin. And þat I man made was · and my name yentred
prescienceC2.10.381: Hand 2, fol. 47v, right margin. In þe legende of lyf · longe er I were
Or elles vnwriten for somme wikkednesse as holywrit wytnesseth
Ioh .iii.Cr2.10.382α: Fol. N.3r, right margin.Iob .iiiCr3.10.382α: Fol. 51r, right margin. Nemo ascendit ad celum nisi qui de celo decendit

¶ I leue it wel quod I bi owre lorde and on no letterure bettere
For salamon þe sage · þat sapience tauȝte
God gaf hym grace of witte · and alle his godes after
He demed wel & wysely as holy writte telleth
notaopinionem quomodo Salamoun | et Aristotill dampnanturM.10.388: Hand 3, dol. 46r, right margin. Aristotle & he · who wissed men bettere
Maistres þat of goddis mercy · techen men and prechen
Salamon and | Aristotle . be | damned .C2.10.390: Hand 2, fol. 47v, right margin. Of here wordes þei wissen vs · for wisest as in here tyme
And al holicherche · holdeth hem bothe ydampned

Nota · C.10.392: Hand 1, fol. 14r, left margin. ¶ And if I shulde worke bi here werkes to wynne me heuene
Þat for her werkes and witte · now wonyeth in pyne
Þanne wrouȝte I vnwysely · what-so-euere ȝe preche

¶ Ac of fele witty in feith · litel ferly I haue
Þough her goste be vngraciouse · god for to plese
notaW.10.397: Hand X, fol. 58r, right margin. For many men on þis molde · more sette here hertis
+Corrector, fol. 42v, left margin.notaW.10.398: Hand X, fol. 58r, right margin. In good þan in god · for-þi hem grace failleth
At here moste myschief · whan þei shal lyf lete
As salamon dede and such other · þat shewed gret wittes
They þat | made | noe a ship | were vn=|saued . Cr1.10.402: Fol. 51v, left margin. Ac her werkes as holy wrytte seyth · was euere þe contrarye
For-þi wyse witted men · and wel ylettred clerkes
As þei seyen hem-self · selden done þer-after
Math .23.Cr2.10.404α: Fol. N.3v, left margin.Math .23.Cr3.10.404α: Fol. 51v, left margin. Super cathedra moysy &c ·

· Nota · C.10.405: Hand 1, fol. 14r, left margin. ¶ Ac I wene it worth of many · as was in Noes tyme
Thei that | made No|e a shippe | were vn=|sauedCr2.10.406: Fol. N.3v, left margin.Thei that | made No|e a shippe | were vn=|sauedCr3.10.406: Fol. 51v, left margin. Þo he shope þat shippe · of shides and bordes
Was neuere wriȝte saued þat wrouȝt þer-on · ne oþer werkman elles
notaarcham NoeM.10.408: Hand 3, fol. 46v, left margin. But briddes and bestes · and þe blissed Noe
And his wyf with his sones · and also here wyues
Of wriȝtes þat it wrouȝte was none of hem ysaued

¶ God lene it fare nouȝt so bi folke · þat þe feith techen
Of holicherche þat he[r]berwe is · and goddes hous to saue
And shelden vs fram shame þer-inne · as noes shippe did bestes
And men þat maden it · amydde þe flode adreynten
Þe culorum of þis clause · curatoures is to mene
notaM.10.416: Hand 3, fol. 46v, left margin. Þat ben carpenteres holykirke to make · for crystes owne bestes
Psalm .36Cr2.10.416α: Fol. N.3v, left margin.Psalm .36Cr3.10.416α: Fol. 51v, left margin. Homines & iumenta saluabis domine · &c ·

[illegible pen trials]Hm.10.420-422: Hand X, fol. 153r, right margin. ¶ On gode fridaye I fynde · a feloun was ysaued
Þat had lyued al his lyf with lesynges and with thefte
+L.10.422: Corrector, fol. 43r, left margin.nota Felon on | Good FrydayM.10.422: Hand 3, fol. 46v, left margin. And for he biknewe on þe crosse · and to cryste s[h]rof hym
MavdeHm.10.423: Hand X, fol. 153r, right margin. Written horizontally in the same hand as wrote "betoun brygges" at KD.10.88.The thef | was sa=|ued bifore | any of the | prophetsCr2.10.423: Fol. N.4r, right margin. The thef | was sa=|ued bifore | any of the | prophetsCr3.10.423: Fol. 52r, right margin. He was sonnere saued · þan seynt Iohan Baptiste
[deþ]Hm.10.424: Hand X (contemporary), fol. 153r, supralinear addition before "adam." And or Adam or ysaye · or eny of þe prophetes
Þat hadde yleine with Lucyfer · many longe ȝeres
The thef | was sau=|ed before | any of þe | prophetsCr1.10.426: Fol. 52r, right margin. A robbere was yraunceouned · rather þan þei alle
With-outen any penaunce · of purgatorie ; to perpetuel blisse

¶ Þanne Marye Magdaleyne · what womman dede worse
Or who worse þan dauid · þat vries deth conspired
Or Poule þe apostle · þat no pitee hadde
Moche crystene kynde · to kylle to deth
+L.10.432: Corrector, fol. 43r, left margin. And ben þise as souereynes · wyth seyntes in heuene
Þo þat wrouȝte wikkedlokest · in worlde þo þei were

¶ And þo þat wisely wordeden · and wryten many bokes
Of witte and of wisdome · with dampned soules wonye
Þat salamon seith I trowe be soth · and certeyne of vs alle
Eccles .ix.Cr2.10.436α: Fol. N.4r, right margin.Eccles .ivCr3.10.436α: Fol. 52r, right margin. Sine iusti atque sapientes · & opera eorum in manu dei sunt &c

¶ Þere aren witty and wel libbyng ac her werkes ben yhudde
XL.10.438: Hand X, fol. 43r, left margin. In þe hondes of almiȝty god · and he wote þe sothe
- C.10.439: Hand X, fol. 14r, right margin. Wher for loue a man worth allowed þere · and his lele werkes
Or elles for his yuel wille · & enuye of herte
And be allowed as he lyued so · for bi lyther · men knoweth þe gode

¶ And wherby wote men whiche is whyte · if alle þinge blake were
And who were a gode man · but if þere were some shrewe
hijC.10.444: Hand 1, fol. 14r, right margin. For-þi lyue we forth with lither men · I leue fewe ben gode
For qant oportet vyent en place · yl nyad que pati
And he þat may al amende · haue mercy on vs alle
Nemo bonusM.10.447: Hand X, fol. 47r, right margin. · Nota · C.10.447: Hand 1, fol. 14r, right margin. For sothest worde þat euere god seyde · was þo he seyde nemo bonus

¶ Clergye þo of crystes mouth · commended was it litel
XL.10.450: Hand X, fol. 43v, left margin. For he seyde to seynt Peter · and to suche as he loued
Mat .xiiiCr2.10.450α: Fol. N.4r, right margin. The proper citation is Matthew 10.Mat .xiCr3.10.450α: Fol. 52r, right margin. The proper citation is Matthew 10. Dum steteritis ante Reges et presides &c ·
Þough ȝe come bifor kynges · and clerkes of þe lawe
Beth nouȝte abasched · for I shal be in ȝoure mouthes
And ȝyue ȝow witte at wille · and kunnynge to conclude
Hem alle þat aȝeines ȝow · of crystenedome disputen

¶ Dauyd maketh mencioun · he spake amonges kynges
And miȝte no kynge ouercome hym · as bi kunnyng of speche
But witte ne wisdome · wan neuere þe maystrye
Whan man was at myschief · with-oute þe more grace

AugustinusC2.10.458: Hand 2, fol. 48v, right margin. ¶ Þe doughtiest doctour · and deuynoure of þe trinitee
Was augustyn þe olde · and heighest of þe foure
Sayde þus in a sarmoun · I seigh it writen ones
Ecce ipsi idioti rapiunt celum · vbi nos sapientes in inferno mergimur ·
notaW.10.462: Hand X (probably different from others), fol. 59v, right margin. And is to mene to englissh men · more ne lasse
notaW.10.463: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin. Aren none rather yrauysshed · fro þe riȝte byleue
......M.10.464: Hand X, fol. 47r, bottom right.notaW.10.464: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin. Þan ar þis cunnynge clerkes · þat conne many bokes

notaW.10.465: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin. ¶ Ne none sonner saued · ne sadder of bileue
notaW.10.466: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin. Þan plowmen and pastoures · & pore comune laboreres
notaW.10.467: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin.notaG.10.467: Hand 3, fol. 44v, left margin. Souteres and sheperdes · suche lewed iottes
notaW.10.468: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin. - C.10.468: Hand X, fol. 14r, right margin. Percen with a pater noster þe paleys of heuene
And passen purgatorie penaunceles · at her hennes-partyng
In-to þe blisse of paradys · for her pure byleue
Þat inparfitly here · knewe and eke lyued

¶ Ȝee men knowe clerkes · þat han cursed þe tyme
· nota · C.10.473: Hand 1, fol. 14r, right margin. Þat euere þei couth or knewe more · þan credo in deum patrem
And pryncipaly her pater noster · many a persone hath wisshed

notaW.10.475: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin. Exemplum. | bonum.O.10.475: Hand 1, fol. 42v, left margin.Exemplum | bonumC2.10.475: Hand 1, fol. 48v, right margin. ¶ I se ensamples my-self · and so may many an other
notaW.10.476: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin. Þat seruauntes þat seruen lordes · selden falle in arrerage
notaW.10.477: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin. But þo þat kepen þe lordes catel · clerkes and reues
notaW.10.478: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin. Riȝt so lewed men · & of litel knowyng
notaW.10.479: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin. Selden falle þei so foule · and so fer in synne
notaW.10.480: Hand X, fol. 59v, right margin. As clerkes of holikirke · þat kepen crystes tresore
Þe which is mannes soule to saue · as god seith in þe gospel
davidR.10.481α: Hand X, fol. 47r, right margin.Math .xxCr2.10.481α: Fol. N.4v, left margin.Math .xxCr3.10.481α: Fol. 52v, left margin. ite vos in vineam meam
