News Archives

  • Ruth-Ellen St. Onge Promoted to Associate Curator of Collections

    Rare Book School is pleased to announce the promotion of Ruth-Ellen St. Onge to the position of Associate Curator of Collections and Special Assistant to the Associate Director.

    Ruth-Ellen first joined the RBS staff in June of 2015. She was graduated from the University of Toronto with a Ph.D. in French and an MIS in information studies and library science; both her doctoral and master’s level studies were carried out in conjunction with Toronto’s collaborative program in Book History and Print Culture. During the past two-and-a-half years and in the role of RBS’s Assistant Curator of Collections, Ruth-Ellen has considerably developed the School’s teaching collections by working closely with RBS’s staff and international faculty. […]

    Posted by RBS
  • RBS Announces Spring and Summer 2018 Course Schedule

    The spring and summer 2018 Rare Book School course schedule is available! Along with 25 courses in Charlottesville, RBS will also offer courses at the Lilly Library at Indiana University Bloomington; the Thomas J. Watson Library at The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Amherst College; Yale University; the University of Pennsylvania; and the Free Library of Philadelphia. […]

    Posted by RBS
  • Register Now for RBS Seminar at MIT (11–12 December)

    Rare Book School is sponsoring a two-day seminar, “Digital Sustainability for Cultural Collections” at the MIT Libraries in Cambridge, MA on Monday and Tuesday, 11–12 December 2017. Nancy Y. McGovern (Director for Digital Preservation at MIT Libraries) and Kari R. Smith (Institute Archivist and Program Head for Digital Archives at the MIT Institute Archives and Special Collections) will lead the seminar sessions.

    This seminar has been designed to be of interest to curators and librarians of all kinds who are or may become responsible for the long-term management of digital content, but signup is open to anyone with an interest in the topics covered. […]

    Posted by RBS
  • RBS Scholarship & Fellowship Applications Now Available

    We are now accepting applications for the 2017 Rare Book School scholarship and fellowship cycle.

    Applications are open for all RBS-awarded scholarships (for both first-time and returning RBS students), for the RBS-RBMS Diversity Fellowship Program, and for the Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography. Among the many scholarship opportunities available, RBS is delighted to announce that we will award up to 24 NEH-GBHI Scholarships this year. For general queries about scholarships or fellowships, see the FAQs page. Participation in the scholarship/fellowship program implies acceptance of the scholarship and fellowship Terms and Conditions. […]

    Posted by RBS
  • RBS Mourns the Loss of David Ferris

    ferris_july_1989This weekend we received the sad news that former Rare Book School staff and faculty member David Ferris died at his home in Cambridge, MA on 18 August. David was involved with Rare Book School beginning in 1986, serving as joint assistant director in 1990 and 1991 and as Associate Director from 1993 through 1996. He co-taught “Introduction to Descriptive Bibliography” with Terry Belanger during seven RBS summers. David served as Curator of Rare Books and Early Manuscripts at the Harvard Law School Library from 1991 until 2011.

    Our sincere condolences to David’s family and colleagues. […]

    Posted by RBS
  • Message from the Executive Director concerning the events of 12 and 13 August 2017

    Dear Friends and Members of the Rare Book School Community,

    We are most grateful for the thoughtful messages of concern and support that many have sent. I am happy to be able to assure you that all of our RBS staff and their families are safe.

    Nonetheless, we are disgusted and saddened that such hatred and violence should come to our University and to Charlottesville. We mourn the death of counter-protester Heather Heyer and Virginia State Troopers Berke Bates and Jay Cullen, and we condole with their families in their sudden and terrible loss. We thank those in the Charlottesville community who bravely protected the safety of local citizens, […]

    Posted by RBS
  • Rachael Dealy Salisbury Appointed Director of Development

    We are delighted to announce the appointment of Rachael Dealy Salisbury as Rare Book School’s Director of Development. Rachael first joined our development staff in 2013; her role quickly grew to encompass prospect development, special projects, and analytics. She gained further experience on the development team at the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, which owns and operates Monticello, before returning to RBS in 2016 as Assistant Director of Development.

    Before joining the RBS staff, Rachael secured grants and individual gifts to support the establishment of a botanical teaching garden at UVA (her alma mater), and held various positions at cultural institutions in New York City and Charlottesville, […]

    Posted by RBS
  • Now Accepting Applications for Winter 2018 Courses

    Applications are now being accepted via myRBS for two Rare Book School courses offered this winter in New York City (7–12 January 2018 at the Grolier Club): […]

    Posted by RBS
  • RBS Receives Grant to Support Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography

    Rare Book School has been awarded a $1 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography. Building on the success of the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in Critical Bibliography, this new scholarly organization will identify and investigate matters of new, compelling cross-disciplinary interest in the areas of bibliography and book history. The Society will especially direct its energies toward addressing the interpretation of original textual artifacts in concert with emerging techniques and technologies for the analysis and transmission of texts. […]

    Posted by RBS
  • Now Accepting Applications for Fall 2017 Courses

    Applications are now being accepted via myRBS for five Rare Book School courses offered this fall in Charlottesville, VA and New York City. […]

    Posted by RBS
  • RBS Announces 2017 Summer Lecture Schedule

    We are thrilled to announce the lineup for this summer’s lecture series at the University of Virginia. The lectures are free and open to the public. All talks will take place at 5:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library (unless otherwise noted). Lectures will last 30–40 minutes with 10 minutes for Q&A, and will be followed by a reception in the RBS suite on the first floor of Alderman Library (Alderman 118). […]

    Posted by RBS
  • Announcing the 2017–18 RBS-UVA Fellows

    We are pleased to announce the 2017–18 cohort of RBS-UVA Fellows:

    • Ashley Boulden – Ph.D. student, McIntire Department of Art
    • Nouha Gammar – Ph.D. student, Department of French
    • Andrew Hill – Ph.D. student, Department of French
    • Samuel Lemley – Ph.D. student, Department of English
    • Julianne McCobin – Ph.D. student, Department of English
    • Anne Marie Thompson – Ph.D. student, Department of English
    • Natalie Thompson – Ph.D. student, Department of English
    • […]

    Posted by RBS
  • RBS Mourns the Loss of Christopher Clarkson

    christopher-clarksonThis morning we received the very sad news that longtime Rare Book School faculty member Christopher Clarkson died last night in Oxford. A renowned consultant on the care of medieval manuscripts and bindings, Clarkson held conservation positions at the Library of Congress, the Walters Art Museum, and the Bodleian Library, and until recently was engaged in independent practice in Oxford. He was awarded the Royal Warrant Holders Association’s 2004 Plowden Medal in recognition of significant contribution to the advancement of the conservation profession, and received an honorary doctorate from the University of the Arts London in 2012. […]

    Posted by RBS
  • Spaces Still Available in Summer 2017 Courses

    It’s not too late to apply for a Rare Book School course this summer! Applications for all courses are being considered on a rolling basis until each has reached enrollment capacity. The following RBS courses still have space(s) available, as of 30 March: […]

    Posted by RBS
  • RBS Mourns the Loss of Michael L. Turner

    We were saddened to hear of the death last week of Michael L. Turner, longtime Rare Book School friend and faculty member. Michael held various positions at the Bodleian Library throughout his long career at that institution, retiring as Head of Preservation Services. He was also Lecturer in the History of Printing at the University of Oxford, and served as the editor of Publishing History, a co-editor of The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Volume 5 (1695–1830), as an associate editor for the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, and as president of the Oxford Bibliographical Society. […]

    Posted by RBS
  • Two Courses Added to Summer 2017 Schedule

    We are very pleased to announce two additional RBS summer courses, to be offered 16–21 July at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC:

    Please log in to your myRBS account or create a new account to begin the application process.

    Course applications are considered on a rolling basis until a course has reached enrollment capacity. […]

    Posted by RBS
  • RBS-UVA Fellowship Applications Open

    Applications for the 2017–18 RBS-UVA Fellowships are now being accepted. Rare Book School invites students at the University of Virginia to apply for a fellowship designed to enhance research employing special collections, including written, printed, and digital materials. Please note that you will need to complete a standard RBS course application via our applications page (submission by 20 February is encouraged as courses fill quickly).

    Significant dates for the fellowship application process:

    8 February 2017: Information Reception (11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.; 118 Alderman Library)
    9 February 2017: Information Reception (4–6 p.m.; […]

    Posted by RBS
  • Apply Now for Spring and Summer 2017 Courses

    Applications for spring and summer 2017 courses are now being accepted via our online application system, myRBS.

    Please log in to your myRBS account or create a new account to begin the application process.

    Applications for Rare Book School courses are considered on a rolling basis until a course has reached enrollment capacity. To be considered for the first round of admissions decisions, submit your application(s) for spring and summer courses by 20 February.

    See the Course Application page for more details. […]

    Posted by RBS
  • RBS Scholarship Awards Announced

    Rare Book School is pleased to announce the recipients of its Scholarship Committee awards, as well as the winners of the Buice Scholarships for returning RBS students and the RBS-RBMS Diversity Fellowship. Congratulations! […]

    Posted by RBS
  • RBS Receives $100,000 Matching Grant from NEH

    Rare Book School has received a $100,000 matching grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) through their Humanities Access Grant program.

    These matching funds will support thirty-six scholarships, to cover full tuition to a Rare Book School course as well as travel and housing costs. These scholarships will be awarded to librarians, humanities scholars, students, conservators, and other professionals working with humanities-based heritage collections; eligible applicants will either identify with underrepresented racial or ethnic communities, or will work primarily with collections that document minority, immigrant, and non-western cultural traditions. […]

    Posted by RBS
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