RBS-Mellon SoFCB Junior Fellows for 2020–22

Image from “Touch This Page! Making Sense of the Ways We Read,” co-directed by David Weimer and Sari Altschuler.
In July 2017, Rare Book School received a $1 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support a new RBS program, the Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography (press release). Building on the success of the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in Critical Bibliography, the Society has been formed for the purposes of advancing the study of texts, images, and artifacts as material objects through capacious, interdisciplinary scholarship, and enriching humanistic inquiry and education by identifying, mentoring, and training promising early-career scholars. The Society’s members endeavor to integrate methods of critical bibliography into their teaching and research, to foster collegial conversations about historical and emerging media across disciplines and institutions, and to share their knowledge with broader publics. Each year, ten Junior Fellows are selected to join the Society through an open application process. After two years of membership in the Society, Junior Fellows in good standing become Senior Fellows. See the Society of Fellows page for more information.
Ten RBS-Mellon SoFCB fellowships for 2020–22 were awarded in April 2020.
- Names and institutional affiliations of 2020–22 RBS-Mellon SoFCB Junior Fellows (PDF)
- Biographical information for 2020–22 RBS-Mellon SoFCB Junior Fellows (PDF)
2020–22 Junior Fellows
- Crystal Donkor – Assistant Professor of English, Department of English, SUNY New Paltz
- Alison Fraser, Ph.D. – Assistant Curator of the Poetry Collection and Interim Coordinator of the Rare & Special Books Collection, University Libraries, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
- Amy Gore – Assistant Professor of Early American Literatures, Department of English, North Dakota State University
- Mallory Matsumoto – Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, Brown University
- Kate Ozment – Assistant Professor of English, Department of English & Modern Languages, Cal Poly Pomona
- Eilin Rafael Pérez* – Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, University of Chicago
- Maria Ryan – Ph.D. candidate, Department of Music, University of Pennsylvania
- Jacinta Saffold – Assistant Professor of English, Department of English & Foreign Languages, University of New Orleans
- Selin Unluonen – Ph.D. candidate, Department of the History of Art, Yale University
- David Weimer – Librarian for Cartographic Collections and Learning, Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library
* Inaugural recipient of the Nancy Norton Tomasko Fellowship.