Passus Sextus

capitulumF.6.1: Hand X, fol. 23r, left margin.passus sextu[s]F.6.1: Hand X (secretary), fol. 23r, right margin. Marks where passus begins in other manuscripts. This were a wikked way · but who-so hadde a gyde
That wolde folwen vs eche a fote · þus þis folke hem mened
Quatȝ Perkyn þe plouman · bi seynt Peter of Rome
I haue an half acre to erye · bi þe heigh way
Hadde I eried þis half acre · and sowen it after
How Pi=|ers assign|eth women | to worke . Cr1.6.6: Fol. 31r, right margin. I wil wende with ȝow · and þe way teche

How Pi|ers assig=|neth wo=|men to | worke .Cr2.6.7: Fol. H.3r, right margin.How Pe|ers assig=|neth wo=|men to | worke .Cr3.6.7: Fol. 31r, right margin. ¶ Þis were a longe lettynge · quod a lady in a sklayre
What sholde we wommen · worche þere-whiles

¶ Somme shal sowe sakke quod Piers · for shedyng of þe whete
And ȝe louely ladyes · with ȝoure longe fyngres
Þat ȝe han silke and sendal · to sowe whan tyme is
Chesibles for chapelleynes · cherches to honoure

¶ Wyues and wydwes · wolle & flex spynneth
notaC2.6.14: Hand 1, fol. 28v, left margin. Maketh cloth I conseille ȝow · and kenneth so ȝowre douȝtres
. nota .O.6.15: Hand 1, fol. 25v, left margin. Þe nedy and þe naked · nymmeth hede how hij liggeth
And casteth hem clothes · for so comaundeth treuthe
For I shal lene hem lyflode · but ȝif þe londe faille
Flesshe and bred bothe · to riche and to pore
As longe as I lyue · for þe lordes loue of heuene

¶ And alle manere of men · þat þorw mete and drynke lybbeth
Helpith hym to worche wiȝtliche · þat wynneth ȝowre fode

¶ Bi crist quod a knyȝte þo · he kenneth vs þe best
Ac on þe teme trewly · tauȝte was I neuere
notaquomodo miles optulit | seipsum ad aratrumM.6.23: Hand 3, fol. 28v, left margin. Ac kenne me quod þe knyȝte · and bi cryst I wil assaye

¶ Bi seynt Poule quod Perkyn · ȝe profre ȝow so faire
nota the Covenaunt by|twene the knyght & the plowmanM.6.25: Hand 3, fol. 28v, left margin. Þat I shal swynke and swete · and sowe for vs bothe
þe leuynge of | true knyȝtisC2.6.26: Hand 1, fol. 29r, right margin.Piers | prayeth a | knyght to | helpe to | kepe holy | church .Cr1.6.26: Fol. 31r, right margin.Piers | prayeth a | knyght to | helpe to | kepe holy | church .Cr2.6.26: Fol. H.3r, right margin.Pierce | prayeth a | knyght to | helpe to | kepe holy | church .Cr3.6.26: Fol. 31r, right margin. And oþer laboures do for þi loue · al my lyf-tyme
. þe lyuyng of | trewe knyȝtisO.6.27: Hand 1, fol. 25v, left margin. In couenaunt þat þow kepe · holikirke and my-selue
Fro wastoures and fro wykked men · þat þis worlde struyeth

¶ And go hunte hardiliche to hares and to foxes
To bores and to brockes · þat breketh adown myne hegges
And go affaite þe faucones · wilde foules to kille
For suche cometh to my croft · and croppeth my whete

¶ Curteislich þe knyȝte þanne · comsed þise wordes
By my power Pieres quod he · I pliȝte þe my treuthe
To fulfille þis forward · þowȝ I fiȝte sholde
Als longe as I lyue · I shal þe mayntene

notaquia bene dicitM.6.37: Hand 3, fol. 28v, left piers | councelleth | þe knight | wisely . Cr1.6.37: Fol. 31v, left margin.Piers | councelleth | þe knighte | wisely .Cr2.6.37: Fol. H.3v, left margin.Pierce | councelleth | þe knyghte | wiselyCr3.6.37: Fol. 31v, left margin. ¶ Ȝe and ȝit a poynt quod Pieres · I preye ȝow of more
Loke ȝe tene no tenaunt · but treuthe wil assent
And þowgh ȝe mowe amercy hem · late mercy be taxoure
to landlordesL.6.40: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 26v, left margin. And mekenesse þi mayster · maugre medes chekes
And þowgh pore men profre ȝow · presentis and ȝiftis
Nym it nauȝte an auenture · ȝe mowe it nauȝte deserue
For þow shalt ȝelde it aȝein · at one ȝeres ende
PurgatoryC2.6.44: Hand 2, fol. 29r, right margin. In a ful perillous place · purgatorie it hatte

nota the knyghtis BondmanM.6.45: Hand 3, fol. 28v, left margin. ¶ And mysbede nouȝte þi bonde-men · þe better may þow spede
Þowgh he be þyn vnderlynge here · wel may happe in heuene
| C.6.47: Hand X, fol. 9r, left margin. Þat he worth worthier sette · and with more blisse
Luk .xiiiiCr2.6.47α: Fol. I.1r, right margin.Luke xiiiiCr3.6.47α: Fol. 31v, left margin. Amice ascende superius
notaM.6.48: Hand X, fol. 28v, left margin.notaM.6.48: Hand 3, fol. 28v, left margin. For in charnel atte chirche · cherles ben yuel to knowe
Or a kniȝte fram a knaue þere · knowe þis in þin herte
notaW.6.50: Hand X, fol. 36r, right margin. And þat þow be trewe of þi tonge · and tales þat þow hatie
xM.6.51: Hand X, fol. 29r, left margin. But if þei ben of wisdome or of witt · þi werkmen to chaste
notaW.6.52: Hand X, fol. 36r, right margin. Holde with none harlotes · ne here nouȝte her tales
nota the devils dysowrsM.6.53: Hand 3, fol. 29r, right margin.notaW.6.53: Hand X, fol. 36r, right margin. And nameliche atte mete · suche men eschue
notaW.6.54: Hand X, fol. 36r, right margin. For it ben þe deueles disoures · I do þe to vnderstande

¶ I assente bi seynt Iame · seyde þe kniȝte þanne
Forto worche bi þi wordes · þe while my lyf dureth

how peers gooþ | on pilgrimage . .O.6.57: Hand 1, fol. 26r, right peers gooþe | on pilgrimageC2.6.57: Hand 1, fol. 29v, right margin. ¶ And I shal apparaille me quod Perkyn · in pilgrimes wise
And wende with ȝow I wil · til we fynde treuthe

¶ And cast on me my clothes · yclouted and hole
My cokeres and my coffes · for colde of my nailles
id est a seed leepO.6.61: Hand 1, fol. 26r, right margin, gloss on "hoper."id est a seed leepC2.6.61: Hand 1, fol. 29v, right margin, gloss on "hoper." And hange myn hoper at myn hals · in stede of a scrippe
A busshel of bredcorne · brynge me þerinne
For I wil sowe it my-self · and sitthenes wil I wende
To pylgrymage as palmers don · pardoun forto haue

¶ Ac who-so helpeth me to erie · or sowen here ar I wende
Shal haue leue bi owre lorde · to lese here in heruest
maugreM.6.67: Hand 2, fol. 29r, right margin. And make hem mery þere-mydde · maugre who-so bigruccheth it

| C.6.68: Hand X, fol. 9r, left margin. ¶ And alkyn crafty men · þat konne lyuen in treuthe
I shal fynden hem fode · þat feithfulliche libbeth

¶ Saue Iakke þe iogeloure · and Ionet of þe stues
notaquia oblaciones non debent | recepi de hijs quorum nomina | deleantur & ceteraM.6.71: Hand 3, fol. 29r, right margin. And danyel þe dys playere · and denote þe baude
And frere þe faytoure and folke of his ordre
And Robyn þe Rybaudoure · for his rusty wordes
Treuthe tolde me ones · and bad me tellen it after
Deleantur de libro viuencium I shulde nouȝte dele with hem
For holicherche is hote of hem · no tythe to take
Psal .69.Cr2.6.76α: Fol. H.4r, left margin.Psal .69.Cr3.6.76α: Fol. 32r, right margin. Quia cum iustis non scribantur
They ben ascaped good auenture · now god hem amende

peers plowman | wyfes nameC2.6.82: Hand 2, fol. 29v, right margin.Pierces | wife .Cr2.6.82: Fol. H.4r, right margin.Pierces | wifeCr3.6.82: Fol. 32r, right margin. ¶ Dame worche whan tyme is · Pieres wyf hiȝte
His douȝter hiȝte do riȝte so · or þi dame shal þe bete
His sone hiȝte suffre þi souereynes · to hauen her wille
Deme hem nouȝte for if þow doste · þow shalt it dere abugge
Late god yworth with-al · for so his worde techeth

¶ For now I am olde and hore · and haue of myn owen
þeiseO.6.84: Hand 3, fol. 26v, right margin. Apparently intended as a substitute for "þis," though not marked for change. To penaunce and to pilgrimage · I wil passe with þise other
How Pi=|ers ma=|keth hys | testament .Cr2.6.85: Fol. H.4r, right margin.How Pi=|ers ma=|keth hys | testament ,Cr3.6.85: Fol. 32r, right margin. For-þi I wil or I wende · do wryte my biqueste
piers testamentL.6.86: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 27v, right margin.the testament | of PiersM.6.86: Hand 5, fol. 29v, left margin.Testamentum | petri .PlowmanO.6.86: Hand 1, fol. 26v, left margin.Testementum petri | plowmanC2.6.86: Hand 1, fol. 30r, right margin.How Pi=|erce ma=|keth hys | testament . Cr1.6.86: Fol. 32r, right margin. In dei nomine amen · I make it my-seluen
He shal haue my soule · þat best hath yserued it
And fro þe fende it defende · for so I bileue
Til I come to his acountes · as my credo me telleth
To haue a relees and a remissioun · on þat rental I leue

¶ Þe kirke shal haue my caroigne · and kepe my bones
For of my corne and catel · he craued þe tythe
to pay preestly is nothing for they be all receyversM.6.93: Hand X (italic), fol. 29v, left margin. I payed it hym prestly · for peril of my soule
For-thy is he holden I hope · to haue me in his masse
And mengen in his memorye · amonge alle crystene

¶ My wyf shal haue of þat I wan · with treuthe and nomore
And dele amonge my douȝtres · and my dere children
For þowgh I deye to-daye · my dettes ar quitte
I bare home þat I borwed · ar I to bedde ȝede

¶ And with þe residue and þe remenaunte · bi þe Rode of Lukes
I wil worschip þer-with · treuthe bi my lyue
And ben his pilgryme atte plow · for pore mennes sake
My plow-fote shal be my pyk-staf · and picche atwo þe rotes
And helpe my culter to kerue · and clense þe forwes

M.6.105: Hand X, fol. 29v, left margin. ¶ Now is perkyn and his pilgrymes · to þe plowe faren
To erie þis halue acre · holpyn hym manye
Dikeres & delueres · digged vp þe balkes
Þere-with was perkyn apayed · and preysed hem faste
Other werkemen þere were · þat wrouȝten ful ȝerne
Eche man in his manere · made hym-self to done
And some to plese perkyn · piked vp þe wedes

¶ At heighe pryme peres · lete þe plowe stonde
To ouersen hem hym-self · and who-so best wrouȝte
He shulde be huyred þer-after · whan heruest-tyme come

¶ And þanne seten somme · and songen atte nale
Iolye | workmen .Cr2.6.116: Fol. H.4v, left margin.Iolye | workmenCr3.6.116: Fol. 32v, left margin. And hulpen erie his half acre · with how trolli lolli

¶ Now bi þe peril of my soule quod Pieres · al in pure tene
But ȝe arise þe rather · and rape ȝow to worche
Shal no greyne þat groweth · glade ȝow at nede
nota the devill haue þat RecchethM.6.120: Hand 3, fol. 30r, left margin. And þough ȝe deye for dole · þe deuel haue þat reccheth

¶ Tho were faitoures aferde · and feyned hem blynde
notaM.6.126: Hand 3, fol. 30r, left margin.notaquomodo truffatores Fingunt se | Fore mitulati(m[uti]lati) & CeciM.6.126: Hand 3, fol. 30r, right margin. Somme leyde here legges aliri as suche loseles conneth
And made her mone to pieres · and preyde hym of grace
- C.6.124: Hand X, fol. 9r, right margin. For we haue no lymes to laboure with · lorde ygraced be ȝe

¶ Ac we preye for ȝow pieres · and for ȝowre plow bothe
Þat god of his grace · ȝowre grayne multiplye
lyueO.6.127: Hand 3, fol. 27r, right margin, gloss or substitution for "ȝyuen." (Note: BB attribute to scribe.) And ȝelde ȝow of ȝowre almesse · þat ȝe ȝiue vs here
of ydell beggersC2.6.128: Hand 1, fol. 30r, right margin. For we may nouȝte swynke ne swete · suche sikenesse vs eyleth

Of ydel beggersO.6.129: Hand 1, fol. 27r, right margin.Lerne to | answere | counter=|faite beg|gers .Cr2.6.129: Fol. I.1r, right margin.Lerne to | answere | counter=|faite beg=|gersCr3.6.129: Fol. 33r, right margin. ¶ If it be soth quod pieres þat ȝe seyne · I shal it sone asspye
Ȝe ben wastoures I wote wel · and treuthe wote þe sothe
And I am his olde hyne · and hiȝte hym to warne
Which þei were in þis worlde · his werkemen appeyred

¶ Ȝe wasten þat men wynnen · with trauaille and with tene
notaContra wastersM.6.134: Hand 3, fol. 30r, right margin. Ac treuthe shal teche ȝow · his teme to dryue
Or ȝe shal ete barly bred · and of þe broke drynke
But if he be blynde and broke-legged · or bolted with yrnes
He shal ete whete bred · and drynke with my-selue
Tyl god of his goodnesse · amendement hym sende
Ac ȝe myȝte trauaille as treuthe wolde · and take mete & huyre
To kepe kyne in þe felde · þe corne fro þe bestes
Diken or deluen or dyngen vppon sheues
Or helpe make morter · or bere mukke afelde

¶ In lecherye and in losengerye · ȝe lyuen and in sleuthe
qui parcit virgam perdit filiumM.6.144: Hand X (italic), fol. 30r, right margin.Of heremytisO.6.144: Hand 1, fol. 27r, right margin. And al is þorw suffrance · þat venIaunce ȝow ne taketh

Of heremytesC2.6.145: Hand 1, fol. 30v, right margin. ¶ Ac ancres and heremytes · þat eten but at nones
And namore er morwe · myne almesse shul þei haue
heresiM.6.147: Hand X (italic), fol. 30r, left margin. A brace extends around this verse paragraph. And of my catel to cope hem with · þat han cloistres and cherches
Ac robert renneaboute · shal nouȝte haue of myne
Ne posteles but þey preche conne · and haue powere of þe bisschop
They shal haue payne and potage · and make hem-self at ese
notaM.6.151: Hand3, fol. 30r, left margin.contra fratresM.6.151: Hand 4, fol. 30r, right margin.notaW.6.151: Hand X (much later), fol. 37v, left margin. For it is an vnresonable Religioun · þat hath riȝte nouȝte of certeyne

¶ And þanne gan a wastoure to wrath hym · and wolde haue yfouȝte
And to Pieres þe plowman · he profered his gloue
The wa=|stour will | fight .Cr2.6.154: Fol. I.1r, right margin.The wa=|stour will | fightCr3.6.154: Fol. 33r, right margin. A Brytonere a braggere · a bosted pieres als
And bad hym go pissen with his plow · for-pyned schrewe
Wiltow or neltow · we wil haue owre wille
Of þi flowre and of þi flessche · fecche whan vs liketh
And make vs myrie þer-myde · maugre þi chekes

notaquomodo queritur piers | ad militemM.6.159: Hand 3, fol. 30v, left margin.Pierce | plainith to | þe knyght . Cr1.6.159: Fol. 33v, left margin.Perce | playneth | to the | knight .Cr2.6.159: Fol. I.1v, left margin.Pierce | playneth | to the | knight .Cr3.6.159: Fol. 33v, left margin. ¶ Thanne Pieres þe plowman · pleyned hym to þe knyȝte
To kepe hym as couenaunte was · fram cursed shrewes
And fro þis wastoures wolueskynnes · þat maketh þe worlde dere
For þo waste and wynnen nouȝte · and þat ilke while
Worth neuere plente amonge þe poeple · þer while my plow liggeth

MilesO.6.164: Hand 1, fol. 27v, left margin.MilezC2.6.164: Hand 1, fol. 31r, left margin. ¶ Curteisly þe knyȝte þanne · as his kynde wolde
Warned wastoure · and wissed hym bettere
Or þow shalt abugge by þe lawe · by þe ordre þat I bere

XM.6.167: Hand X, fol. 30v, left margin, drypoint.wastourO.6.167: Hand 1, fol. 27v, left margin.wastoureC2.6.167: Hand 1, fol. 31r, left margin. ¶ I was nouȝt wont to worche quod wastour · and now wil I nouȝt bigynne
And lete liȝte of þe lawe : and lasse of þe knyȝte
And sette Pieres at a pees · and his plow bothe
| C.6.170: Hand X, fol. 9v, left margin. And manaced pieres and his men · ȝif þei mette eft-sone

Pierce | preied hon|ger to re=|ueng hym .Cr2.6.171: Fol. I.1v, left margin.Pierce | preied hon|ger to re=|ueng hym .Cr3.6.171: Fol. 33v, left margin. ¶ Now by þe peril of my soule quod Pieres · I shal apeyre ȝow alle
nota the hopyng after | hungerM.6.172: Hand 3, fol. 30v, left margin.Pierce | preide hon=|ger to re=|ueng hym . Cr1.6.172: Fol. 33v, left margin. And houped after hunger · þat herd hym atte firste
Awreke me of þise wastoures quod he · þat þis worlde schendeth

¶ Hunger in haste þo · hent wastour bi þe mawe
notaquod Fames venit | ad puniendum vastumM.6.175: Hand 3, fol. 30v, left margin. And wronge hym so bi þe wombe · þat bothe his eyen wattered
He buffeted þe Britoner aboute þe chekes
Þat he loked like a lanterne · al his lyf after
He bette hem so bothe · he barste nere here guttes
Ne hadde Pieres with a pese lof · preyed hunger to cesse
They hadde ben doluen bothe · ne deme þow non other
Faytors | worke for | fear of hon|ger .Cr2.6.181: Fol. I.1v, left margin.Faytours | worke for | fear of hon|gerCr3.6.181: Fol. 33v, left margin. Suffre hem lyue he seyde · and lete hem ete with hogges
Or elles benes and bren · ybaken togideres
Faitors | worke for | fear of hon|ger . Cr1.6.182.1: Fol. 33v, left margin. Or elles melke and mene ale · þus preyed pieres for hem

¶ Faitoures for fere her-of · flowen in-to bernes
And flapten on with flayles · fram morwe til euen
That hunger was nouȝt so hardy · on hem forto loke
For a potful of peses · þat peres hadde ymaked

An heep of heremites · henten hem spades
And ketten here copes · and courtpies hem made
how beggers and | wastouris ben schasticedC2.6.189: Hand 1, fol. 31v, right margin. And wenten as werkemen · with spades and with schoueles
What | nede can | do .Cr2.6.190: Fol. I.2r, right margin.What | nede can | do .Cr3.6.190: Fol. 34r, right margin. And doluen and dykeden · to dryue aweye hunger

+L.6.191: Corrector, fol. 28v, left margin.nota | how beggers & | wastouris been | chastisedO.6.191: Hand 1, fol. 28r, right margin. ¶ Blynde and bedreden · were botened a þousande
Þat [seten to] begge syluer · sone were þei heled
nota that was baken For I bayerdM.6.193: Hand 3, fol. 31r, right margin. For þat was bake for bayarde · was bote for many hungry
And many a beggere for benes · buxome was to swynke
And eche a pore man wel apayed · to haue pesen for his huyre
And what pieres preyed hem to do · as prest as a sperhauke
ye be so wanton so pro[.]e soR.6.197: Hand X (secretary), fol. 28r, right margin. And þere-of was peres proude · and put hem to werke
And ȝaf hem mete as he myȝte aforth · and mesurable huyre

¶ Þanne hadde peres pite · and preyed hunger to wende
Home in-to his owne erd · and holden hym þere
For I am wel awroke now · of wastoures þorw þi myȝte
Ac I preye þe ar þow passe · quod Pieres to hunger
Of beggeres and of bidderes · what best be done
For I wote wel be þow went · þei wil worche ful ille
For myschief it maketh · þei beth so meke nouthe
And for defaute of her fode · þis folke is at my wille
Þey are my blody bretheren quod pieres · for god bouȝte vs alle
Treuthe tauȝte me ones · to louye hem vchone
And to helpen hem of alle þinge · ay as hem nedeth
And now wolde I witen of þe · what were þe best
+L.6.211: Corrector, fol. 28v, left margin.How beg=|ers mai be | made to | worke . Cr1.6.211: Fol. 34r, right margin. An how I myȝte amaistrien hem · and make hem to worche

notaconcilium Famis contra audaces mendicantesM.6.212: Hand 3, fol. 31r, right margin.· Nota · C.6.212: Hand 1, fol. 9v, left margin.Bolde beggersO.6.212: Hand 1, fol. 28r, right margin.Bolde beggersC2.6.212: Hand 1, fol. 31v, right margin.How beg|ers maye | be made | to worke .Cr2.6.212: Fol. I.2r, right margin.How beg|ers maye | be made | to worke .Cr2.6.212: Fol. 34r, right margin. ¶ Here now quod hunger · and holde it for a wisdome
Bolde beggeres and bigge · þat mowe her bred biswynke
With houndes bred and hors-bred · holde vp her hertis
Abate hem with benes · for bollyng of her wombe
And ȝif þe gomes grucche · bidde hem go swynke
And he shal soupe swettere · whan he it hath deseruid

¶ And if þow fynde any freke · þat fortune hath appeyred
Or any maner fals men · fonde þow suche to cnowe
Conforte hym with þi catel · for crystes loue of heuene
Loue hem and lene hem · so lawe of god techeth
Gal .vi. aCr2.6.221α: Fol. I.2v, left margin.Gal .vi a.Cr3.6.221α: Fol. 34v, left margin. Alter alterius onera portate
And alle maner of men · þat þow myȝte asspye
That nedy ben and nauȝty · helpe hem with þi godis
Loue hem and lakke hem nouȝte · late god take þe venIaunce
Theigh þei done yuel · late þow god aworthe
Hebr .xii. | Rom .xii. | De .xxxii.Cr2.6.226α: Fol. I.2v, left margin.Hebr .xii. | Rom .xii. | De .xxxii.Cr3.6.226α: Fol. 34v, left margin. Michi vindictam & ego retribuam ·
And if þow wil be graciouse to god · do as þe gospel techeth
+L.6.228: Corrector, fol. 29r, left margin. And bilow þe amonges low men · so shaltow lacche grace
Luk .xvi.Cr2.6.228α: Fol. I.2v, left margin.Luk .xvi.Cr3.6.228α: Fol. 34v, left margin. Facite vobis amicos de mamona iniquitatis

¶ I wolde nouȝt greue god quod piers · for al þe good on grounde
Miȝte I synnelees do as þow seist · seyde pieres þanne

¶ Ȝe I bihote þe quod hunger · or ellis þe bible lieth
Go to Genesis þe gyaunt · þe engendroure of vs alle
In sudore and swynke · þow shalt þi mete tilye
And laboure for þi lyflode · and so owre lorde hyȝte
And sapience seyth þe same · I seigh it in þe bible
/ no felde wolde /M.6.236: Hand 2, fol. 31v, right margin, erased but legible under UV light.Prou .xx.Cr2.6.236: Fol. I.2v, left margin.Prou xx.Cr3.6.236: Fol. 34v, left margin. Piger pro frigore · no felde nolde tilye
The slou=|thfull su=|ffer hon|ger | Mat .xxvCr2.6.237: Fol. I.2v, left margin.The slou|thfull su=|ffer honger | Mat .xxvCr3.6.237: Fol. 34v, left margin. And þerfore he shal begge and bidde · and no man bete his hunger

¶ Mathew with mannes face · mouthed þise wordis
a besauntL.6.239: Hand 1, fol. 29r, supralinear gloss on "nam."besaunteM.6.239: Hand 1, fol. 31v, supralinear gloss on "nam."id est a besauntW.6.239: Hand 1, fol. 39r, suprlinear gloss on "amam" (i.e. "nam"). · Nota · C.6.239: Hand 1, fol. 9v, right margin. Þat seruus nequam had a nam · and for he wolde nouȝte chaffare
| C.6.240: Hand X, fol. 9v, right margin. He had maugre of his maistre · for euermore after
besauntM.6.241: Hand 2, fol. 31v, supralinear gloss on "nam." And binam his Mnam · for he ne wolde worche
And ȝaf þat Mnam to hym · þat ten Mnames hadde
And with þat he seyde · þat holicherche it herde
notaW.6.244: Hand X, fol. 39r, right margin. He þat hath shal haue · and helpe þere it nedeth
notaW.6.245: Hand X, fol. 39v, right margin. And he þat nouȝt hath shal nouȝt haue · and no man hym helpe
And þat he weneth wel to haue · I wil it hym bireue

¶ Kynde witt wolde · þat eche a wyght wrouȝte
Or in dykynge or in deluynge · or trauaillynge in preyeres
Contemplatyf lyf or actyf lyf · cryst wolde men wrouȝte
Þe sauter seyth in þe psalme · of beati omnes
Þe freke þat fedeth hym-self · with his feythful laboure
He is blessed by þe boke · in body and in soule
Psal. 128.Cr2.6.252α: Fol. I.3r, right margin.Psal .128.Cr3.6.252α: Fol. 35r, left margin. Labores manuum tuarum &c ·

Howe Pi=|ers pray=|eth hunger | to teache | him a lich|crafte for | him and | for hys | seruauntesCr2.6.253: Fol. I.3r, right margin.Howe pi=|ers pray=|eth hunger | to teache | him a lich|crafte for | him and | for hys | seruauntesCr3.6.253: Fol. 35r, right margin. ¶ Ȝet I prey ȝow quod pieres · par charite and ȝe kunne
leche-craftC2.6.254: Hand 1, fol. 32v, right margin.How Pi=|ers pray=|eth hunger | to teche | him a lich|chraft for | hym and | for hys | seruantesCr1.6.254: Fol. 35r, right margin. Eny leef of lechecraft · lere it me my dere
For somme of my seruauntz · and my-self bothe
Of al a wyke worche nouȝt · so owre wombe aketh

¶ I wote wel quod hunger · what sykenesse ȝow eyleth
notacontra manging to mochM.6.258: Hand 3, fol. 32r, right margin. Ȝe han maunged ouer-moche · and þat maketh ȝow grone
XL.6.259: Hand X, fol. 29r, right margin. Ac I hote þe quod hunger · as ȝow þyne hele wilnest
notaW.6.260: Hand X, fol. 39v, right margin. Þat þow drynke no day · ar þow dyne somwhat
notaW.6.261: Hand X, fol. 39v, right margin. Ete nouȝte I hote þe · ar hunger þe take
notaW.6.262: Hand X, fol. 39v, right margin. And sende þe of his sauce · to sauoure with þi lippes
notaW.6.263: Hand X, fol. 39v, right margin. And kepe some tyl soper tyme · and sitte nouȝt to longe
notaW.6.264: Hand X, fol. 39v, right margin. Arise vp ar appetit · haue eten his fulle
notaW.6.265: Hand X, fol. 39v, right margin. Lat nouȝt sire surfait sitten at þi borde
notaW.6.266: Hand X, fol. 39v, right margin. Leue him nouȝt for he is lecherous · and likerous of tonge
notaW.6.267: Hand X, fol. 39v, right margin. And after many manere metes · his maw is afyngred

W.6.268: Hand X, fol. 39v, left margin.notaW.6.268: Hand X, fol. 39v, right margin. ¶ And ȝif þow diete þe þus · I dar legge myne eres
Þat phisik shal his furred hodes · for his fode selle
And his cloke of calabre · with alle þe knappes of golde
contra medicosM.6.271: Hand 4, fol. 32r, right margin. And be fayne bi my feith · his phisik to lete
notaW.6.272: Hand X, fol. 39v, right margin. And lerne to laboure with londe · for lyflode is swete
Leches ar murderersC2.6.273: Hand 2, fol. 32v, right margin. For morthereres aren mony leches · lorde hem amende
Þei do men deye þorw here drynkes · ar destine it wolde

¶ By seynt Poule quod pieres · þise aren profitable wordis
Wende now hunger whan þow wolt · þat wel be þow euere
For þis is a louely lessoun · lorde it þe forȝelde

¶ By-hote god quod hunger · hennes ne wil I wende
Til I haue dyned bi þis day · and ydronke bothe

¶ I haue no peny quod peres · poletes · forto bigge
Ne neyther gees ne grys · but two grene cheses
A fewe cruddes and creem · and an hauer cake
And two loues of benes and bran · ybake for my fauntis
And ȝet I sey by my soule · I haue no salt bacoun
Ne no kokeney bi cryst coloppes forto maken
Ac I haue percil and porettes · and many kole plantes
notaW.6.287: Hand X, fol. 40r, right margin. And eke a cow · and a kalf · and a cart mare
To drawe afelde my donge · þe while þe drought lasteth
And bi þis lyflode we mot lyue · til lammasse tyme
And bi þat I hope to haue · heruest in my croft
And þanne may I diȝte þi dyner · as me dere liketh
| C.6.292: Hand X, fol. 10r, left margin. Alle þe pore peple þo · pesecoddes fetten
Benes and baken apples · þei brouȝte in her lappes
ripe +M.6.294: Hand 2, fol. 32v, right margin, erased but legible under UV light.Pore folk | fede hun=|ger . Cr1.6.294: Fol. 35v, left margin.Pore folk | fede hun=|ger .Cr2.6.294: Fol. I.3v, left margin.Pore folk | fede hun=|ger .Cr3.6.294: Fol. 35v, right margin. Chibolles and cheruelles · and ripe chiries manye
And profred peres þis present · to plese with hunger

¶ Al hunger eet in hast · and axed after more
Þanne pore folke for fere · fedde hunger ȝerne
With grene poret and pesen · to poysoun hunger þei þouȝte
By þat it neighed nere heruest · newe corne cam to chepynge
Þanne was folke fayne · and fedde hunger with þe best
With good ale as glotoun tauȝte · and gerte hunger go slepe

¶ And þo wolde wastour nouȝt werche · but wandren aboute
Ne no begger ete bred · þat benes Inne were
But of coket or clerematyn · or elles · of clene whete
Ne none halpeny ale · in none wise drynke
But of þe best and of þe brounest · þat in borgh is to selle

notaW.6.307: Hand X, fol. 40v, right margin. ¶ Laboreres þat haue no lande · to lyue on but her handes
notaW.6.308: Hand X, fol. 40v, right margin. Deyned nouȝt to dyne a-day · nyȝt-olde wortes
notaW.6.309: Hand X, fol. 40v, right margin. May no peny-ale hem paye · ne no pece of bakoun ·
notaW.6.310: Hand X, fol. 40v, right margin. But if it be fresch flesch other fische · fryed other bake
notaW.6.311: Hand X, fol. 40v, right margin.Prouen=|der pric|keth them .Cr2.6.311: Fol. I.3v, left margin.Prouen=|der pric=|keth themCr3.6.311: Fol. 35v, left margin. And þat chaude or plus chaud · for chillyng of here mawe

notaW.6.312: Hand X, fol. 40v, right margin. = C.6.312: Hand X, fol. 10r, left margin. ¶ And but if he be hieghlich huyred · ellis wil he chyde
notaW.6.313: Hand X, fol. 40v, right margin. And þat he was werkman wrouȝt · waille þe tyme
notaW.6.314: Hand X, fol. 40v, right margin. Aȝeines catones conseille · comseth he to iangle
+W.6.315: Hand 1, fol. 32r, right margin. Text bracketed from here to KD.6.315.notaF.6.315: Hand X, fol. 27r, right margin. Same hand as KD.P.82 and 10.286.Cato .Cr2.6.315: Fol. I.4r, right margin.Cato ,Cr3.6.315: Fol. 36r, right margin. Paupertatis onus pacienter ferre memento

¶ He greueth hym aȝeines god · and gruccheth aȝeines resoun
And þanne curseth he þe kynge · and al his conseille after
Suche lawes to loke · laboreres to greue
Ac whiles hunger was her maister · þere wolde none of hem chyde
Ne stryue aȝeines his statut · so sterneliche he loked

L.6.319: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 30r, right margin.notaF.6.319: Hand X, fol. 27r, left margin. ¶ Ac I warne ȝow werkemen · wynneth while ȝe mowe
notaF.6.322: Hand X, fol. 27r, right margin.notaF.6.322: Hand X (different from other nota on this line), fol. 27r, right margin. For hunger hide[r]ward · hasteth hym faste
He shal awake with water · wastoures to chaste
Ar fyue be fulfilled · suche famyn shal aryse
This is | no prophecy but a | pronosti=|cation .Cr2.6.325: Fol. I.4r, right margin.This is | no prophecy but a | pronosti=|cationCr3.6.325: Fol. 36r, right margin. Thorwgh flodes and þourgh foule wederes · frutes shul faille
NotaM.6.326: Hand X6, fol. 32v, left margin.a profecyG.6.326: Hand 1, fol. 29v, left margin. And so sayde saturne · and sent ȝow to warne
L.6.327: Hand 1, fol. 30r, right margin.W.6.327: Hand X, fol. 40v, left margin.[decorated cross]G.6.327: Hand 2, fol. 33v, left margin. Corresponds to a cross in the Table of Contents (fol. 102r).C2.6.327: Hand 1, fol. 33v, left margin. (Note: BB attribute this to Hand 2.) Whan ȝe se þe sonne amys · and two monkes hedes
And a Mayde haue þe maistrie · and multiplied bi eight
notaW.6.329: Hand X, fol. 40v, right margin. Þanne shal deth withdrawe · and derthe be iustice
And dawe þe dyker · deye for hunger
notaW.6.331: Hand X, fol. 40v, right margin. But if god of his goodnesse · graunt vs a trewe
