Passus terciodecimus

And I awaked þere-with · witles nerehande
And as a freke þat fre were · forth gan I walke
In manere of a mendynaunt · many a ȝere after
And of þis metyng many tyme · moche þouȝt I hadde
First how fortune me failled · at my moste nede
And how þat elde manaced me · myȝt we euere meten

nota contra fratresM.13.7: Hand 4, fol. 58r, left margin. FrerisO.13.7: Hand 1, fol. 51r, right margin. FrerisC2.13.7: Hand 1, fol. 59v, right margin. ¶ And how þat freris folwed · folke þat was riche
And folke þat was pore · at litel prys þei sette
And no corps in her kirkeȝerde · ne in her kyrke was buryed
But quikke he biquethe hem auȝte · or shulde helpe quyte her dettes
CuratisO.13.11: Hand 1, fol. 51r, right margin. CuratisvnlernedC2.13.11: Hand 1, fol. 59v, right margin. Hand 2 has added "vnlerned" to make a phrase. And how þis coueitise ouercome · clerkes and prestes
notaquia in defectis | Curatoribus multi periuntM.13.12: Hand 3, fol. 58r, right marginR.13.12: Hand X, fol. 59r, right margin. And how þat lewed men ben ladde · but owre lorde hem helpe
Þorugh vnkonnyng curatoures · to incurable peynes

- C.13.14: Hand X, fol. 17v, left margin. ¶ And how þat ymagynatyf · in dremeles me tolde
Of kynde and of his connyng · and how curteise he is to bestes
And how louynge he is to bestes · on londe and on water
Leneth he no lyf · lasse ne more
Þe creatures þat crepen · of kynde ben engendred
And sitthen how ymagynatif seyde vix iustus saluabitur
And whan he had seyde so · how sodeynelich he passed

¶ I lay down longe in þis þouȝte · and atte laste I slepte
ConscienceC2.13.22: Hand 2, fol. 59v, right margin. And as cryste wolde þere come conscience · to conforte me þat tyme
ClergieC2.13.23: Hand 2, fol. 59v, right margin. And bad me come to his courte · with clergye sholde I dyne

¶ And for conscience of clergye spake · I come wel þe rather
And þere I say a maistre · what man he was I neste
Þat lowe louted · and loueliche to scripture

notaconveuium | consciencieM.13.27: Hand 3, fol. 58r, right margin. ¶ Conscience knewe hym wel · and welcomed hym faire
Þei wesshen and wypeden · and wenten to þe dyner
pacienceC2.13.29: Hand 2, fol. 59v, right margin. Ac pacience in þe paleis stode in pilgrymes clothes
And preyde mete for charite · for a pore heremyte

¶ Conscience called hym in · and curteisliche seide
Welcome wye go and wasshe · þow shalt sitte sone

¶ Þis maister was made sitte · as for þe moste worthy
And þanne clergye and conscience · and pacience cam after

¶ Pacience and I were put to be macches
And seten by owre-selue at a syde borde

ScriptureC2.13.37: Hand 3, fol. 59v, right margin. ¶ Conscience called after mete · and þanne cam scripture
And serued hem þus sone · of sondry metes manye
Of austyn of ambrose · of alle þe foure euangelistes
at þe tabilC2.13.39α: Hand 1, fol. 60r, right margin.Luke .x.Cr2.13.39α: Fol. R.1r, right margin.Luke .x,Cr3.13.39α: Fol. 65r, right margin. Edentes & bibentes · que apud eos sunt
Ac þis maister ne his man · no manere flessh eten
Ac þei ete mete of more coste · mortrewes and potages
notaR.13.42: Hand X, fol. 59v, left margin. Of þat men mys-wonne · þei made hem wel at ese
· Nota · C.13.43: Hand 1, fol. 17v, left margin. Ac her sauce was ouer soure · & vnsauourely grounde
In a morterpost | mortemM.13.44: Hand 3, fol. 58v, left margin. In a morter post mortem · of many bitter peyne
But if þei synge for þo soules · and wepe salt teres
contra sacerdotesL.13.45α: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 53r, right margin.notaM.13.45α: Hand X1, fol. 58v, left margin.terribile valdeM.13.45α: Hand 4, fol. 58v, left margin. Vos qui peccata hominum comeditis nisi pro eis lacrimas & oraciones | effunderitis · ea que in delicijs comeditis · in tormentis euometis

+L.13.46: Corrector, fol. 53r, left margin. Conscience ful curteisly þo · comaunded scripture
Bifor pacience bred to brynge · and me þat was his macche
He sette a soure lof to-for vs · and seyde agite penitenciam
notadiuersitatem ciborum | ad Conuiuium | ConsciencieM.13.50: Hand 3, fol. 58v, left margin. And sith he drough vs drynke · dia perseuerans
As longe quod I as I lyue · and lycame may dure
Here is propre seruice quod pacience · þer fareth no prynce bettere

¶ And þanne he brouȝt vs forth a mees of other mete ; of Mise[r]ere mei deus
And he brouȝte vs of Beati quorum of beatus virres makyng
Psal .23.Cr2.13.54α: Fol. R.1r, left margin.Psal .23,Cr3.13.54α: Fol. 65r, right margin. Et quorum tecta sunt peccata in a dissh
Of derne shrifte dixi and confitebor tibi
Brynge pacience some pitaunce · pryueliche quod conscience

Psa .32.Cr2.13.57: Fol. R.1v, left margin.Psa .32Cr3.13.57: Fol. 65v, left margin. ¶ And þanne had pacience a pitaunce pro hac orabit ad te omnis sanctus in tempore oportuno
And conscience conforted vs · and carped vs mery tales
Psal .li.Cr2.13.58α: Fol. R.1v, left margin.Psal .li.Cr3.13.58α: Fol. 65v, left margin. Cor contritum & humiliatum deus non despicies
¶ Pacience was proude of þat propre seruice
And made hym muirth with his mete · ac I morned euere
For þis doctoure on þe heigh dese · dranke wyn so faste
Esai .v.Cr2.13.61α: Fol. R.1v, left margin.Esai .v.Cr3.13.61α: Fol. 65v, left margin. Ve vobis qui potentes estis ad bibendum vinum
¶ He eet many sondry metes · mortrewes and puddynges
NotaR.13.63: Hand X (15th-c), fol. 59v, left margin. Wombe cloutes and wylde braune · & egges y-fryed with grece
Þanne seide I to my-self so · pacience it herde
FrerisO.13.65: Hand 1, fol. 52r, right margin.FrerisC2.13.65: Hand 1, fol. 60r, right margin. It is nouȝt foure dayes · þat þis freke · bifor þe den of poules
Preched of penaunces · þat poule þe apostle suffred
In fame & frigore · and flappes of scourges
ii. Cor .xi.Cr2.13.67α: Fol. R.1v, right margin.ii. Cor .xi.Cr3.13.67α: Fol. 65v, right margin. Ter cesus sum & a iudeis quinquies quadragenas &c ·

· Nota · C.13.68: Hand 1, fol. 17v, right margin. ¶ Ac o worde þei ouerhuppen · at ech a tyme þat þei preche
Þat poule in his pistel · to al þe peple tolde
Periculum est in falsis fratribus
holywrit bit men be war · I wil nouȝt write it here
On englisch an auenture · it sholde be reherced to ofte
And greue þere-with þat good men ben · ac gramarienes shul rede
. nota .O.13.73α: Hand 1, fol. 52r, right margin, flourished.ii. Th .iiiCr2.13.73α: Fol. R.1v, left margin.ii. Th .iiiCr3.13.73α: Fol. 65v, left margin. Vnusquisque a fratre se custodiat quia vt dicitur periculum est in falsis fratribus

Iocose loquitur & | vera quidem dicitM.13.74: Hand 4, fol. 59r, right margin.notaC2.13.74: Hand 1, fol. 60v, right margin.C2.13.74: Hand 1, fol. 60v, left margin. (Note: BB attribute this to Hand 2.) ¶ Ac I wist neuere freke þat as a frere ȝede · bifor men on englissh
Taken it for her teme · and telle it with-outen glosynge
Þei prechen þat penaunce is · profitable to þe soule
And what myschief and malese · cryst for man tholed
Ac þis goddes gloton quod I · with his gret chekes
Hath no pyte on vs pore · he perforneth yuel
Þat he precheth he preueth nouȝt · to pacience I tolde
+L.13.81: Corrector, fol. 53v, left margin. And wisshed witterly · with wille ful egre
Þat disshes a dobleres · bifor þis ilke doctour
Were moltoun led in his maw · and Mahoun amyddes
I shal iangle to þis Iurdan · with his iust wombe
To telle me what penaunce is · of which he preched rather
nota wynkyng off paciensM.13.86: Hand 3, fol. 59r, right margin. Pacience parceyued what I thouȝt · and wynked on me to be stille
A good | diuine .Cr2.13.87: Fol. R.2r, right margin.A good di|uine .Cr3.13.87: Fol. 66r, right margin. And seyde þow shalt se þus sone · whan he may no more
He shal haue a penaunce in his paunche · and puffe at ech a worde
- C.13.89: Hand X, fol. 17v, right margin. And þanne shullen his guttis godele · and he shal galpen after
Doctours of frerisO.13.90: Hand 1, fol. 52v, top left.Doctouris of FrerisC2.13.90: Hand 1, fol. 60v, right margin. For now he hath dronken so depe · he wil deuyne sone
NotaC.13.91: Hand 1, fol. 17v, right margin. And preuen it by her pocalips · and passioun of seynt Auereys
Þat neither bacoun ne braune · blanmangere ne mortrewes
Is noither fisshe no flesshe · but fode for a penaunte
And þanne shal he testifye of a trinitee · and take his felawe to witnesse
What he fonde in a freyel · after a freres lyuyng
And but if þe fyrst lyue be lesyng · leue me neuere after
And þanne is tyme to take · and to appose þis doctoure
Of dowel and of dobet · and if dobest be any penaunce

¶ And I sete stille as pacience seyde · and þus sone þis doctour
As rody as a rose · rubbed his chekes
Coughed and carped · and conscience hym herde
And tolde hym of a trinite · and toward vs he loked

¶ What is dowel sire doctour quod I · is dowel any penaunce

nona discriptio de | dowellM.13.104: Hand 3, fol. 59v, left margin. ¶ Dowel quod þis doctour · and toke þe cuppe and dranke
Do non yuel to þine euenecrystene · nouȝt by þi powere

¶ By þis day sire doctour quod I þanne be ȝe nouȝt in dowel
For ȝe han harmed vs two · in þat ȝe eten þe puddyng
Mortrewes and other mete · and we no mussel hade
And if ȝe fare so in ȝowre fermorie · ferly me þinketh
- C.13.110: Hand X, fol. 18r, left margin. But chest be þere charite shulde be · & ȝonge childern dorste pleyne
I wolde permute my penaunce with ȝowre · for I am in poynte to dowel

¶ Þanne conscience curteisliche · a contenaunce he made
- C.13.113: Hand X, fol. 18r, left margin. And preynte vpon pacience · to preie me to be stille
And seyde hym-self sire doctour · and it be ȝowre wille
nota | notaF.13.115: Hand X (later), fol. 51v, left margin. What is dowel and dobet · ȝe deuynours knoweth

decima discriptio de | dowellM.13.116: Hand 3, fol. 59v, left margin. Arabic numeral "10" is written 01, following treatises on computation that instruct writers to represent numerals as Arabic scripts do, from right to left.Do WellC2.13.116: Hand 2, fol. 61r, right margin. ¶ Dowel quod þis doctour · do as clerkes techeth
doe well | doe better | doe bestL.13.117: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 54r, right margin.Do BettC2.13.117: Hand 2, fol. 61r, right margin. And dobet is he þat techeth · and trauailleth to teche other
· Nota · C.13.118: Hand 1, fol. 18r, left margin.hic qui facitY.13.118: Hand 1, fol. 59r, infralinear below KD.13.118. A bracket in the same ink indicates that KD.13.118α, which was has been written three lines too early, is to be moved according to the rubricated directions to here. And dobest doth hym-self so · as he seith & precheth
NotaG.13.118α: Hand X, fol. 56v, right margin.Do BesteC2.13.118α: Hand 2, right margin.Math v.Cr2.13.118α: Fol. R.2v, left margin.Math .v.Cr3.13.118α: Fol. 66v, left margin. Qui facit et docuerit magnus vocabitur in regno celorum

Cleargye | hath seuen | sonnes , þat | is the .vii | sciences .Cr2.13.119: Fol. R.2v, left margin.Cleargye | hath seuen | sonnes , þat | is the . vii | sciences .Cr3.13.119: Fol. 66v, left margin. ¶ Now þow clergye quod conscience carpest what is dowel
Nota beneM.13.120: Hand X, fol. 59v, left margin. I haue seuene sones he seyde · seruen in a castel
Þere þe lorde of lyf wonyeth · to leren hym what is dowel

¶ Til I se þo seuene · and my-self acorden
I am vnhardy quod he · to any wyȝt to preue it
For one pieres þe ploughman hath inpugned vs alle
piersM.13.125: Hand X, fol. 59v, left margin. And sette alle sciences at a soppe · saue loue one
And no tixte ne taketh to meyntene his cause
Psal .xvCr2.13.127: Fol. R.2v, left margin.Psa .xv.Cr3.13.127: Fol. 66v, left margin. But dilige deum · and domine quis habitabit &c
And seith þat dowel and dobet aren two infinites
Whiche infinites with a feith fynden oute dobest
Which shal saue mannes soule · þus seith piers þe ploughman

¶ I can nouȝt her-on quod conscience · ac I knowe wel pieres
He wil nouȝt aȝein holy writ speken · I dar wel vndertake
Þanne passe we ouer til piers come · and preue þis in dede
Pacience hath be in many place · and par-auntre cnoweth
Þat no clerke ne can · as cryst bereth witnesse
Pacientes vincunt &c
Ac ȝowre preyere quod pacyence þo · so no man displese hym
disce / doce / et | diligeL.13.137: Hand X1 (16th C), fol. 54v, left margin. Disce quod he doce · dilige inimicos
Disce and dowel · / doce / & dobet
Dilige / and dobest · þus tauȝte me ones
A lemman þat I loued · loue was hir name
With wordes and with werkes quod she · and wille of þyne herte
Þow loue lelly þi soule al þi lyf-tyme
And so þow lere þe to louye · for þe lordes loue of heuene
Þine enemye in al wyse · euene-forth with þi-selue
Cast coles on his hed · and al kynde speche
Bothe with werkes and with wordes fonde his loue to wynne
And lay on hym þus with loue · til he laghe on þe
- C.13.147: Hand X, fol. 18r, left margin. And but he bowe for þis betyng blynde mote he worthe

contra quodM.13.148: Hand X, fol. 60r, left margin. ¶ Ac for to fare þus with þi frende · foly it were
For he þat loueth þe lelly · lyte of þyne coueiteth
Kynde loue coueiteth nouȝte · no catel but speche
notaM.13.151: Hand 3, fol. 60r, left margin. · nota · C.13.151: Hand 1, fol. 18r, left margin. - C.13.151: Hand X, fol. 18r, left margin. With half a laumpe lyne in latyne · ex vi transicionis

memorandumO.13.152: Hand 2, fol. 53r, left margin. (Note: BB attribute to scribe.) ¶ I bere þere-inne aboute · fast ybounde dowel
In a signe of þe saterday · þat sette firste þe kalendare
solucioL.13.154: Hand 1(?), fol. 54v, right margin.notaMisticumM.13.154: Hand 3, fol. 60r, right margin. And al þe witte of þe wednesday · of þe nexte wyke after
Þe myddel of þe mone is þe miȝte of bothe
And here-with am I welcome · þere I haue it with me

¶ Vndo it late þis doctour deme · if dowel be þer-inne
For bi hym þat me made · miȝte neuere pouerte
Miseise ne myschief ne man with his tonge
Colde ne care ne compaignye of theues
Ne noither hete ne haille · ne non helle pouke
Ne noither fuire ne flode · ne fere of þine enemy
Tene þe eny tyme · and þow take it with þe
i. Cor .xiiiCr2.13.163α: Fol. R.3r, right margin.i. Cor .xiiiCr3.13.163α: Fol. 67r, right margin. Caritas nichil timet [Hereafter follows 13.164-171α in KD, but they are not annotated.]

¶ It is but a dido quod þis doctour · a dysoures tale
Al þe witt of þis worlde · and wiȝte mennes strengthe
Can nouȝt confourmen a pees · bytwene þe pope and his enemys
Ne bitwene two cristene kynges · can no wiȝte pees make
Profitable to ayther peple · and put þe table fro hym
And toke clergye and conscience · to conseille as it were
Þat pacience þo moste passe · for pilgrimes kunne wel lye

[poitning hand]F.13.179: Hand X (later), fol. 52v, left margin. ¶ Ac conscience carped loude and curteislich seide
Frendes fareth wel · and faire spake to clergye
- C.13.181: Hand X, fol. 18r, right margin.Cleargye | is loth þat | Conscience | should go | with patience .Cr2.13.181: Fol. R.3r, right margin.Cleargye | is loth þat | Conscience | should go | with patienceCr3.13.181: Fol. 67r, right margin. For I wil go with þis gome · if god wil ȝiue me grace
And be pilgryme with pacience · til I haue proued more

¶ What quod clergye to conscience · ar ȝe coueitouse nouthe
After ȝeresȝyues or ȝiftes · or ȝernen to rede redeles
I shal brynge ȝow a bible · a boke of þe olde lawe
And lere ȝow if ȝow lyke · þe leest poynte to knowe
Þat pacience þe pilgryme · parfitly knewe neuere

¶ Nay bi cryste quod conscience to clergye god þe forȝelde
For al þat pacience me profreth · proude am I litel
Ac þe wille of þe wye · and þe wille folke here
Hath moeued my mode · to mourne for my synnes
Goode WillC2.13.192: Hand 2, fol. 62r, right margin. Þe good wille of a wiȝte · was neure bouȝte to þe fulle
For þere nys no tresore þerto · to a trewe wille

¶ Haued nouȝt Magdeleigne more · for a boxe of salue
Nota · C.13.195: Hand 1, fol. 18r, right margin.Luke .xixCr2.13.195: Fol. R.3v, left margin.Luke .xix,Cr3.13.195: Fol. 67v, left margin. Þan zacheus for he seide · dimidium bonorum meorum do pauperibus
And þe pore widwe for a peire of mytes
Luke .xxiCr2.13.197: Fol. R.3v, left margin.Luke .xxi.Cr3.13.197: Fol. 67v, left margin. Þan alle þo that offreden · in-to gazafilacium

nota how Consiens | Conged the | FrereM.13.198: Hand 3, fol. 60v, left margin. ¶ Þus curteislich conscience · congeyde fyrst þe Frere
And sithen softliche he seyde · in clergyes ere
Me were leuer by owre lorde · and I lyue shulde
Haue pacience parfitlich · þan half þi pakke of bokes

Patience | passeth a | packe of | bokesCr2.13.202: Fol. R.3v, left margin.Patience | passeth a | packe of | bokesCr3.13.202: Fol. 67v, left margin. ¶ Clergye to conscience · no congeye wolde take
But seide ful sobreliche · þow shalt se þe tyme
Concience . Clergy . and | Pacience . be able to make | pees betwixte all kyngisC2.13.204: Hand 2, fol. 62r, right margin. Whan þow art wery for-walked · wilne me to consaille

¶ Þat is soth seyde conscience · so me god helpe
nota that paciens must | be party(cartyng) Felow with ClergieM.13.206: Hand 3, fol. 61r, right margin. If pacience be owre partyng felawe · and pryue with vs bothe
There nys wo in þis worlde · þat we ne shulde amende
And confourmen Kynges to pees · and al-kynnes londes ·
Sarasenes and surre · and so forth alle þe iewes ·
Turne in-to þe trewe feith · and in-til one byleue

¶ Þat is soth quod clergye · I se what þow menest
I shal dwelle as I do · my deuore to shewen
And confermen fauntekynes · and other folke ylered
Tyl pacience haue preued þe · and parfite þe maked

¶ Conscience þo with pacience passed · pilgrymes as it were
nota vitayles off | paciens sobrete | & soft spechM.13.216: Hand 3, fol. 61r, right margin. Þanne had pacience as pylgrymes han · in his poke vittailles
Sobrete and symple speche · and sothfaste byleue
To conforte hym and conscience · if þey come in place
Þere vnkyndenesse and coueytise is · hungrye contrees bothe

¶ And as þei went by þe weye · of dowel þei carped
A loite=|rers lyfe .Cr2.13.221: Fol. R.4r, right margin.A loite=|rers lyfeCr3.13.221: Fol. 68r, right margin. Þei mette with a mynstral · as me þo þouȝte
Pacience apposed hym fyrste · and preyed hym he sholde hem telle
To conscience what crafte he couthe · an to what contree he wolde

Activa vitaC2.13.224: Hand 2, fol. 62v, right margin.actifeR.13.224: Hand X3 (15th-c), fol. 63r, right margin. ¶ I am a mynstral quod þat man · my name is actiua vita
Alle ydel ich hatye · for of actyf is my name
A wafrere wil ȝe wite · and serue many lordes
And fewe robes I fonge · or furred gounes
Couthe I lye to do men laughe · þanne lacchen I shulde
Other mantel or money amonges lordes mynstralles
notacontra Ferters | and FithellersM.13.230m: Hand 3, fol. 61r, right margin. Ac for I can noither tabre ne trompe · ne telle none gestes
Farten ne fythelen at festes ne harpen
- C.13.232: Hand X, fol. 18v, left margin.popeC2.13.232: Hand 2, fol. 63r, right margin. Iape ne iogly · ne gentlych pype
Ne noyther sailly ne saute · ne synge with þe gyterne
| C.13.234: Hand X, fol. 18v, left margin. I haue none gode gyftes · of þise grete lordes ·
For no bred þat I brynge forth · saue a beneson on þe sonday
Whan þe prest preyeth þe peple · her pater noster to bidde
For peres þe plowman · and þat hym profite wayten
And þat am I actyf · þat ydelnesse hatye
For alle trewe trauaillours · and tilieres of þe erthe
Fro mychelmesse to mychelmesse · I fynde hem with wafres

¶ Beggeres and bidderes · of my bred crauen
Faitoures and freres · and folke with brode crounes
I fynde payne for þe pope · and prouendre for his palfrey
And I hadde neuere of hym · haue god my treuthe
Noither prouendre ne parsonage · ȝut of the popis ȝifte
nota pardoun with ij pollisM.13.246: Hand 3, fol. 61v, left margin. - C.13.246: Hand X, fol. 18v, left margin. Saue a pardoun with a peys of led · and two pollis amydde
Hadde iche a clerke þat couthe write · I wolde caste hym a bille
laus & vis IndulgenciarumR.13.248: Hand X7 (15th-c), fol. 62v, left margin, with brace in left margin KD.13.248-249. (Note: BB attribute this to a 16th-century hand, which is possible.) Þat he sent me vnder his seel · a salue for þe pestilence
- C.13.249: Hand X, fol. 18v, left margin. And þat his blessyng & his bulles · bocches miȝte destroye
Mat .xvi.Cr2.13.249α: Fol. R.4v, right margin.Mat .xvi.Cr3.13.249α: Fol. 58v, left margin. In nomine meo demonia eici[e]nt & super egros manus imponent & bene habebunt
And þanne wolde I be prest to peple · paste for to make
And buxome and busy aboute bred and drynke
notaquia dubitariM.13.252: Hand 3, fol. 61v, left margin. For hym and for alle his · fonde I þat his pardoun
Miȝte lechen a man · as I bileue it shulde
For sith he hath þe powere · þat peter hym-self hadde
He hath þe potte with þe salue · sothly as me þinketh
Act .iii.Cr2.13.254α: Fol. R.4v, left margin.Act .iii.Cr3.13.254α: Fol. 58v, left margin. Argentum & aurum non est michi quod autem habeo tibi do in nomine domini surge & ambula

¶ Ac if miȝte of miracle hym faille · it is for men ben nouȝt worthy
To haue þe grace of god · & no gylte of þe pope
For may no blyssyng done vs bote · but if we wil amende
Ne mannes masse make pees · amonges cristene peple
Tyl pruyde be purelich fordo · and þat þourgh payn defaute

¶ For ar I haue bred of mele · ofte mote I swete
Of þe dere | yere . Cr1.13.261: Fol. 68v, left margin. And ar þe comune haue corne ynough · many a colde mornyng
So ar my wafres ben ywrouȝt · moche wo I tholye

þoleC2.13.263: Hand 2, fol. 63r, right margin.Nota notaF.13.263: Hand X (later), fol. 53v, left margin. ¶ Alle Londoun I leue · liketh wel my wafres
notaquando Cartis | off StratffordM.13.264: Hand 3, fol. 61v, left margin. And lowren whan þei lakken it · it is nouȝt longe ypassed
notaC2.13.265: Hand 1, fol. 63r, right margin.notaR.13.265: Hand X (15th-c, John Stow), fol. 63r, left margin.StratfordR.13.265: Hand X (15th-c, John Stow), fol. 63r, right margin. Þere was a carful comune · whan no carte come to toune
StratfordW.13.266: Hand 6 (16th-c), fol. 77r right margin. The same hand (John Stowe) wrote the date "1350" in the margin beside KD.13.269 and, in Manuscript R, also wrote "Stratford" at KD.13.265. With bred fro stretforth · þo gan beggeres wepe
And werkmen were agaste a litel · þis wil be þouȝte longe
memorandumO.13.268: Hand 2, fol. 54v, left margin. (Note: BB attribute to scribe.)A deare | yere .Cr2.13.268: Fol. R.4v, left margin.A deare | yere ,Cr3.13.268: Fol. 58v, left margin. In þe date of owre dryȝte · in a drye apprile
1350W.13.269: Hand 6, fol. 77v, left margin.· 1.369 ·Hm.13.269: Hand X, fol. 166v, right margin. Hand 3 has erased the second numeral and changed it to "3." | C.13.269: Hand X, fol. 18v, left margin.1350 Anno regni regis Edwardi | tercij 24 . / . 25oC2.13.269: Hand 2, fol. 63r, right margin.Chicestre Maior | londounR.13.269: Hand X3 (15th-c), fol. 63r, right margin. A þousande and thre hondreth · tweis thretty & ten
notaL.13.270: Hand 1, fol. 56r, right margin. My wafres þere were gesen · whan chichestre was Maire

¶ I toke gode kepe by cryst · and conscience bothe
Of haukyn þe actyf man · and how he was yclothed
= C.13.273: Hand X, fol. 18v, left margin. He hadde a cote of crystendome · as holykirke bileueth
Ac it was moled in many places · with many sondri plottes
Of pruyde here a plotte · and þere a plotte of vnboxome speche
Of scornyng and of scoffyng · and of vnskilful berynge
- C.13.277: Hand X, fol. 18v, left margin. As in aparaille and in porte · proude amonges þe peple
Hypocri=|sye .Cr2.13.278: Fol. S.1r, right margin.Hypocri=|sye ,Cr3.13.278: Fol. 69r, right margin. Otherwyse þan he hath · with herte or syȝte shewynge
Hym willynge þat alle men wende · he were þat he is nouȝte
For-why he bosteth and braggeth · with many bolde othes
And in-obedient to ben vndernome · of any lyf lyuyng
And so syngulere by hym-self · as to syȝte of þe poeple
Was none suche as hym-self · ne none so pompe-holy
Religion of | HeremytesC2.13.284: Hand 2, fol. 63v, right margin. Yhabited as an hermyte · an ordre by hym-selue
Religioun sanz reule · and resonable obedience
Lakkyng lettred men · and lewed men bothe
In lykyng of lele lyf · and a lyer in soule
With Inwit and with outwitt · ymagenen and studye
As best for his body be · to haue a badde name
And entermeten hym ouer al · þer he hath nouȝt to done
Wilnyng þat men wende · his witte were þe best [Hereafter follow 13.292-298 in KD from alpha, but they are not annotated.]
+L.13.299: Corrector, fol. 56r, right margin. And if he gyueth ouȝte pore gomes · telle what he deleth
Pore of possessioun in purse · and in coffre
And as a lyon on to loke · and lordeliche of speche

¶ Baldest of beggeres a bostour þat nouȝt hath
In towne and in tauernes · tales to telle
And segge þinge þat he neuere seigh · and for soth sweren it
Of dedes þat he neuere dyd · demen and bosten
And of werkes þat he wel dyd · witnesse and seggen
Lo if ȝe leue me nouȝt · or þat I lye wenen
Axeth at hym or at hym · and he ȝow can telle
What I suffred and seighe · and some tymes hadde
And what I couth and knewe · and what kynne I come of
Al he wolde þat men wiste of werkes and of wordes
Which myȝte plese þe peple · and praysen hym-seluen
Galat .i.Cr2.13.312α: Fol. S.2r, left margin.Gala .i.Cr3.13.312α: Fol. 69r, right margin. Si hominibus placerem cristi seruus non essem
Et alibi nemo potest duobus dominis seruire

¶ Bi criste quod conscience þo · þi best cote haukyn
Hath many moles and spottes · it moste ben ywassh

¶ Ȝe who-so toke hede quod haukyn · byhynde and bifore
Haukyns | garmente | is foule .Cr2.13.316: Fol. S.1v, left margin. What on bakke and what on bodyhalf · & by þe two sydes
Haukins | garmente | is foule .Cr3.13.317: Fol. 59v, left margin. Men sholde fynde many frounces · and many foule plottes

¶ And he torned hym as tyte · and þanne toke I hede
It was fouler by felefolde · þan it firste semed
It was bidropped with wratthe · and wikked wille
With enuye and yuel speche entysyng to fyȝte
Lyinge and laughynge · and leue tonge to chyde
Al þat he wist wykked · by any wiȝte tellen it
And blame men bihynde her bakke · and bydden hem meschaunce
And þat he wist bi wille · tellen it watte
And þat watte wiste · wille wiste it after
And made of frendes foes · þorugh a false tonge
Or with myȝte of mouthe or þorugh mannes strengthe
Auenge me fele tymes · other frete my-selue
Wyth-inne as a shepster shere · I-shrewed men & cursed
psal .x.Cr2.13.330α: Fol. S.1v, left margin.Psal .x,Cr3.13.330α: Fol. 59v, left margin. Cuius maledictione os plenum est & amaritudine sub lingua eius labor & dolor
& alibi filij hominum dentes eorum arma & sagitte & lingua eorum gladius acutus

¶ Þere is no lyf þat I louye · lastyng any while
For tales þat I telle · no man trusteth to me
notaM.13.333: Hand 4, fol. 62v, left margin. And whan I may nouȝt haue þe maistrye · with malencolye I take
Þat I cacche þe crompe · þe cardiacle some-tyme
- C.13.335: Hand X, fol. 18v, left margin. Or an ague in suche an angre · and some-tyme a feure
notaquia contradicit wich|CraftisM.13.336: Hand 3, fol. 62v, left margin. Þat taketh me al a twelf-moneth · tyl þat I dispyse
+L.13.337: Corrector, fol. 56v, left margin. Lechecrafte or owre lorde · and leue on a wicche
And segge þat no clerke ne can · ne cryste as I leue
Bilefe in WytchesC2.13.339: Hand 2, fol. 64r, right margin. nota sowter of sotwerkR.13.339: Hand X3 (15th-c), fol. 64r, right margin. To þe souter of southwerke · or of shordyche dame emme
And segge þat no goddes worde · gaf me neuere bote
But þorw a charme had I chaunce · & my chief hele

BesylokerC2.13.342: Hand 2, fol. 64r, right margin. ¶ I wayted wisloker · and þanne was it soiled
With lykyng of lecherye · as by lokyng of his eye
notaM.13.344: Hand 4, fol. 62v, left margin. For vche a mayde þat he mette · he made hir a signe
contra luxuriamM.13.345: Hand 3, fol. 62v, left margin. Semynge to synne-ward · and some-tyme he gan taste
Aboute þe mouth or bynethe · bygynneth to grope
Tyl eytheres wille waxeth kene · and to þe werke ȝeden
Yonge le=|chour old | baude .Cr2.13.348: Fol. S.2r, right margin.Yonge le=|chour old | baude .Cr3.13.348: Fol. 70r, right margin. As wel in fastyng-days & frydayes · and forboden nyȝtes
And as wel in lente as oute of lente · alle tymes ylyche
Suche werkes with hem · was neuere oute of sesoun
Tyl þei myȝte namore · and þanne had merye tales
And how þat lechoures louyen · lauȝen an iapen
And of her harlotrye and horedome · in her elde tellen

The spots | of Hau=|kins coteCr2.13.354: Fol. S.2r, right margin.The | spottes | of Hau=|kins cote .Cr3.13.354: Fol. 70r, right margin. ¶ Thanne pacience parceyued of poyntes his cote
+L.13.355: Corrector, fol. 57r, right margin. - C.13.355: Hand X, fol. 19r, left margin. Was colmy þorw coueityse · and v[n]kynde desyrynge
xM.13.356: Hand X, fol. 63r, left margin. More to good þan to god · þe gome his loue caste
And ymagyned how · he it myȝte haue
contra AuariciamM.13.358: Hand 3, fol. 63r, right margin. With false mesures and mette · and with false witnesse
Lened for loue of þe wedde · and loth to do treuthe
And awaited þorwgh which wey to bigile
And menged his marchaundyse · and made a gode moustre
Þe worste with-in was · a gret witte I lete hit
And if my neighbore had any hyne · or any beste elles
More profitable þan myne · many sleightes I made
How I myȝte haue it · al my witte I caste
And but I it had by other waye · atte laste I stale it
Or pryuiliche his purse shoke · vnpiked his lokkes
Or by nyȝt or by day · aboute was ich euere
Þorwgh gyle to gadren þe good þat ich haue

¶ Ȝif I ȝede to þe plow · I pynched so narwe
Þat a fote londe or a forwe · fecchen I wolde
Of my nexte neighbore · nymen of his erthe
+L.13.373: Corrector, fol. 57r, right margin. And if [I] rope ouer-reche · or ȝaf hem red þat ropen
To seise to me with her sykel · þat I ne sewe neure

¶ And who-so borweth of me · aboute þe tyme
With presentes priueliche · or payed somme certeyne
So walde he or nouȝt wolde he · wynnen I wolde
And bothe to kyth and to kyn · vnkynde of þat ich hadde

The I=|mage of a | worldling .Cr2.13.379: Fol. S.2v, left margin.The I|mage of a | worldlingCr3.13.379: Fol. 70v, left margin. ¶ And who-so cheped my chaffare · chiden I wolde
But he profred to paye · a peny or tweyne
More þan it was worth · and ȝet wolde I swere
Þat it coste me moche more · swore manye othes

¶ In halydayes at holicherche · whan ich herde masse
+L.13.384: Corrector, fol. 57r, left margin. Hadde neuere wille wot god · witterly to biseche
Mercye for my mysdedes · þat I ne morned more
For losse of gode leue me · þan for my lykames giltes
As if I had dedly synne done · I dred nouȝt þat so sore
As when I lened and leued it lost · or longe ar it were payed
So if I kydde any kyndenesse · myn euen-cristene to helpe
Vpon a cruel coueityse · myn herte gan hange
And if I sent ouer-see · my seruauntz to Bruges
Or in-to Pruslonde my prentys · my profit to wayten
To marchaunden with monoye · and maken her eschaunges
Miȝte neuere me conforte · in þe mene-tyme
Noither messe ne matynes · ne none manere siȝtes
Ne neuere penaunce perfourned · ne pater noster seyde
Þat my mynde ne was more · on my gode in a doute
Þan in þe grace of god · and his grete helpes
Math .vi.Cr2.13.398α: Fol. S.2v, left margin.Math .viCr3.13.398α: Fol. 70v, left margin. Vbi thesaurus tuus · ibi & cor tuum [Hereafter follow 13.399-408 in KD, from alpha, but they are not annotated.]

nota Branches off | SlewthM.13.409: Hand 3, fol. 63v, left margin. · nota · C.13.409: Hand 1, fol. 19r, left margin.The braunches þat brin=|geth a man to sloutheC2.13.409: Hand 2, fol. 65r, right margin. ¶ Which ben þe braunches · þat bryngeth a man to sleuth
His woman morneth nouȝte for his mysdedes · ne maketh no sorwe
Ac penaunce þat þe prest enioigneth · perfourneth yuel
Doth none almes-dede · dret hym of no synne
Lyueth aȝein þe bileue · and no lawe holdeth
Vch day is haliday with hym · or an heigh ferye
nota quod loquitur contra sage FolisM.13.415: Hand 3, fol. 63v, left margin, erased but legible under UV light. The comment was rewritten in its proper place below. And if he auȝte wole here · it is an harlotes tonge
Whan men carpeth of cryst · or of clennesse of soule
He wexeth wroth & wil nouȝte here · but wordes of myrthe
Penaunce and pore men · and þe passioun of seyntes
He hateth to here þere-of · and alle þat it telleth
Þise ben þe braunches beth war · þat bryngeth a man to wanhope
contra Sage FolisM.13.421: Hand 3, fol. 63v, left margin. Ȝe lordes and ladyes · and legates of holicherche
- C.13.422: Hand X, fol. 19r, left margin. Þat fedeth foles sages · flatereres and lyeres
And han likynge to lythen hem · to do ȝow to lawghe
Luke .vi.Cr2.423α: Fol. S.3v, right margin.Luke .vi,Cr3.423α: Fol. 71r, right margin. Ve vobis qui ridetis &c
And ȝiueth hem mete and Mede · and pore men refuse
In ȝowre deth-deyinge · I drede me ful sore
Flaterers | Fooles | lyersC2.13.426: Hand 2, fol. 65r, right margin. Lest þo thre maner men · to moche sorwe ȝow brynge
Consencientes & agentes pari pena punientur
Patriarkes & prophetes · and prechoures of goddes wordes
Sauen þorw her sarmoun · mannes soule fram helle
+L.13.429: Corrector, fol. 57v, left margin. Riȝt so flateres and foles · aren þe fendes disciples
To entice men þorw her tales to synne and harlotrye
Ac clerkes þat knowen holywryt · shulde kenne lordes
What dauid seith of suche men · as þe sauter telleth
· nota · bene · C.13.432α: Hand 1, fol. 19r, right margin.Psal. Ci.Cr2.13.432α: Fol. S.3r, right margin.Psal .Ci.Cr3.13.432α: Fol. 71r, right margin. Non habitabit in medio domus mee · qui facit superbiam & qui loquitur iniqua
Shulde none harlote haue audience · in halle ne in chambres
Lo lordis | & prelatisO.13.434: Hand 1, fol. 56v, left margin.lo lordis | & prelatisC2.13.434: Hand 1, fol. 65v, right margin. Þere wise men were · witnesseth goddes wordes
Ne no mysproude man · amonges lordes ben allowed [Hereafter follow 13.436-453 in KD, from alpha, but they are not annotated.]

¶ Ac flateres and foles þorw her foule wordes
Leden þo þat louen hem · to luciferes feste
With turpiloquio a lay of sorwe · and luciferes fithele
Thus haukyn þe actyf man · hadde ysoiled his cote
Til conscience acouped hym þere-of · in a curteise manere
Whi he ne hadde wasshen it · or wyped it with a brusshe
