Passus quintus de visione

The kyng and his knightes · to the kirke wente
To here matynes of þe day · and þe masse after
Þanne waked I of my wynkynge and wo was with-alle
Þat I ne hadde sleped sadder · and yseiȝen more
Ac er I hadde faren a fourlonge · feyntise me hente
That I ne myȝte ferther a foot · for defaute of slepynge
And sat softly adown · and seide my bileue
NotaR.5.8: Hand X (15th-c), fol. 13v, left margin. And so I babeled on my bedes · þei brouȝte me a-slepe

why pestilenceO.5.9: Hand 1, fol. 17r, right margin.Why pestelenceC2.5.9: Hand 1, fol. 19r, right margin. ¶ And þanne saw I moche more · þan I bifore tolde
For I say þe felde ful of folke · þat I bifore of seyde
- C.5.11: Hand X, left margin. And how resoun gan arrayen hym · alle þe reume to preche
And with a crosse afor þe kynge · comsed þus to techen

notaquia peccatum est Causa vindictiM.5.13: Hand 3, fol. 18v, left margin.Pestilen=|ces come | for sinne .Cr2.5.13: Fol. E.4v, left margin.Pestilen=|ces come | for sinne ,Cr3.5.13: Fol. 20v, left margin. ¶ He preued þat þise pestilences · was for pure synne
· Nota · C.5.14: Hand 1, fol. 6r, left margin. And þe southwest wynde · on saterday at euene
Was pertliche for pure pryde · and for no poynt elles
Piries and plomtrees · were puffed to þe erthe
In ensample ȝe segges · ȝe shulden do þe bettere
Beches and brode okes · were blowen to þe grounde
Torned vpward her tailles · in tokenynge of drede
Þat dedly synne ar domesday · shal fordon hem alle

¶ Of þis matere I myȝte · mamely ful longe
notaquomodo predicabat RacioM.5.22: Hand 3, fol. 18v, left margin. Ac I shal seye as I saw · so me god helpe
A sermon of ResonC2.5.23: Hand 1, fol. 19r, right margin. How pertly afor þe poeple · resoun gan to preche

nota sermoO.5.24: Hand 1, fol. 17r, right margin. ¶ He bad wastoure go worche · what he best couthe
Quomodo racio | predicatO.5.25: Hand 1, fol. 17r, right margin. And wynnen his wastyng · with somme manere crafte

notaS.5.26: Hand X (not contemporary), fol. 15v, left margin. ¶ And preyed peronelle · her purfyle to lete
And kepe it in hir cofre · for catel at hire nede

· Nota bene · C.5.28: Hand 1, fol. 6r, left þouS.5.28: Hand X, fol. 15v, left margin. ¶ Thomme stowue he tauȝte · to take two staues
And fecche filice home · fro þe wyuen pyne

nota þat wattis wyff was to blameM.5.30: Hand 3, fol. 19r, right margin. - C.5.30: Hand X, left margin. ¶ He warned watt · his wyf was to blame
Þat hire hed was worth halue a marke · his hode nouȝte worth a grote
And bad bette kut · a bow other tweyne
Due cor=|rection | muste be | hadCr2.5.33: Fol. F.1r, right margin.Due cor=|rection | muste be | hadCr3.5.33: Fol. 21r, right margin. And bete betoun þer-with · but if she wolde worche
And þanne he charged chapmen · to chasten her childeren
Late no wynnynge hem forweny · whil þei be ȝonge
Ne for no pouste of pestilence · plese hem nouȝte out of resoun

¶ My syre seyde so to me · and so did my dame
Þat þe leuere childe · þe more lore bihoueth
And Salamon seide þe same · þat sapience made
Pro .xiii.Cr2.5.39α: Fol. F.1v, left margin.Pro .xiii,Cr3.5.39α: Fol. 21r, right margin. Qui parcit virge odit filium
Þe Englich of þis latyn is · who-so wil it knowe
Who-so spareth þe sprynge · spilleth his children

L.5.41: Hand X, fol. 17v, left margin. · Nota · bene · C.5.41: Hand 1, fol. 6r, right margin. ¶ And sithen he preyed prelatz · and prestes togideres
notate predicatoresM.5.42: Hand 3, fol. 19r, right margin.Nota beneM.5.42: Hand X3, fol. 19r, right margin. Þat ȝe prechen to þe peple · preue · it on ȝowre-seluen
And doth it in dede · it shal drawe ȝow to good
If ȝe lyuen as ȝe leren vs we shal leue ȝow þe bettere

¶ And sithen he radde Religioun · here reule to holde
nota. nota.M.5.46: Hand X2, fol. 19r, right margin.notaW.5.46: Hand X, fol. 24r, right margin.The sup=|pression of | Abbayes . | Good coun|sell .Cr2.5.46: Fol. F.1r, right margin.The sup=|pression of | Abbayes . | Good coun|sell .Cr3.5.46: Fol. 21r, right margin. Leste þe kynge and his conseille · ȝowre comunes appayre
And ben stuwardes of ȝowre stedes · til ȝe be ruled bettre

¶ And sithen he conseilled þe kynge · þe comune to louye
notabene dicitM.5.49: Hand 3, fol. 19r, right margin. It is þi tresore if tresoun ne were · and triacle at þi nede

And sithen he prayed þe pope · haue pite on holicherche
And er he gyue any grace · gouerne firste hym-selue

notaquomodo laudatur veritasM.5.52: Hand 3, fol. 19r, right margin.notaW.5.52: Hand X, fol. 24r, right margin. ¶ And ȝe that han lawes to kepe · late treuthe be ȝowre coueytise
notaW.5.53: Hand X, fol. 24r, right margin. More þan golde or other gyftes · if ȝe wil god plese
For who-so contrarieth treuthe · he telleth in þe gospel
Mat xxvCr2.5.54.1: Fol. F.1r, right margin. That god knoweth hym nouȝte · ne no seynte of heuene
Mat xxv,Cr3.5.55: Fol. 21r, right margin. Amen dico vobis nescio vos ·

Pylgrimes .O.5.56: Hand 1, fol. 17v, left margin.True pil=|grimage .Cr2.5.56: Fol. F.1r, right margin.True pil=|grimage .Cr3.5.56: Fol. 21r, right margin. ¶ And ȝe þat seke seynte Iames · and seintes of Rome
notaM.5.57: Hand X5, fol. 19r, right margin. Seketh seynt treuthe · for he may saue ȝow alle
notaFinem sermonisM.5.58: Hand 3, fol. 19v, left margin. Qui cum patre & filio · þat feire hem bifalle
AmenC2.5.59: Hand 1, fol. 19v, right margin. Þat suweth my sermon · and þus seyde resoun

Repen|taunceCr1.5.60: Fol. 21r, right margin. ¶ Thanne ran repentance · and reherced his teme
And gert wille to wepe · water with his eyen

notaM.5.62: Hand 3, fol. 19v, left margin.SuperbiaM.5.62: Hand 1, fol. 19v, left margin.superbiaW.5.62: Hand 1, fol. 24r, left margin.Superbia · Hm.5.62: Hand 2, fol. 129r, right margin.superbiaG.5.62: Hand 1, fol. 17r, left margin.SuperbiaC2.5.62: Hand 1, fol. 20r, right margin.superbiaY.5.62: Hand 1, fol. 18v, left margin. ¶ Peronelle proude-herte · platte hir to þe erthe
SuperbiaC.5.63: Hand X, fol. 6r, right margin. Superbia .O.5.63: Hand 1, fol. 17v, left margin. And lay longe ar she loked · and lorde mercy cryed
Superbia ·L.5.64: Hand 1, fol. 18r, right margin. And byhiȝte to hym · þat vs alle made
She shulde vnsowen hir serke · and sette þere an heyre
To affaiten hire flessh · þat fierce was to synne
Shal neuere heiȝe herte · me hente · but holde me lowe
And suffre to be myssayde · and so did I neuere
But now wil I meke me · and mercy biseche
For al þis I haue · hated in myne herte

LuxuriaM.5.71: Hand 1, fol. 19v, left margin.[Lux]uriaW.5.71: Hand 1, fol. 24v, left margin.Lur(?)xuriaHm.5.71: Hand 2, fol. 129r, right margin.LuxuriaC.5.71: Hand X, fol. 6r, right margin.luxuriaG.5.71: Hand 1, fol. 17, left margin.luxuriaC2.5.71: Hand 1, fol. 20r, right margin.luxuria ·Y.5.71: Hand 1, fol. 18v, left marginLechoureCr1.5.71: Fol. 21v, left margin.Lechour . | The olde | satisfacionCr2.5.71: Fol. F.1v, left margin.Lechour . | The olde | satisfacionCr3.5.71: Fol. 21v, left margin. ¶ Þanne lecchoure seyde allas · and on owre lady he cryed
Luxuria ·L.5.72: Hand 1, fol. 18r, right margin.luxuriaO.5.72: Hand 1, fol. 17v, left margin. To make mercy for his mis-dedes · bitwene god and his soule
With þat he shulde þe saterday · seuene ȝere þere-after
Drynke but myd þe doke · and dyne but ones

InuidiaL.5.75: Hand 1, fol. 18r, right margin.InuidiaM.5.75: Hand 1, fol. 19v, left margin.[Inu]idiaW.5.75: Hand 1, fol. 24v, left margin.InuidiaHm.5.75: Hand 2, fol. 129r, right margin.InuidiaC.5.75: Hand X, fol. 6r, right margin.InuidiaG.5.75: Hand 1, fol. 17r, lef margin.EnvieC2.5.75: Hand 1, fol. 20r, right margin.Enuy . Cr1.5.75: Fol. 21v, left margin.Enuye .Cr2.5.75: Fol. F.1v, left margin.Enuye .Cr3.5.75: Fol. 21v, left margin. ¶ Enuye with heuy herte · asked after scrifte
Envie .O.5.76: Hand 1, fol. 17v, left margin.InuidiaY.5.76: Hand 1, fol. 18v, right margin. And carefullich mea culpa · he comsed to shewe
notaM.5.77: Hand X, fol. 19v, left margin. He was as pale as a pelet · in þe palsye he semed
notaM.5.78: Hand 3, fol. 19v, left margin. And clothed in a caurimaury · I couthe it nouȝte discreue
In kirtel and kourteby · and a knyf bi his syde
nota the Freris | Fore-slevisM.5.80: Hand 3, fol. 19v, left margin. Of a freres frokke · were þe forsleues
And as a leke hadde yleye · longe in þe sonne
id est emptiO.5.82: Hand 1, fol. 18r, left margin, gloss on "lene." So loked he with lene chekes · lourynge foule

· Nota · C.5.83: Hand 1, fol. 6r, right margin. ¶ His body was to-bolle for wratthe · þat he bote his lippes ·
And wryngynge he ȝede with þe fiste · to wreke hym-self he þouȝte
With werkes or with wordes · whan he seighe his tyme
Eche a worde þat he warpe · was of an addres tonge
Of chydynge and of chalangynge · was his chief lyflode
With bakbitynge and bismer · and beryng of fals witnesse
Þis was al his curteisye · where þat euere he shewed hym

¶ I wolde ben yshryue quod þis schrewe · and I for shame durst
I wolde be gladder bi god · þat gybbe had meschaunce
· Nota · C.5.92: Hand 1, fol. 6r, right margin.Enuious | worckes .Cr2.5.92: Fol. F.1v, left margin.Enuious | worckes .Cr3.5.92: Fol. 21v, left margin. Than þouȝe I had þis woke ywonne · a weye of essex chese

= C.5.93: Hand X, fol. 6v, left margin. ¶ I haue a neighbore neyȝe me · I haue ennuyed hym ofte
And lowen on hym to lordes · to don hym lese his siluer
And made his frendes ben his foon · thorw my false tonge
His grace and his good happes · greueth me ful sore
notaW.5.99: Hand X, fol. 25r, right margin. Bitwene many · and many · I make debate ofte
Þat bothe lyf and lyme · is lost þorw my speche

notadiscripcionem invidieM.5.101: Hand 3, fol. 20r, right margin. ¶ And whan I mete him in market · þat I moste hate
I hailse hym hendeliche · as I his frende were
For he is douȝtier þan I · I dar do non other
Ac hadde I maystrye and myȝte · god wote my wille

¶ And whan I come to þe kirke · and sholde knele to þe Rode
And preye for þe pople · as þe prest techeth
For pilgrimes and for palmers · for alle þe poeple after
Þanne I crye on my knees · þat cryste ȝif hem sorwe
Þat bar awey my bolle · and my broke schete

¶ Awey fro þe auter þanne · turne I myn eyghen
And biholde how Eleyne · hath a newe cote
I wisshe þanne it were myne · and al þe webbe after

perdicereW.5.113: Hand 1, fol. 25r, supralinear gloss on "lesynge." ¶ And of mennes lesynge I laughe · þat liketh myn herte
And for her wynnynge I wepe · and waille þe tyme

notaW.5.115: Hand X, fol. 25r, right margin. ¶ And deme þat hij don ille · þere I do wel worse
Who-so vndernymeth me here-of · I hate hym dedly after
I wolde þat vche a wyght · were my knaue
For who-so hath more þan I · þat angreth me sore
And þus I lyue louelees · lyke a luther dogge
That al my body bolneth · for bitter of my galle

¶ I myȝte nouȝte eet many ȝeres · as a man ouȝte
For enuye and yuel wille · is yuel to defye
May no sugre ne swete þinge · asswage my swellynge
Ne no diapenidion · dryue it fro myne herte
Ne noyther schrifte ne shame · but ho-so schrape my mawe

theS.5.126: Hand X, fol. 16v, left margin. Accompanied by other single letters as pen trials by same hand, up and down left margin. ¶ Ȝus redili quod repentaunce · and radde hym to þe beste
Sorwe of synnes · is sauacioun of soules

- C.5.128: Hand X, fol. 6v, left margin.Se howe | Enuy re=|penteth .Cr2.5.128: Fol. F.2r, right margin.Se howe | Enuy re=|penteth .Cr3.5.128: Fol. 22r, right margin. ¶ I am sori quod þat segge · I am but selde other
And þat maketh me þus megre · for I ne may me venge
Amonges Burgeyses haue I be · dwellynge at Londoun
And gert bakbitinge be a brocoure · to blame mennes ware
Whan he solde and I nouȝte · þanne was I redy
To lye and to loure on my neighbore · and to lakke his chaffare
I wil amende þis ȝif I may · þorw myȝte of god almyȝty

Ira ·L.5.135: Hand 1, fol. 18v, left margin.IraM.5.135: Hand 1, fol. 20v, left margin.[Ir]aW.5.135: Hand 1, fol. 25v, left margin.notaW.5.135: Hand X, fol. 25v, right margin.IraHm.5.135: Hand 2, fol. 129v, right margin.IraC.5.135: Hand X, fol. 6v, left margin.Ira .O.5.135: Hand 1, fol. 18v, left margin.IraC2.5.135: Hand 1, fol. 21r, right margin.IraY.5.135: Hand 1, fol. 19v, left margin.Wrath . Cr1.5.135: Fol. 22v, left margin.Wrath .Cr2.5.135: Fol. F.2v, left margin.Wrath .Cr3.5.135: Fol. 22v, left margin. ¶ Now awaketh wratthe · with two whyte eyen
IraG.5.136: Hand 1, fol. 18r, left margin.FrerisO.5.136: Hand 1, fol. 18v, left margin.FrerisC2.5.136: Hand 1, fol. 21r, right margin. And nyuelynge with þe nose · and his nekke hangynge

notaM.5.137: Hand X, fol. 20v, left margin.notaM.5.137: Hand X, fol. 20v, left margin. The verse paragraph bracketed in the left margin (KD.5.137-142). · nota · C.5.137: Hand 1, fol. 6v, left margin. ¶ I am wrath quod he · I was sum-tyme a frere
And þe couentes Gardyner · for to graffe ympes
notaL.5.139: Hand 1, fol. 19r, left margin.notaM.5.139: Hand 3, fol. 20v, left margin. On limitoures and listres · lesynges I ymped
Tyl þei bere leues of low speche · lordes to plese
And sithen þei blosmed obrode · in boure to here shriftes
C2.5.142: Hand 1, fol. 21r, left margin. (Note: BB attribute this to Hand 2.) And now is fallen þer-of a frute · þat folke han wel leuere
Schewen her schriftes to hem · þan shryue hem to her persones

nota the Cause off | grugge betwen | Curatis & FrerisM.5.144: Hand 3, fol. 20v, left margin. ¶ And now persones parceyued · þat Freres parte with hem
Þise possessioneres preche · and depraue freres
And freres fyndeth hem in defaute · as folke bereth witnes
That whan þei preche þe poeple · in many place aboute
A good | scholema=|ster .Cr2.5.148: Fol. F.2v, left margin.A good | scholema=|ster .Cr3.5.148: Fol. 22v, left margin. I wrath walke with hem · and wisse hem of my bokes
Þus þei speken of spiritualte · þat eyther despiseth other
Til þei be bothe beggers · and by my spiritualte libben
Or elles alle riche and riden aboute
I wrath rest neuere · þat I ne moste folwe
This wykked folke · for suche is my grace

Nunnes .Cr2.5.153: Fol. F.2v, left margin.Nunnes .Cr3.5.153: Fol. 22v, left margin. ¶ I haue an aunte to nonne · and an abbesse bothe
NunnesCr1.5.154: Fol. 22v, left margin. Hir were leuere swowe or swelte · þan soeffre any peyne
I haue be cook in hir kichyne · and þe couent serued
Many monthes with hem · and with monkes bothe
notaM.5.157: Hand 3, fol. 20v, left margin. I was þe priouresses potagere · and other poure ladyes
And made hem ioutes of iangelynge · þat dame Iohanne was a bastard
And dame Clarice a kniȝtes douȝter · ac a kokewolde was hire syre
...?...M.5.160: Hand X, fol. 20v, left margin. And dame Peronelle a prestes file · Priouresse worth she neuere
notaM.5.161: Hand 3, fol. 20v, left margin. For she had childe in chirityme · al owre chapitere it wiste

¶ Of wykked wordes I wrath · here wortes I-made
Til þow lixte and þow lixte · lopen oute at ones
notaM.5.164: Hand 3, fol. 21r, left margin. And eyther hitte other · vnder þe cheke
+M.5.165: Hand X, fol. 20v, left margin. Hadde þei had knyues bi cryst · her eyther had killed other

GregoriusR.5.166: Hand X1 (15th-c contemporary), fol. 16r, right margin.GregorieCr1.5.166: Fol. 23r, right margin.Gregory | wold not | suffer wo|menne to hear con=|fession .Cr2.5.166: Fol. F.3r, right margin.Gregory | wold not | suffer wo|menne to hear con=|fession .Cr3.5.166: Fol. 23r, right margin. ¶ Seynt Gregorie was a gode pope · and had a gode forwit
Þat no Priouresse were prest · for þat he ordeigned
Þei had þanne ben infamis þe firste day · þei can so yuel hele conseille

¶ Amonge monkes I miȝte be · ac many tyme I shonye
For þere ben many felle frekis · my feres to aspye
Bothe Prioure an supprioure · and owre pater abbas
And if I telle any tales · þei taken hem togyderes
And do me faste frydayes · to bred and to water
And am chalanged in þe chapitelhous · as I a childe were
notaM.5.175: Hand 3, fol. 21r, left margin. And baleised on þe bare ers · and no breche bitwene
For-þi haue I no lykyng · with þo leodes to wonye
I ete there vnthende fisshe · and fieble ale drynke
Ac otherwhile whan wyn cometh · whan I drynke wyn at eue
nota the Flix off the | Foule mowthM.5.179: Hand 3, fol. 21r, right margin. I haue a fluxe of a foule mouthe · wel fyue dayes after
Al þe wikkednesse þat I wote · bi any of owre bretheren
make knoweO.5.181: Hand 1, fol. 19r, right margin. Gloss on "couþe." I couth it in owre cloistre · þat al owre couent wote it

¶ Now repent þe quod Repentaunce · and reherce þow neure
Conseille þat þow cnowest · bi contenaunce ne bi riȝte
notaW.5.184: Hand X, fol. 26r, right margin. And drynke nouȝte ouer-delicatly · ne to depe noyther
notaW.5.185: Hand X, fol. 26v, right margin. Þat þi wille bi cause þer-of to wrath myȝte torne
Esto sobrius he seyde · and assoilled me after
Auaricia .M.5.187: Hand 1, fol. 21r, right margin. And bad me wilne to wepe · my wikkednesse to amende

Auaricia ·L.5.188: Hand 1, fol. 19v, left margin.[Aua]riciaW.5.188: Hand 1, fol. 26v, left margin.Cupido · Hm.5.188: Hand 2, fol. 130v, right margin.Auari|ciaC.5.188: Hand X, fol. 6v, right margin.AuariciaO.5.188: Hand 1, fol. 19r, right margin.AuariciaC2.5.188: Hand 1, fol. 21v, right margin.descripcio avaritieR.5.188: Hand X1 (15th-c contemporary), fol. 16v, left margin. ¶ And þanne cam coueytise · can I hym nouȝte descryue
[a]uariciaG.5.189: Hand 1, fol. 18v, left margin.Couetise .Cr2.5.189: Fol. F.3r, right margin.Couetise .Cr3.5.189: Fol. 23r, right margin. So hungriliche and holwe · sire henri hym loked
optima descriptio AuaricieM.5.190: Hand 4, fol. 21r, right margin.notaM.5.190: Hand 3, fol. 21r, right margin. He was bitelbrowed · and baberlipped also
With two blered eyghen · as a blynde hagge
And as a letheren purs · lolled his chekes
Wel sydder þan his chyn · þei chiueled for elde
And as a bondman of his bacoun · his berde was bidraueled
The ima=|ge of coue|tise .Cr2.5.194: Fol. F.3v, left margin.The ima=|ge of coue|tise .Cr3.5.194: Fol. 23v, left margin. With an hode on his hed · a lousi hatte aboue
And in a tauny tabarde · of twelue wynter age
Al totorne and baudy · and ful of lys crepynge
notaW.5.196: Hand X, fol. 26v, right margin. But if þat a lous couthe · haue lopen þe bettre
/M.5.197: Hand X, fol. 21r, right margin.notaW.5.197: Hand X, fol. 26v, right margin. She sholde nouȝte haue walked on þat welche · so was it thredebare

¶ I haue ben coueytouse quod þis caityue · I biknowe it here
For some tyme I serued · symme atte stile
And was his prentis ypliȝte · his profit to wayte
notaW.5.201: Hand X, fol. 26v, right margin. - C.5.201: Hand X, fol. 6v, right margin. First I lerned to lye · a leef other tweyne
notaW.5.202: Hand X, fol. 26v, right margin. Wikkedlich to weye · was my furst lessoun
notaM.5.203: Hand 3, fol. 21v, left margin.fareO.5.203: Hand 3, fol. 19v, right margin. A punctus above marginal "fare" and a caret beside it indicate that it is an otherwise unattested substitution for "feyre." To wy and to wynchestre · I went to þe faire
- C.5.204: Hand X, fol 6v, right margin. With many manere marchandise · as my Maistre me hiȝte
Ne had þe grace of gyle ygo · amonge my ware
It had be vnsolde þis seuene ȝere · so me god helpe
¶ Thanne drowe I me amonges draperes · my donet to lerne
To drawe þe lyser alonge þe lenger it semed
Amonge þe riche rayes · I rendred a lessoun
To broche hem with a bat-nedle · and plaited hem togyderes
And put hem in a presse · and pyned hem þerinne
Tyl ten ȝerdes or twelue · tolled out threttene

¶ My wyf was a webbe · and wollen cloth made
She spak to spynnesteres · to spynnen it oute
Ac þe pounde þat she payed by · poised a quarteroun more
NotaR.5.216: Hand X1 (15th-c, contemporary), fol. 17r, right margin. Than myne owne auncere · who-so weyȝed treuthe

¶ I bouȝte hir barly malte · she brewe it to selle
Peny ale and podyng ale · she poured togideres
For laboreres and for low folke · þat lay by hym-selue

¶ The best ale lay in my boure · or in my bedchambre
notaM.5.221: Hand 3, fol. 21v, left margin. - C.5.221: Hand X, fol. 7r, left margin. And who-so bummed þer-of · bouȝte it þer-after
A galoun for a grote · god wote na lesse
And ȝit it cam in cupmel · þis crafte my wyf vsed
Rose þe regratere · was hir riȝte name
She hath holden hokkerye · al hire lyf-tyme

¶ Ac I swere now so the ik · þat synne wil I lete
And neuere wikkedliche weye · ne wikke chaffare vse
| C.5.228: Hand X, fol. 7r, left margin. But wenden to walsyngham · and my wyf als ·
And bidde þe Rode of bromeholme · brynge me oute of dette

notaquestiones RepentencieM.5.230: Hand 3, fol. 21v, left margin. ¶ Repentestow þe euere quod repentance · ne restitucioun madest

L.5.231: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 20r, right margin.The resti|tution that | nowe is | vsed .Cr2.5.231: Fol. F.4r, right margin.The resti|tution that | nowe is | vsed .Cr3.5.231: Fol. 24r, right margin. ¶ Ȝus ones I was herberwed quod he · with an hep of chapmen
notaM.5.232: Hand X1, fol. 21v, left margin.XM.5.232: Hand 2, fol. 21v, bottom right. I roos whan þei were arest · and yrifled here males

¶ That was no restitucioun quod repentance · but a robberes thefte
Þow haddest better worthy · be hanged þerfore
Þan for al þat · þat þow hast here shewed ·

notaM.5.235: Hand X, fol. 22r, right margin. ¶ I wende ryflynge were restitucioun quod he · for I lerned neuere rede on boke
And I can no frenche in feith · but of þe ferthest ende of norfolke

¶ Vsedestow euere vsurie quod repentaunce · in alle þi lyf-tyme

¶ Nay sothly he seyde · saue in my ȝouthe
I lerned amonge lumbardes · and iewes a lessoun
To wey pens with a peys · and pare þe heuyest
And lene it for loue of þe crosse · to legge a wedde and lese it
Suche dedes I did wryte · ȝif he his day breke
I haue mo maneres þorw rerages · þan þorw miseretur & comodat

¶ I haue lent lordes · and ladyes my chaffare
And ben her brocour after · and bouȝte it my-self
Eschaunges and cheuesances · with suche chaffare I dele
And lene folke þat lese wol · a lyppe at euery noble
And with lumbardes lettres · I ladde golde to Rome
And toke it by taille here · and tolde hem þere lasse

Len[t]estow euere lordes · for loue of her mayntenaunce

notaW.5.251: Hand X, fol. 27v, right margin. ¶ Ȝe I haue lent lordes · loued me neuere after
And haue ymade many a knyȝte · bothe mercere & drapere
Þat payed neuere for his prentishode · nouȝte a peire gloues

¶ Hastow pite on pore men · þat mote nedes borwe

notaM.5.255: Hand 3, fol. 22r, left margin.notaW.5.255: Hand X, fol. 27v, right margin. · Nota · C.5.255: Hand 1, fol. 7r, left margin. ¶ I haue as moche pite of pore men · as pedlere hath of cattes
notaW.5.256: Hand X, fol. 27v, right margin. Þat wolde kille hem yf he cacche hem myȝte · for coueitise of here skynnes

¶ Artow manlyche amonge þi neiȝbores · of þi mete and drynke

¶ I am holden quod he as hende · as hounde is in kychyne
Amonges my neighbores namelich · such a name ich haue

¶ Now god lene neure quod repentance · but þow repent þe rather
Þe grace on þis grounde · þi good wel to bisette
+L.5.262: Corrector, fol. 20v, left margin.Ill gotten | goodes | muste be il | spent ,Cr3.5.262: Fol. 24v, left margin.Ill gotten | goodes | muste be ill | spent .Cr2.5.262: Fol. F.4v, left margin. Ne þine ysue after þe · haue ioye of þat þow wynnest
Ne þi excecutours wel bisett · þe siluer þat þow hem leuest
XM.5.264: Hand 2, fol. 22r, bottom left.notaW.5.264: Hand X, fol. 28r, right margin. And þat was wonne with wronge · with wikked men be despended
notaM.5.265: Hand 3, fol. 22v, left margin.xM.5.265: Hand X, fol. 22v, left margin. · Nota · C.5.265: Hand 1, fol. 7r, left margin.notaC2.5.265: Hand 1, fol. 22v, left margin. For were I frere of þat hous · þere gode faith and charite is
I nolde cope vs with þi catel · ne owre kyrke amende
Ne haue a peny to my pitaunce · of þyne bi my soule hele
For þe best boke in owre hous · þeiȝe brent golde were þe leues
+L.5.269: Corrector, fol. 20v, left margin. And I wyst wytterly · þow were suche as þow telleth
· Versus · C.5.269α: Hand 1, fol. 7r, left margin. Seruus es alterius · cum fercula pinguia queris
Pane tuo pocius · vescere liber eris ·

¶ Thow art an vnkynde creature · I can þe nouȝte assoille
Til þow make restitucioun · and rekne with hem alle
And sithen þat resoun rolle it · in þe regystre of heuene
NotaR.5.273: Hand X1 (15th-c contemporary), fol. 18r, right margin. That þow hast made vche man good · I may þe nouȝte assoille
Non dimittitur peccatum · donec restituatur ablatum &c

notaM.5.274: Hand 3, fol. 22v, left margin. · nota · C.5.274: Hand 1, right margin, fol. 7r.Forgette | not that þe | last date | wil surely | come .Cr2.5.274: Fol. F.4v, left margin.Forgette | not that þe | last date | wil surely | come .Cr3.5.274: Fol. 24r, left margin. ¶ For alle þat hath of þi good · haue god my trouthe
mirabile dictumM.5.275: Hand 4, fol. 22v, left margin. Is holden at þe heighe dome · to helpe þe to restitue
And who-so leueth nouȝte þis be soth · loke in þe sauter glose
Psal .liCr3.5.277: Fol. 24v, left margin. In miserere mei deus · where I mene treuthe
Psal .li.Cr2.5.277α: Fol. F.41v, left margin.Psal .liCr3.5.277α: Fol. 24v, left margin. Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti &c

notaW.5.277α.1: Hand X, fol. 28r, right margin. ¶ Shal neuere werkman in þis worlde · þryue wyth þat þow wynnest
Psal .xviiCr2.5.278: Fol. F.41v, left margin. Cum sancto sanctus eris · construe me þat on englische

¶ Thanne wex þat shrewe in wanhope · and walde haue hanged himself
True re=|pentaunce | hath hope | of mercy .Cr2.5.280: Fol. G.1r, right margin.True re=|pentaunce | hath hope | of mercy .Cr3.5.280: Fol. 25r, right margin. Ne hadde repentaunce þe rather · reconforted hym in þis manere
Haue mercye in þi mynde · and with þi mouth biseche it
For goddes mercye is more · þan alle hise other werkes
notaquod misericordia eius | super omnia operaM.5.281α: Hand 3, fol. 22v, left margin. Misericordia eius super omnia opera eius &c ·

notaW.5.282: Hand X, fol. 28r, right margin. ¶ And al þe wikkednesse in þis worlde · þat man myȝte worche or thynke
notaW.5.283: Hand X, fol. 28r, right margin. Ne is no more to þe mercye of god · þan in þe see a glede
Omnis iniquitas quantum ad misericordiam dei · est sintilla in medio maris

¶ For-þi haue mercy in þi mynde · and marchandise leue it
For þow hast no good grounde · to gete þe with a wastel
But if it were with thi tonge · or ellis with þi two hondes
notaW.5.287: Hand X, fol. 28v, right margin. For þe good þat þow hast geten · bigan al with falsehede
And as longe as þow lyuest þer-with · þow ȝeldest nouȝte but borwest

RestytucionC2.5.289: Hand 2, fol. 23r, right margin. ¶ And if þow wite neuere to whiche · ne whom to restitue
Bere it to þe bisschop · and bidde hym of his grace
The By=|shop shal | answere | for manyCr2.5.291: Fol. G.1r, right margin.The By=|shop shall | answere | for manyCr3.5.291: Fol. 25r, right margin. Bisette it hym-selue · as best is for þi soule
For he shal answere for þe · at þe heygh dome
For þe and for many mo · þat man shal ȝif a rekenynge
What he lerned ȝow in lente · leue þow none other
GulaM.5.295: Hand 1, fol. 23r, right margin. And what he lent ȝow of owre lordes good · to lette ȝow fro synne

Gula ·L.5.296: Hand 1, fol. 21r, right margin.GulaW.5.296: Hand 1, fol. 28v, left margin.GulaO.5.296: Hand 1, fol. 20v, left margin.GulaC2.5.296: Hand 1, fol. 23v, right margin.GulaY.5.296: Hand 1, fol. 22r, right margin.GlotonCr1.5.296: Fol. 25r, right margin. ¶ Now bigynneth glotoun · for to go to schrifte
Gula · Hm.5.297: Hand 2, fol. 132r, right margin. · Gula · C.5.297: Hand X, fol. 7r, right margin.gulaG.5.297: Hand 1, fol. 20v, left margin. And kaires hym to kirke-ward · his coupe to schewe

¶ Ac Beton þe brewestere · bad hym good morwe
And axed of hym with þat · whiderward he wolde

¶ To holicherche quod he · forto here masse
And sithen I wil be shryuen · and synne namore

glo[t]ons fisikL.5.302: Hand X2 (16th C), fol. 21r, right margin. ¶ I haue gode ale gossib quod she · glotown wiltow assaye
Hastow auȝte in þi purs · any hote spices

¶ I haue peper and piones quod he · and a pounde of garlike
notaM.5.305: Hand 3, fol. 23r, right margin. With bracket over next 12 lines. A ferthyngworth of fenel-seed · for fastyngdayes

¶ Þanne goth glotoun in · and grete othes after
Cesse þe souteresse · sat on þe benche
Commen | drunkerdsCr2.5.308: Fol. G.1v, left margin.Common | drunkerdsCr3.5.308: Fol. 25v, left margin. Watte þe warner · and his wyf bothe
Tymme þe tynkere · and tweyne of his prentis
Hikke þe hakeneyman · and hugh þe nedeler
Clarice of cokkeslane · and þe clerke of þe cherche
Dawe þe dykere and a dozeine other
Sire Piers of Pridie · and Peronelle of Flaundres
A ribibour a ratonere · a rakyer of chepe
A ropere a redyngkyng · and Rose þe dissheres
Godfrey of garlekehithe · and gryfin þe walsh
And vpholderes an hepe · erly bi þe morwe
Geuen glotoun with glad chere · good ale to hansel

¶ Clement þe cobelere · cast of his cloke
And atte new faire · he nempned it to selle
Hikke þe hakeneyman · hitte his hood after
And badde bette þe bochere · ben on his side
Þere were chapmen ychose · þis chaffare to preise
NotaR.5.324: Hand X1 (15th-c contemporary), fol. 19r, right margin. Who-so haueth þe hood · shuld haue amendes of þe cloke

¶ Two risen vp in rape · and rouned togideres
And preised þese penyworthes · apart bi hem-selue
Þei couth nouȝte bi her conscience · acorden in treuthe
Tyl Robyn þe ropere · arose bi þe southe
And nempned hym for a noumpere · þat no debate nere

¶ Hikke þe hostellere · hadde þe cloke
In couenaunte þat Clement shulde þe cuppe fille
And haue hikkes hode hostellere · and holde hym yserued
xM.5.334: Hand X, fol. 23v, left margin. And who-so repented rathest · shulde arise after
And grete sire glotoun with a galoun ale

¶ Þere was laughyng and louryng · and let go þe cuppe
And seten so til euensonge · and songen vmwhile
Tyl glotoun had yglobbed · a galoun an a Iille
+L.5.340: Corrector, fol. 21v, left marigin. His guttis gunne to godly · as two gredy sowes
notaM.5.341: Hand 3, fol. 23v, left margin. He pissed a potel · in a pater noster while
And blew his rounde ruwet · at his rigge-bon ende
That alle þat herde þat horne · held her nose after
And wissheden it had be wexed · with a wispe of firses

¶ He myȝte neither steppe ne stonde · er he his staffe hadde
notaW.5.346: Hand X, fol. 29v, right margin. And þanne gan he go · liche a glewmannes bicche
The di=|scription | of a dron|ken man .Cr2.5.347: Fol. G.2r, right margin.The de=|scription | of a drun|ken man .Cr3.5.347: Fol. 26r, right margin. Somme-tyme aside · and somme-tyme arrere
As who-so leyth lynes · forto lacche foules

¶ And whan he drowgh to þe dore · þanne dymmed his eighen
+L.5.350: Corrector, fol. 21v, left margin.notaM.5.350: Hand 3, fol. 23v, left margin. He trembled on þe thresshewolde · an threwe to þe erthe
Clement þe cobelere · cauȝte hym bi þe myddel
For to lifte hym alofte · and leyde him on his knowes
Ac glotoun was a gret cherle · and a grym in þe liftynge
And coughed vp a caudel · in clementis lappe
take hede good gossipM.5.355: Hand X, fol. 23v, right margin. Is non so hungri hounde · in Hertford-schire
- C.5.356: Hand X, fol. 7v, left margin. Durst lape of þe leuynges · so vnlouely þei smauȝte

¶ With al þe wo of þis worlde · his wyf and his wenche
Baren hym home to his bedde · and brouȝte hym þer-inne
And after al þis excesse · he had an accidie
Þat he slepe saterday and sonday · til sonne ȝede to reste
Þanne waked he of his wynkyng · and wiped his eyghen
Þe fyrste worde þat he warpe · was where is þe bolle
His witte gan edwite hym þo · how wikkedlich he lyued
And repentance riȝte so · rebuked hym þat tyme

¶ As þow with wordes and werkes · hast wrouȝte yuel in þi lyue
Shryue þe and be shamed þer-of · and shewe it with þi mouth

- C.5.367: Hand X, fol. 7v, left margin. ¶ I glotoun quod þe gome · gylti me ȝelde
Þat I haue trespassed with my tonge · I can nouȝte telle how ofte
Sworen goddes soule · and so god me help and halidom
Þere no nede ne was · nyne hundreth tymes

¶ And ouer-seye me at my sopere · and some-tyme at nones
Þat I glotoun girt it vp · er I hadde gone a myle
And yspilte þat myȝte be spared · and spended on somme hungrie
Ouerdelicatly on fastyng-dayes · drunken and eten bothe
And sat some-tyme so longe þere · þat I slepe and ete at ones
For loue of tales in tauernes · to drynke þe more I dyned
And hyed to þe mete er none · whan fastyng-dayes were

¶ This shewyng shrifte quod repentance · shal be meryte to þe

¶ And þanne gan glotoun grete · and gret doel to make
For his lither lyf · þat he lyued hadde
Prety vo|wes .Cr2.5.381: Fol. G.2v, left margin.Prety vo|wes .Cr3.5.381: Fol. 26v, left margin. And avowed fast · for hunger or for thurst
Shal neuere fisshe on þe fryday · defien in my wombe
Tyl abstinence myn aunte · haue ȝiue me leue
AccidiaM.5.384: Hand 1, fol. 24r, right margin. And ȝit haue I hated hir · al my lyf-tyme

AccidiaL.5.385: Hand 1, fol. 22r, right margin.AccidiaW.5.385: Hand X, fol. 30r, left margin.AccidiaHm.5.385: Hand 2, fol. 133r, right margin. · Accidia · C.5.385: Hand X, fol 7v, left margin.accidiaG.5.385: Hand 1, fol. 21v, left margin.. Accidia .O.5.385: Hand 1, fol. 22r, right margin.accidiaC2.5.385: Hand 1, fol. 24v, right margin.AccidiaY.5.385: Hand 1, fol. 23v, left margin.AccidiaY.5.385: Hand 1, fol. 23v, right margin. ¶ Þanne come sleuthe al bislabered · with two slymy eiȝen
I most sitte seyde þe segge · or elles shulde I nappe
I may nouȝte stonde ne stoupe · ne with-oute a stole knele
Were I brouȝte abedde · but if my taille-ende it made
Sholde no ryngynge do me ryse · ar I were rype to dyne
He bygan benedicite with a bolke · and his brest knocked
And roxed and rored · and rutte atte laste

What awake renke quod repentance · and rape þe to shrifte

¶ If I shulde deye bi þis day · me liste nouȝte to loke
I can nouȝte parfitly my pater noster · as þe prest it syngeth
But I can rymes of Robyn hood · and Randolf erle of Chestre
Ac neither of owre lorde ne of owre lady · þe leste þat euere was made

¶ I haue made vowes fourty · and forȝete hem on þe morne
I parfourned neure penaunce · as þe prest me hiȝte
Ne ryȝte sori for my synnes · ȝet was I neuere
And ȝif I bidde any bedes · but if it be in wrath
notaW.5.401: Hand X, fol. 30v, right margin. Þat I telle with my tonge · is two myle fro myne herte
I am occupied eche day · haliday and other
With ydel tales atte ale · and otherwhile in cherches
Goddes peyne and his passioun · ful selde þynke I þere-on

¶ I visited neuere fieble men · ne fettered folke in puttes
I haue leuere here an harlotrie · or a somer game of souteres
Or lesynges to laughe at · and belye my neighbore
Þan al þat euere Marke made · Mathew Iohan & lucas
And vigilies and fastyng-dayes · alle þise late I passe
And ligge abedde in lenten · an my lemman in myn armes
Tyl matynes and masse be do · and þanne go to þe freres
Come I to ite missa est · I holde me yserued
I nam nouȝte shryuen some-tyme · but if sekenesse it make
Nouȝt tweies in two ȝere · and þanne vp gesse I shcryue me

¶ I haue be prest and parsoun · passynge thretti wynter
notade presbiteris venatoribusM.5.416: Hand 3, fol. 24v, left margin. Ȝete can I neither solfe ne synge · ne seyntes lyues rede
But I can fynde in a felde · or in a fourlonge an hare
· notaC.5.418: Hand 1, fol. 7v, right margin. Better þan in beatus vir · or in beati omnes
Construe oon clause wel · and kenne it to my parochienes
I can holde louedayes · and here a Reues rekenynge
Ac in canoun ne in þe decretales · I can nouȝte rede a lyne

+L.5.422: Corrector, fol. 22v, left margin. ¶ Ȝif I bigge and borwe it · but ȝif it be ytailled
I forȝete it as ȝerne · and ȝif men me it axe
Sixe sithes or seuene · I forsake it with othes
And þus tene I trewe men · ten hundreth tymes

¶ And my seruauntz some-tyme · her salarye is bihynde
Reuthe is to here rekenynge · whan we shal rede acompted
So with wikked wille and wraththe · my werkmen I paye

¶ Ȝif any man doth me a benfait · or helpeth me at nede
notaW.5.430: Hand X, fol. 31r, right margin. I am vnkynde aȝein his curteisye · and can nouȝte vnderstonde it
For I haue and haue hadde · some-dele haukes maneres
I nam nouȝte lured with loue · but þere ligge auȝte vnder þe thombe

¶ The kyndenesse þat myne euene-cristene · kidde me farnere
Sixty sythes I sleuthe · haue fo[r]ȝete it sith
In speche and in sparynge of speche · yspilte many a tyme
Bothe flesche & fissche · and many other vitailles
Bothe bred and ale · butter melke and chese
Forsleuthed in my seruyse · til it myȝte serue noman

¶ I ran aboute in ȝouthe · and ȝaf me nouȝte to lerne
+L.5.440: Corrector, fol. 23r, right margin. And euere sith be beggere · for my foule sleuthe
Heu michi quia sterilem vitam duxi Iuuenilem

¶ Repentestow þe nauȝte · quod repentance · and riȝte with þat he swowned
Til vigilate þe veille · fette water at his eyȝen
An admo|nition to | beware | of dispair | in repen=|taunce .Cr2.5.443: Fol. G.3v, left margin.An admo|nition to | beware of | dispair | in repen=|taunceCr3.5.443: Fol. 27v, left margin. And flatte it on his face · and faste on hym criede
notaquod misericordia superest omnem iniquitatemM.5.444: Hand 3, fol. 25r, right margin. And seide ware þe fram wanhope · wolde þe bitraye
I am sori for my synnes · sey so to þi-selue
And bete þi-selue on þe breste · and bidde hym of grace
For is no gult here so grete · þat his goodnesse nys more

¶ Þanne sat sleuthe vp · and seyned hym swithe
And made avowe to-fore god · for his foule sleuthe
Shal no sondaye be þis seuene ȝere · but sykenesse it lette
Þat I ne shal do me er day · to þe dere cherche
And heren matines and masse · as I a monke were
Shal none ale after mete · holde me þennes
Tyl I haue euensonge herde · I behote to þe Rode
And ȝete wil I ȝelde aȝein · if I so moche haue
Al þat I wikkedly wan · sithen I wytte hadde

¶ And þough my liflode lakke · leten I nelle
Þat eche man ne shal haue his · ar I hennes wende
And with þe residue · and þe remenaunt · bi þe Rode of chestre
I shal seke treuthe arst · ar I se Rome

notade Robert the robberM.5.461: Hand 3, fol. 25r, right margin. ¶ Robert þe robbere · on reddite lokede
notaM.5.462: Hand X1, fol. 25r, right margin. And for þer was nouȝte · where-of he wepe
Ac ȝet þe synful shrewe · seyde to hym-selue
Cryst þat on caluarye · vppon þe crosse deydest
dismasO.5.465: Hand 2, fol. 23r, right margin. Tho dismas my brother · bisouȝte ȝow of grace
And haddest mercy on þat man · for memento sake
So rewe on þis robbere · þat reddere ne haue
id est debeoL.5.480: Hand X, fol. 23v, supralinear gloss on "owe." Ne neuere wene to wynne · with crafte þat I owe
But for þi mykel mercy · mitigacioun I biseche
Ne dampne me nouȝte at domesday · for þat I did so ille

¶ What bifel of þis feloun · I can nouȝte faire schewe
notaM.5.472: Hand 3, fol. 25v, right margin. Wel I wote he wepte faste · water with boþe his eyen
And knowleched his gult · to cryst ȝete eftsones
Þat penitencia his pyke · he shulde polsche newe
And lepe with hym ouer londe · al his lyf-tyme
For he had leyne bi latro · luciferes aunte

the prayer | of RepentanceM.5.477: Hand X, fol. 25v, left margin. ¶ And þanne had repentaunce reuthe · and redde hem alle to knele
For I shal biseche for al synful · owre saueoure of grace
To amende vs of owre mysdedes · and do mercy to vs alle

nota beneM.5.480: Hand X, fol. 25v, left margin. ¶ Now god quod he · þat of þi goodnesse · gonne þe worlde make
And of nauȝte madest auȝte · and man moste liche to þi-selue
And sithen suffredest for to synne · a sikenesse to vs alle
And al for þe best as I bileue · what-euere þe boke telleth
de necessitate peccatiM.5.483α: Hand X, fol. 25v, left margin.o felex Culpa o necessarium peccatum ade &cW.5.483α: Hand 4, fol. 32r, infralinear. O felix culpa o necessarium peccatum ade &c

For þourgh þat synne þi sone · sent was to þis erthe
And bicam man of a mayde · mankynde to saue
= C.5.486: Hand X, fol. 8r, left margin. And madest þi-self with þi sone · and vs synful yliche
Gene .i | i Io .iiii.Cr2.5.486α: Fol. G.4r, right margin.Genes .i. | i. Io .iiii.Cr3.5.486α: Fol. 28r, right margin. Faciamus hominem ad ymaginem et similitudinem nostram
Et alibi qui manet in caritate · in deo manet & deus in eo

nota beneM.5.487: Hand X, fol. 25v, left margin.oure suteO.5.487: Hand 2, fol. 23r, right margin. ¶ And sith with þi-self sone · in owre sute deydest
On gode fryday for mannes sake · at ful tyme of þe daye
Þere þi-self ne þi sone · no sorwe in deth feledest
But in owre secte was þe sorwe · and þi sone it ladde
Ephe .iiii.Cr2.5.490α: Fol. G.4r, right margin.Ephe .iiiiCr3.5.490α: Fol. 28r, right margin. Captiuam duxit captiuitatem

losteC2.5.491: Hand 2, fol. 26v, supralinear gloss on "lees." ¶ Þe sonne for sorwe þer-of · les syȝte for a tyme
Aboute mydday whan moste liȝte is · and mele-tyme of seintes
Feddest with þi fresche blode · owre forfadres in derknesse
Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris · vidit lucem magnam
And thorw þe liȝte þat lepe oute of þe · lucifer was blent
And blewe alle þi blissed · in-to þe blisse of paradise

¶ Þe thrydde daye after · þow ȝedest in owre sute
nota Sinffull MareM.5.497: Hand 3, fol. 26r, right margin.notaM.5.497: Hand X, fol. 26r, right margin. A synful Marie þe seighe · ar seynte Marie þi dame
And al to solace synful · þow suffredest it so were
Mat .ix.Cr2.5.498α: Fol. G.4v, left margin.Mat. ix.Cr3.5.498α: Fol. 28v, left margin. Non veni vocare iustos · set peccatores ad penitenciam

optime dictumM.5.499: Hand 4, fol. 26r, left margin. ¶ And al þat Marke hath ymade mathew Iohan and lucas
Of þyne douȝtiest dedes · were don in owre armes
Iohn .i.Cr2.5.500α: Fol. G.4v, left margin.Iohn .i.Cr3.5.500α: Fol. 28v, left margin. Verbum caro factum est et habitauit in nobis
And bi so moche me semeth · þe sikerere we mowe
Bydde and biseche · if it be þi wille
Þat art owre fader and owre brother be merciable to vs
And haue reuthe on þise Ribaudes · þat repente hem here sore
Þat euere þei wratthed þe in þis worlde · in worde þouȝte or dedes

notade hopeM.5.506: Hand 3, fol. 26r, right margin. ¶ Þanne hent hope an horne · of deus tu conuersus viuificabis
And blew it with · Beati quorum · remisse sunt iniquitates
xM.5.508: Hand X, fol. 26r, left margin. Þat alle seyntes in heuene · songen at ones
Psal .36.Cr2.5.509: Fol. G.4v, left margin.Psal .36.Cr3.5.509: Fol. 28v, left margin. Homines & iumenta saluabis quemadmodum multiplicasti misericordiam tuam deus &c ·

C2.5.510: Hand 2, fol. 26v, left margin. ¶ A thousand of men þo · thrungen togyderes
Criede vpward to cryst · and to his clene moder
To haue grace to go with hem treuthe to seke

¶ Ac þere was wyȝte non so wys · þe wey þider couthe
But blustreden forth as bestes · ouer bankes and hilles
Til late was and longe · þat þei a lede mette
Apparailled as a paynym · in pylgrymes wyse
He bare a burdoun ybounde · with a brode liste
In a withewyndes wise · ywounden aboute
A bolle and a bagge · he bare by his syde
- C.5.520: Hand X, fol. 84, right margin. An hundreth of ampulles · on his hatt seten
Signes of synay and shelles of galice
And many a cruche on his cloke · and keyes of Rome
notaG.5.523: Hand X, fol. 23v, left margin. And þe vernicle bifore · for men shulde knowe
And se bi his signes · whom he souȝte hadde

¶ Þis folke frayned hym firste · fro whennes he come

¶ Fram synay he seyde · and fram owre lordes sepulcre
In bethleem and in babiloyne · I haue ben in bothe
In ermonye in alisaundre · in many other places
notaM.5.529: Hand 3, fol. 26v, left margin. Ȝe may se bi my signes · þat sitten on myn hatte
Þat I haue walked ful wyde · in wete and in drye
And souȝte gode seyntes · for my soules helth

questio vbi veritas | moraturM.5.532: Hand 3, fol. 26v, left margin.· nota · C.5.532: Hand 1, fol. 8r, right margin. ¶ Knowestow ouȝte a corseint · þat men calle treuthe
Coudestow auȝte wissen vs þe weye · where þat wy dwelleth

nota beneM.5.534: Hand X, fol. 26v, left margin. ¶ Nay so me god helpe · seide þe gome þanne
I seygh neuere palmere · with pike ne with scrippe
Axen after hym · er til now in þis place

notaM.5.537: Hand X, fol. 26v, left margin. Peter quod a plowman · and put forth his hed
The plo=|wman is | Truthes | seruauntCr2.5.538: Fol. H.1r, right margin.The plo=|wman is | Truthes | seruaunt ,Cr3.5.538: Fol. 29r, right margin. I knowe hym as kyndely · as clerke doþ his bokes
notaquia dicit Petrus ploughman | optime cognoscere veritatemM.5.539: Hand 3, fol. 26v, left margin. Conscience and kynde witte · kenned me to his place
And deden me suren hym sikerly · to serue hym for euere
Bothe to sowe and to sette þe while I swynke myghte
I haue ben his folwar · al þis fourty wyntre
Bothe ysowen his sede · and sued his bestes
With-Inne and with-outen · wayted his profyt
I dyke and I delue · I do þat treuthe hoteth
| C.5.546: Hand X, fol. 8r, right margin. Some-tyme I sowe · and some-tyme I thresche
In tailoures crafte and tynkares crafte · what treuthe can deuyse
I weue an I wynde · and do what treuthe hoteth

¶ For þouȝe I seye it my-self · I serue hym to paye
- C.5.550: Hand X, fol. 8r, right margin. Ich haue myn huire wel · and otherwhiles more
He is þe prestest payer · þat pore men knoweth
He ne with-halt non hewe his hyre · þat he ne hath it at euen
He is as low as a lombe · and loueliche of speche
notaquomodo docet viam | viam(viam) ad veritatemM.5.554: Hand 3, fol. 26v, left margin. And ȝif ȝe wilneth to wite · where þat he dwelleth
I shal wisse ȝow witterly · þe weye to his place

¶ Ȝe leue Pieres quod þis pilgrymes · and profered hym huire
XM.5.556.1: Hand X, fol. 26v, left margin.notaM.5.556.1: Hand 3, fol. 26v, left margin. For to wende with hem · to treuthes dwellyng-place

notaM.5.557: Hand X, fol. 26v, left margin. ¶ Nay bi my soules helth quod pieres · and gan forto swere
I nolde fange a ferthynge · for seynt Thomas shryne
notaM.5.559: Hand 3, fol. 26v, left margin. Treuthe wolde loue me þe lasse · a longe tyme þere-after
. nota . how þou schalt goo | on pilgrymageO.5.560: Hand 1, fol. 24r, right margin.nota | how þou shalt go | on pilgrimageC2.5.560: Hand 1, fol. 27v, right margin. Ac if ȝe wilneth to wende wel · þis is þe weye thider

notaL.5.561: Hand 1, fol. 24v, left margin.notaM.5.561: Hand X, fol. 27r, left margin.primum mandatumM.5.561: Hand X6, fol. 27r, right margin.How piers | teachethe | the waye | to trewthCr1.5.561: Fol. 29v, left margin. Ȝe mote go þourgh mekenesse · bothe men and wyues
ten comaiundementes(coma[u]ndementes)C2.5.562: Hand 1, fol. 27v, right margin.How Pi=|ers tea=|cheth the | waye to | trueth .Cr2.5.562: Fol. H.1v, left margin.How Pi=|ers tea=|cheth the | waye to | trueth .Cr3.5.562: Fol. 29v, left margin. Tyl ȝe come in-to conscience þat cryst wite þe sothe
þe ten comaunde|mentis .O.5.563: Hand 1, fol. 24r, right margin. Þat ȝe louen owre lorde god · leuest of alle þinges
And þanne ȝowre neighbores nexte · in non wise apeyre
Otherwyse þan þow woldest · he wrouȝte to þi-selue

¶ And so boweth forth bi a broke · beth buxum of speche
Tyl ȝe fynden a forth · ȝowre fadres honoureth
Exod .xx.Cr3.5.567α: Fol. 29v, left margin. Honora patrem & matrem &c ·
notaW.5.568: Hand X, fol. 33v, right margin.Exod .xx.Cr2.5.568: Fol. H.2v, left margin. Wadeþ in þat water and wascheth ȝow wel þere
notaW.5.569: Hand X, fol. 33v, right margin. And ȝe shul lepe þe liȝtloker · al ȝowre lyf-tyme
decem preceptaL.5.570: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 24v, left margin. And so shaltow se swere nouȝte · but if it be for nede
And namelich an ydel · þe name of god almyȝti

¶ Þanne shaltow come by a crofte · but come þow nouȝte þere-Inne
That crofte hat coueyte nouȝte · mennes catel ne her wyues
Ne none of her seruauntes · þat noyen hem myȝte
Loke ȝe breke no bowes þere · but if it be ȝowre owne

¶ Two stokkes þere stondeth · ac stynte ȝe nouȝte þere
They hat stele nouȝte ne slee nouȝte stryke forth by bothe
And leue hem on þi left halfe · and loke nouȝte þere-after
+M.5.579: Hand X, fol. 33v, right margin. And holde wel þyne haliday heighe · til euen
Thanne shaltow blenche at a bergh · bere no false witnesse
He is frithed in with floreines · and other foes many
Loke þow plukke no plante þere · for peril of þi soule

¶ Þanne shal ȝe se sey soth · so it be to done
In no manere ellis nauȝte · for no mannes biddyng

¶ Þanne shaltow come to a courte · as clere as þe sonne
Þe mote is of mercy · þe manere · aboute
And alle þe wallis ben of witte · to holden wille oute
And kerneled with crystendome · man-kynde to saue
· NotaC.5.589: Hand 1, fol. 8v, left margin.eG.5.589: Hand X, left margin. Boterased with bileue so · or þow beest nouȝte ysaued

¶ And alle þe houses ben hiled · halles and chambres
+L.5.591: Corrector, fol. 25r, left margin. Wit no lede but with loue · and lowe speche as bretheren
Þe brugge is of bidde wel · þe bette may þow spede
Eche piler is of penaunce · of preyeres to seyntes
Of almes-dedes ar þe hokes · þat þe gates hangen on

Truthes | portare .Cr2.5.595: Fol. H.2r, right margin.Truths | portarCr3.5.595: Fol. 30r, right margin. ¶ Grace hatte þe gateward · a gode man for-sothe
Hys man hatte amende ȝow · for many man him knoweth
Telleth hym þis tokene · þat treuthe wite þe sothe
I parfourned þe penaunce · þe preest me enioyned
And am ful sori for my synnes · and so I shal euere
Whan I þinke þere-on · þeighe I were a pope

- C.5.601: Hand X, fol. 8v, left margin. ¶ Biddeth amende ȝow meke him · til his maistre ones
nota appyllis vnrostedM.5.602: Hand 3, fol. 27v, left margin. To wayue vp þe wiket · þat þe womman shette
Tho Adam and Eue · eten apples vnrosted
Per euam cuntis clausa est · & per mariam virginem patefacta est

¶ For he hath þe keye and þe clikat · þouȝ þe kynge slepe
And if grace graunte þe · to go in in þis wise
Þow shalt see in þi-selue · treuthe sitte in þine herte
+L.5.607: Corrector, fol. 25r, right margin. In a cheyne of charyte · as þow a c[h]ilde were
To suffre hym and segge nouȝte · aȝein þi sires wille

¶ Ac bewar þanne of wrath þe · þat is a wikked shrewe
He hath enuye to hym · þat in þine herte sitteth
And pukketh forþ pruyde to prayse þi-seluen
...?...esseM.5.612: Hand X, fol. 27v, left margin. Likely a guide for the correction to "þe boldnesse." Þe boldnesse of þi bienfetes · maketh þe blynde þanne
And þanne worstow dryuen oute as dew · and þe dore closed
Kayed and clikated · to kepe þe with-outen
Happily an hundreth wyntre · ar þow eft entre
Þus myght þow lesen his loue · to late wel by þi-selue
And neuere happil[i]che efte entre · but grace þow haue

Septem sorores que | seruiunt ad veritatemM.5.610: Hand 3, fol. 27v, left margin. ¶ Ac þere ar seuene sustren · þat seruen treuthe euere
Truthes | maidensCr2.5.619: Fol. H.2v, left margin.Truthes | maidensCr3.5.619: Fol. 30v, left margin. And aren porteres of þe posternes · that to þe place longeth
vij sistersL.5.620: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 25v, left margin. Þat one hat abstenence · and humilite an-other
Charite and chastite · ben his chief maydenes
Pacience and pees · moche poeple þei helpeth
Largenesse þe lady · heo let in ful manye
Heo hath hulpe a þousande oute · of þe deueles ponfolde

¶ And who is sibbe to þis seuene · so me god helpe
He is wonderliche welcome · and faire vnderfongen
And but if ȝe be syb · to summe of þise seuene
It is ful harde bi myne heued quod Peres · for any of ȝow alle
To geten ingonge at any gate þere ; but grace be þe more

nota CutpurseM.5.630: Hand 3, fol. 28r, right margin.A Cutpurs .O.5.630: Hand 1, fol. 25r, right margin.a cutpursC2.5.630: Hand 1, fol. 28v, right margin. ¶ Now bi cryst quod a cutpurs · I haue no kynne þere
Ne I quod an apewarde · bi auȝte þat I knowe

¶ Wite god quod a wafrestre · wist I þis for sothe
Shulde I neuere ferthere a fote · for no freres prechyng

¶ Ȝus quod Pieres þe plowman · and pukked hem alle to gode
notaquia misericordia super omniaM.5.635: Hand 3, fol. 28r, right margin. Mercy is a maydene þere · hath myȝte ouer hem alle
And she is syb to alle synful · and her sone also
And þoruȝe þe helpe of hem two · hope þow none other
Þow myȝte gete grace þere · bi so þow go bityme

A pardonerO.5.639: Hand 1, fol. 25r, right margin.a pardonerC2.5.639: Hand 1, fol. 28v, right margin. ¶ By seynt Poule quod a pardonere · parauenture I be nouȝte knowe þere
I wil go fecche my box with my breuettes · and a bulle with bisshopes lettres

A comune | wommanO.5.641: Hand 1, fol. 25r, right margin.a comune | wommanC2.5.641: Hand 1, fol. 28v, right margin. By cryst quod a comune womman · þi companye wil I folwe
Þow shalt sey I am þi sustre · I ne wot where þei bicome
