Passus octauus de visione & primus de dowel

+L.8.1: Corrector, fol. 33r, right margin....?...M.8.1: Hand X, fol. 36r, right margin.quintus / sextusF.8.1: Hand 1, fol. 29v, left margin, marking passus division. Thus yrobed in russet · I rowmed aboute
Al a somer sesoun · for to seke dowel
And frayned ful oft · of folke þat I mette
If ani wiȝte wiste · where dowel was at Inne
And what man he miȝte be · of many man I axed

nota the questioun askyn of | Freris of dowellM.8.6: Hand 3, fol. 36r, right margin ¶ Was neuere wiȝte as I went · þat me wisse couthe
Where þis lede lenged · lasse ne more

· Nota · C.8.8: Hand 1, fol. 11r, left margin.[drawing of eagle in heraldic style]Y.8.8: Hand X, fol. 35r, bottom center. A red "L" is written on the eagle's breast, possibly in rubricating ink (used by Hand 1). ¶ Tyl it bifel on a fryday · two freres I mette
Maistres of þe Menoures · men of grete witte
I hailsed hem hendely as I hadde lerned
And preyed hem par charitee · ar þei passed forther
+L.8.12: Corrector, fol. 33r, left margin. If þei knewe any contre · or costes as þei went
Where þat dowel dwelleth · doth me to wytene

¶ For þei ben men on þis molde · þat moste wyde walken
And knowen contrees · and courtes · and many kynnes places
Bothe prynces paleyses · and pore mennes cotes
And dowel and doyuel · where þei dwelle bothe

¶ Amonges vs quod þe Menours · þat man is dwellyng
And euere hath as I hope · and euere shal here-after

ContraO.8.20: Hand 1, fol. 32v, left margin.ContraC2.8.20: Hand 1, fol. 37r, right margin. ¶ Contra quod I as a clerke · and comsed to disputen
notaM.8.20α: Hand 3, fol. 36r, right margin....?...M.8.20α: Hand X, fol. 36r, right margin.notaW.8.20α: Hand X, fol. 45r, right margin.Sepcies | in die | cadit | iustiO.8.20α: Hand 1, fol. 32v, right margin, written vertically opposite KD.8.20α-24.Prou .24Cr2.8.20α: Fol. K.4r, right margin.Prou .24.Cr3.8.20α: Fol. 40r, right margin. And seide sothli sepcies · in die cadit iustus
Septies in die | cadit iustusC2.8.21: Hand 2, fol. 37r, right margin. Seuene sythes seith þe boke · synneth þe riȝtful .
And who-so synneth I seyde · doth yuel as me þinketh
And dowel and do yuel · mow nouȝt dwelle togideres
· nota · C.8.24: Hand 1, fol. 11r, left margin. Ergo he nys nauȝt alway · amonge ȝow freres
He is otherwhile ellis-where · to wisse þe peple

¶ I shal sey þe my sone · seide þe frere þanne
similitudoG.8.27: Hand 1, fol. 33r, left margin. How seuene sithes þe sad man · on þe day synneth
- C.8.28: Hand X, fol. 11r, left margin.similitudoC2.8.28: Hand 2, fol. 37r, left margin. By a forbisene quod þe frere · I shal þe faire shewe

notaW.8.29: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. ¶ Lat brynge a man in a bote · amydde a brode water
notaW.8.30: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Þe wynde and þe water · and þe bote waggynge
notaW.8.31: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Maketh þe man many a tyme · to falle and to stonde
notaW.8.32: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. For stonde he neuere so styf · he stombleth ȝif he moeue
notaW.8.33: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Ac ȝit is he sauf and sounde · and so hym bihoueth
notaW.8.34: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. For ȝif he ne arise þe rather · and rauȝte to þe stiere
notaW.8.35: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Þe wynde wolde wyth þe water · þe bote ouerthrowe
notaW.8.36: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. And þanne were his lyf loste · þourgh lacchesse of hym-self

notaW.8.37: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. ¶ And þus it falleth quod þe frere · bi folke here on erthe
notaW.8.38: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Þe water is likned to þe worlde · þat wanyeth and wexeth
notaW.8.39: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Þe godis of þis grounde aren like · to þe grete wawes
notaW.8.40: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Þat as wyndes and wederes · walweth aboute
notaW.8.41: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Þe bote is likned to owre body · þat brutel is of kynde
+L.8.42: Corrector, fol. 33v, left margin.notaW.8.42: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Þat þorugh þe fende and þi flessh · and þe frele worlde
tymes sithesM.8.43: Hand 2, fol. 36v, right margin. Deleted but legible under UV light.notaW.8.43: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Synneth þe sadman · a day seuene sythes

kepethM.8.44: Hand 1, fol. 36v, right margin. ¶ Ac dedly synne doth he nouȝt · for dowel hym kepith
notaquod Caritas maxime | adiuuat contra peccatumM.8.45: Hand 3, fol. 36v, left margin. And þat is charite þe champioun · chief help aȝein synne
For he strengtheth man to stonde · and stereth mannes soule
notaW.8.47: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. And þowgh þi body bow · as bote doth in þe water
notaW.8.48: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Ay is þi soule sauf · but þi-self wole
Do a dedly synne · and drenche so þi soule
suffreM.8.51: Hand 2, fol. 36v, left margin.His opi=|nion of | frewyll .Cr2.8.51: Fol. K.4v, left margin.His opi=|nion of | frewyll .Cr3.8.51: Fol. 40v, left margin. God wole suffre wel þi sleuthe · ȝif þi-self lyketh
notaW.8.52: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. For he ȝaf þe to ȝeresȝyue · to ȝeme wel þi-selue
+L.8.53: Corrector, fol. 33v, left margin.notaW.8.53: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. And þat is witte a fre wille · to euery wyȝte a porcioun
notaW.8.54: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. To fleghyng foules · to fissches & to bestes
+Corrector, fol. 33v, left margin.notaW.8.55: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. Ac man hath moste þerof · and moste is to blame
notaW.8.56: Hand X, fol. 45v, right margin. But if he worche wel þer-with · as dowel hym techeth

¶ I haue no kynde knowyng quod I · to conceyue alle ȝowre wordes
Ac if I may lyue and loke · I shal go lerne bettere
I bikenne þe cryst · þat on þe crosse deyde
And I seyde þe same · saue ȝow fro myschaunce
And ȝiue ȝow grace on þis grounde · good men to worthe

· Nota · C.8.62: Hand 1, fol. 11r, right margin. ¶ And þus I went wide-where walkyng myne one
By a wilde wildernesse · and bi a wode-syde
notaW.8.64: Hand X, fol. 46r, right margin. Blisse of þo briddes · brouȝte me aslepe
And vnder a lynde vppon a launde · lened I a stounde
To lythe þe layes · þo louely foules made
+L.8.67: Corrector, fol. 34r, left margin.notaW.8.67: Hand X, fol. 46r, right margin. Murthe of her mouthes · made me þere to slepe
Þe merueillousest meteles · mette me þanne
+L.8.69: Corrector, fol. 34r, left margin. Þat euer [dremed] wyȝte · in worlde as I wene

notaquomodo thought primo apparuit | in sompnoM.8.70: Hand 3, fol. 37r, right margin ¶ A moche man as me þouȝte · and lyke to my-selue
Come and called me · by my kynde name
What artow quod I þo · þat þow my name knowest
Þat þow wost wel quod he · and no wyȝte bettere

· thouȝt · C.8.74: Hand 1, fol. 1r, right margin. ¶ Wote I what þow art ; þought · seyde he þanne
ThoughteC2.8.75: Hand 2, fol. 38r, right margin. I haue suwed þe þis seuene ȝere · sey þow me no rather

¶ Art þow thought quod I þo · þow couthest me wisse
Where þat dowel dwelleth · and do me þat to knowe

...?...notaprima discripcio de dowellM.8.78: Hand 3, fol. 37r, right margin.notaW.8.78: Hand X, fol. 46r, right margin. dowellG.8.78: Hand 1, fol. 33v, left margin.Do WellO.8.78: Hand 2, fol. 38r, right margin. ¶ Dowel and dobet · and dobest þe thridde quod he
notaW.8.79: Hand X, fol. 46r, right margin. Aren three faire vertues · and beth nauȝte fer to fynde
notaW.8.80-81: Hand X, fol. 46r, right margin. Who-so is trewe of his tonge · and of his two handes
notaW.8.82: Hand X, fol. 46r, right margin. And þorugh his laboure or þorugh his londe · his lyflode wynneth
notaW.8.83: Hand X, fol. 46r, right margin. And is trusti of his tailende · taketh but his owne
notaW.8.84: Hand X, fol. 46r, right margin. And is nouȝt dronkenlew ne dedeignous · dowel hym folweth

dobettreG.8.85: Hand 1, fol. 34r, left margin.Do . bettC2.8.85: Hand 2, right margin. ¶ Dobet doth ryȝt þus · ac he doth moche more
notaW.8.86: Hand X, fol. 46r, right margin. He is as low as a lombe · and loueliche of speche
And helpeth alle men · after þat hem nedeth
Þe bagges and þe bigurdeles · he hath to-broken hem alle
Þat þe Erl auarous · helde and his heires
And þus with Mammonaes mone · he hath made hym frendes
And is ronne in-to Religioun · and hath rendred þe bible
And precheth to þe poeple · seynt Poules wordes
ii. Cor .xiCr2.8.92: Fol. L.1r, left margin.ii .Cor .xi.Cr3.8.92: Fol. 41r, right margin. Libenter suffertis insipientes · cum sitis ipsi sapientes
notaW.8.94: Hand X, fol. 46v, right margin. And suffreth þe vnwise · with ȝow forto libbe
And with gladde wille doth hem gode · for so god ȝow hoteth

dobestC.8.96: Hand X, fol. 11r, right margin.notadiscripcio de do-best | ad episcopos pertinetM.8.96: Hand 3, fol. 37r, right margin.Do bestO.8.96: Hand 1, fol. 33v, left margin.dobestG.8.96: Hand 1, fol. 34r, left margin.Do . beste . C2.8.96: Hand 2, fol. 38r, left margin. ¶ Dobest is aboue bothe · and bereth a bisschopes crosse
Is hoked on þat one ende · to halie men fro helle
A pyke is on þat potente · to pulte adown þe wikked
Þat wayten any wikkednesse · dowel to tene
And dowel and dobet amonges hem ordeigned
nota On to be kyng | & Rule allM.8.101: Hand 3, fol. 37v, left margin.botheM.8.101: Hand 2, fol. 37v, right margin. To croune one to be kynge to reule hem bothe
Þat ȝif dowel or dobet did aȝein dobest
Þanne shal þe kynge come · and casten hem in yrens
And but if dobest bede for hem · þei to be þere for euere

¶ Thus dowel and dobet · and dobest þe thridde
Crouned one to be kynge · to kepin hem alle
And to reule þe Reume · bi her thre wittes
And none other wise · but as þei thre assented

¶ I thonked thouȝt þo · þat he me þus tauȝte
· Nota · C.8.112-113: Hand 1, fol. 11v, left margin. Ac ȝete sauoureth me nouȝt þi seggyng · I coueite to lerne
How dowel dobet and dobest · don amonges þe peple

¶ But witte conne wisse þe quod þouȝt · where þo thre dwelle
Ellis wote I none þat can · þat now is alyue

notaquomodo will & thought | primo obuiauerunt cum | wittM.8.117: Hand 3, fol. 37v, left margin. ¶ Þouȝte and I thus · thre days we ȝeden
Disputyng vppon dowel · day after other
WyttC2.8.119: Hand 2, fol. 38v, right margin. And ar we were ywar · with witte gan we mete
Wyt wyll | haue none | excesse .Cr2.8.120: Fol. L.1v, left margin.Wyt wyll | haue none | excesse .Cr3.8.120: Fol. 41v, left margin. He was longe and lene · liche to none other
notaW.8.121: Hand X, fol. 47r, right margin. Was no pruyde on his apparaille · ne pouerte noyther
notaW.8.122: Hand X, fol. 47r, right margin. Sadde of his semblaunt · and of soft chiere
I dorste meue no matere · to make hym to iangle
erfleyHm.8.119: Hand X, fol. 144v, bottom right, pen trial written vertically top to bottom. Probably a place or family name. But as I bad þouȝt þo · be mene bitwene
And put forth somme purpos · to prouen his wittes
What was dowel · fro dobet · and dobest fram hem bothe

· Nota · C.8.127: Hand 1, fol. 11v, left margin. ¶ Þanne þouȝt in þat tyme seide þise wordes
Where dowel dobet and dobest ben in londe
will...?...M.8.129: Hand 3, fol. 37v, left margin. Here is wille wolde ywyte · ȝif witte couthe teche hym
+L.8.130: Corrector, fol. 34v, left margin. And whether he be man · or man · þis man fayne wolde aspye
And worchen as þei thre wolde · þis is his entente ·
