Passus undecimus

presens | dauidR.11.1: Hand X (secretary), fol. 47r, right margin. Thanne scripture scorned me · and a skile tolde
And lakked me in latyne · and liȝte by me she sette
And seyde multi multa sciunt & seipsos nesciunt
presens primeR.11.4: Hand X (secreatary), fol. 47r, supralinear. Þo wepte I for wo · and wratth of her speche
your for me elin | Bower | Rondull wyllyR.11.5: Hand X (secreatary), fol. 47r, right margin. And in a wynkyng wratth · wex I aslepe
A merueillouse meteles · mette me þanne
fortuneL.11.7: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 44r, right margin. Þat I was rauisshed riȝt þere · and fortune me fette
And in-to þe londe of longynge · allone she me brouȝte
And in a myroure þat hiȝt mydlerd · she mad me to biholde
Sitthen she sayde to me · here myȝtow se wondres
And knowe þat þow coueytest · and come þer-to par-aunter

Of dam=|sels of | fortuneCr1.11.12: Fol. 53r, right margin. ¶ Þanne hadde fortune folwyng hir two faire damoyseles
Omne quod est in mundo aut est | concupiscentia carnis . Con=|cupiscentia oculorum aut superbia viteC2.11.13: Hand 2, fol. 49r, right margin. The dam|sels of Fortune .Cr2.11.13: Fol. O.1r, right margin. The dam|sels of | Fortune .Cr3.11.13: Fol. 53r, right margin. Concupiscencia carnis · men called þe elder mayde
And coueytise of eyes · ycalled was þat oþer
Pryde of parfyte lyuynge · pursued hem bothe
And badde me for my contenaunce · acounte clergye liȝte

¶ Concupiscencia carnis · colled me aboute þe nekke
notaW.11.18: Hand X, fol. 60r, right margin. And seyde þow art ȝonge and ȝepe · and hast ȝeres ynowe
notaW.11.19: Hand X, fol. 60r, right margin. For to lyue longe · and ladyes to louye
[deus]G.11.20: Hand X, fol. 45r, right margin. And in þis myroure þow myȝte se · myrthes ful manye
Þat leden þe wil to lykynge · al þi lyf-tyme

¶ Þe secounde seide þe same · I shal suwe þi wille
Til þow be a lorde and haue londe · leten þe I nelle
Þat I ne shal folwe þi felawship · if fortune it lyke
He shal fynde me his frende · quod fortune þer-after
notaW.11.26: Hand X, fol. 60r, right margin. Þe freke þat folwed my wille · failled neuere blisse

id est ageC2.11.27: Hand 2, fol. 49r, supralinear gloss on "elde." ¶ Thanne was þere one þat hiȝte elde þat heuy was of chere
Man quod he if I mete with þe · bi Marie of heuene
Age .Cr2.11.29: Fol. O.1r, right margin. Age ,Cr3.11.29: Fol. 53r, right margin. Þow shalt fynde fortune þe faille · at þi moste nede
And concupiscencia carnis · clene þe forsake
Bitterliche shaltow banne þanne · bothe dayes and niȝtes
Coueytise of eyghe · þat euere þow hir knewe
And pryde of parfyt lyuynge · to moche peril þe brynge

nota RechelesM.11.34: Hand 3, fol. 48r, right margin. The coun|sel of | RechlesCr2.11.34: Fol. O.1v, left margin. The coun|sel of | RechlesCr3.11.34: Fol. 53v, left margin. ¶ Ȝee recche þe neuere quod recchelesnes · stode forth in ragged clothes
Folwe forth þat fortune wole · þow hast wel · fer til elde
notaW.11.36: Hand X, fol. 60v, right margin. A man may stoupe tymes ynow · whan he shal tyne þe croune

¶ Homo proponit quod a poete · and plato he hyght
And deus disponit quod he · lat god done his wille
If trewthe wil witnesse it be wel do · fortune to folwe
Concupiscencia carnis · ne coueityse of eyes
Ne shal nouȝt greue þe gretly · ne bigyle þe but þow wolt

.id est. yowthM.11.42: Hand X, fol. 48r, supralinear gloss on "Fauntelee." ¶ Ȝee farewel phippe quod fauntelte and forth gan me drawe
Til concupiscencia carnis · acorded alle my werkes

¶ Allas eye quod elde · and holynesse bothe
notaW.11.45: Hand X, fol. 60v, right margin. Þat witte shal torne to wrecchednesse · for wille to haue his lykyng

¶ Coueityse of eyghes · conforted me anon after
And folwed me fourty wynter · and a fyfte more
Þat of dowel ne dobet · no deyntee me ne þouȝte
I had no lykynge leue me if þe leste · of hem auȝte to knowe

¶ Coueytyse of eyes · cam ofter in mynde
Þan dowel or dobet amonge my dedes alle
notaW.11.52: Hand X, fol. 60v, right margin. Coueytise of eyes conforted me ofte
nota pro fratribusM.11.53: Hand 4, fol. 48v, left margin. notaW.11.53: Hand X, fol. 60v, right margin. And seyde haue no conscience how þow come to gode
+L.11.54: Corrector, fol. 44v, left margin. notaM.11.54: Hand X, fol. 48v, left margin. notaW.11.54: Hand X, fol. 60v, right margin. FrerisO.11.54: Hand 1, fol. 43r, right margin. FrerisC2.11.54: Hand 1, fol. 49v, right margin. Go confesse to sum frere · and shewe hym þi synnes
notaM.11.55: Hand 3, fol. 48v, left margin. notaW.11.55: Hand X, fol. 60v, right margin. For whiles fortune is þi frende · Freres wil þe louye
notaW.11.56: Hand X, fol. 60v, right margin. And fecche þe to her fraternite · and for þe biseke
notaW.11.57: Hand X, fol. 60v, right margin. To her priour prouyncial · a pardoun forto haue
notaW.11.58: Hand X, fol. 60v, right margin. And preyen for þe pol bi pol · ȝif þow be peccuniosus
Set pena pecuniar[i]a non sufficit pro spiritualibus delictis

¶ By wissynge of þis wenche I wrouȝte · here wordes were so swete
XL.11.60: Hand X, fol. 44v, left margin. Tyl I forȝat ȝouthe · and ȝarn in-to elde
notaW.11.61: Hand X, fol. 61r, right margin. And þanne was fortune my foo · for al hir faire biheste
notaW.11.62: Hand X, fol. 61r, right margin. And pouerte pursued me · and put me lowe
notaM.11.63: Hand 4, fol. 48v, left margin.notaM.11.63: Hand 3, fol. 48v, left margin.FrerisO.11.63: Hand 1, fol. 43r, right margin.FrereC2.11.63: Hand 1, fol. 49v, right margin. And þo fonde I þe Frere aferde · and flyttynge bothe
Aȝeines owre firste forward · for I seyde I nolde
Be buryed at her hous · but at my parissh cherche
notaquia vbi baptizatur | ibi sepeliri debetM.11.66: Hand 3, fol. 48v, left margin.Agaynste buryenge e=|mongeste Freres .C2.11.66: Hand 2, fol. 50r, right margin. For I herde onys · how conscience it tolde
Þat þere a man were crystened · by kynde he shulde be buryed
Or where he were parisshene · riȝt þere he shulde be grauen
notaM.11.68: Hand 3, fol. 48v, left margin. · nota · C.11.68: Hand 1, fol. 14v, right margin. And for I seyde þus to freres · a fool þei me helden
And loued me þe lasse for my lele speche
notaW.11.70: Hand X, fol. 61r, right margin.FrerisO.11.70: Hand 1, fol. 43v, left margin. Ac ȝet I cryed on my confessoure þat helde hym-self so kunnyng
notaM.11.71: Hand 4, fol. 48v, left margin.notaW.11.71: Hand X, fol. 61r, right margin.Friers | did not | seke þe bo=|di but the | monie .Cr2.11.71: Fol. O.2r, right margin.Friers | did not | seke þe bo|di but the | monie ,Cr3.11.71: Fol. 54r, right margin. By my feith frere quod I · ȝe faren lyke þise woweres
notaW.11.72: Hand X, fol. 61r, right margin.. Exemplum.O.11.72: Hand 1, fol. 43v, left margin. Þat wedde none wydwes · but forto welde here godis
notaW.11.73: Hand X, fol. 61r, right margin. Riȝte so by þe Rode · rouȝte ȝe neuere
notaW.11.74: Hand X, fol. 61r, right margin. Where my body were buryed · bi so ȝe hadde my siluer
Ich haue moche merueille of ȝow · and so hath many an other
Why ȝowre couent coueyteth · to confesse and to burye
Rather þan to baptise barnes · þat ben catekumelynges
Baptizyng and burying · bothe ben ful nedeful
notaquia magis conuenit | Baptismum quam sepulcrumM.11.79: Hand 3, fol. 48v, left margin. Ac moche more merytorie · me þynke it is to baptize
For a baptized man · may as maistres telleth
Þorugh contricioun come · to þe heigh heuene
Sola contricio &c ·

notaL.11.82: Hand X, fol. 45r, left margin. ¶ Ac a barne with-oute bapteme · may nouȝt so be saued
Iohn .iii.Cr2.11.83: Fol. O.2r, right margin.Iohn .iii.Cr3.11.83: Fol. 54r, right margin. Nisi quis renatus fuerit loke ȝe lettred men · whether I lye or do nouȝte
And lewte loked on me · and I loured after
Wherfore lourestow quod lewte · and loked on me harde
Ȝif I durste quod I amonges men · þis meteles auowe
Ȝe bi peter and bi poule quod he · and take hem bothe to witnesse
Leuit .xixCr2.11.88: Fol. O.2r, right margin.Leuit .xixCr3.11.88: Fol. 54r, right margin. Non oderis fratres secrete in corde tuo · set publice argue illos

¶ Þei wol alleggen also quod I · and by þe gospel preuen
Rom .ii.Cr2.11.90: Fol. O.2r, right margin.Rom .ii.Cr3.11.90: Fol. 54r, right margin. Nolite iudicare quemquam ·

¶ And wher-of serueth lawe quod lewte · if no lyf vndertoke it
Falsenesse ne faytrye · for sumwhat þe apostle seyde
Non oderis fratrem · and in þe sauter also seithe dauid þe prophete
Psal .l.Cr2.11.95: Fol. O.2v, left margin.Psal .115.Cr3.11.95: Fol. 54v, left margin. The proper citation is Psalm 50. Existimasti inique quod ero tui similis &c
notaW.11.96: Hand X, fol. 61v, right margin. It is licitum for lewed men · to segge þe sothe
notaW.11.97: Hand X, fol. 61v, right margin. If hem lyketh and leste · eche a lawe it graunteth
notaW.11.98: Hand X, fol. 61v, right margin. Excepte parsones and prestes · and prelates of holycherche
notaW.11.99: Hand X, fol. 61v, right margin. It falleth nouȝte for þat folke · no tales to telle
notaW.11.100: Hand X, fol. 61v, right margin. Þough þe tale were trewe · and it touched synne

¶ Þinge þat al þe worlde wote · wherfore shuldestow spare
And reden it in Retoryke · to arate dedly synne
notaM.11.103: Hand 3, fol. 49r, left margin. Ac be neuere-more þe fyrste · þe defaute to blame
Þouȝe þow se yuel sey it nouȝte fyrste · be sorye it nere amended
notaW.11.105: Hand X, fol. 61v, right margin. No þinge þat is pryue · publice þow it neuere
notaW.11.106: Hand X, fol. 61v, right margin. Neyther for loue laude it nouȝt · ne lakke it for enuye
+L.106α: Hand 1(?), fol. 45r, right margin. Parum lauda vitupera parcius

¶ He seith sothe quod scripture þo · and skipte an heigh & preched
Ac þe matere þat she meued · if lewed men it knewe
Þe lasse as I leue · louyen it þei wolde

multi sunt vocatiM.11.111: Hand 4, fol. 49r, right margin. ¶ This was her teme and her tyxte · I toke ful gode hede
Math .xx | and .xxii.Cr2.11.112: Fol. O.2v, left margin.Math .xx | and .xxiiCr3.11.112: Fol. 54v, left margin. Multi to a maungerye · and to þe mete were sompned
And whan þe peple was plenere comen · þe porter vnpynned þe ȝate
pauci vero electiM.11.114: Hand 3, fol. 49r, right margin. And plukked in pauci priueliche · and lete þe remenaunt go rowme

¶ Al for tene of her tyxte · trembled myn herte
And in a were gan I waxe · and with my-self to dispute
Whether I were chosen or nouȝt chosen · on holicherche I þouȝte
Þat vnderfonge me atte fonte · for one of goddis chosne
For cryste cleped vs alle · come if we wolde
Sarasenes and scismatikes · and so he dyd þe iewes
Esai .lv.Cr2.11.120α: Fol. O.2v, left margin.Esai .lv.Cr3.11.120α: Fol. 54v, left margin. O vos omnes [si]cientes venite &c
And badde hem souke for synne · saufly at his breste
And drynke bote for bale · brouke it who-so myȝte

¶ Þanne may alle crystene come quod I · and cleyme þere entre
...?...M.11.124: Hand X, fol. 49v, left margin. By þe blode þat he bouȝte vs with · and þorugh baptesme after
R.11.124α: Hand X, fol. 49r, right margin.Mar .xviCr2.11.124α: Fol. O.3r, right margin.Mar xvi.Cr3.11.124α: Fol. 55r, right margin. Qui crediderit & baptizatus fuerit &c of CrestyndomM.11.125: Hand X, fol. 49v, left margin. Must have read "Renoying of Crestyndom." For þough a crystene man coueyted · his crystenedome to reneye
Riȝtfulliche to renye · no resoun it wolde

notaquia Rusticus | non debet seipsum | manumiscere | absque licencia | domini suiM.11.127: Hand 3, fol. 49v, left margin. ¶ For may no cherle chartre make · ne his catel selle
With-outen leue of his lorde · no lawe wil it graunte
Ac he may renne in arrerage · and rowme so fro home
+L.11.130: Corrector, fol. 45v, left margin. And as a reneyed caityf recchelesly gon aboute
Ac Resoun shal rekne with hym · and casten hym in arrerage
And putten after in a prisone · in purgatorie to brenne
purgatorieC2.11.134: Hand 2, fol. 51r, right margin. For his arrerages rewarden hym þere ; to þe daye of dome
+L.11.135: Corrector, fol. 45v, left margin. But if contricioun wel come · and crye bi his lyue
Mercy for his mysdedes · with mouth or with herte

¶ Þat is soth seyde scripture may no synne lette
notaquia misericordia super omnia | operaM.11.138: Hand 3, fol. 49v, left margin. Mercy alle to amende · and mekenesse hir folwe
For þey beth as owre bokes telleth · aboue goddes werkes
Psal .115.Cr2.11.139α: Fol. O.3r, right margin. The Psalm is 145.Psal .4.Cr3.11.139α: Fol. 55r, right margin. The Psalm is 145. Misericordia eius super omnia opera eius

Baw For bookesM.11.140: Hand 3, fol. 49v, left margin.· nota · C.11.140: Hand 1, fol. 15r, left margin. ¶ Ȝee baw for bokes quod one · was broken oute of helle
trogianusL.11.141: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 45v, left margin.TroianusM.11.141: Hand 5, fol. 49v, left margin.notaM.11.141: Hand 3, fol. 49v, left margin.TroaianusC2.11.141: Hand 1, fol. 51r, right margin. Hand 2 altered "o" to "a." Hiȝte troianus had ben a trewe knyȝte · toke witnesse at a pope
TroianusO.11.142: Hand 1, fol. 44r, right margin. How he was ded and dampned · to dwellen in pyne
For an vncristene creature clerkis wyten þe sothe
Þat al þe clergye vnder cryste · miȝte me cracche fro helle
- C.11.145: Hand X, fol. 15r, left margin. But onliche loue and leaute · and my lawful domes

¶ Gregorie wist þis wel · and wilned to my soule
Sauacioun for sothenesse · þat he seigh in my werkes
| C.11.148: Hand X, fol. 15r, left margin. And after þat he wepte · and wilned me were graunted
. nota . | þe ground of trentalis .O.11.149-150: Hand 1, fol. 44v, left margin.nota | þe ground of | trentalisC2.11.149-150: Hand 1, fol. 51r, right margin. Grace wyth-outen any bede-byddynge · his bone was vnderfonge
And I saued as ȝe may se · with-oute syngyng of masses
notaW.11.152: Hand X, fol. 62v, right margin. By loue and by lernyng of my lyuyng in treuthe
notaW.11.153: Hand X, fol. 62v, right margin. Brouȝte me fro bitter peyne · þere no biddyng myȝte

notaquia valet veritasM.11.154: Hand 3, fol. 49v, left margin. - C.11.154: Hand X, fol. 15r, left margin.· Nota · C.11.154: Hand 1, fol. 15r, left margin. ¶ Lo ȝe lordes what leute did · by an Emperoure of Rome
- C.11.155: Hand X, fol. 15r, left margin. Þat was an vncrystene creature · as clerkes fyndeth in bokes
GregorieCr2.11.156: Fol. O.3v, left margin.GregorieCr3.11.156: Fol. 55v, left margin. Nouȝt þorw preyere of a pope · but for his pure treuthe
in Episcopum RomanumR.11.157: Hand X2 (15th-c), fol. 49v, left margin. Was þat sarasene saued · as seynt Gregorie bereth witnesse
Wel ouȝte ȝe lordes þat lawes kepe · þis lessoun to haue in mynde
notaquia iusticia eius | manet in seculum seculiM.11.159: Hand 3, fol. 50r, right margin.Law . and knoleage without | Loue . availeth no thingeC2.11.159: Hand 2, fol. 51r, right margin. And on troianus treuth to thenke · and do treuthe to þe peple [Here follow 11.160-170 in KD, from alpha; however, none of the lines are annotated.]

notaW.11.171: Hand X, fol. 62v, right margin.NotaC.11.171: Hand 1, fol. 15r, left margin.Exemplum | RomanusO.11.171: Hand 1(?), fol. 44v, left margin. (Note: BB transcribe the second word as "bonum," but there is an expansion mark after the last minims.) Lawe with-outen loue quod troianus leye þere a bene
Exemplum bonumC2.11.172: Hand 1, fol. 51r, right margin.I lefte hereR.11.172: Hand X (16th-c), fol. 49v, left margin. Same hand as the note on 43v (KD.10.289) marking where reader began. Or any science vnder sonne · þe seuene artz and alle
XL.11.173: Hand X, fol. 46r, left margin.notaquia magis propter amorem | quam pecunie stipend[ium]M.11.173: Hand 3, fol. 50r, right margin. But if þei ben lerned for owre lordes loue · loste is alle þe tyme
For no cause to cacche siluer þere-by · ne to be called a mayster
But al for loue of owre lorde · and þe bet to loue þe peple
For seynte Iohan seyde it · and soth aren his wordes
i. Ioh .iii.Cr2.11.176α: Fol. O.3v, left margin.i. Ioh .iiiCr3.11.176α: Fol. 55v, left margin. Qui non diligit manet in morte

¶ Who-so loueth nouȝte leue me · he lyueth in deth-deyinge
notaW.11.178: Hand X, fol. 62v, right margin. And þat alle manere men · enemys and frendes
notaW.11.179: Hand X, fol. 62v, right margin. Louen her eyther other · and lene hem as her-selue
notaW.11.180: Hand X, fol. 62v, right margin. Who-so leneth nouȝte · he loueth nouȝte · god wote þe sothe
notaW.11.181: Hand X, fol. 62v, right margin. And comaundeth eche creature · to confourme hym to louye
notaW.11.182: Hand X, fol. 62v, right margin. And souereynelyche pore poeple · and here ennemys after
notaW.11.183: Hand X, fol. 62v, right margin. For hem þat hateth vs · is owre meryte to louye
notaW.11.184: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. And pore peple to plese · here prayeres may vs helpe
notaquia in similitudine pauperum | visus erat IhesusM.11.185: Hand 3, fol. 50r, right margin.notaW.11.185: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. ~ C.11.185: Hand X, fol. 15r, left margin. For owre ioye and owre hele · Ihesu cryst of heuene
notaW.11.186: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin.Christe | was poreCr2.11.186: Fol. O.3v, left margin.Christe | was poreCr3.11.186: Fol. 55v, left margin. In a pore mannes apparaille · pursueth vs euere
notaW.11.187: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. And loketh on vs in her liknesse · and þat with louely chere
notaW.11.188: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. ~ C.11.188: Hand X, fol. 15r, left margin. To knowen vs by owre kynde herte · and castyng of owre eyen
notaW.11.189: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. Wheþer we loue þe lordes here · byfor owre lorde of blisse

¶ And exciteth vs bi þe euangelye · þat when we maken festes
We shulde nouȝte clepe owre kynne þer-to · ne none kynnes riche
Luk .xiiii. Cr2.11.191α: Fol. O.3v, left margin.Luk .xiiiiCr3.11.191α: Fol. 55v, left margin. Cum facitis conuiuia nolite inuitare amicos
notaW.11.192: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. Ac calleth þe careful þer-to þe croked and þe pore
[letter resembling "e" touched in red]F.11.193: Hand X, fol. 42v, left margin. For ȝowre frendes wil feden ȝow · and fonde ȝow to quite
Ȝowre festynge and ȝowre faire ȝifte · vche frende quyteth so other

notaW.11.195: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. ¶ Ac for þe pore I shal paye · and pure wel quyte her trauaille
notaW.11.196: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. KD.11.197 not in W. Þat ȝiueth hem mete or moneye · and loueth hem for my sake

notaW.11.198: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. For þe best ben somme riche · and somme beggers and pore
notaW.11.199: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. For alle are we crystes creatures · and of his coffres riche
notaW.11.200: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. And bretheren as of o blode · as wel beggares as erles ·
+L.11.201: Corrector, fol. 46r, left margin.notaW.11.201: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. For on caluarye of crystes blode · crystenedome gan sprynge
no vileyn butt | by SynM.11.202: Hand 3, fol. 50v, left margin.notaW.11.202: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. And blody bretheren we bycome þere · of o body ywonne
notaW.11.203: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. As quasi modo geniti · and gentil men vche one
No beggere ne boye amonges vs · but if it synne made
Ioh .viii.Cr2.11.204α: Fol. O.4r, right margin.Ioh .viii.Cr3.11.204α: Fol. 56r, right margin. Qui facit peccatum seruus est peccati &c

¶ In þe olde lawe · as holy lettre telleth
Mennes sones · men called vs vchone
Of adames issue and Eue · ay til god-man deyde
And after his resurreccioun · Redemptor was his name
And we his bretheren þourgh hym ybouȝt · bothe riche and pore
notaquia Iocundum est | habitare Fratres | in vnumM.11.209: Hand 3, fol. 50v, left margin.notaW.11.209: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. For-þi loue we as leue bretheren shal · and vche man laughe vp other
notaW.11.210: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. And of þat eche man may forbere · amende þere it nedeth
notaW.11.211: Hand X, fol. 63r, right margin. And euery man helpe other · for hennes shal we alle
Galat .viCr2.11.211α: Fol. O.4r, right margin.Galat ,viCr3.11.211α: Fol. 56r, right margin. Alter alterius onera portate
notaW.11.212: Hand X, fol. 63v, right margin. And be we nouȝte vnkynde of owre catel · ne of owre kunnynge neyther
notaW.11.213: Hand X, fol. 63v, right margin. For noet no man how neighe it is · to be ynome fro bothe
XM.11.214: Hand X, fol. 50v, left margin. For-þi lakke no lyf other · þough he more latyne knowe
Ne vnder-nym nouȝte foule · for is none with-oute faute
For what-euere clerkis carpe of crystenedome or elles
Cryst to a comune woman seyde · in comune at a feste
notaquia per Fidem saluata | est peccatrixM.11.218: Hand 3, fol. 50v, left margin. Þat fides sua shulde sauen hir and saluen hir of alle synnes

¶ Þanne is byleue a lele helpe aboue logyke or lawe
Logick and LawC2.11.220: Hand 2, fol. 52r, right margin. Of logyke ne of lawe in legenda sanctorum
Is litel allowaunce made · but if bileue hem helpe
For it is ouerlonge ar logyke · any lessoun assoille
nota legisM.11.223: Hand 4, fol. 50v, left margin. (Note: BB expand "loquitur.") And lawe is loth to louye · but if he lacche syluer
Bothe logyke and lawe · þat loueth nouȝte to lye
I conseille alle crystene · cleue nouȝte þer-on to sore
For sum wordes I fynde ywryten · were of faithes techyng
Þat saued synful men · as seynt Iohan bereth wytnesse
Mat .vii.Cr2.11.228: Fol. O.4v, left margin.Mat .vii.Cr3.11.228: Fol. 56v, left margin. Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis remecietur vobis

notaW.11.229: Hand X, fol. 63v, right margin. ¶ For-þi lerne we þe lawe of loue · as owre lorde tauȝte
notaW.11.230: Hand X, fol. 63v, right margin. And as seynte Gregory seide · for mannes soule helthe
Melius est scrutari scelera nostra · quam naturas rerum

¶ Why I moue þis matere ; is moste for þe pore
NotaC.11.233: Hand 1, fol. 15r, right margin. For in her lyknesse owre lorde · ofte hath ben yknowe
Witnesse in þe Paske-wyke · whan he ȝede to Emaus
Cleophas ne knewe hym nauȝte · þat he cryste were
For his pore paraille · and pylgrymes wedes
notaquia in Fraccione panis cognouerunt eumM.11.237: Hand 3, fol. 51r, right margin. Tyl he blessed and brak · þe bred þat þei eten
So bi his werkes þei wisten · þat he was Ihesus
Ac by clothyng þei knewe hym nouȝte · ne bi carpynge of tonge

notaW.11.240: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin. ¶ And al was in ensample · to vs synful here
notaW.11.241: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin. Þat we shulde be low · and loueliche of speche
notaW.11.242: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin. · Nota · C.11.242: Hand 1, fol. 15r, right vestitum mileten[tio]R.11.242: Hand X2 (15th-c), fol. 51r, right margin. And apparaille vs nouȝte ouer-proudly · for pylgrymes ar we alle
notaW.11.243: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin. And in þe apparaille of a pore man · and pilgrymes lyknesse
notaW.11.244: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin. Many tyme god hath ben mette · amonge nedy peple
notaW.11.245: Hand X, fol. 64r, right punysh mR.11.245: Hand X (15th-c), fol. 51r, right margin. Þere neuere segge hym seigh · in secte of þe riche

pureO.11.246: Hand 3, fol. 45v, right margin. Punctus with marginal word and carat at "pore" inline indicates a substitution. ¶ Seynt Iohan and other seyntes · were seyne in pore clothynge
And as pore pilgrymes · preyed mennes godis
· nota. · C.11.248: Hand 1, fol. 15v, left margin. Ihesu cryste on a iewes douȝter alyȝte · gentil woman þough she were
To ponyshe me | in [shrift]R.11.249: Hand X (secretary), fol. 51r, right margin. Was a pure pore mayde · and to a pore man wedded

Martha & | MaudelenL.11.250: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 47v, right margin. ¶ Martha on Marye magdeleyne · an huge pleynte she made
And to owre saueour self · seyde þise wordes
NotaR.11.252: Hand X, fol. 51r, right margin.Luk .x.Cr2.11.252: Fol. O.4v, left margin.Luk .xi.Cr3.11.252: Fol. 56v, left margin. The proper citation is Luke 10. Domine non est tibi cure quod soror mea reliquit me sola ministrare &c

NotaM.11.253: Hand X, fol. 51r, right margin.quomodo laudatur paupertasM.11.253: Hand 3, fol. 51r, right margin. ¶ And hastiliche god answered · and eytheres wille folwed
Bothe Marthaes and Maries · as Mathew bereth witnesse
notaW.11.255: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin. Ac pouerte god put bifore · and preysed it þe bettre
Maria optimam partem elegit · que non &c

parfite povertieL.11.256: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 47r, right margin. - C.11.256: Hand X, fol. 15v, left margin. ¶ And alle þe wyse þat euere were · by auȝte I can aspye
nota pouerte For the bestM.11.257: Hand 3, fol. 51r, right margin. Preysen pouerte for best lyf · if pacience it folwe
And bothe bettere and blisseder · by many folde þan ricchesse
+L.11.259: Corrector, fol. 47r, left margin.notaW.11.259: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin. Although it be soure to suffre · þere cometh swete after
notaW.11.260: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin.SimilitudoC2.11.260: Hand 2, fol. 52v, left margin. As on a walnot with-oute is a bitter barke
notaW.11.261: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin.pouertieC2.11.261: Hand 2, fol. 52v, right margin. And after þat bitter barke · be þe shelle aweye
notaW.11.262: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin. Is a kirnelle of conforte · kynde to restore
...?...M.11.263: Hand 2, fol. 51r, right margin, likely a guide for addition of "penaunce" inline.notaW.11.263: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin. So is after pouerte or penaunce · pacientlyche ytake
notaW.11.264: Hand X, fol. 64r, right margin. For it maketh a man to haue mynde in gode · and a grete wille
notaW.11.265: Hand X, fol. 64v, right margin. To wepe and to wel bydde · wher-of wexeth mercy
notaW.11.266: Hand X, fol. 64v, right margin. Of which cryst is a kirnelle · to conforte þe soule
And wel sykerer he slepyth · þe man þat is pore
notaW.11.268: Hand X, fol. 64v, right margin. And lasse he dredeth deth · and in derke to be robbed
notaW.11.269: Hand X, fol. 64v, right margin. Þan he þat is riȝte ryche · resoun bereth wytnesse
Pauper ego ludo dum tu diues meditaris

¶ Alþough salamon seide · as folke seeth in þe bible
Prou .xxx.Cr2.11.271: Fol. P.1r, right margin.Prou .xxxCr3.11.271: Fol. 57r, right margin. Diuicias nec paupertates &c
perfeccioun of pouertieC2.11.272: Hand 2, fol. 52v, right margin. Wyser þan salamon was · bereth witnesse and tauȝte
notaW.11.273: Hand X, fol. 64v, right margin. Þat parfyte pouert was · no possessioun to haue
notaW.11.274: Hand X, fol. 64v, right margin. And lyf moste lykynge to god · as luke bereth witnesse
Math .xix.Cr2.11.274α: Fol. P.1r, right margin.Mat .xix.Cr3.11.274α: Fol. 57r, right margin. Si vis perfectus esse · vade & vende &c
And is to mene to men · þat on þis molde lyuen
war munkes & | chanounsO.11.275: Hand 1, fol. 45v, left margin.War munkes & | ChannonysC2.11.275: Hand 1, fol. 52v, right margin. Who-so wil be pure parfyt · mote possessioun forsake
Or selle it as seith þe boke · and þe syluer dele
To beggeres þat gone and begge · and bidden good for goddes loue

notaW.11.279: Hand X, fol. 64v, right margin.. nota .O.11.279: Hand 1, fol. 45v, left margin. ¶ For failled neuere man mete · þat myȝtful god serued
As dauid seith in þe sauter · to suche þat ben in wille
To serue god godeliche · ne greueth hym no penaunce
Nichil inpossibile volenti
Ne lakketh neuere lyflode · lynnen ne wollen
Psal .34.Cr2.11.282α: Fol. P.1r, right margin.Psal .34.Cr3.11.282α: Fol. 57r, right margin. Inquirentes autem dominum · non minuentur omni bono
notaW.11.283: Hand X, fol. 64v, right margin. · Nota · C.11.283: Hand 1, fol. 15v, right margin. Of annueleris preestisO.11.283: Hand 1, fol. 46r, top right. If prestes weren parfyt · þei wolde no syluer take
notaW.11.284: Hand X, fol. 64v, right margin.Agaynste takynge of monay | for MassesC2.11.284: Hand 2, fol. 53r, right clericosR.11.284: Hand X2 (15th century), fol. 51v, left margin. For masses ne for matynes · nouȝte her mete of vsureres
Ne neither kirtel ne cote · þeigh þey for colde shulde deye
And þei her deuor dede · as dauid seith in þe sauter
Psa .xliiiCr2.11.286α: Fol. P.1v, left margin.Psa .xliiiCr3.11.286α: Fol. 57v, left margin. Iudica me deus & discerne causam meam
Spera in deo speketh of prestes · þat haue no spendyng syluer
notaW.11.288: Hand X, fol. 64v, right margin. Þat ȝif þei trauaille trewlich · and trusten in god almiȝti
notaW.11.289: Hand X, fol. 64v, right margin. Hem shulde lakke no lyflode · noyther wollen ne lynnen
ordresW.11.290: Hand 2, fol. 51v, right margin. And þe title þat þei take ordres by · telleth ȝe ben auaunced
Þanne nedeth nouȝte ȝow to take syluer · for masses þat ȝe syngen
notaM.11.292: Hand X, fol. 51v, left margin. For he þat toke ȝow ȝowre tytle · shulde take ȝow ȝowre wages
pro | presbiterisM.11.293: Hand 3, fol. 51v, left margin.NotaR.11.293: Hand X (15th-c), fol. 51v, left margin. Or þe bisshop þat blesseth ȝow · if þat ȝe ben worthy

XL.11.294: Hand X, fol. 47v, left margin.notaW.11.294: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. ¶ For made neuere no kynge no knyȝte · but he hadde catel to spende
As bifel for a kniȝte · or fonde hym for his strengthe
nota a Careffull knyghtM.11.296: Hand 3, fol. 51v, left margin.notaW.11.296: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. It is a careful knyȝte · and of a caytyue kynges makynge
notaW.11.297: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. Þat hath no londe ne lynage riche · ne good loos of his handes
notaW.11.298: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. Þe same I segge for sothe · by alle suche prestes
notaW.11.299: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. Þat han noyther kunnynge ne kynne · but a croune one
notaW.11.300: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. And a tytle a tale of nouȝte · to his lyflode at myschief
notaW.11.301: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin.R.11.301: Hand X, fol. 52r, left margin.Priesting | was an oc|cupation | to lyue byCr2.11.301: Fol. P.1v, left margin.Priesting | was an oc|cupation . | to lyue byCr3.11.301: Fol. 57v, left margin. He hath more bileue as I leue · to lacche þorw his croune
notaW.11.302: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. Cure · þan for konnyng · or knowen for clene of berynge
notaW.11.302.1: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin.Nota in EpiscoposR.11.302.1: Hand X2 (15th-c), fol. 52r, right margin. I haue wonder & why · and wher-fore þe bisshop
notaW.302.2: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. Maketh suche prestes · þat lewed men bytrayen

The title of | Prestes &ceteraL.11.303: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 47v, left margin, brackets all text on page (KD.11.283-320).notaW.11.303: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. ¶ A chartre is chalengeable · byfor a chief iustice
+L.11.304: Corrector, fol. 47v, left margin.notaW.11.304: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. If false latyne be in þa lettre · þe lawe it inpugneth
Or peynted parenterlinarie · parceles ouer-skipped
Þe gome þat gloseth so chartres · for a goky is holden

notacontra Idiotes prestisM.11.307: Hand 3, fol. 52r, right margin.notaW.11.307: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. ¶ So is it a goky by god · þat in his gospel failleth
notaW.11.308: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. Or in masse or in matynes · maketh any defaute
Iacob .ii.Cr2.11.309: Fol. P.1v, left margin.Iacob .ii.Cr3.11.309: Fol. 57v, left margin. Qui offendit in vno in omnibus est reus &c
And also in þe sauter · seyth dauyd to ouerskippers
Psa .xlviiCr2.11.311: Fol. P.1v, left margin.Psa .xlviiCr3.11.311: Fol. 57v, left margin. Psallite deo nostro psallite quoniam rex terre deus israel psallite sapienter
notaW.11.312: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. Þe bisshop shal be blamed · bifor god as I leue
notaW.11.313: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. Þat crouneth suche goddes kniȝtes · þat conneth nouȝt sapienter
notaW.11.314: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin. Synge ne psalmes rede · ne segge a messe of þe day
notaW.11.315: Hand X, fol. 65r, right margin.R.11.315: Hand X, fol. 52r, right margin. Ac neuer neyther is blamelees · þe bisshop ne þe chapleyne
notaW.11.316: Hand X, fol. 65v, right margin. For her eyther is endited · and þat of ignorancia
Non excusat episcopos · nec idiotes prestes

¶ Þis lokynge on lewed prestes · haþ don me lepe fram pouerte
Þe whiche I preyse þere pacyence is · more parfyt þan ricchesse

notaL.11.320: Hand 1(?) (at least, contemporary), fol. 47v, left margin. Ac moche more in metynge þus · with me gan one dispute
And slepynge I seigh al þis · and sithen cam kynde
Nature | teacheth | manCr2.11.322: Fol. P.2r, right margin.Nature | teacheth | manCr3.11.322: Fol. 58r, right margin. And nempned me by my name · and bad me nymen hede
And þorw þe wondres of þis worlde · wytte for to take
And on a mountaigne þat mydelerd hyȝte · as me þo þouȝte
I was fette forth · by ensaumples to knowe
Þorugh eche a creature and kynde · my creatoure to louye
I seigh þe sonne and þe see · and þe sonde after
And where þat bryddes and bestes · by here make þei ȝeden
nota For wormys & Foulis & ceteraM.11.329: Hand 3, fol. 52r, right margin. Wylde wormes in wodes · and wonderful foules
With flekked fetheres · and of fele coloures
Man and his make · I myȝte bothe byholde
Pouerte and plente · bothe pees and werre
Blisse and bale · bothe I seigh at ones
And how men token Mede · and mercy refused

¶ Resoune I seighe sothly suen alle bestes
In etyng in drynkynge · and in engendrynge of kynde
And after course of concepcioun · none toke kepe of other
As whan þei hadde ryde in rotey-tyme · anon riȝte þer-after
Males drowen hem to males · a-mornynges bi hem-self
+L.11.340: Corrector, fol. 48r, left margin. And in euenynges also · [þ]e males fro femeles
Þere ne was cow ne cowkynde · þat conceyued hadde
Þat wolde belwe after boles · ne bore after sowe
Bothe horse and houndes · and alle other bestes
Medled nouȝte wyth here makes · þat with fole were

¶ Briddes I bihelde · þat in buskes made nestes
- C.11.346: Hand X, fol. 15v, right margin. Hadde neuere wye witte · to worche þe leest
nota pye NestM.11.347: Hand 3, fol. 52v, left margin. I hadde wonder at whom · and where þe pye lerned
To legge þe stykkes · in whiche she leythe and bredeth
Þere nys wriȝte as I wene · shulde worche hir neste to paye
If any masoun made a molde þer-to · moche wonder it were

¶ And ȝet me merueilled more · how many other briddes
Hudden and hileden · her egges ful derne
In mareys and mores · for men sholde hem nouȝt fynde
...?...M.11.354b: Hand X, fol. 52v, right margin. Belongs to the line in M that corresponds to KD.11.354b, 353b. Likely a guide for the addition of "þai" inline. And hudden here egges · whan þei þere-fro wente
For fere of other foules · and for wylde bestis

¶ And some troden her makes · and on trees bredden
notaconcepcionem ByleM.11.357: Hand 3, fol. 52v, left margin. And brouȝten forth her bryddes so · al aboue þe grounde
And some bryddes at þe bille · þorwgh brethynge conceyued
And some kauked I toke kepe · how pekokes bredden
Moche merueilled me · what maister þei hadde
And who tauȝte hem on trees · to tymbre so heigh
Þere noither buirn ne beste · may her briddes rechen

¶ And sythen I loked vpon þe see · and so forth vpon þe sterres
Many selcouthes I seygh · ben nought to seye nouthe

¶ I seigh floures in þe fritthe · and her faire coloures
And how amonge þe grene grasse · grewe so many hewes
+L.11.367: Corrector, fol. 48v, left margin. And somme soure and some swete · selcouthe me þouȝte
Of her kynde and her coloure · to carpe it were to longe

· Nota · C.11.369: Hand 1, fol. 16r, left margin. ¶ Ac þat moste moeued me · and my mode chaunged
notaW.11.370: Hand X, fol. 66r, right margin.Reason Rewleth all beastes | save man and his make . C2.11.370: Hand 2, fol. 54r, right margin. Þat resoun rewarded · and reuled alle bestes
notaW.11.371: Hand X, fol. 66r, right margin. Saue man and his make · many tyme and ofte
notaW.11.372: Hand X, fol. 66r, right margin.notaW.11.373: Hand X, fol. 66r, right margin. No resoun hem folwed · and þanne I rebuked [This line is condensed in L; in W it is two lines (KD.11.372-373), with a "nota" on each.]
I haue wonder of þe quod I · þat witty art holden
Why þow ne suwest man and his make · þat no mysfait hem folwe

¶ And resoun arated me · and seyde recche þe neuere
notaW.11.377: Hand X, fol. 66v, right margin. Whi I suffre or nouȝt suffre · þi-self hast nouȝt to done
notaW.11.378: Hand X, fol. 66v, right margin. Amende þow it if þow myȝte · for my tyme is to abyde
Suffraunce is a souereygne vertue · and a swyfte veniaunce
id est gomeC.11.380: Hand 1, fol. 16r, supralinear above "man," probably intended as a correction, as other manuscripts read "gome." Who suffreth more þan god quod he · no gome as I leue
id est mynuteC.11.381: Hand 1, fol. 16r, left margin. Intended to change "litel" (in C's line) to "minute," agreeing with other manuscripts. He miȝte amende in a Minute-while · al þat mys-standeth
Ac he suffreth for somme mannes good · and so is owre bettre [Hereafter follow 11.383-93 in KD, from alpha, but they are not annotated.]

¶ Þe wyse and þe witty · wrote þus in þe bible
· Nota · C.11.395: Hand 1, fol. 16r, left margin.Eccle .xiCr2.11.395: Fol. P.3r, right margin.Eccle .xi.Cr3.11.395: Fol. 59r, right margin. de re que te non molestat noly certare
notaquod non decet Forma hominis | vituperari quia non FormosaM.11.396: Hand 3, fol. 53r, right margin. (Note: BB expand "debet" instead of "decet.") For be a man faire or foule · it falleth nouȝte forto lakke
Þe shappe ne þe shafte · þat god shope hym-selue
For al þat he did was wel ydo · as holywrit witnesseth
Gene .i.Cr2.11.398α: Fol. P.3r, right margin.Gene .i.Cr3.11.398α: Fol. 59r, right margin. Et vidit deus cunta que fecerat et erant valde bona

¶ And badde euery creature · in his kynde encrees
Al to murthe with man · þat most woo tholye
In fondynge of þe flesshe · and of þe fende bothe
For man was made of suche a matere · he may nouȝt wel astert
Þat ne some tymes hym bitit · to folwen his kynde
Catoun acordeth þere-with · nemo sine crimine viuit

¶ Tho cauȝte I coloure anon · and comsed to ben aschamed
And awaked þer-with · wo was me þanne
Þat I in meteles ne myȝte · more haue yknowen
And þanne seyde I to my-self · and chidde þat tyme
Now I wote what dowel is quod I · by dere god as me þinketh
And as I caste vp myn eyghen · one loked on me and axed
Of me what þinge it were · ywisse sire I seide
Septima discriptio de dowellM.11.412: Hand 3, fol. 53r, right margin.notaW.11.412: Hand X, fol. 66v, right margin.Do WellC2.11.412: Hand 2, fol. 54v, right margin. To se moche and suffre more · certes quod I is dowel

¶ Haddestow suffred he seyde · slepyng þo þow were
Þow sholdest haue knowen þat clergye can · and conceiued more þorugh resoun
For resoun wolde haue reherced þe · riȝte as clergye saide
| C.11.416: Hand X, fol. 16r, left margin. Ac for þine entermetyng · here artow forsake
Philosophus esses si tacuisses

notaW.11.417: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. ¶ Adam w[h]iles he spak nouȝt · had paradys at wille
notaW.11.418: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. Ac whan he mameled aboute mete · and entermeted to knowe
notaW.11.419: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. Þe wisdom and þe witte of god · he was put fram blisse
And riȝt so ferde resoun bi the · þow with rude speche
Lakkedest and losedest þinge · þat longed nouȝt to be done
Þo hadde he no lykynge · forto lere þe more

¶ Pruide now and presumpcioun · par-auenture wole þe appele
That clergye þi compaignye · ne kepeth nouȝt to sue
notaW.11.425: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. Shal neuere chalangynge ne chydynge · chaste a man so sone
notaW.11.426: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. As shal shame and shenden hym · and shape hym to amende
nota dronkyn | daffeM.11.427: Hand 3, fol. 53v, left margin.notaW.11.427: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. - C.11.427: Hand X, fol. 16r, left margin.Shame | is the best | remedye | for dron|kardesCr2.11.427: Fol. P.3v, left margin.Shame | is the best | remedye | for dron=|kardes .Cr3.11.427: Fol. 59v, left margin. For lat a dronken daffe · in a dyke falle
notaW.11.428: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. Late hym ligge loke nouȝte on hym · til hym left to ryse
notaW.11.429: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. W combines KD.11.423 and 431: "For þouȝ Reson rebuked hym þanne . it were but pure synne." For þough resoun rebuked hym þanne · it were but pure synne
notaW.11.432: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. In W, this line directly follows KD.11.429. Ac whan nede nymeth hym vp · for doute lest he sterue
notaW.11.433: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. And shame shrapeth his clothes · & his shynes wassheth
notaW.11.434: Hand X, fol. 67r, right margin. - C.11.434: Hand X, fol. 16r, left margin. Þanne wote þe dronken daffe · wherfore he is to blame

¶ Ȝe seggen soth quod I · ich haue yseyne it ofte
Þere smitte no þinge so smerte · ne smelleth so soure
+L.11.437: Corrector, fol. 49r, left margin. As shame þere he sheweth him · for euery man hym shonyeth
Why ȝe wisse me þus quod I · was for I rebuked resoun

¶ Certes quod he þat is soth · and shope hym forto walken
And I aros vp riȝt with þat · and folwed hym after
And preyed hym of his curteisye · to telle me his name
