
Incipit liber de Petro PlowmanL.P.1: Hand X, fol. 1r, top center.[...] of Robart Langeland / borne by Malverne | hilles .L.P.1: Hand X (different from first note), fol. 1r, top center.Assit principio Sanctafilius Mariae meoM.P.1: Hand X, fol. 1r, top center. The heading originally read "Assit principio Sancta Maria meo," but then "Sancta" was later altered to "filius" and "Maria" altered to "Mariae." In a somer seson ; whan soft was the sonne
shepeC.P.2: Hand X, fol. 1r, supralinear gloss on "schepe." I shope me in shroudes ; as i a shepe were
In habite as an heremite ; vnholy of workes
Went wyde in þis world wondres to here
Ac on a May mornyng ; on Maluerne hulles
Me byfel a ferly ; of fairy me thouȝte
I was wery forwandred · and went me to reste
Vnder a brode banke ; bi a bornes side
And as I lay and lened ; and loked in þe wateres
I slombred in a slepyng ; it sweyued so merye

Thanne gan I to meten ; a merueilouse sweuene
That I was in a wildernesse ; wist I neuer where
As I bihelde in-to þe est ; an hiegh to þe sonne
A Tower on a tofteC2.P.14: Hand 2, fol. 1r, right margin. I seigh a toure on a toft ; trielich ymaked
A Dongion in a DaleC2.P.15: Hand 2, fol. 1r, right margin. A depe dale binethe ; a dongeon þere-Inne
With depe dyches & derke ; and dredful of sight
A Faire Felde bitwynneC2.P.17: Hand 2, fol. 1r, right margin. A faire felde ful of folke ; fonde I there bytwene
Of alle maner of men ; þe mene and þe riche
Ry | vont vont | John rich | RychardW.P.19: Hand 7 (later 15th-c), fol. 1r, right margin. Worchyng and wandryng ; as þe worlde asketh
Some put hem to þe plow ; pleyed ful selde
In settyng and in sowyng ; swonken ful harde
And wonnen that wastours ; with glotonye destruyeth

And some putten hem to pruyde ; apparailed hem þere-after
In contenaunce of clothyng comen disgised

In prayers and in penance ; putten hem manye
Al for loue of owre lorde · lyueden ful streyte
In hope forto haue · heueneriche blisse
As ancres and heremites · that holden hem in here selles
And coueiten nought in contre to kairen aboute
For no likerous liflode · her lykam to plese

And somme chosen chaffare · they cheuen the bettere
As it semeth to owre syȝt · that suche men thryueth
MinystralisO.P.33: Hand 1, fol. 1v, left margin. And somme murthes to make · as mynstralles conneth
And geten gold with here glee · synneles I leue
Common | IestarsCr1.P.35: Fol. 1v, left margin.Common Iestars.Cr2.P.35: Fol. A.1r, left margin.Common Iestas(Iesta[r]s) .Cr3.P.35: Fol. 1v, left margin. Ac iapers & iangelers · Iudas chylderen
Feynen hem fantasies · and foles hem maketh
And han here witte at wille · to worche ȝif þei sholde
Qui non laborat | non manducetO.P.38: Hand 1, fol. 1v, left margin.Qui non laborat non manducetC2.P.38: Hand 1, fol. 1v, left margin. That Poule precheth of hem · I nel nought preue it here
Qui turpiloquium loquitur · &c

Bidders and beggeres · fast aboute ȝede
With her bely and her bagge · of bred ful ycrammed
Fayteden for here fode · fouȝten atte ale
In glotonye god it wote · gon hij to bedde
And risen with ribaudye · tho roberdes knaues
Slepe and sori sleuthe · seweth hem eure

PylgrymesC2.P.46: Hand 2, fol. 1v, left margin.PilgrimsCr1.P.46: Fol. 1v, left margin.Pilgri=|mes .Cr2.P.46: Fol. A.1v, left margin.Pylgry=|mes.Cr3.P.46: Fol. 1v, left margin. ¶ Pilgrymes and palmers · pliȝted hem togidere
PilgrimysO.P.47: Hand 1, fol. 1v, left margin. To seke seynt Iames · and seyntes in rome
Thei went forth in here wey · with many wise tales
And hadden leue to lye · al here lyf after
I seigh somme that seiden · þei had ysouȝt seyntes
To eche a tale þat þei tolde · here tonge was tempred to lye
HeremytesC2.P.52: Hand 2, fol. 1v, left margin. More þan to sey soth · it semed bi here speche

HermetsCr1.P.53: Fol. 1v, left margin.Hermets .Cr2.P.53: Fol. A.1v, left margin.Hermes(Herme[t]s) .Cr3.P.53: Fol. 1v, left margin. ¶ Heremites on an heep · with hoked staues
Wenten to walsyngham · and here wenches after
heremytisO.P.55: Hand 1, fol. 1v, left margin. Grete lobyes and longe · that loth were to swynke
Clotheden hem in copis · to ben knowen fram othere
And shopen hem heremites · here ese to haue

IG.P.58: Hand 1, fol. 1v, left margin. Indicates start of chapter.FreersC2.P.58: Hand 2, fol. 1v, left margin.FryarsCr1.P.58: Fol. 1v, left margin.FryersCr2.P.58: Fol. A.1v, left margin.Friers .Cr3.P.58: Fol. 1v, left margin. ¶ I fonde þere Freris alle þe foure ordres
contra Glosers euaungeliM.P.59: Hand 3, fol. 1v, left margin.FrerisO.P.59: Hand 1, fol. 1v, left margin. Preched þe peple · for profit of hem-seluen
Glosed þe gospel · as hem good lyked
For coueitise of copis · construed it as þei wolde
Many of þis maistres Freris mowe clothen hem at lykyng
- C.P.63: Hand X, fol. 1r, right margin.metenC2.P.63: Hand 2, fol. 1v, supralinear gloss on "marchin." For here money and marchandise · marchen togideres
For sith charite haþ be chapman · and chief to shryue lordes
charitasO.P.65: Hand 2, fol. 1v, left margin. Many ferlis han fallen · in a fewe ȝeris
But holychirche and hij · holde better togideres
+L.P.67: Corrector, fol. 1v, left margin.proverb.M.P.67: Hand 3, fol. 1v, left margin. The moste my[s]chief on molde · is mountyng wel faste

PerdonnerisO.P.68: Hand 1, fol. 2r, top right.pardonereC2.P.68: Hand 1, fol. 1v, left margin.Pardo=|narsCr1.P.68: Fol. 2r, right margin. ¶ Þere preched a Pardonere · as he a prest were
Pardo=|ners .Cr2.P.69: Fol. A.2r, right margin.Pardo=|nars .Cr3.P.69: Fol. 2r, right margin. Brouȝte forth a bulle · with bishopes seles
And seide þat hym-self myȝte · assoilen hem alle
Of falshed of fastyng · of vowes ybroken

contra pardonersM.P.72: Hand 3, fol. 1v, left margin. ¶ Lewed men leued hym wel · and lyked his wordes
- C.P.73: Hand X, fol. 1r, right margin. Comen vp knelyng · to kissen his bulles
He bonched hem with his breuet · & blered here eyes
And rauȝte with his ragman · rynges and broches
Thus þey geuen here golde · glotones to kepe
And leneth such loseles · þat lecherye haunten
Were þe bischop yblissed · and worth bothe his eres
His seel shulde nouȝt be sent · to deceyue þe peple
Ac it is nauȝt by þe bischop · þat þe boy precheth
For the parisch prest and þe pardonere · parten þe siluer
+M.P.82: Hand X, fol. 2r, left margin.nota | notaF.P.82: Hand X, fol. 1v, left margin.S.P.82: Hand X, fol. 1r, left margin. That þe poraille of þe parisch · sholde haue ȝif þei nere

CuratisO.P.83: Hand 1, fol. 2r, right margin.CuratisC2.P.83: Hand 1, fol. 2r, left margin.Nonresi=|denceCr1.P.83: Fol. 2r, right margin. ¶ Persones and parisch prestes · pleyned hem to þe bischop ·
Curati non residentesC2.P.84: Hand 2, fol. 2r, right margin. Þat here parisshes were pore · sith þe pestilence tyme
contra Episcopos & CuratosM.P.85: Hand 3, fol. 2r, right margin. To haue a lycence and a leue · at London to dwelle
And syngen þere for symonye · for siluer is swete

¶ Bischopes and bachelers · bothe maistres and doctours
Þat han cure vnder criste · and crounyng in tokne
And signe þat þei sholden · shryuen here paroschienes
Prechen and prey for hem · and þe pore fede
Liggen in London · in lenten an elles
Somme seruen þe kyng · and his siluer tellen
In cheker and in chancerye · chalengen his dettes
Of wardes and wardmotes · weyues and streyues

¶ And some seruen as seruantz · lordes and ladyes
And in stede of stuwardes · sytten and demen
Here messe and here matynes · and many of here oures
Arn don vndeuoutlych · drede is at þe laste
- C.P.99: Hand X, fol. 1r, right margin. Lest crist in constorie · acorse ful manye
I parceyued of þe power · þat Peter had to kepe
To bynde and to vnbynde · as þe boke telleth
How he it left wiþ loue · as owre lorde hight
Amonges foure vertues · þe best of alle vertues
- C.P.104: Hand X, fol. 1r, right margin. Þat cardinales ben called · & closyng ȝatis
Þere crist is in kyngdome · to close and to shutte
mistice loquiturM.P.106: Hand 3, fol. 2r, right margin. And to opne it to hem · and heuene blisse shewe
CardinalesC2.P.107: Hand 2, fol. 2v, right margin. Ac of þe cardinales atte Courte · þat cauȝt of þat name
- C.P.107: Hand X, fol. 1r, right margin. And power presumed in hem · a Pope to make
To han þat power þat peter hadde · inpugnen I nelle
- C.P.110: Hand X, fol. 1r, right margin. For in loue and letterure · þe eleccioun bilongeth
For-þi I can and can nauȝte · of courte speke more

¶ Þanne come þere a kyng · knyȝthod hym ladde
Miȝt of þe comunes · made hym to regne
And þanne cam kynde wytte · and clerkes he made
For to conseille þe kyng · and þe comune saue

¶ The kyng and knyȝthode · and clergye bothe
Casten þat þe comune shulde hem-self fynde

¶ Þe comune contreued · of kynde witte craftes
And for profit of alle þe poeple · plowmen ordeygned
To tilie and trauaile · as trewe lyf askeþ
Þe kynge and þe comune · and kynde witte þe thridde
- C.P.122: Hand X, fol. 1r, right margin. Shope lawe & lewte · eche man to knowe his owne

¶ Þanne loked vp a lunatik · a lene þing with-alle
S.P.124: Hand X, fol. 1v, left margin. And knelyng to þe kyng · clergealy he seyde
Crist kepe þe sire kyng · and þi kyngriche
And lene þe lede þi londe · so leute þe louye
And for þi riȝtful rewlyng · be rewarded in heuene

¶ And sithen in þe eyre an hiegh · an angel of heuene
Lowed to speke in latyn · for lewed men ne coude .
Iangle ne iugge · þat iustifie hem shulde
But suffren & seruen · for-thi seyde þe angel
vox angeliM.P.132: Hand X (italic), fol. 2v, left margin. · versus · C.P.132: Hand 1, fol. 1v, left margin.versusO.P.132: Hand 1, fol. 2v, left margin. Sum Rex sum Princeps · neutrum fortasse deinceps
O qui iura regis · cristi specialia regis
Hoc quod agas melius · iustus es esto pius
Nudum ius a te · vestiri vult pietate
Qualia vis metere · talia grana sere
Si ius nudatur · nudo de iure metatur ·
Si seritur pietas · de pietate metas ·

XL.P.139: Hand X, fol. 2v, left margin. ¶ Thanne greued hym a Goliardeys · a glotoun of wordes
And to þe angel an heiȝ · answeres after
· versus · C.P.141: Hand 1, fol. 1v, left margin.versusO.P.141: Hand 1, fol. 2v, left margin. Dum rex a regere · dicatur nomen habere
Nomen habet sine re · nisi studet iura tenere ·

¶ And þanne gan alle þe comune · crye in vers of latin
To þe kynges conseille · construe ho-so wolde
versusO.P.145: Hand 1, fol. 2v, left margin.The tale | of the rat|tons . Cr1.P.145: Fol. 3r, right margin. Precepta Regis · sunt nobis vincula legis ·

NotaL.P.146: Hand 1, fol. 2v, left margin.The route off RatonsM.P.146: Hand 3, fol. 2v, left margin.Ratounes .O.P.146: Hand 1, fol. 3r, top right.The tale | of the rat|tonsCr2.P.146: Fol. A.3r, right margin.The tale | of the rat|tons .Cr3.P.146: Fol. 3r, right margin. ¶ Wiþ þat ran þere a route of ratones at ones
þe profycy | off þe cattG.P.147: Hand 1, fol. 2v, left margin. And smale mys with hem mo þen a þousande
And comen to a conseille · for here comune profit
For a cat of a courte · cam whan hym lyked
SG.P.150: Hand 1, fol. 2v, left margin. Corresponds to an "S" in the Table of Contents (fol. 101v). And ouerlepe hem lyȝtlich · and lauȝte hem at his wille
And pleyde wiþ hem perilouslych · and possed aboute
For doute of dyuerse dredes · we dar nouȝte wel loke
And ȝif we grucche of his gamen · he wil greue vs alle
Cracche vs or clowe vs · and in his cloches holde
That vs lotheth þe lyf · or he lete vs passe
Myȝte we wiþ any witte · his wille withstonde
We myȝte be lordes aloft · and lyuen at owre ese

¶ A raton of renon most renable of tonge
¶ Seide for a souereygne · help to hym-selue
I haue ysein segges quod he · in þe cite of london
Beren biȝes ful briȝte · abouten here nekkes
And some colers of crafty werk vncoupled þei wenden
+L.P.163: Corrector, fol. 3r, left margin. Boþe in wareine & in waste · where hem leue lyketh
And otherwhile þei aren elles-where · as I here telle
Were þere a belle on here beiȝ · bi Ihesu as me thynketh
...?...M.P.166: Hand X, fol. 3r, right margin. Likey a guide for alteration to "renne." Men myȝte wite where þei went · and awei renne
And riȝt so quod þat ratoun · reson me sheweth
To bugge a belle of brasse · or of briȝte syluer
And knitten on a colere · for owre comune profit
And hangen it vp-on þe cattes hals · þanne here we mowen
- C.P.171: Hand X, fol. 1v, left margin. Where he ritt or rest · or renneth to playe
And ȝif him list for to laike · þenne loke we mowen
And peren in his presence · þer-while hym plaie liketh
And ȝif him wrattheth be ywar · and his weye shonye

¶ Alle þis route of ratones · to þis reson þei assented
Ac þo þe belle was ybouȝt · and on þe beiȝe hanged
Þere ne was ratoun in alle þe route · for alle þe rewme of Fraunce
Þat dorst haue ybounden þe belle · aboute þe cattis nekke
Ne hangen aboute þe cattes hals · al Engelonde to wynne
And helden hem vnhardy · and here conseille feble
MyceO.P.181: Hand 1, fol. 3r, right margin. And leten here laboure lost · & alle here longe studye

+ Omni=|um docti=|ssimorum | suffragio , | dicuntur , | hec de las=|siuis , fatu|is , aut in=|eptis prin|cipibus , | non de e=|tate tenel|lis. Qua=|si dicat , v=|bi rex pue|rilis est . Cr1.P.182: Fol. 3v, left margin.+ Omni=|um docti=|ssimorum | suffragio , | dicuntur , | hec de las=|siuis , fatu|is , aut in=|eptis prin|cipibus , | non de e=|tate tenel|lis. Qua=|si dicat , v=|bi rex pue|rilis est . Cr2.P.182: Fol. A.3v, left margin.* Omni=|um docti=|ssimorum | suffragio | dicuntur | hec de las|siuis , fatu|is , aut in=|eptis prin|cipibus , | non de e=|tate tenel|lis , Qua=|si dicat , v|bi rex pue|rilis est .Cr3.P.182: Fol. 3v, left margin. ¶ A mous þat moche good · couthe as me thouȝte
Stroke forth sternly · and stode biforn hem alle
And to þe route of ratones · reherced þese wordes
Thouȝ we culled þe catte · ȝut sholde þer come an-other
To cracchy vs and al owre kynde · þouȝ we croupe vnder benches
For-þi I conseille alle þe comune · to lat þe catte worthe
And be we neuer so bolde · þe belle hym to shewe
For I herde my sire seyn · is seuene ȝere ypassed
aylyngeC2.P.194: Hand 2, fol. 3v, supralinear gloss on "elenge." Þere þe catte is a kitoun · þe courte is ful elyng
notaM.P.195: Hand 3, fol. 3v, left margin. Þat witnisseth holiwrite · who-so wil it rede
L.P.196: Hand X, fol. 3r, right margin.ve veC2.P.196: Hand 1, fol. 3v, left margin.+F.P.196: Hand 1(?), fol. 3r, right margin.Eccles. x,Cr2.P.196: Fol. A.3v, left marginEccles .x.Cr3.P.196: Fol. 3v, left margin. Ve terre vbi puer rex est &c
For may no renke þere rest haue · for ratones bi nyȝte
Þe while he caccheþ conynges · he coueiteth nouȝt owre caroyne
But fet hym al with venesoun · defame we hym neuere
a feyrseW.P.191: Hand 2 (later), fol. 4r, right margin. Perhaps meaning "a verse, proverb," also at KD.1.36 and KD.1.85. For better is a litel losse · þan a longe sorwe
Þe mase amonge vs alle · þouȝ we mysse a schrewe
For many mannus malt · we mys wolde destruye
And also ȝe route of ratones · rende mennes clothes
Nere þat cat of þat courte · þat can ȝow ouerlepe
For had ȝe rattes ȝowre wille · ȝe couthe nouȝt reule ȝowre-selue
I sey for me quod þe mous · I se so mykel after
Shal neuer þe cat ne þe kitoun · bi my conseille be greued
Ne carpyng of þis coler · þat costed me neure
And þouȝ it had coste me catel · biknowen it I nolde
But suffre as hym-self wolde · to do as hym liketh
Coupled & vncoupled · to cacche what thei mowe
For-þi vche a wise wiȝte I warne · wite wel his owne

¶ What þis meteles bemeneth · ȝe men þat be merye
Sergeants | of þe lawe . Cr1.P.210: Fol. 4r, right margin. Deuine ȝe for I ne dar · bi dere god in heuene

Sergeants | of þe lawe . Cr2.P.211: Fol. A.4r, right marginSergiants | of þe laweCr3.P.211: Fol. 4r, right margin. ¶ Ȝit houed þere an hondreth · in houues of selke
Sergeauntes at Law .C2.P.212: Hand 2, fol. 4r, right margin. Seriauntz it semed · þat serueden atte barre
nota Momming off Men | off law For MoneM.P.213: Hand 3, fol. 3v, left margin. Plededen for penyes · and poundes þe lawe
And nouȝt for loue of owre lorde · vnlese here lippes onis
Þow myȝtest better mete þe myste · on maluerne hulles
Þan gete a momme of here mouthe · but monoy were shewed

ByshopsCr2.P.216.1: Fol. A.4r, right marginByshopsCr3.P.216.1: Fol. 4r, right margin. I saw bishops bold, and bachilers diuine [This six-line passage was added to Crowley's second and third printing, but it is represented here because it was annotated.]
Become clerkes of accountes, the king for to serue
Arch-deakens and deanes, that dignities haue
To preach to the people, and pore men to fede
Ben lop to London, by leaue of her bishop
and ben clerkes of the kings be(n)ch, the cou(n)trey to shend
¶ Barones an burgeis · and bonde-men als
I seiȝ in þis assemble · as ȝe shul here after
Baxsteres & brewesteres · and bocheres manye
Wollewebsteres · and weueres of lynnen
Taillours and tynkeres · & tolleres in marketes
Masons and mynours · and many other craftes
Of alkin libbyng laboreres · lopen forth somme
As dykers & delueres · þat doth here dedes ille
And dryuen forth þe dere day · with dieu vous saue dame Emme ·
CookesO.P.226: Hand 1, fol. 4r, right margin. Cokes and here knaues · crieden hote pies hote
Gode gris a gees · go we dyne go we

¶ Tauerners vn-til hem · tolde þe same
White wyn of Oseye · and red wyn of Gascoigne
Of þe Ryne and of þe Rochel · þe roste to defye
Al þis seiȝ I slepyng · and seuene sythes more
